Hello, Hive
I'm very new to this site, but I've been mapping and modding since the release of the original Starcraft. I'm currently working on a new project called The Dreamers. It's a single-player RPG which follows a very unique non-linear (yet linear) storyline. I've always valued the story of a game first and foremost, so that is what I've concentrated most on in this project.
Before I get into specifics of this project, I should quickly illustrate my future plans for the game, because this is a very new project (in fact, it's only a few weeks old). Actually, I have very little tangible substance to show thus far, save for a few terrain screenshots. Because this project is so new, and because I have such great expectations and plans for it, it's also very important to point out that this project may never even be completed. If what people are saying is true and the Warcraft 3 following dies with the birth of SC2 and Diablo 3, then it's honestly very difficult to see this game being completed. That said, I still enjoy working in the editor and have every intention to finish it (so don't waste you're breath telling me I'm wasting my time...). I really hope someday I can share this vision with the Warcraft 3 community!
Now, onto the game itself:
Brief Gameplay/Story
You play as a young man in a medieval-styled world, full of friendly folk characters as well as a host of enemies you must slay. Without giving away too much of the story (this is what you'll play the game for, after all), it is your primary objective to travel through seperate worlds in the pursuit of a good friend and your ultimate nemesis. This, I think, is what makes the style of gameplay unique; your main quest follows a very linear storyline, but once in each world, you are free to do as you will (in that respective world).
UPDATE: You, Adam, live an ordinary villager's life in the small town of Fey. You manage your own bakery with your childhood friend Chris, and together the two of you have built a growing business. Things change, however, when a mysterious woman shows up in Fey. No one knows anything about her, or even where she came from, but she goes about her day like any other villager in town. Then, as suddenly as she appeared, she's gone.
Other mysterious events begin occuring in town in the girl's absence. *Here an important revelation is revealed to Adam, but I can't tell you what it is...*
Now it becomes your mission to find the missing girl, who is the key to all the problems which keep growing in Fey. You will travel through different worlds in your search for her, meeting new enemies and friends along the way.
Notable Mechanics
Aside from story-writing, terraining is my greatest joy in the editor. I'm very pleased with the world I've created, as it is filled with a plethora of original characters and locations. I think one of the most exciting pieces of this experience will be meeting each of these characters, whether it's through completing quests or just dialoging with them.
One of the mechanics I'm most excited about implementing is the fighting aspect. You control a single character at a time, but will build your ranks by adding other characters to your party (think of Final Fantasy's party system, minus the turn-based action). Each of these characters plays differently, with their own abilities, strengths, and weaknesses, and each character will grow and level differently.
I've also written several exciting cinematics to help move the story foward. This isn't really anything new, but I felt it worth mentioning because I think these cinematics will hold a more important place in this story than in others.
I think weapons, items and armor are important and present in every RPG, so I won't spent too much time talking about that here. Of course there will be a range of different, upgradeable weapons and items here... I guess what is important to mention is that weapons will play a more important role in the uniqueness and variety of every character; each character is built for a certain type of weapon or armor or item. This enhances the battling and party mechanic.
I'm afraid this is the only piece of substance I have to show off right now , and even this portion of the game is far from completion. The screenshots I've attached are taken from the city in the 2nd world you will encounter. (Before you start critically analyzing my terrain skills: I know I've overlooked important aspects of the shot like the sky in some... I know I used high res objects and such objects are "lame and don't match Warcraft 3"... I merely wanted to show the city and give a taste of the locations players would encounter.)
I hope that this little blurb gives you some insight into what I'm imagining. I hope it doesn't sound like I'm rambling about a game that doesn't sound unique or seperate at all from other RPGs. I think the one thing many (if not all) RPGs in the Warcraft 3 community leave out is the story element. This is not a game where one travels through a homogeneous terrain and collects items for NPCs and ultimately winds up fighting a dragon with his uber-pwnage 133t Sword... this is a game centered on story, and one which I think many players will really enjoy. I plan on updating this frequently with new game material and ideas, and hopefully some of you will help and let me bounce ideas around with you a bit I'd love to answer any questions and hear any constructive criticism you have, and I hope you enjoyed hearing some of my plans!
EDIT: I've rethought the art design for the map, and I've decided not to move foward with the High Res design. Instead I'm starting with the Ultimate Terraining Map as a base, and importing models as I need them. I think this improves the map for a lot of reasons:
~there is an extremely limited resource pool of High Res models to pull from, so if I continued using this design there'd be a lot of repetition in terrain design.
~by extension, there's an almost limitless pool of environment and unit models I'm now able to use.
~the design I'm using now fits the cartoonesque mood of Warcraft 3 much better.
~the Ultimate Terraining Map includes many models that make some of my imagined mechanics easier and more efficient, like entering houses. The UTM's framework kits make village and city designs much more unique.
I'm including a few screenshots of the new starting town and countryside -- constructive criticisms and thoughts welcome!
