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Dominions of War v1043


Dominions of War v1043
Created by AlexMdle

Map Info:

Dominions of War is a strategic free-for-all kind of map. Up to 12 players build up armies, research upgrades and enlist various mercenaries on their road to total conquest.

Only one can rule above the others, but the shifting alliances of war always leave a place for a subtle dagger in the back...


Strategy is key, whether in army composition, leading tactics or the player-to-player mindgames. A number of features serve to support and reinforce this style of gameplay.

  • Defeat is not the end: Defeated players can keep playing under the banner of their conqueror, or bide time to rebel and seize control for themselves.
  • The dogs of war: Reworked and rebalanced racial trees and neutral units. Over 360 entities to carry you to victory, all with unique strengths, uses and counters.
  • Macro Skills: Move your whole army with the ease of a button press, bound to (Q) and (W) for your convenience.
  • Born to Lead: 12 different Heroes with their own unique playstyles. ...and a few secret ones, for the daring.
  • Many paths to victory: Advanced spellcasting squads? Legions of skeletons? Mighty champion mercenaries? Solo heroes?? Anything goes.

Screenshots and Videos:

Screenshot 1:
Just a screenshot.


Screenshot 2:
Also just a screenshot.


Gameplay 1 (Slightly Outdated):
Gameplay video courtesy of the Wc3 Vidya Group

Gameplay 2 (Very outdated, also Polish):
Gameplay footage.

Change Log:


  • Rebalanced majority of units with splash damage.
  • Upgrades are costlier and have a larger pool of levels.
  • All spellcasters received unique upgrades.
  • Mercenaries now have their own upgrade trees.
  • New '-mc' mode (Mercs Only), that removes racial battacks. (Mutually exclusive with "No Mercs" mode)
  • Blizzard seems to have fixed the "Hold Position" button in the meanwhile. That's neat.
  • Combed the map code for stray leaks and removed them.
  • Reduced the attack range of several ranged heroes and nerfed a few of them.


  • Music now correctly plays in the music channel.
  • Slight nerf to Pulverize and Bloodlust. And a harsher one to Slow Poison.
  • Dryads are no longer Magic Immune, but possess Resistant Skin and their armor type naturally reduces spell damage taken.
  • Halved the amount of gold gained from pawning off items.
  • Added a notifier about spell damage reduction to unit descriptions.
  • Mercenary upgrades are cheaper and stronger.
  • New game modifier: -fog, adds fog of war.
  • Recoded modifiers, so you can chain them with a single hyphen, like -arhensmecfogca.
  • All Mercs didnt work with Undead. Fixed.
  • Apparently Drakonid Apprenticle isn't actually ranged.
  • A few more units are now fortified. Giant Crab is heroic.
  • Also reduced the collision size of most small units from 16 to 8.


  • Fixed the ability to select game modes.
  • Halved the maximum starting mana of racial casters.
  • Several extra nerfs to Taskmaster's Ramparts.
  • Crusader's Make Example now grants units temporary regeneration.


  • All Dragonspawn should definitely have the correct description now.
  • Increased the amount of units affected by Coat of Arms and Healing Wave.
  • Non-Champion Magic Immune units no longer have Heavy armor.
  • Racial upgrades slightly cheaper, fixed AA-Contingency.
  • Summoned units no longer give gold bounty and do not benefit from neutral upgrades.
  • Increased the elevation of several castles to remove fog mode disadvantage.
  • Fixed a Night Elf unit exploit.
  • System Shock should correctly display its trajectory when cast while turning.


  • Troll Witch Doctor: Serpent Ward replaced with Hex.
  • Faerie Dragon: Magic Immunity replaced with 66% spell resistance.
  • Dryad: Starting mana up to 100 from 75. Now casts Abolish on summoned units.
  • Mercenaries: You are now always guaranteed a choice of 8 different units.
  • Heroes: No longer revived during the game over sequence.
  • Triggers: Removed many sources of memory leaks and optimized a number of scripts.
  • Triggers: Optimized the damage system and game timers.
  • Upgrades: Upgrades that increase health now display the exact amount increased.
  • Sound: Picking multiple modes at once no longer mutes the sound cue.
  • Fixed some erroneous descriptions and typos. Racial units list their abilities.
  • Flying units no longer reveal the black space around your base.


