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Down With DOTA!

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
A group of Orcs, known as Squad V, where sent to seek and destroy the one named DOTA. Once in DOTA, they must make there way into DOTA's saved files by making it pasted some Elite DOTA Herps, and the Protection Software.

Down With DOTA! (Map)

ap0calypse: quality is too low, Rejected VGsatomi: Approved. First satire map I've seen in a great deal of time. I surely got a kick out of this. Nice, original idea. Overall well made map.




ap0calypse: quality is too low, Rejected

VGsatomi: Approved. First satire map I've seen in a great deal of time. I surely got a kick out of this. Nice, original idea. Overall well made map.
Level 24
Nov 9, 2006
Because it's boring (not rly)
Because it's unoriginal (how?)
Because it's overhyped (...)
Because it's over-hosted (true)
Because its community sucks (its quite huge, still i dont like the dota players)
Because its heroes look like only two minutes were spent on each (not true, they are quite balanced and the abilities are very advanced JASS triggered)

Try make such an advanced popular map yourself, then i suggest that you take a look at what you wrote.
Level 5
Jul 21, 2005
Lol, DoTA is good with it's JASS, just the fact how long it lasted.
If it lasted till like 3.14 or something, I would be happy.
It is boring, play it 40 gazillion times, and you're hooked, and that's all you play, ever.
Unoriginal, theres THOUSANDS of AoS-type games. THOUSANDS!
Balanced heroes? Psh, I hear a couple friends of mine saying they're Owning, ALL the time. DoTA Sucks, period.
Level 10
Jun 10, 2007
I had a long-ass argument written up for this, but then I saw Sworddragon's comment.

He is absolutely and utterly right. DotA does indeed suck on almost every level.

And don't give me the "u only hate it bcuz u r noob at it" argument. I am poor compared to some, you know why? Because the community prevents me from getting good. I join, I get killed ONCE, and I get screamed at by EVERYBODY to leave. Then, I get ganged up by four people so that they can laugh at me and spam "HAHAHAHA NOOB OWNED HAHAHA DIAF".

If that type of community doesn't suck, then I don't know what does. Bunch of horny fourteen year-olds in their boxers eating cheetos who are ignored IRL so they must scrounge for attention on the internet.

Hmm, the "Don't judge because you can't make better, bitch." argument. Such is the argument of somebody who can't think of better.
Level 4
Jun 16, 2007
the only real reasons anyone shouuld hate dota is because it doesnt give a chance for other maps to be played, other than that, you could say its stolen, but its really a variant hence why its called dota ALLSTARS. or maybe you just suck at it, and i never see anyone get screamed at for dying unless they die a noob way.
Level 5
Apr 24, 2007
Dota sucks because some cahracters are way to cheap compared to others. Like theat golbin guy that las mines hes crap. So when some1 plays random and you get stuck witht that dude youre team is a goner. Most of the warcraft community are jerks thoguh when it comes to playing any game. Like when you get stuck with a guy whos never played onlne before in melee game and he does all the wrong stuff and asks question about wat does cc mean. Then there teammates leave. But you were bad too at one point. But most of the ass community hangs out in dota. Dota is overplayed because when your looking for new maps to play all you can find is dota. And also dota just gets boring after awhile because it gets reptive with it alsaways being the same because people pick the same heros again and agian like razor is always picked.
Level 1
Aug 22, 2007
That "golbin buy that las mines" as you say, while he can be good, is also incredibly easy to counter, more so than (I think) any other hero. If you don't like pick, play random, if you don't like the game, play something else, if there's nothing else to play, go fix your firewall so that you can host. Stop arguing about whether or not it suck, either play it or don't play it, nobody will convince anyone anyway.
Level 2
Mar 24, 2008
yea idc about anything most of you are talking about. its a good map and the point of these comments are totell the creator some constructive criticism, not to fight about how good or bad dota is. Keep up the good work dude! i give you credit for originality, humor, and plain old fasion good map makin!!
Level 25
Apr 13, 2006
The biggest reason why I hate DOTA Is because of this:

People forget about so-called Warcraft 3 game, and they start calling it DotA (Also rename it), Ive seen alot of players who rename the Warcraft 3 into DotA, but it is actually a WC3 (checked)

They also dont really care about the other thing than playing only it. for ex, they dont know what DotA Stands for (Defense of the Ancients), who's the creator and totally forget about other games, but DotA.