I'm very new to this site, but I've been mapping and modding since the release of the original Starcraft. I'm currently working on a new project called The Dreamers. It's a single-player RPG which follows a very unique non-linear (yet linear) storyline. I've always valued the story of a game first and foremost, so that is what I've concentrated most on in this project.
Before I get into specifics of this project, I should quickly illustrate my future plans for the game, because this is a very new project (in fact, it's only a few weeks old). Actually, I have very little tangible substance to show thus far, save for a few terrain screenshots. Because this project is so new, and because I have such great expectations and plans for it, it's also very important to point out that this project may never even be completed. If what people are saying is true and the Warcraft 3 following dies with the birth of SC2 and Diablo 3, then it's honestly very difficult to see this game being completed. That said, I still enjoy working in the editor and have every intention to finish it (so don't waste you're breath telling me I'm wasting my time...). I really hope someday I can share this vision with the Warcraft 3 community!
Now, onto the game itself:
Brief Gameplay/Story
You play as a young man in a medieval-styled world, full of friendly folk characters as well as a host of enemies you must slay. Without giving away too much of the story (this is what you'll play the game for, after all), it is your primary objective to travel through seperate worlds in the pursuit of a good friend and your ultimate nemesis. This, I think, is what makes the style of gameplay unique; your main quest follows a very linear storyline, but once in each world, you are free to do as you will (in that respective world).
UPDATE: You, Adam, live an ordinary villager's life in the small town of Fey. You manage your own bakery with your childhood friend Chris, and together the two of you have built a growing business. Things change, however, when a mysterious woman shows up in Fey. No one knows anything about her, or even where she came from, but she goes about her day like any other villager in town. Then, as suddenly as she appeared, she's gone.
Other mysterious events begin occuring in town in the girl's absence. *Here an important revelation is revealed to Adam, but I can't tell you what it is...*
Now it becomes your mission to find the missing girl, who is the key to all the problems which keep growing in Fey. You will travel through different worlds in your search for her, meeting new enemies and friends along the way.
Notable Mechanics
Aside from story-writing, terraining is my greatest joy in the editor. I'm very pleased with the world I've created, as it is filled with a plethora of original characters and locations. I think one of the most exciting pieces of this experience will be meeting each of these characters, whether it's through completing quests or just dialoging with them.
One of the mechanics I'm most excited about implementing is the fighting aspect. You control a single character at a time, but will build your ranks by adding other characters to your party (think of Final Fantasy's party system, minus the turn-based action). Each of these characters plays differently, with their own abilities, strengths, and weaknesses, and each character will grow and level differently.
I've also written several exciting cinematics to help move the story foward. This isn't really anything new, but I felt it worth mentioning because I think these cinematics will hold a more important place in this story than in others.
I think weapons, items and armor are important and present in every RPG, so I won't spent too much time talking about that here. Of course there will be a range of different, upgradeable weapons and items here... I guess what is important to mention is that weapons will play a more important role in the uniqueness and variety of every character; each character is built for a certain type of weapon or armor or item. This enhances the battling and party mechanic.
I'm afraid this is the only piece of substance I have to show off right now , and even this portion of the game is far from completion. The screenshots I've attached are taken from the city in the 2nd world you will encounter. (Before you start critically analyzing my terrain skills: I know I've overlooked important aspects of the shot like the sky in some... I know I used high res objects and such objects are "lame and don't match Warcraft 3"... I merely wanted to show the city and give a taste of the locations players would encounter.)
I hope that this little blurb gives you some insight into what I'm imagining. I hope it doesn't sound like I'm rambling about a game that doesn't sound unique or seperate at all from other RPGs. I think the one thing many (if not all) RPGs in the Warcraft 3 community leave out is the story element. This is not a game where one travels through a homogeneous terrain and collects items for NPCs and ultimately winds up fighting a dragon with his uber-pwnage 133t Sword... this is a game centered on story, and one which I think many players will really enjoy. I plan on updating this frequently with new game material and ideas, and hopefully some of you will help and let me bounce ideas around with you a bit I'd love to answer any questions and hear any constructive criticism you have, and I hope you enjoyed hearing some of my plans!
EDIT: I've rethought the art design for the map, and I've decided not to move foward with the High Res design. Instead I'm starting with the Ultimate Terraining Map as a base, and importing models as I need them. I think this improves the map for a lot of reasons:
~there is an extremely limited resource pool of High Res models to pull from, so if I continued using this design there'd be a lot of repetition in terrain design.
~by extension, there's an almost limitless pool of environment and unit models I'm now able to use.
~the design I'm using now fits the cartoonesque mood of Warcraft 3 much better.
~the Ultimate Terraining Map includes many models that make some of my imagined mechanics easier and more efficient, like entering houses. The UTM's framework kits make village and city designs much more unique.
I'm including a few screenshots of the new starting town and countryside -- constructive criticisms and thoughts welcome!
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