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Diablo II: LOD

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.

Diablo II: LOD (Map)

Level 12
Mar 28, 2005
my first map, and not nearly done, ive finished for the most part the barb, zon, necro and pally, though I may change some spells/stats and add some custom spells yet, specially for the necro, of which i discovered some other neat ones on this site I did not know about before, especially the attribute editor, which I think will be a good addition once I get the time to implement it...

Act1 is complete to my knowledge, Act2 is just about done, going to add a new area and change a few things but most is done,

i know you may say hey this isnt even his, this sucks cuz he didnt make from scratch, I took this up because I always wanted to make a map and at first really knew next to nothing so didn't think I could begin from scratch and I wanted an escape from endless hours of school work, and I know lots about Diablo so I figured I could make a pretty damn accurate portayel of the game, I tried to contact the original creator but never got any responese in reference to me editing it, though it wasn't much of a map to begin with, more of just some terrain and a few units spread out all over with some very poorly written triggers, so I eventually just took it up.

http://userpages.umbc.edu/~edr1/DaibloIIv2.95.w3x , this is a link to the original which I started from, incase you wanted to see exactly what I have changed( a map pretty much in shambles, not very fun at all). I have put lots of work into this, I'd just like for people to take a look, maybe if you find any bugs or have any suggestions that would be very nice. Please be kind.... :D

btw I have no idea how balanced it is because I have not had a couple people to test it out with me yet, so that part could be way off, all I have to go buy is me playing it alone, and it is not a map meant to be played alone, so....

and I was going to upload it optimzied which would have cut down on the size by about 18%, but I figured then if you wanted you could not take a look at it in the editor, so sorry to you 56ker's out there you will just have to suffer :lol:
Level 1
Jan 6, 2005
want any help? im an ok wc3 triggerer and unit stats and perty good at terrain i can also import mini maps and loading screns and modles too plus my friend is a D2 pro! and we would be glad to help but i spen all my time on MSN and AIM messinger and on Halo 2 on X-Box live so i dont have to much free time except when no ones on halo 2 i can map! so once agen want some help? cuz you sound like your struggling? :roll:
Level 1
May 19, 2005
You made a super RPG map. So let me congratulate you.
Because I had lots of fun. Heroes, abilities, items, people... they are the same as Diablo II. :) :D :)

:!: Right then I've found a bug while playing. When I reached Lut Gholein (the beginning of Act 2) later got killed, I revived at Rogue Encampment (Act 1). After this I was unable to go to L.G. Also I tried waypoints but that was not a solution.

If you fix it quickly, I'll be able to continue to my quest. :lol:
Level 12
Mar 28, 2005
shadowteam-ill think about it dude, like i said im not that hardcore about it, just something i have fun doing at the moment, i'll look into it more when I get home

wartanis-yea i have not put that trigger in yet, i meant to do it last night before i posted but forgot to, ill get on that if I have time tonight, the prob is the map already has a bunch of revives, and it'll take me while to go through and make them all again for lut gholein, and the acts after that as well, ill do it, when i figure out a shorter way so i dont have to do it like the previous guy did, liek i said he was a bad trigger writer, sorry about that though, just use a tp and teleport there then you should be able to keep going for now, but like i said everything past act2 is going to be pretty bad, cuz i have not gotten past editing that yet

that and if u did the horadric mauls quest, it dont work yet, i cant figure out how to make it work just yet, ill post later on the forum for help, anywho thnx for the reviews guys and help :)
Level 3
Oct 12, 2004
Level 1
May 19, 2005
Hmmm.. I hope this advice may solve the waypoint problem, emjlr3.. :wink:

When someone comes next to waypoints, just it opens a sub-menu that a player wants to go. This example should be useful for you: :idea:

Heading: Choose Your Destination
Choices: -Rogue Encampment
-Lut Gholein
-Kurast Docks, etc.


Choices: -Act 1
-Act 1(Checkpoint)
-Act 2
-Act 2(checkpoint), etc.
Sounds good?