ADDED: Also the game itself is way too easily made for beign so popular and too same style all the game.

Havent played a map, but only cuz I like the name, ill give 5/5.
Level 2
Dec 10, 2007
Man, so many people hate DotA. I'm not going to say anyone here is dumb or wrong because those are your opinions but personally i think DotA is fun. This map looks interesting and ill have to check it out anyway :p
Level 2
Dec 10, 2007
Hey I have an idea, if you don't like DotA....don't play it??? Besides, posting how bad you think it is isn't going to get a rally of people to go find icefrog and hang him or anything. If you don't like DotA then it's cool, you not stupid or anything it's just that people have different views. Have a nice day :D .PHEAR PUCK NORRIS!!!
Level 12
Feb 23, 2008
I think this is a funny game.

About dota.

Ya, its pretty tuff to balance that many heros, But they do a pretty decent job (i think) in makeing them all useful at least. I enjoy it, So many differnt ways of playing heros, The terran is much much better then most games, I think its fine, Others think it could be better.

I think its funny that people hate a map because PEOPLE not DOTA decide only to play dota. Dota is a great map, Not to say there arnt better maps out there (none i played) of its kind, Overall Fun game.

But Who knows maybe some of you haters are right, we shouldn't give people choices because they are too stupid for there own good. They arnt smart enough to try your maps...I mean other maps (Better in your point of view), Or Play warcraft 3 normal. So sure dis on dota because people like to play it...or are happy with it so they don't try your map or
better maps.

Players 5/5 (<-- 50% of battlenets bests players are dota players. Rest of them play ladder.

Hmm More like 48 and 48 percent, the others are relly good at all the other custom games. like impossible bosses.
Level 25
Apr 13, 2006
That's the point. I think that is like ... 75%. And TurboJyri, no, we do not get owned. People (Even people who only play DotA) are playing DotA in my camp and I got 1st place on championship there once (ar I think). I do hate dota, and we do not get owned.

I assume that next queston asked would be "Why do you play it then?"
Answer: There are only 2 games there that everybody play: CS and DotA. This season CS was not working there, so I had to play DotA. Still, kicked everybody's ass.

Too much about me, now to the Game itself:

People hate dota because... DotA is kind of WoW. People spend alot of time in it, try to get other things than usual, and pwning noob's asses. And, as you know, its natural to hate MMORPGs like WoW. So here's the reason: DotA is new type of MMORPG (Not as a game, but as in mind sof Doters).

Someone may say that I am wrong, someone may say that I am totally right, but this is MY opinion.

Also, I think, DotA was the first decent Wc3 map, and so people started to play it because there were no other good games. And so they played and played but forgot that times change, and there are other maps now.

Sorry for the flood, and DredLord2 - thanks for making this Map of yours and publishing it here so I can freely say my opinion, for that its rep to you.
Level 4
Oct 20, 2007
That's the point. I think that is like ... 75%. And TurboJyri, no, we do not get owned. People (Even people who only play DotA) are playing DotA in my camp and I got 1st place on championship there once (ar I think). I do hate dota, and we do not get owned.

I assume that next queston asked would be "Why do you play it then?"
Answer: There are only 2 games there that everybody play: CS and DotA. This season CS was not working there, so I had to play DotA. Still, kicked everybody's ass.

Too much about me, now to the Game itself:

People hate dota because... DotA is kind of WoW. People spend alot of time in it, try to get other things than usual, and pwning noob's asses. And, as you know, its natural to hate MMORPGs like WoW. So here's the reason: DotA is new type of MMORPG (Not as a game, but as in mind sof Doters).

Someone may say that I am wrong, someone may say that I am totally right, but this is MY opinion.

Also, I think, DotA was the first decent Wc3 map, and so people started to play it because there were no other good games. And so they played and played but forgot that times change, and there are other maps now.

