// Author: Tank-Commander //
// Requires: Dummy.mdl //
// Purpose: Combo Spell Set //
// //
// Notes: //
// - Read the readme before you try modifying the config //
// - Use the "Helpful files" to help you import the spell //
// //
// Credits: //
// - (Dummy.mdl) Vexorian //
// - (Orb Models) Frankster //
// //
// //
// If you have used this spellset in your map, you are required //
// to give credits to Tank-Commander for the creation of it //
// If you would like to use snippets of code from this for //
// whatever, getting permission and crediting the source/linking //
// would be much appreciated. //
// README: //
// Before modifying this spell a few things need to be //
// understood and read, this is one of those things, while //
// most modification can be considered intuitive, it still //
// helps to read through these intstructions, as they will //
// inform you about how to configure this spell to your //
// desire. //
// Initial importing: The variable creator trigger can be //
// imported first and if you have the correct settings (file, //
// preferences, General, automatically create unknown variables //
// checked, then when you paste in the variable creator it //
// will automatically give you all the variables you need for //
// this spell //
// //
// While the remaining object editor based data is not required //
// to function (provided they're replaced with equivelents) //
// it's recommended that they are also imported, if their data //
// value are not the same as listed in the configuration, those //
// configurables will need to be changed to work correctly //
// This configuration is divided up for each ability so that //
// it's easier to navigate for each individual ability, with //
// general functions in a seperate section the order: //
// - General //
// - Orbs of Creation //
// - Orbs of Destruction //
// - Orbs of Justice //
// - Cycle of Life //
// - Equaliser //
// - Trial by Fire //
// - Pillars of Judgement //
// - Wild Growth //
// - Armageddon //
// - Countdown //
// - Divine Envoy //
// - Loop control (Can be configured, but mostly read-only) //
// //
// - Viewing data values: To see data values in the editor you //
// need to press Ctrl + D, to shift back to normal viewing //
// press it again //
// //
// - Effects: Pathnames for effects used in the spells should //
// have two "\"s throughout or the effect will not work (the //
// WE progress bar will not go away when saving, however if //
// fixed afterwards the save will still work, but the progress //
// bar will still remain until the WE is closed) //
// e.g. "units\\human\\Footman\\Footman" //
// //
// - Effect Scaling: Some effects have scale values below them //
// the scale determines the size of the effect and is expressed //
// as a real percentage (1.00 = 100%) //
// //
// - Removing Effects: to remove an effect you don't want from //
// the ability, set the model path to that of Dummy.mdl //
// //
// - Base and Per Values: Most configurables have a base and per //
// value, Base values are what a value is set to regardless of //
// other factors. Per values are what a value is set to based on //
// what the per value is the formula for calculating the result //
// is as follows: //
// - BaseValue + (Factor * PerValue) //
// //
// - Factors: Per values all have factors, what the factor is, //
// is described in the configuration. Common factors are: //
// - Level: The level of the base ability //
// - PowerLevel: The Stored power in an Orb //
// //
// - Timer: Some configurables have PerSecond values, the code //
// automatically accounts for changes to the timer as to //
// maintain consistency with what the user has chosen //
// All times in the system are expressions of seconds //
// //
// - True or Incoming Speed: Most spells have this configurable //
// and it controls the form of movement used by the spell, if //
// it is set to true, then the True values in the configurables //
// will be used, if set to false then the Speed will be found //
// from the Incoming Time (the time to reach the target) and //
// the Timer speed, note that incoming times should not be //
// lower than the timer speed, and definitely not 0 (may cause //
/// crashes) //
// //
// - AttackTypes: This should match the Damage Type of the //
// ability, though it can be something else if you wish //
// //
// - DamageTypes: This changes the damage multiplyer vs. enemy //
// armour types, note that by default the damage filters //
// exclude magic immune units so changing this from MAGIC //
// damage will not make them take damage //
// //
// - WeaponTypes: Generally don't need to be used, should only //
// not be null if you particularly wish or need to use them //
// //
// - Modifying StageIDs and TypeIDs in the loop control can //
// cause the system to stop functioning corretly, understanding //
// of the code is strongly recommended should you attempt to //
// change these //
// //
// TimerSpeed: This is the rate in which the loop function runs //
