DotA v6.74c LoD v6b

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Added new Game Bug Fixes
*Fixed a critical bug where under certain conditions items would not appear, and most spells wouldn't work
*Illusions now get the passives of their hero
*Fixed -sp (-showpassive) disabling most passives
*Fixed bad interactions between -shuffleplayers (-sp) and -oneskill (-os)/-mirrordraft (-md)
*Fixed a bug where a hero could reach a level>25 outside of -unlimitedlevel
*Fixed some spells not giving souls for Necromastery
*Fixed multicast Toss tossing yourself or tossing to the center of the map
*Fixed multicast sometimes failing to cast due to range
*Fixed multicast Shadowraze to always go in the direction you were originally facing
*Fixed a few items (like TP Scroll) procing Multicast, Aftershock, etc
*Fixed Spell Steal being able to steal spells you already have
*Fixed some heroes (with 0 cast point) being able to cast some spells when they were not supposed to
*Fixed Spirit Lance illusions not spawning next to the enemy when you don't have Juxtapose
*Fixed Essence Shift sometimes failing to steal stats for ranged heroes
*Fixed Inner Vitality and Whirling Death sometimes considering the wrong main attribute when a hero is morphed
*Nature's Guise now ends when the caster uses an arrow spell (impetus, etc)
*Fixed Shapeshift to properly give maximum ms to all units you control
*Fixed Fire Remnant not functioning when picked as your 6th ability
*Fixed Morph not giving bonus stats when picked as your 5th ability
*Fixed Spirit Bear to properly die when his owner dies

Added new Game Balanced again
(can be turned off with -bo)
*Reverted the limitations of 2 passives and 2 skills from the same hero. These limitations can be turned on with -ls (-limitskills)
*Random extra abilities from -ra mode no longer count against -ls skill limits
*Dispersion now only takes the main attribute of the hero into account (not any metamorphosis)
*Multicast chance reworked: instead of dividing multicast chances by 1.5, reduces the chances for a x2 multicast by 7%/3.5%/0%, x3 by 7%/3.5%, x4 by 7%
*Spells with a cooldown smaller than 3s can now be multicast
*Added Arc Lightning and Shadow Poison to the list of spells incompatible with Aftershock/Overload/etc (Arc Lightning still works with Static Field)
*Warpath can now proc on Quill Spray/Goo

Added new Game Features
*Removed access to Quas, Wex, Exort
*Added access to 4 random spells from Invoker's spell list, all of which are considered regular skills (different players can have access to different abilities, you may have any of the 10 spells in -ar)
*Transformation spells do not prevent the picking of melee/ranged heroes anymore, but will prevent the picking of melee/ranged exclusive skills (for instance, Elder Dragon Form prevents the picking of melee only skills because it transforms you into a ranged unit)
*Added a -addtime command to add 1 minute in the skill picking phase (can be used one time max)
*Added indicators for ranged only, melee only, ranged morph and melee morph skills when picking
*Marksmanship and Great Fortitude now give direct bonuses to the attributes of the hero
*Overload can now proc on Ball Lightning
*Added a few combinations: March of the Machines, Psionic Trap, Wall of Replica

Added new Game Balanced:
Balance (only takes effect if balance is on):
*Dispersion: reduced to 6/8/10/12% on STR heroes and morphed heroes from a STR metamorphosis (like Chemical Rage)
*Last Word: reduced silence duration to 0.75/1/1.25/1.5s
*Rearm: now refreshes items, but has a 15/10/5s cooldown between each refresh
*You cannot pick more than 2 passive spells
*You cannot pick more than 2 spells from the same hero

*Enchant Totem now works correctly with arrow spells
*Fixed Fire Remnant interaction with passive on spell effect skills
*Fixed Spell Resistance abilities interaction with Hood/Cloak/Pipe and morphing spells
*Fixed Sleight of Fist not working with any hero model other than Ember Spirit
*Fixed -shuffleplayers to correctly hide the picked skills of the enemy side and show the picked skills of your side

Added new Game Modes and Commands:
Game modes:
-allpick(-ap), -allrandom(-ar), -singledraft(-sd), -mirrordraft(-md)

Additional game modes:
-draft 20(d2), -draft 30(d3), -draft 40(d4), -draft 50(d5)
-five skills(-s5), -six skills(-s6)
-unlimitedlevel(-ul), -seeskills(-ss), -antibackdoor(-ab), -fastneutrals(-fn)
-oneskill(-os), -balanceoff(-bo), -limitskills(-ls), -randomability(-ra)

