[Defense / Survival] Dreadlord Hero Defense

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Level 6
Feb 5, 2017
Hello dear HIVE, this is my first try at a Castle Defense, the map's called Defensa de la Ciudadela / Defense of the Citadel as a WIP name bc i tried to create a simple castle defense to play with my brother, the map is currently in spanish and was made in 1.27b version, I do have Reforged but I kinda miss the old spanish voices and the fact that most of the LATAM community in WC3 is mostly on Rubattle made me create the map on this patch. The map is quite simple but many friends told me it had potential, however the map was rather dull and the side-objectives were wacky. So I'm posting this to retrieve some ideas and overall, show the development of this map into something greater.

Before you proceed, know that I'm still a beginner so the map might be kinda lacking even as a BETA stage.

In a limbo/whatever alt hist argument to explain how all these dreadlords stand together to defend a black citadel in Outer Lordaeron to stop the United Front of Humans, Orcs and Elves from setting up a supply depot and keep advancing into the Heartland. Kil'jaeden is on its way so hold on!

However... An unknown, extremely powerful force is approaching...

Gameplay Style: Castle Defense / Hero Defense / Hero Siege
Waves: 32 + 1 final boss.
Some waves have huge powerspikes, so spend your gold wisely and work as a team, complete the LK mission.
Has an adjustable difficulty system, for each player the waves get stronger. If a player leaves, they'll get weaker.







Would appreciate your thoughts. :ogre_rage::ogre_haosis:


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Level 6
Feb 5, 2017
Well, it's been a long time since I've posted this. Many updates came but I still like the name Defense of the Citadel bc of the simplicity but i also know that there are many maps named like this so i picked a random subtitle. Introducing:


"The Burning Legion's holdouts in Lordaeron are being steamrolled by the armies of the Alliance and the Horde, and the slow, but restless undead army of the Scourge has completely displaced many of our settlements.

The refugees are now holding their breath in the Black Citadel as the Azeroth Armies are now dangerously approaching the last stronghold of the Legion. Kil'jaeden has promised that 'Endsieg is near' and expects the Demon Heroes to show fanatical resistance and hold until their last dying breath. Is Endsieg even possible?"

The Beta 12v3 features:

-A complete translation to English.
-A roster of 22 powerful demon lords with unique traits to fight against the invaders.
-Many craftable items with different usages.
-An overhaul to boring abilities, making them more fresh and fun to use.
-More Unique sidequest drops rather than the old 'just powerful items of the shops'
-Increased Number of Waves: 37.
-Final Boss with better abilities, be careful, things can go down really fast!
-Added the -repick option for 75 seconds.
-Added the remaining colors to the -color command.
-Replaced GDD for the in-built Damage System.
-Removed most ability memory leaks.
-Rebalanced the gold obtained per wave.
-Overhauled the enemy handicap method.
-Removed previous wacky heroes. (No more Panda nor Default Dreadlord)
-Intro Cinematic now just gives a hindsight and is completely optional.
-Revamped sidequests to be more harder, however, more gold is earned!

To anyone who's willing to play or review the map. Thank you! :infl_thumbs_up:


  • CitadelDefenseBeta12v3.w3x
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