I'll definitely give that a try. I need to finish debugging something and make a backup in case is ruins everything...this map is getting very complex. But I think it should be doable.
As long as I have your attention, though, Bribe, I've been reading the tutorial you link in your comment and I have a question.
I believe you said that if you used "Triggering unit" more than 2-3 times in a trigger that it is better for your memory to assign it to a variable and use the variable. Did I read that correctly? I have a trigger that fires when any unit dies in my map that uses "triggering unit" about 30 times or so... I like Triggering Unit because I figured I was saving memory and processing speed by not using a lot of variables.
Thanks again for all your help. I'll try to +rep but I'll probably hit that "must spread some rep around first" wall.