Sorry for the flood, and DredLord2 - thanks for making this Map of yours and publishing it here so I can freely say my opinion, for that its rep to you.
Yes yes! I believe it. I won also every CS tourney when I was at some international game competition tournament. (And it was my first time playing CS1.6, had to play it because I accidently uninstalled warcraft 3 but still owned everyone HARD.
And yes, I do not hate wow neither DotA. DotA is played so much because it simply is the BEST aos map out there.
Level 5
Jan 6, 2006
Well, I'm taking neither side in this "hate dota" debate...

Yes, dota can be fun if you can find the players to play with it, and it has some really great gameplay features and spell ideas, but sometimes I get sick of that type of maps. Two sides, pick your hero, and CHARGE!!! until one side dies. Every 20 AoS maps I look at, 19 are imitations of it.
Level 3
Apr 6, 2008
Reasons becuse Dota SUX:
1. 85% of dota players are total Dick-heads
2. its TOTALLY unrealistic like WHY should the nightelfs recuit orcs?
3. 70% of the hosts are like: He left i BAN him! HAHAHAHA
4. Bad Gameplay Style
Level 5
May 6, 2008
I also hate dota:
Overpriced items
-----this can be solved by adding a gold mine to attack and rob.
No potion of healing
---Yes, the flask doesn't help.
Overpowered Scourge heroes
---- when playing AL, they cheat, Like having some recipie items at the Start.
besides, Icefrog stole Dota
---True. Piracy. So people Stop being Stingy, Add something that can prove that Place is your's, like your username, on a trigger,unit, Terrain,etc.
The only thing I like it, Drow ranger, Goblin, Blade dancer,

Most heroes does have Crappy moves, like Anti-mage's Spell Resistance. People Confuses it with Mana shield.

And the ability to not Attack Ancients with Spells
--Like WTF this is not working!

Nerfed Roshan, but not Heroes.
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Level 15
Aug 14, 2007
About Dota

Hey I haven try this map out, but will try it later on so don't worry

About People: Some hard working people are finding other maps, giving them a chance, and found out that it was all not going well... When people(I mean the searchers) get disappointed in their first impression! They don't ever play the map again.
So considering that there are just a few. YES I MEAN only a few searchers in this world and considering the rest are just dota freaks... How are good maps going to stand out?!
Because there are tons and tons and noob maps that go through the searchers, it just make the searchers more and more and more tired of searching new maps that they just totally, YES TOTAL and NEVER AGAIN search for maps and that is why good maps don't stand out.. So back to the point of dota below...

About Dota: It is the very first uncrap and stable map with ultimate balancing by IceFrog's team credits to a lot of people. So much well spreaded by the community that people are well informed about dota updates and the dota webs became popular but thats not my main point...MY main point is, dota is well spreaded very nice, dota freaks gives up on other maps, non-dota freaks gets tired of noob maps, so much tired that they slowly become dota freaks and slowly most players become dota freaks...
When dota freaks gets tired of dota they start to find other maps and compare dota with their map and say this "Why not play dota?" and then gives u a freak face and leave the game in your face... so thats how warcraft players in battle.net works... So let me tell you people, YES I MEAN MAP MAKERS, as me myself also a map maker, goes through a huge level of critism gave this speech about maps and warcraft dota... it is also true that people misunderstand dota as warcraft and vice versa because, in warcraft, in people's mind, dota is the simplest game, neatest they can ever think of...
Considering the above conditions, spread a new map is near impossible to be as famous as dota but still can be spreaded well with helps from alot of people...

Map makers please give chances to people who want to help with your map because dota is overwelming!
Level 3
Nov 14, 2008
Things I like on DotA :
-You can play it with a lot of people
-Nice Balancing
-Much Heroes
-Fun to Play

Neutral things :
-I think there are much better AoS Maps out there , with a lot more fun

Negative Things :
-Not directly a DotA problem , but most ppl who play it , realy like to piss other people off

But All in All I don´t hate it I even like it but as I said out of my opinion there are some better maps
Level 8
Dec 18, 2008
Because i hate DotA

I agree with you DreadLord2!
DotA is a peace of trush!
And i will agree with Kel'thuzad's post "Most people call war3 as dota" realy this happens and i get nervous of it!
It just a map and many people have stuck with it!
and TurboJyri do not say again "those who hates dota are loosers"!
Play your pitiful "dota" and close your mouth! :angry:
Level 5
Oct 28, 2008
Hey DotA is great. Many heroes, fun abilities, nice terrain, several commands blabla.

