Druid´s Hour

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Level 6
Apr 1, 2010
I needed a break from reworking a giant map,
with a lot of doodad, import and transition stuff -
so I made a small terrain without imports (again). Something
to relax, so to say.
It´s called hour of the druids, the hour they meet for their eves chant, calling upon the spirits....

must apologize for bad pic quality, currently using my laptop

Edit: Accidently removed the original pic, so here is the latest version...


  • Hour of the druids - new.jpg
    Hour of the druids - new.jpg
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Level 37
Nov 24, 2007
As doom said, it isnt much. Neither to look at or from a technical point of view. What you should work on getting better at is the atmosphere, using the fog editor to your full advantage, you should play around with different colors and try out different numbers in the set start and set end tabs. Other than that I am still not liking this "no imports" thing of yours, standard wc3 doodads just ISNT good looking >.>
Level 6
Apr 1, 2010
Thanks for your comment!
I totally agree with both of you, as in the most cases.
And I know its not great it was just something
to clear my mind...
Its not a no-import attitude this time, merely its that
my main pc has been broken. :cry:
I´ll stick to the idea and redo it with the UTM, cause there is no
good substitute for glow or fog.

@Keiji I am searching for some good rock models,
the ones youve mentioned I still havent found.
Level 6
Apr 1, 2010
Updated pics, this time with imports....
Still need to add some clouds or so.

Yes I know about the B2mod pack its absolutely awesome. But you have to be careful with the use of other doodads (if you dont go for a all-Highres-dood terrain) otherwise the rocks wont fit good.
So I am still searching for a good non highres model, what you can find in the UTm isn´t really useful.
Level 37
Nov 24, 2007
Looks better.

Anyways, I'd have to say that I dont entirely agree with you on the statement that felsen rocks dont fit with low res doodads. There are many terrains that contradict that statement. One of the best examples being:


Anyways, if you DO want to have a more low-res rock doodad, then steinlord have been a favorite among terrainers for a long time since that random user I cant remember just dropped by and unofficially gave us the doodad. It can be found under "[Discussion]: Contest Sanctioned Models" as an attachment. Full name being: SteinLords4b.mdx

Hope that might be of some help to you.
Level 6
Apr 1, 2010
Looks better.

Anyways, I'd have to say that I dont entirely agree with you on the statement that felsen rocks dont fit with low res doodads. There are many terrains that contradict that statement. One of the best examples being:


I think they could fit, but I also think that you need to choose the doodads which are not Highres one more carefully. Not everything fits!
Btw I´ve seen this pic from Void before and indeed its a real good example (also for doodad placement).
Also a lot of thanks for telling me where to find the model. :grin:
Level 37
Nov 24, 2007
Of course you have to be picky in your doodads, but that applies for all doodads, not only the high res ones. Anyways, I've noticed, and I suspect, that you have never really used the fog editor to its full advantage, so let me walk you through some basics of that, cause the fog is REALLY essential to your terrain, and does NOT consist of ONLY glow models :p

Anyways, to use the fog editor you have to do as follows:

World Editor >> Scenario >> Map Options. And then there is a little box you want to check called "Use Fog" Now, you'll notice that there will be several new options that opens up, first being "Style" of which you can give a good and long fuck in, same goes for "density" you can try switching them and twisting them as much as you want, but they'll do nothing to your terrain.

It's the Z Start and Z End you want to play around with, for instance, if you set the Z Start to 0 and Z End to 2000-4000 you will get a good and dense fog, while as if you set the Z Start to 1000 and the Z end to 5000 you'll get a nice fog in the distance. As I said, you'll want to play around with it to get used to it. Then there is the color, thats quite self explanatory, only thing that needs notice there is the "Custom Color" variant, which makes you able to make your own color, based on the same principles as the unit coloring system. (255/255/255)

Now, I hope that might be of some help to you as well ;)

P.S: If you already know all this, then you REALLY have to work on your fog editor skills, and making realistic fogs that are nice to look at :p
Level 6
Apr 1, 2010
Allright I knew all that and I must say that setting the right fog definetly creates atmosphere. But it is probably one of the most difficult things to set.
The swamp terrain johannesr recently made was a real good example for that.
You are right about improving that, I definetly will work that out - thanks for encouraging me !!!
Level 6
Apr 1, 2010
Updated Pic

Allright another updated version, added sky,moon and fog.
Btw the fog is black here to create a night-atmosphere.
Enjoy the new version!


  • Hour of the druids - newer.jpg
    Hour of the druids - newer.jpg
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  • Hour of the druids - newercine.jpg
    Hour of the druids - newercine.jpg
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