  • Game: Vassals no longer send 20% income to their Lord, instead their income is reduced by 30%.
  • Game: Formatted and color coded a lot of unit text, highlighting abilities and special attack types.
  • Mercenary: Bandits now have Stealth, Castles and several other mercenaries can see stealthed units.
  • Mercenary: Champion Voidwalker now reduces armor on attack.
  • Mercenary: Several mercenaries now use Roar when they spawn.
  • Mercenary: Metal Golem family no longer Magic Immune, instead Highly Magic Resistant and benefits from Castle Upgrades.
  • Chimaera: Clarified abilities in tooltip.
  • Rifleman: +1 damage per gunpowder upgrade, +50 range per long rifles upgrade.

  • Game: Castles now become immune to damage and fully heal precisely on round end, rather than when night begins
  • Crusader: Units that survive lethal damage with Coat of Arms are now set to 1 health, rather than their previous health value
  • Items: Fixed items that erroneously said they gave 1 more stat point than they did
  • Dragons: Each dragon color now has a distinct special effect
  • Voidwalker: Corruption armor reduction value down from 8 to 5
  • Maiden of Pain: Now has Vampiric attack
  • Storm Wyrm: Now uses Forked Lightning
  • Sea Giant/Wendigo: Champions now use Slam
  • Crabs: Now have Tough Carapace, which grants reductible armor
  • Mutants: Dalaran Mutant and Dalaran Reject now have a highly dangerous attack attribute
  • Ranger: Piercing Shot distance has been increased and visuals improved
  • Defender: Battle Cry duration up from 3 to 4 seconds
  • Mercenaries: Tweaked food costs across the board
  • Mercenaries: Zerglings and Hydralisks now properly benefit from mercenary upgrades
  • Game: Game will no longer attempt to use localized strings for half the things in the map
  • Game: Fixed Magic damage tooltip saying it deals 100% damage to Unarmored enemies
  • Game: Removed the dumb number tag attached to your name
  • Game: Updated the loading screen
  • Game: Formatted more text and fixed some typoes, Champion units are now marked as such
  • Game: Rebalanced the attack and armor types
  • RNG Master: System Shock no longer goes off course when cast in close proximity to enemies
  • Mercenaries: Fixed numerous instances of mercs with a sell cost different from their buy cost
  • Mercenaries: Armor type of some units changed to Light

Out of nowhere, the scripts got corrupted and I had to rewrite half the changes a second time. As a weird side effect, there are now spooky ghost scripts that appear in the trigger editor every time I open the map. Thanks Reforged.

  • Game: Heroes now have a timer window that shows revive time
  • Game: Changed some default strings
  • Game: Added proper icon for upgradeable hero armor
  • Vault: Has a pointless but nifty fade in animation now
  • Mystic: Cooldown of cantrips is now 2 seconds
  • Champions: Are now denoted by a special icon border
  • Race Units: Buffed the attack damage of Dragonhawks, Grunts, Ghouls and Mountain Giants
  • Doom Guard: Now a champion unit
  • Hydralisk: Now properly affected by Slayer, nerfed attack damage
  • Bronze Dragons: Have their Lighting Attack visuals back
  • Black Dragons: Necrotic Breath follows Black Arrow rules - enemies have to actually die to Black Dragon attacks or shortly after to be raised
  • Tough Carapace: Now has no damage treshold, but is only removed by attacks
  • Bandit Lord: Now has Stealth, like the rest of bandits
  • Dire Wolves/Overlord: Now use Howl of Terror
  • Lightning Revenant: Properly has Slayer now
  • Magic: Several spellcasting/champion mercenaries now use offensive spells
  • Envenomed Spears: Level 3 Upgrade slow reduced from 10% to 7.5%
  • Default Spellcasters: Rebalanced spellcasters and their upgrades
  • Upgrades: Reformated upgrade tooltips for more clarity
  • Game: Red is no longer on a different team from everyone else


Special Thanks:

  • WC3 Vidya Group, for obvious reasons
  • Marble specifically for actual programming advice
  • All the UFF people, you know who you are
  • Toby Fox for that Undertale sfx used for mode switching?
  • The Mount&Blade artist, source of the loading screen

Author's notes:

Feedback appreciated. I will probably continue to improve on the map for a while once I'm less swamped down the year. It's been fun sofar and I hope it'll remain as such.