Until you do it, I'll try to teleport my hero to the next town. After you did this, everybody will enjoy more a lot. So believe me :) :)
Level 12
Mar 28, 2005
hare1, yea sry about that i got her real buff so I can play through the game easy when testing, i forgot to go back and change her before i posted, sry, and yea stacking the chargeables would be nice if you could send that to me, also about the item drops, think about it this way, your just one person in there with those drops, imagine if you were playing with 4-5 other people(how it is meant to be played) then there would not be nearly as many items, that is what I am going for

hare1, i think it would be cool to have an item backpack like that, but in the shape of a body like in regular Diablo, and you place the items in the corresponding body parts, maybe ill talk to that guy and see if it would be possible to do something like that

wartanis, rofl i got no idea how to open a thing liek that or how to make it work, u got any idea?, but yea that would be nice

BTW: updates to the map, nothing major, but should fix some of probs you guys have been talking about
Level 12
Mar 28, 2005
pretty major update here with beta2, still havent started act3, but have added new items, spells, lots of triggers, balanced a few things to the best of my ability, just about finished the druid, still waiting on a good armegeddon skill for him or for someone to make a hurricane spell. hope you all like, plz if u try it let me know of things to change, ideas, bugs, etc., thnx!
Level 6
Jun 20, 2005
Maybe someone already pointed those bugs, but i don't have enough time to read all the posts, so here it is:
-Whenever you die or use a TP, you come back to act 1 (this happened while I was on act 2)
-Tons of strange tooltips
-These are not bugs, but you could put a script that allows only one type of weapon to be equipped, only one type of armor, and so on. It's really strange to have 4 swords and a bow with my barbarian.
-the Mighty Scepter (not sure if that's the name, but it's the one that gives +10 splash dmg, and critical attack) is a bit too powerfull. Remove the critical, since two or three scepters can deal x4 or x6 dmg sometimes
-Duriel's spiked carapace deals too much dmg. It's impossible to defeat him alone with a paladin. And he leveled up when i died for the second time ¬¬
-It took me several tries to teleport back to town once I defeated Andariel. The second time I played the map, thou, I was teleported as soon as she died.
-You need to kill your merc in order to buy another one, and act 2 mercs are almost useless, since they come in lv 1. They should come in a higher lv, or simply be more powerfull.
-Talking about balance fixes, the rogues are a somewhat useless. (they deal good amount of dmg in diablo)

It may not seem, but i liked your map. I had fun playing it, and would, for sure, download a bug fixed edition. Good luck with the bugs!
Level 12
Mar 28, 2005
MT, ive got another update I'll upload when I get hom, should fix the tping and reviving thing, I'll work on a trigger for only one weapon, I liek the idea but never really decided to do it, but now that some one says they think it would be better like that I'll fix it

I'll nerf the mighty scepter a bit, ive been able to beat duriel solo, but remember it is meant to be played online with others, alone it may be too tought, but with others it is doable, and I'll try and make it so they dont lvl up when you die, the portal after andy is screwed up, it dont appear in the right spot for some reason and I cant figure out how to fix it, I will work on that though, if you notice one appears higher then where you walk over to tp you to town

as far as merc usage goes, I not real sure about balance, cuz ive only played it by myself, but remember it it meant for mutliplayer not just 1 person, eventually Ill release online so ppl can have up to 7 or so mercs at a time, any who the new update has some fixes and some new skill/spell implementations, as well as better triggering, I replaced some of the older ones that were made by the orig. creator that were useless and too many and replaced with much better ones, so less triggers, druid is done sept for an utli spell, and if you guys see screwed up tool tips/or just words at all for that matter please post so I can fix em, I'd like to get rid of them all because they are uncalled for, but hard to always catch.....thnx for feed back MT, next release should have ACT3 and the sorc completed, anyone got an good Diablo looking sorc skins/models??

i uploaded the update, forgot to rename beta3 though, but it has all the fixes, check it out it deffinetly adds to the game I think
Level 12
Mar 28, 2005
beta 3 uploaded

act3 is playable and almost complete

the items I have not put icons for yet, and I have yet to balance the merc for act3, but other then that most is done

added different unique drops for all acts as well as special ones for act bosses, so look for those

no new hero updates :(

and I need help anyone who tries, the lightning effects are now screwed up in the map for some reason, they are no logner the lightning bolts and balls, but all just some arrow looking thingy...I duno what the deal is, it can be seen well in FoH for the pally if you dont understnad what I am talking about, so if anyone could take a lookng at that for me and see if you could figure out what the deal is I would be very greatful!! have fun guys
Level 2
Jun 25, 2005
Actualy in diablo YOU ARE able to defeat bosses alone , but once some player joins , the diablo minions get stronger , and once sumone leaves they get weaker. Even the leave or join message says it " *** has joined the game, diablo minions are now stronger" :wink:


Level 77
Oct 6, 2004
this game is awesome!! I played this on a shop and I'll rate it 9/10. But when I got to act II, I always getting fatal errors. I don't know if the problem is on the PC or on the map, if its on the map pls have time to fix this prob. thx.

I tried to download the map but the map on the URL was not there so sad :(