1) Description at hiveworkshop - The description at hiveworkshop was poorly describe, you should at least have a synopsis of what is this cinematic about.
2) Terrain - The terrain was poorly develop, it lack of variation and it lack of the usage of destructible/doodad. The forest doesn't even seems like a forest at all and the only destructible/doodad I seen was Lordaeron Summer Tree.
3) Camera - Camera movement was bad and whenever the character was talking, camera stay locked and I have to wait till they finish bla bla bla bla bla and bla and the conversation was totally boring and nothing interesting at all.
4) Replayability/Fun Factor - It was full of dull conversation and the battle scenario wasn't interesting. Most of it was like hack & slash and the enemy is dead.
5) Sound & Special Effect - The special effect are not impressive, infact I do not see anything that are eye catching at all. Most of the battle I seen was hack & slash the enemy till it was dead.
Based on this map condition, the standard doesn't met the minimum requirement to be acceptable into hiveworkshop data base.