Map Description Template Created by -Kobas-
Find more here: Map Description - Templates

Dominions of War v1043 (Map)


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
  1. Please avoid playing the music using the Play Sound action and use the Play Music.
  2. Maybe use more terrain tile variation?
  3. Seems really neat. The only problem is, you can't separate forces. All go where the leader tells them to. The Castle can only be defended by itself if the leader doesn't send/leave troops there or goes himself to defend the castle while the troops do something else. You can't separate troops to flank enemy forces.
  4. I love it that the Mercenary Camp units change. Would have been nice for the items in the shops to change too.
  5. I don't know if the map should be discovered all the time. You kind of know what the enemy is doing.
  6. Is there a way to play in teams? I haven't tried this one in multiplayer yet.

A fun strategy map with game modes that plays out differently than the normal game.
Need to try it with somebody as there is no AI for it before I should approve it.


Always check/recheck the Map Submission Rules! (Map Submission Rules)

These will help make a better description:

Screenshots could attract more players to download your work. Make the best of them.

A credits list is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated.

A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.

If you want more reviews, come here:
The Grand Review Exchange!
Level 7
Aug 31, 2006
1. Just checked, that's what it uses.
2. Ehhhh.
3. Intended.
4. Spells suck in general. Gotta do something about them.
5. That's actually pretty cool. Stealing this idea.
6. It's FFA. Teams would be very hard to implement in a way that makes sense.

Gonna check out one of those page templates. Default formatting seems broken.
Level 1
Dec 1, 2016
Hey I just found your map, it is very cool and Awesome map, I really like all the custom units and the idea and how you make it all balanced (sort of). Very cool map, You are Awesome :D
I Have nothing else to say, everything seem balanced and i have countered much bugs and glitches, this is a very fun map, I like RTS maps and this one is a good one (although no micro needed xD)
How about adding a Dispell spell? both to merc and normal units, this spell very needed.
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Level 2
Nov 8, 2014
Is it intentional that red doesn't always pick the game mode? Started a game, and much to our suprise, it was purple who was assigned to pick the modes, who was afk.

Also, pls nerf magic damage and summons since they're OP af.
Last edited:
Level 7
Aug 31, 2006
Game attempts to detect a host when it starts, hence on a bothosted game it will always pick the person with the lowest ping. Summons have been on a shitlist for a while, so I'll look into them (I assume you mean necromancers in particular). Dispells already exist, Dryads and several mercenary units can cast it, Spellbreakers can also redirect debuffs I guess.
Level 1
Dec 1, 2016
Is it intentional that red doesn't always pick the game mode? Started a game, and much to our suprise, it was purple who was assigned to pick the modes, who was afk.

Also, pls nerf magic damage and summons since they're OP af.
Oh hey Wtii_fan, sup. About that game, we had a problem with picking modes at start, I was red and Yourself was the Host and purple was the one who picked modes (lol). I have seen this bug before too, i dont know why it happens tho.
and about that game where i had op summons, well i had 3 nerubians at start, and of course the Lich hero, that can summon lots of skeletons from a cropse. It was strong in early game, but i dont think my summons would be good at lategame. This game is very balanced, after all.
Level 2
Nov 8, 2014
Game attempts to detect a host when it starts, hence on a bothosted game it will always pick the person with the lowest ping. Summons have been on a shitlist for a while, so I'll look into them (I assume you mean necromancers in particular). Dispells already exist, Dryads and several mercenary units can cast it, Spellbreakers can also redirect debuffs I guess.
Theres a particular Nerubian unit that has magic damage, heavy armor and has Raise Dead ability(?). You need to tone down the magic damage a little bit, and change the armor type to medium or light.
Level 1
Dec 1, 2016
How exciting! a new version of my favorite map! Only balance and fixes it seems, not a lot of content it seems... but we all know that these balances were desperately needed. Glad to see you back on track, I shall begin hosting this map whenever possible.