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"Yo hou! Iam back warcief!" "I believe, I can fly." I also wanted to give him cigar, but i never saw any in warcraft, so i didnt. I thought it would be good to have some model for dragonmaw rider, because of the second war, where orcs had dragons and also because of the curent situations where dragonmaw had again joined the horde. Here it is, even with banner tattoo on his chest. Fuly animated, no custom texture, all ingame and also custom portrait fully animated also. Enjoy it, i might even release the fel orc version with black dragon skin as a blackrock rider.

Give credits and enjoy!

Problem fixed, now it should be clear.

Update: Reduced filesize rapidly.

Honesly I have no idea how could you use my models, when they were so freakishly big :D

Any of my resources can be edited by you, just give me credit for original model ok ? :)

DRagon, drake, dragonmaw, orc, horde, old horde, dark, rider, bad-ass, fly googles, googles, gladiator, hunter, captain

DragonmawRider (Model)

DragonmawRider (Model)

00:56, 15th Aug 2011 DonDustin: looks really awesome. Love all those tiny details(like thwe earring, the helm, the spiked tail). But you seem to have a mistake in the geoset anims(some geosets disappear after the attack animation) DonDustin: fixed...




00:56, 15th Aug 2011
DonDustin: looks really awesome. Love all those tiny details(like thwe earring, the helm, the spiked tail). But you seem to have a mistake in the geoset anims(some geosets disappear after the attack animation)

DonDustin: fixed and aproved
Level 9
Jan 12, 2010
Looks exceptional Sel, nice work. I like the detail put into the rider and the more unique looking dragon too.

Any chance you'll release a fitting spear projectile for him? (The bandit and headhunter are close but not exact. :grin:)

Great job as always and a 5/5 from me and some rep. :thumbs_up:


Level 21
Jul 2, 2009
I was going to paste that pic for this awesome model!
Do you mind if I use it for my project?
Its not cancelled yet, and I'm just working on the prologue campaign for now and then going to work on the Second War Era after it.
Level 38
Feb 17, 2008
I was going to paste that pic for this awesome model!
Do you mind if I use it for my project?
Its not cancelled yet, and I'm just working on the prologue campaign for now and then going to work on the Second War Era after it.

Sure thang use it ;)
And yeah iam going to release also the projectile for tose two models. Thank you guys for comments, iam sorry i didnt release some models for a long time, but curently iam working on something ....special. I hope you will like it. And i hope i will release it soon.¨¨

oh and also i recommend to use for this model the skin of a dragon of Mr. Goblin from project Scars of conflict ;)
Level 38
Feb 17, 2008
great! I especially like the layout of the dragon. I love dragons mouths covered with so long. yes you can once again have a real elite make it. I think if you would be just another "Thumbs Up!"

Actually i first wanted to created something similiar to the Captain of the Humans, because he is different from the main soldier model and Horde has only wold rider model used for Nazgrel as a Horde captain, so i think this one could be really cool captain model for the Horde, especially when dragonmaw joined horde once again. But anyway everyone can make their own story for this one ;)
awesome model! attack animations look best with this object data:

Art - Projectile Launch - Y: 260
Art - Projectile Launch - Z: 0
Combat - Attack 1 - Animation Backswing Point: 0.234
Combat - Attack 1 - Animation Damage Point: 0.600

everything else should be like the Red Dragon unit (nrwm)
Level 38
Feb 17, 2008
awesome model! attack animations look best with this object data:

Art - Projectile Launch - Y: 260
Art - Projectile Launch - Z: 0
Combat - Attack 1 - Animation Backswing Point: 0.234
Combat - Attack 1 - Animation Damage Point: 0.600

everything else should be like the Red Dragon unit (nrwm)

Thanks! :)