Game commands:
-sp #

Added new Game Improvement:
The observer scoreboard now displays the skills (with level) of each player
*Enabled Reactive Armor
*Enabled Rubick
*Added an animation during Blade Fury and Counter Helix for heroes who cannot spin

*More skills combinations are available. The spells in each category could previously not be picked together:

-acidbomb category: Tombstone, Storm Bolt, Mana Leak, Spirit Lance, Relocate, Elune's Arrow, Illusory Orb, Ghost Ship, Powershot, Static Storm, Ice Shards, Supernova, Mystic Flare, Timber Chain, Stifling Dagger, Static Link, The Swarm, Spectral Dagger, Ice Blast, Death Coil, Malefice, Fire Remnant

-thunderbolt category: Ensnare, Leech Seed, Test of Faith, Whirling Axes, Inner Vitality, Duel, Fatal Bonds, Ion Shell, Demonic Conversion, Flamebreak

-channel category: Freezing Field, Song of the Siren, Fissure, Blink Strike, Global Silence, Overgrowth, Earth Splitter, Illuminate, Multicast (agha), Toss, Hand of God, Eclipse, Unstable Concoction, Starfall, Waning Rift, Battery Assault, Rocket Barrage, Icarus Dive, Viscous Nasal Goo, Flame Guard, Howl, Phantom Strike, Hunter in the Night, Infest, Meat Hook, Charge of Darkness, Time Lapse, Burrowstrike, Berserker's Call, Dark Rift, Midnight Pulse, Cold Feet, Pounce, Shadow Poison, Reality Rift, Rearm, Devour

-impale category: Lion and NA's Impale

-acolyteharvest category: Illusory Orb, Shadow Poison, Chakra Magic, Tether, Snowball, Fire Spirits, Haunt, Fire Remnant

-charm category: Echo Stomp, Power Cog, X Marks the Spot, Focus Fire, Stone Gaze, Epicenter

-volcano category: Ancestral Spirit, Soul Rip, Venomous Gale

-coldarrows category: Icarus Dive, Illuminate, Replicate
(some of the combinations listed might still be unavailable for other reasons)

Added Many Skills (Almost all Skills are in there except Invoke)
Added New Heroes from Original Latest Version of DotA
Added New Items from Original Latest Version of DotA


DotA v6.74c LoD v6b is A Custom Version of DotA That Let the Players Can Able to Choose 3(4) Skills and 1(2) Ultimate to Combine into 1 Unique Hero in an Epic Battle to Defend the Ancients.

Up to 101 Unique Heroes
Up to 402 Custom Skills Available (Some of the Custom Spells Haven't Placed Including Witchcraft, Invoke and Etc...
Numerous Number of Items are Available for Purchasing in the Game which will Make their Characters more Powerful.
And Other Features From The Original DotA

1. At start you have a few minutes to choose skills.
2. Click the hero whose skill you want.
3. Click the + sign above the skill you want.
4. Check your skills on the multiboard at the top right of the map.
5. Choose 3 standard skills and 1 ultimate skill.
6. After skill picking phase, empty skill slots will receive a random skill.
7. Choose a hero after everyone finished picking skills.


LoD Game Modes:
-allpick(-ap), -allrandom(-ar), -singledraft(-sd), -mirrordraft(-md)

LoD Additional Modes:
-draft 20(d2), -draft 30(d3), -draft 40(d4), -draft 50(d5)
-five skills(-s5), -six skills(-s6)
-unlimitedlevel(-ul), -seeskills(-ss), -antibackdoor(-ab), -fastneutrals(-fn)
-oneskill(-os), -balanceoff(-bo), -limitskills(-ls), -randomability(-ra)

Other Modes:
-duplicatemode(-du), -shuffleplayers(-sp), -samehero(-sh), -allagility(-aa), -allintelligence(-ai), -allstrength(-as), -itemdrop(-id), -easymode(-em), -nopowerups(-np), -supercreeps(-sc), -onlymid(-om), -notop(-nt), -nomid(-nm), -nobot(-nb), -noswap(-ns), -norepick(-nr), -poolingmode(-pm), -observerinfo(-oi), -miniheroes(-mi), -fastrespawn(-fr), -meleeonly(-mo), -rangeonly(-ro), -experimentalrunes(-er)

LoD Player Commands:
-sddon/-sddoff (show damage dealt), -cam high(-cam h), -cam low(-cam l)

Other Player Commands:
-ma, -ms, -cs, -cson, -csoff, -disablehelp, -enablehelp, -unstuck, -recreate, -swaphero, -showmsg, -hidemsg, -showdeny, -hidedeny, -weather rain, -weather snow, -weather moonlight, -weather wind, -weather random, -weather off, -denyinfo(-di), -deathon(-don), -deathoff(-doff), -roll, -hideheronames(-hhn), -mute, -gameinfo, -kickafk, -afkinfo, -apm, -clear, -swapall, -courier, -ah, -list, -rolloff, -rollon, -music, -water, -itemswap, -quote, -bonus, -switch, -terrain

New Player Commands
-sp #

Key authors: Konsong, SkoT, Snowww, Jumper(98h1zc), Skino, ~Bob~ and IceFrog.


