Hi! I'm new here and I've just started my adventure with World Editor. Ok, here's my problem: I played with editor for few hours, because I wanted to check how difficult it is. Well, editing terrain, adding units, creating new, etc. - that's simple. Then I decided to download some skins and models. I fought with skin for two hours and finally - it works. But still I don't know how to use new model. I downloaded this: model. And I don't know completely what I should do with it! Well, I tried guide which is above download link, but still it's crappy and didn't help. And strange thing is, that in my editor I couldn't find portrait graphic!
Info? I'm using polish version of Warcraft: TFT, v.1.21. And I'm sorry for my bad language, but I hope you'll understand what I wrote
Info? I'm using polish version of Warcraft: TFT, v.1.21. And I'm sorry for my bad language, but I hope you'll understand what I wrote