Rui's review for "Duel Arena 2" (v2.0.2), by Nylky
"Duel Arena 2" is a(n) (Hero) Arena type map made by Nylky. You choose one of nearly twenty heroes and kill hostile creeps around the map to level up your hero for a duel, event which happens after 10 minutes of the game's start. While on the creeping arena, however, you may eventually meet your enemies and fight them.After the combat, you may spend another five minutes creeping and then duel again or restart the game.
Gameplay-wise, this map is not fascinating; with this number of players, encounters between enemies either happen all the time or players spend the game creeping until the next duel.When you get teleported to the duel arena, your life and mana and fully restored, so the chances for a coincidence are null. Now, if you win a fight, you get the experience bonus. Since the gold and items on this map are nearly unused, experience counts a lot. If you win the first fight, the chances of winning the following ones are, as a consequence, bigger. This makes "Duel Arena" a very monochromatic map; you're either winning or losing.That is not all regarding balance. The heroes this map uses were not properly tested, I fear: the Bladedancer (I think that was his title) had a Critical Strike ability which gave a chance to deal 1.3 times the hero's normal damage, but, by level 5, the chance of successfully dealing this hit was 80%. Combined with an attack speed increasing skill, my hero was too strong for the others to defeat. Plus, he had another spell which basically allowed him to run out of combat unchecked when on the creeping arena. All this, when combined, grants the player using this hero an easy game in which he will most likely win.
The terrain lacked texture variation, elevation, and doodads. All the creeping arena had were trees and cliffs. I am not recommending the importation of custom trees, but the author should consider utilizing the tools World Editor already provides him.
This resource cannot be approved: my testing partner reported exported models.Rejected and rated 1,5 by me (approximately 2 (Lacking)).