If you Find any Bugs or Just Want to Make a Helpful Suggestion. Send Them to the Forum, Email or Facebook.

Forum: Defend Konoha
Email: Click Here to Email Me
Facebook: [email protected]

DotA v6.74c LoD v6a, LoD, OMG, BYS, Imba, Custom, Hero, Arena, Defense, Of, The, Ancients, Warcraft 3, DotA, v6.74c, LoD, v6a

DotA v6.74c LoD v6b (Map)

Vengeancekael - Date: 2012/May/06 14:24:58 Reasons: Other: Check out the tutorials section: Tutorials Check out the Map Development Section: Map Development Section Check out the World Editor Help Zone (Trigger issues, object editor, overall...




Vengeancekael -
Date: 2012/May/06 14:24:58


Check out the tutorials section: Tutorials
Check out the Map Development Section: Map Development Section
Check out the World Editor Help Zone (Trigger issues, object editor, overall WE issues): WE Help Zone

Comment: [Rejected]
The map has been reported as stolen.
Admin Contact - Resource Moderation - Rules

14:39, 3rd Sep 2011
Status: Approved
There, map is approved.
It seams that Icefrog allow people to use his resources. There are even few maps on his site (AI maps, Dota IMBA etc etc). Still you can't bother him if you find bugs or errors. Please contact authors of edited maps in that case.

Map like this one can't be tested even after 10 or more games, dota was improved over years, and played globally 24/7. I won't rate it because of that. Using all kind of abilities can bug each other, or unbalance gameplay. Report such problems to author.
All game crushing bugs should be reported to me as well.

If we found some really unbalanced errors here, we will change status to rejected once again.

Oh 1 last thing, please don't start uploading all kind of dota maps here now, we still have originality rule. Don't cry if your map get rejected.

Thanks and have a nice day.
Here's something IceFrog still didn't fix even after I emailed him multiple times a few months ago...: The tooltip for the clock should be changed to say "Game Minutes"

I hope you fixed that, IceFrog really pissed me off when I told him to fix it and he replied with an "ok" and in version 6.71, nothing changed -_-
Even now, at the moment, the error still exists >.<
Level 2
Sep 4, 2010
Here's something IceFrog still didn't fix even after I emailed him multiple times a few months ago...: The tooltip for the clock should be changed to say "Game Minutes"

I hope you fixed that, IceFrog really pissed me off when I told him to fix it and he replied with an "ok" and in version 6.71, nothing changed -_-
Even now, at the moment, the error still exists >.<

:vw_wtf: but its so simple! he could have done it in 5 minutes! or less
Level 5
Dec 20, 2007
DOTA always hitting the chart in world wide and no exception in my country too. In my country, there are around 150-200 for DOTA channel and only 10-15 for other ums channel

Each channel cost around 250 player
:vw_wtf: but its so simple! he could have done it in 5 minutes! or less

More like 5 seconds.

you should consider putting ai into the map, it would be awesome!

There already is an AI version.

And also it seems Icefrog has a lack in detail, just look at the ramps he did from the blizzard cliffs, they are jagged and not even fixed with the height tool.
I can name other things but it just seems like a total waste of time :\
Level 1
Oct 2, 2010
Does Mega Draft in this version bug ? (DotA LoD v6.70 English v15)

some of players don't have skills and heroes to choose

also in (DotA LoD v6.69b English v10)

or we need to play in 5-5 only ?
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Level 4
Apr 18, 2011
Here's something IceFrog still didn't fix even after I emailed him multiple times a few months ago...: The tooltip for the clock should be changed to say "Game Minutes"

I hope you fixed that, IceFrog really pissed me off when I told him to fix it and he replied with an "ok" and in version 6.71, nothing changed -_-
Even now, at the moment, the error still exists >.<

true, vercion 6.72 and still same and i found another bug like this when you buy a courrier try change it to "zoildberg" crab form and pick your hero and courrier at same time and read crab tooltip
"call Upon a spirit of fearsome carrion bettle to save you"

WTF Carrion beetle??? try it by urself
Level 1
Nov 21, 2011
are you sure the map is DotA LoD v6.70 English v16 not DotA LoD v6.69 English v16
where is the new items such as Smoke of Deceit,Ancient Janggo of Endurance and Medallion of Courage
Level 2
Jan 10, 2009
There, map is approved.
It seams that Icefrog allow people to use his resources. There are even few maps on his site (AI maps, Dota IMBA etc etc).