BTW, u guys should looooove DotA. Because i know sooo many people that bought WC3 for DotA. Who knows? DotA maybe saved B-net! :mwahaha: Mwahaha

(go ahead, kill me)
Level 12
Jan 6, 2009
I dont really think that you should hate dota that much. If you dont play it, why complain? It's not your problem. The only ones who hate Dota are the ones that dont play dota. The ones who do, they think it's fun, so why do you want the series gone, i ask you? If you dont play it, IT'S NOT YOUR PROBLEM!
Level 6
Dec 17, 2007
Okay, DotA may suck, but it's still the only map on wc3 that is still widely played. It may not have the best of qualities, but it is the most addictive and most fun. (why else would so many people play it?)

in my experience, people don't give dota a long enough chance.
Level 3
Jan 17, 2008
cibai, dota is the suckest game in warcraft III, it is not creative at all. the item are so stupid, non triggered. and the abilities are more or less the same.. they are just lousy warcraft III normal abilities with edited numbering.. more damage, longer damage duration etc. and dont say that dota haters are the one who dont play dota. we wont say like that if we never play dota. its because we played it and we found the problems, that's why we stated that out. dota lovers / players suck ass because they never give chance to other maps out there, which are really few thousand times better than the lame shit dota. why dota is widely played? the only reason is that their marketing strategy is good, that's all. their team are actually rich and use $ to buy everything , advertisement and earn promotion. compare to the creative mappers out there who creates maps alone but without marketing team, definitely dota owns the popularity although that is the suckest game! that is the explanation why many people don't know about those good warcraft III maps out there. so, stop praising the lame dota! look at what the dota lovers say about dota : fun when playing with other friends, good balancing, much heroes.. aren't those things cannot be found in other warcraft III maps? pls state anything that is in dota but its not in other warcraft III map! if not, shut up!
Level 12
Jan 6, 2009
cibai, dota is the suckest game in warcraft III, it is not creative at all. the item are so stupid, non triggered. and the abilities are more or less the same.. they are just lousy warcraft III normal abilities with edited numbering.. more damage, longer damage duration etc. and dont say that dota haters are the one who dont play dota. we wont say like that if we never play dota. its because we played it and we found the problems, that's why we stated that out. dota lovers / players suck ass because they never give chance to other maps out there, which are really few thousand times better than the lame shit dota. why dota is widely played? the only reason is that their marketing strategy is good, that's all. their team are actually rich and use $ to buy everything , advertisement and earn promotion. compare to the creative mappers out there who creates maps alone but without marketing team, definitely dota owns the popularity although that is the suckest game! that is the explanation why many people don't know about those good warcraft III maps out there. so, stop praising the lame dota! look at what the dota lovers say about dota : fun when playing with other friends, good balancing, much heroes.. aren't those things cannot be found in other warcraft III maps? pls state anything that is in dota but its not in other warcraft III map! if not, shut up!

Be that as it may, that is just your thought on the matter. I've played DoTA quite alot, and i still play many other maps.

look at what the dota lovers say about dota : fun when playing with other friends, good balancing, much heroes.. aren't those things cannot be found in other warcraft III maps? pls state anything that is in dota but its not in other warcraft III map! if not, shut up

Geez, you really hate DoTA dont ya? Well anyway, i like DoTA becuz of, well, the above reasons. And btw, did you find all of those qualities in one map or many others together?
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Level 21
Jul 27, 2008
Will anyone here post about this map?This isn't "Why I hate/love dota" thread.

Well anyway this map could be done much better.
I don't like that dota haters don't have any hero and the "follow" ability is actually divine shield with 0 cooldown and lasts 1 second.Sounds harmless but is actually very powerful.

Also the rate that units is to fast you should add the limit or some thing it can cause lags.And undead have 3 spawning points wile night elf have just one.

