Dungeon Generator

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Level 5
Oct 14, 2010
The latest project I've been working on is a random dungeon generator.

Note: it's in early stages of development.

First some screenshots:



Some features I've implemented:
  • 1 dungeon setting (a setting includes tileset, doodads, ...)
  • multi-level dungeons (as you can see on the screenshots, this dungeon has 3 floor levels)
  • doors/stairs/walls
  • pseudo-random generation: dungeons can be generated while playing, allowing maps to become really, really large (larger than anything you've seen in warcraft 3). Since it's pseudo-random, you can choose specific dungeons in your map.
Planned features:
  • Obviously, some bugfixes (like colliding stairs at right-bottom of 2nd screenshot)
  • Room interiors: making each room more interesting by adding bookshelves, torture equipment, etc.
  • Traps & hostile encounters
  • rivers/ravines/bridges: probably not coming soon, but may eventually be implemented
  • More settings: sunken ruins / underground dungeons, forest & village dungeons

Please let me know what you think and feel free to make suggestions. I'll probably be implementing room interiors next, so I'd like to get ideas for interiors. Right now I'm thinking of libraries, torture chambers, lairs.

I'm not sure if this should go in idea factory or project development, because I'm both developing it (and will be updating this thread) and looking for ideas. So if any moderator has problems with this, just move it.


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Level 7
Dec 3, 2006
This looks really interesting. If this could be made to save the previous gens in a hashtable it'd be like an never-ending map with terrain that you can even come back to.
Also I think this can be done with tiles as well in the generation and maybe you should consider ideas like air vents or electricity pipes for the dungeon one. And some paths or people(units) for the cities randomly generated.

Anyway i'd love to look at the code i'm kind of amazed how you managed to get 3 floors worth with stairs for the dungeon type terrain.

Oh, and for the torture rooms you could have cages with or without rescueable units. And maybe some secret doors (where the wall opens when you get near it) like how there was a few in the act 1 dungeon of diablo2.

Really theres plenty more things that can be added. Ideas are kinda endless. You should also consider making an outdoor gen with mostly just trees n some shrubbery, with caves, and paths.

Or an random city building interior that you can enter with a circle of power or in a door would be awesome that generated even with the random city terrain. Cause that'd make for an epic rpg type map.
City interiors should have rugs, windows, tables, and even stairs.

I was thinking bout doing something like this for the map i am working on but i'm not that good at triggering dungeon type generators. It kinda just takes a different mindset. Also I think one of the most interesting random dungeon gens to do would be to make is sewers with lots of pipes and flowing water that you can follow back to an opening outside of the sewers.

Heck, I'd play this just for the fact that the terrain is gonna be awesome.
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Level 5
Aug 11, 2010
Ambitious idea you have there. This idea is something that can be played over and over again for sheer replayability of the dungeons generated are completely random and not one of a set of premade dungeons.

Hope this comes to be completed at some point!
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