Why does this remind me of Starcraft?!
The terrain is decent.
The Good Stuff: Very nice tile variation ; Doodad placement in the first screenshot is nice ; Sky fits terrain.
The Bad Stuff: Hills are too pointy in areas ; Try to lower them a bit to make them smoother ; No set fog ; Building placement kind of looks random(Though I've no clue what this project is about ; Surface of the terrain looks way too jagged, especially for a jungle ; The cliffs in the background of the first and second screenshots are very bumpy.
Well there is definately room for improvement, no question about it. I think the tile variation is just about complete I must admit. It's a bit random, but it all blends well. You need a lot more environmental doodads to be placed and perhaps some props as well. You need to decorate your terrain with more than forests and the occasional rock and shrub. I recommend you check out Gilles' work of terrain. He has listened pretty much to everything I've advised and his work is getting better. You could learn a lot from his work.