And you could have customized units to at least look like ones from dota.
Level 2
Oct 27, 2008
The only thing I can say about DotA is this: When you create a more popular and fun map ( i don't mean some stupid jokes put in the game with no common sense ) only then you can complain. I have some respect for every map in warcraft, because I don't have the skills to make one. Do, then talk big.

Btw, why should all the items be triggered? You want a laggy map with with even more laggier gameplay? 10 shiva's guards at once would cause a lag. Imagine if different triggered abilities would be cast from every item + all the 10 hero skills.

P.S. DotA is balanced!
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Level 5
Oct 28, 2008
If you hate DotA, you are probably jealous because you never will be able to create something that unique. I have been playing for about 1-2 years, and I actually still enjoy the gameplay.

* Items - First of all it isn't just some random shit. They all are unique. And the descriptions are very easy to follow, making it easy to newbies.
* Spells - In other AOS maps I too often see just some random spells to a hero, which so sux. No combos or anything. In DotA play Pudge for example and you will know what I mean... (Meat Hook -> Rot -> Dissmember (fresh meat :D)
* Terrain - The map is well designed for full combat. The map isn't either to big, and it has hideouts which is great for ganks, or when escaping.
* Balance - DotA is well balanced. There are few OP heroes like Rikimaru, Spiritbreaker and Bounty Hunter. But you can beat them all if you play in the right way. For example get gem against rikimaru. And against Spiritbreaker you could always get Black King bar.
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Level 3
Jan 17, 2008
When you create a more popular and fun map ( i don't mean some stupid jokes put in the game with no common sense ) only then you can complain
you are wrong, man. let me ask you, have you ever complain a movie? then does anyone come and said to you "When you create a more popular and fun movie only then you can complain"? have you ever complain the food of a particular restaurant sucks? then does anyone come and said to you "When you make a more popular food only then you can complain"? that makes me lmao! I don't have any skills in cooking, that means I should respect every food including a sandwich that included shxt inside? rofl!

Btw, why should all the items be triggered? You want a laggy map with with even more laggier gameplay? 10 shiva's guards at once would cause a lag. Imagine if different triggered abilities would be cast from every item + all the 10 hero skills.
Triggered items do not make the game laggy, unless the mappers did not handle the triggers well (or bugs). Sometimes, the special effect / custom effect make the map laggy instead.

* Items - First of all it isn't just some random shit. They all are unique. And the descriptions are very easy to follow, making it easy to newbies.
easy for newbies? there are 4-5 levels of item combinations, compared to the maps which have lower level of item combinations, which one easier for newbies to learn?
items all unique? mostly are normal warcraft III world editor's built-in abilities with edited descriptions, names and numbering (damage, duration etc). anyone can easily create those "unique" items that you have mentioned, example: edit the name for "boot of speed" to "boot of GOD", edit the movement bonus from 50 to 51, edit the icon to a beautiful leg picture, then whoah, I have created a new UNIQUE item that never exist in any other warcraft III maps! lmao!

most of the spells in AoS have combo too, some also combo with items. its just the matter of learning those combos. you said the heroes of those maps sux probably because that you have not yet learned their combos. same as balancing, most of the maps also require you to play each heroes in the right way in order to "feel" the balance of the map. if you don't play in the right way, definitely you will think that the map is imbalanced. For example: First time you chose a strength hero "A" with low mana and you keep casting spells that require high mana, the result is that you cannot even kill any enemy hero. Second time you chose an intelligent hero "B" with high mana and you still keep casting spells and easily kill enemy heroes. and then you keep telling everyone that this map heroes are imbalanced because hero "B" is stronger than hero "A", the hero A's spell sucks. Actually the fact is that you played hero "B" in a right way but you played hero "A" in a wrong way. Talking about balance issue, I would like to point out the invoker hero in dota. Its spells are totally different with other heroes. The method of playing is totally different with other heroes. Do you think that is called "balanced"??

dota terrain is great? it does not even have a way gates or shortcuts like that. most of the AoS maps I played have a lot of hideout points too. so, terrain does not make dota unique at all. let's compare dota to the maps which have hideout points, "mysterious area" (some area which generates some special powers, for example: Anyone or some heroes who stepped into the "Blizzard Storm Area" will have reduced movement speed), places of interest (capture points to gain extra resources or places for anyone to capture neutral towers), way gates, elevated terrains etc, which terrain has better designs for full combat?

and one major weakness of dota is that, it focused on quantity (number of heroes / items) instead of quality. There are not much improvements on the quality of the map in each newer version.
Level 3
Jan 17, 2008
too many items, heroes, game modes and 4-5 levels of item combinations will not make a game simple, but complicated instead
Level 12
Jun 22, 2006
I have been playing dota for a long time too and I think that it is one of the most successful warcraft 3 maps ever.