What site is it exactly when you say "his (icefrog's) site"? Does this mean that you can open any DotA maps in world editor now or...? It would be awesome if you could open it in the editor... :wink:
Level 3
Nov 18, 2010
are you sure the map is DotA LoD v6.70 English v16 not DotA LoD v6.69 English v16
where is the new items such as Smoke of Deceit,Ancient Janggo of Endurance and Medallion of Courage

here's the thing,

If it's DotA LoD v6.70 it doesn't mean that there are new heroes, items or features from official dota v6.70 and dota lod is not already part of Official DotA from Icefrog like if there is a bugs don't blame it in Icefrog but blame them all on ME.
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Level 2
May 21, 2009
the map is allright i play dota lod in bg garena room's and there are some new versions whit 6 skils and stuf but if u wont your map benn played u shude give it a try to get the hero skils from the new heroe's in the real dota ! i like the idea of maphack detection but he show mapers all the time and i test it whit some frend's that i em shure dont use it so . . . and maby bether looding . . . screan just maby :D
or if u can to make a 6 skill dota whit the new heroe's skill it whill be the greadest most playeb dota lod ever !!! fast before the rusians do it furst :D
Level 4
Nov 26, 2011
How the heck you open dota maps with world editor? or you use another progams to open it or make it can be opened by world editor? :vw_wtf:
Level 1
Dec 3, 2011

The newer the version, the lesser thing you can stack.
I play this map because it uses original skills mixing to your own liking.
The imbaness is the fun part of the game, unlike DotA Imba changing the skill sets.


The newer the version, the lesser fun you can have.


Put a mode so that you can remove the limiter for stacking skills, except those that causes triggering difficulties or incompatible skills.
Level 22
Feb 3, 2009

The newer the version, the lesser thing you can stack.
I play this map because it uses original skills mixing to your own liking.
The imbaness is the fun part of the game, unlike DotA Imba changing the skill sets.


The newer the version, the lesser fun you can have.


Put a mode so that you can remove the limiter for stacking skills, except those that causes triggering difficulties or incompatible skills.

I agree.
Level 2
May 21, 2009
there is a bug or i thing so becose we play 5v5 in bg lod room and there is a fatal error when u are whit huskar pasiv and buy tome of str the game crash ?? can u fix it ?
Level 2
Jan 10, 2009
Does anyone know how you get to open and edit DotA in world editor? :p it would be great if someone could answer this :) and where is icefrog releasing this "content" on "his site"? :p
Level 2
Jan 10, 2009
Oh yea i know about deprotecting and stuff but i wouldnt deprotect it, thats not cool, but i thought icefrog might have released a unprotected version since he's doing dota2 with valve now, and i was just wondering how was this map made if you cant open dota in world editor? IceFrog made it? :p
Level 22
Feb 3, 2009
Oh yea i know about deprotecting and stuff but i wouldnt deprotect it, thats not cool, but i thought icefrog might have released a unprotected version since he's doing dota2 with valve now, and i was just wondering how was this map made if you cant open dota in world editor? IceFrog made it? :p

Icefrog shared the map with a few people to make the mods such as Imba, LoD, Fun mode, Supreme, ...
Level 6
Dec 9, 2010
Sorry, I just had to comment on this map.

Okay, first of all, I want to say, I LOVE LOD. LoD is a vastly fun game to play. HOWEVER..

This is not LoD! Be careful everyone. If you're looking for a game that is DotA, except allows you to customize your hero by picking your own ability sets, then look elsewhere. This game has tomes, and lots of new bland, very crappy items, with even crappier tooltips.

This is no longer true to the nature of LoD. If you guys are interested in this game's concepts, I suggest looking to the games that BGN33 and CLLS (@USEast) hosts on a regular basis. THAT'S LoD. This crap is not.

Anyway... if you take out the tomes, crappy item additions, and other misc balance problems, you're basically left with the real LoD, which BGN33 and CLLS host. But as for this map: Beware, beware, beware!
Level 4
Mar 22, 2010
Overall Great Map!
But I really don't have the feeling to play this now
Since it was months before I quit playing DOTA



Level 1
May 6, 2012
Hi Theif

Just signed up to point out the blunt theft. It is extremely sad. Thank you for stealing LordShinjo's work.

Actually, you didn't even steal his work. You just copy pasted his map and replaced shinjo's name with yours. Shame.

- CvP