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Dungeon Keeper-ish map idea.

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Level 2
Jul 7, 2012
First of all, Hello community. (1st post :ogre_hurrhurr:)

I've had an idea for a map for a very long time, even as i quit playing warcraft 3 for a couple of years. Now, it (as well as myself) has returned, and my brains are probably somewhat evolved to be able to handle the project's development.

As the title suggests, it is a Dungeon kind of map. Putting it simply, you break rocks that are all over the map to expand your territory, crerate passageways and fight the enemy dungeon inhabitants.

Now, i know that this isnt the most original idea, since the inspiration to this map came from another map. Unfortunately, that map was poorly done and poorly balanced, and i couldnt find it anywhere on the interwebs.

So, what i'd like to do is to find some people that are interested in working on this project, and be able not only to work on it in the world editor, but on paper as well (coming up with various stuff such as the techtree, researches, abilities, units, upgrades etc.)

To be honest, the only thing that i've done so far is making several custom destructibles (cave wall and two upgraded verssions) and a trigger that fills the entire map with the first one. I'm not even sure what race(s) should fight in the dungeon yet. (been thinking 'bout dwarves, but that sounds too unoriginal).

Feel free to post your ideas and critisize THIS idea on this thread. If you want to join me on the project, send me a PM :ogre_haosis: (God i love the ogre smileys)
Level 14
Sep 17, 2009
:ogre_love:Yess Ogres are Awesome!!!

Was it that ant wars map, when there is an underground map, and two teams? :)

at first, in my opinion You will have to find some idea what makes the gameplay fun and intense.

I think the basic idea (that you have to dig) is usable, you can have variety in rock types, what would give the map a main patching (some rocks are harder/impossible to break in early game).

To be clear, you want races (with units, buildings, bases and stuff) to fight, or more like heroes running around.

I could help you gather ideas, if i knew more about the gameplay.

PS.: I dont intend to join the project, coz i got my own ones. Just helping with ideas.

Deleted member 177737


Deleted member 177737

If I remember correctly someone attempted to make a Dungeon Keeper map about a year or so ago, not sure if they ever go around to finishing it though.

It shouldn't be to hard to trigger so GL.
Level 2
Jul 7, 2012
:ogre_love:Yess Ogres are Awesome!!!

Was it that ant wars map, when there is an underground map, and two teams? :)

at first, in my opinion You will have to find some idea what makes the gameplay fun and intense.

I think the basic idea (that you have to dig) is usable, you can have variety in rock types, what would give the map a main patching (some rocks are harder/impossible to break in early game).

To be clear, you want races (with units, buildings, bases and stuff) to fight, or more like heroes running around.

I could help you gather ideas, if i knew more about the gameplay.

PS.: I dont intend to join the project, coz i got my own ones. Just helping with ideas.

Basically, up to 4 people start with a main building, from which they can train one kind of unit, which so far doesnt have a name. Anyways, that unit has 1 inventory slot. Give him one of the "class" items, that turn him into a different unit. There are 3 items that can be bought from the main building - "Wrench", "Pickaxe" and "Hammer", which turns these basic units into "Enginners" (traps, sentries etc), "miners" (that dig the dungeons) and "buildiers" (geesh, i wonder what they do) respectively. Other equipment can be bought at armories and such buildings (some for melee, some for ranged, some for alchemists/casters)

All the units have the ability "remove item" or something, that will turn them back into the basic unit, and grant them the item that they removed. The supply cap will be low, and the units very enduring, so that the main part of the management will be about giving out roles to your units.

The supply cap will be very low (yet to figure out a number, but i think 20), and every such unit will take up 1 supply.

New units will be unlocked by research (the basic researches are Ironworks 1,2,3... Alchemy 1,2,3... and others, while the "unlock" researches will have requirements such as "Leatherworks 4, Alchemy 2").

I'm yet to think of the resources, but my basic idea is that gold will be "Materials" (mined from rocks) and lumber "research points" (will be acquired at the rate of 1 for every research station (library?) every 30 seconds).
Level 14
Sep 28, 2011
If you make something as good as DK I will test.
What are the current systems. Will rooms works like in dungeon keeper?
Will there be heroes waves? What will be differant and what will look the same?
Why is interesting in the worker system? Adding items for the worker system complicate and make players loose time will you put an option like auto equipement (workers would automatickly take the needed role when you want to build an buiding or a trap or digging)
Will there be a rock tagging sytem? And the building system will be WC3 one or DK one or an hybryd where you would indicate your project and the builders would start to build the room?
Also it is wierd that a builder taking an sword act like a warrior it would be more logical if it were like in dungeon keeper where building a room were attracting monster corresponding to it.
Level 2
Jul 7, 2012
The game is PVP focused, and the only Dungeon Keeper-ish part is the way you expand your terrain. Buildings are buildings. I intend to make something original.

For now, i can tell this:

-There will be a very low amount of units that each player can control
-The units will be able to be armed for specific jobs (Give them a pickaxe so they can mine, give them a rifle so they can shoot etc)
-There will be neutral zones and neutral foes.
-All your units can acquire experience and level up, increasing some base attributes and be given new preset abilities depending on what "class" they are.
Level 14
Sep 28, 2011
If you need to order to each unit to take its equipement it will make game heavy and long to play even if you have only five peons to equip.

If building serve to build tools you could give directly an option to train equiped units and if you want to respecialise an unit make an special ability to allow the units to become basic and to equip them again(this way players would lost less time in useless clicks and the tactical dimension you explained would stay).
And by way to expand territory you mean the buildable territory?
In dungeon keeper for expanding your territory you nedded gremlins to claim the unoccuped territory and they were able to steal ennemy territory and rooms.
Level 2
Jul 7, 2012
If you need to order to each unit to take its equipement it will make game heavy and long to play even if you have only five peons to equip.

If building serve to build tools you could give directly an option to train equiped units and if you want to respecialise an unit make an special ability to allow the units to become basic and to equip them again(this way players would lost less time in useless clicks and the tactical dimension you explained would stay).
And by way to expand territory you mean the buildable territory?
In dungeon keeper for expanding your territory you nedded gremlins to claim the unoccuped territory and they were able to steal ennemy territory and rooms.

First and foremost, DK had imps.

On a completely irrelevant note, thank you for the advice. I will take that into consideration, as I've only recently started putting all the units into the map. I have some other ideas myself, but i'll tinker around with those later.
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