Of course the shots are from the editor. I will assume that this is for a game, so what we need is to see these areas from the game - be it the cinematic wide-screen or the game with the interface. Things just look a lot different from inside the game than in the editor even with the editor game views there is still some differences.
The angles you have for all of your images supplied, along with the extremely far viewing ability of the editor compared to the game does not allow us to see what the player will see.
I give three examples as attachments:
Editor view: We are able to see to the edges of the map from editor there is no far z limitation.
Specialized Camera View: (Morlune the Mighty) The game camera follows behind the selected unit. In this image we see the short comings of the game map. There is a reason why the default game camera only lowers so far...
Default Game Camera view (Buzan the Fearless) scrolled down to the shallowest angle: We are not allowed to see the horizon or the sky or anything beyond the maximum limitations of far z. In fact is is most likely cut a bit smaller than the Far Z of 5000.
---> Both I used the cheat "iseedeadpeople" in order to see the farthest distance from the unit. The reality is that without that the view is even smaller.<---
Far Z (the distance one can see) in game is only 50000 - In editor terms, 6 large grid squares is about as far as the sky box goes from the selected unit. In my editor view compared to my specialized cam view you can see that many of by world edge trees are not seen in the game the Sky Box is closer than them. I have been battling for a year with my own desire for expansive views and the limited distance of the in game camera. The limit of only 6 large grid tiles of distance has made map making a real chore, there is only so many doodads, hills and what not one can use to make small 'rooms' for the character to be in.
There is a difference between pretty image terrain where the picture is taken from the Editor and used as say desktop wallpaper and in game camera views which have fog of war, black mask, the player interface (frame) and the very limited angle of attack of the camera and distance and all of that to content with. All of those have an impact on the final "how does it look" question.
IF at all possible I would suggest that you take in game shots. If the game has blackmask/fog of war then you need to have an invulnerable unit (Will not be attacked by placed hostiles) to run around from place to place to take screen shots of. His/her area of sight in the Fog and Mask will need to be taken into consideration when "judging" your terrain.