If you think it sucks, why is it so popular? It's not like nobody is trying other maps; There are still other maps hosted and downloaded constantly.

If it is rigged, why are there competitions hosted for it?

Blizzard themselves described dota as "what dedicated mapmakers can create with the world editor".

The reason of dota being item-dependent is because it is skill-dependent.

If you lane well, harass, deny, get as many creeps as the enemy(or more) without dying yourself, you got more gold and that allows you a huge edge over them.

Do you have any idea how much time and effort the dota beta testers and IceFrog himself has put in into this map for balance?

Every recipe item is unique.

Every hero is unique.

I can tell you, about 50% of the dota players who have played it for a month or two can tell you all the heroes, their skills, all the items, what they do, how much they cost.

It's complicated, but not to the point it is frustrating to understand.

I had a fair bit of fun with the AoS map "Land of Legends", but it was too rigged in terms of heroes for me. My friend could play like hell, get all the creep kills and I purposely sucked and I still won both of them 2v1 without any items because my hero was so imbalanced

Other than DotA Allstars/LoL, other AoSes I played are rather meh :/ too complicated for me.
Level 12
Jan 6, 2009
you are wrong, man. let me ask you, have you ever complain a movie? then does anyone come and said to you "When you create a more popular and fun movie only then you can complain"? have you ever complain the food of a particular restaurant sucks? then does anyone come and said to you "When you make a more popular food only then you can complain"? that makes me lmao! I don't have any skills in cooking, that means I should respect every food including a sandwich that included shxt inside? rofl!

Are you saying that you can't even make a sandwich?
Level 5
Aug 17, 2008
all dota players are tiny brained just like their master.... icefrog is a evil guy with a iq on 1 which is enough for him to steal maps...
D eath
O bnoxious
T yranny
A ss
D'oh Tards
Oh Tards
Arrgghhhh even more tards
  • Angry
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Level 1
May 8, 2009
DotA sucks because many heroes have no variation, There are sometimes glitches,
The games almost always lasts a bit too long even in Easy Mode, the map isn't symetrical
and is imbalanced in small porportions, and there is only running and attacking and no
alternatives to playstyle. There are many other problems too,
such as the overcostly and overpowered items, the overcostly mana consuming abilities with
enough cooldown to make them unspammable to disable INT heroes from having natrual good
ability purposes, the sucky Ultimate abilities and very normal seeming Ultimate abilities,
the melee creeps from waves that can tank just as good as a hero from game start, the high
level requirement to even have the possibly for almost every hero to just kill some side
path creeps and gain some expirience, the long tedious story lines of most heroes, the
tedious unnecissary information in some abilities to overcomplicate things and confuse the
player, the poor text descriptions on some abilities for heroes to describe the ability(s)
to the player, the near-mandatory requirement of one of the good movement speed increase
items early to mid game to have a chance, the complicated abilities with too much text,
the lack of effort in hero abilities that are the remade original WarCraft 3 unit
abilities, the inability to share gold with allies even though it is emphasized as a team
game, too many modes without an emphasis on a specific normal game mode or perfered game
mode, no emphasis on the game's game style with teams being able to get any hero from
either side depending on -ar (all random) and -ap (all pick), damage overpowers all other
possibilites and variation late game, some agility heroes have too many disadvantages early
game, mid game creep waves are near useless for pushing, no good creep wave primary
support items for pushing, too many hero dot abilities (too little hero variation), very
poor spell action detail and/or animation(s), unfitting hero abilities, too much 'I can't
tell what's happening unless I know' abilities, and the glitch where you lose multiple
times the amount of gold for every enemy hero that assisted in killing you.