// default value is 0.031250000, this value cannot be 0, for any //
// other value the system automatically adjusts so that things //
// remain as normal, vals between 0.03 <-> 0.04 are recommended //
constant function DES_TimerSpeed takes nothing returns real
return 0.031250000
// DummyID: This is the data value of the unit that serves as //
// the dummy, it should have Dummy.mdl set to its model have //
// locust as its ability, movement type floar (or fly) and 0 //
// pitch and roll angle for optimal use //
constant function DES_DummyID takes nothing returns integer
return 'u000'
// TreantID: This is the data value of the unit that serves as //
// the treants for Wild Growth - all their stats are object //
// editor based and can be anything you wish //
constant function DES_TreantID takes nothing returns integer
return 'efon'
// TreeCheckerID: This is the data value of the unit that is //
// used to scan for trees in the system (if DestroyTrees is //
// enabled) this unit should have the harvest ability //
// and dummy.mdl for its model (to make it invisible) //
constant function DES_TreeCheckerID takes nothing returns integer
return 'u001'
// CreationID: This is the data value of the ability used as //
// a base to cast Orbs of Creation from, it should be a //
// target point ability (AOE optional) //
constant function DES_CreationID takes nothing returns integer
return 'A000'
// DestructionID: This is the data value of the ability used //
// as a base to cast Orbs of Destruction, it should be a //
// target point ability (AOE optional) //
constant function DES_DestructionID takes nothing returns integer
return 'A001'
// JusticeID: This is the data value of the ability used as a //
// base to cast Orbs of Justice, it should be a target point //
// ability (AOE Optional, None for optimal) //
constant function DES_JusticeID takes nothing returns integer
return 'A002'
// PillarsID: This is the data value of the ability used as a //
// base to cast Pillars of Justice, it should be a target //
// point ability (AOE Optional) //
constant function DES_PillarsID takes nothing returns integer
return 'A003'
// SlowID: This is the data value of the ability used by Orbs //
// of Justice to slow nearby enemy units, it should be based //
// off Slow Aura (Tornado) with the same amount of levels as //
// Orbs of Justice (it can have an extra one if you intend the //
// ultimate to use a unique level of this ability) //
constant function DES_SlowID takes nothing returns integer
return 'A004'
// CountdownID: This is the data value of the ability used by //
// Countdown to mark units that are affected by it, which //
// targets both enemies and allies, it should be based off //
// Slow Aura (Tornado) but only needs 1 level as it's used //
// for creating the buff icon rather than any other effect //
constant function DES_CountdownID takes nothing returns integer
return 'A005'
// BurnID: This is the data value of the ability used by Trial //
// by Fire to mark units that are on Fire and taking damage //
// over time, it should be based off Slow Aura (Tornado) and //
// only needs 1 level, as it's used for creating the buff //
// icon rather than any other effect //
constant function DES_BurnID takes nothing returns integer
return 'A006'
// TimedLifeID: This is the data value of the buff used to //
// mark units with timed lives, the only time this is //
// visible to players is on the Treants, hence use an //
// appropriate buff for the units that you summon via Wild //
// Growth, the default ID is the one for Force of Nature //
constant function DES_TimedLifeID takes nothing returns integer
return 'BEfn'
// LightningID: This is the data value of the lightning //
// effect used by Divine Envoy, no other ability uses it so //
// pick based on the effects you use for Divine Envoy //
constant function DES_LightningID takes nothing returns string
return "CLPB"
// LightningRed: This is the percentage (1.00 = 100%) of red //
// in the lightning effect picked in LightningID //
constant function DES_LightningRed takes nothing returns real
return 1.00
// LightningGreen: This is the percentage (1.00 = 100%) of //
// green in the lightning effect picked in LightningID //
constant function DES_LightningGreen takes nothing returns real
return 1.00
// LightningBlue: This is the percentage (1.00 = 100%) of //
// blue in the lightning effect picked in LightningID //
constant function DES_LightningBlue takes nothing returns real
return 1.00
// LightningAlpha: This is the percentage of visibility or //
// transparity of the lightning effect (1.00 = 100%) with 0.00 //
// being invisible //
constant function DES_LightningAlpha takes nothing returns real
return 1.00
// Gravity: This is the strength of gravity in the map, this //
// has an effect on the height projectiles reach depending on //
// their form of movement (incoming time trajectories will have //
// more shallow angles, as will true speed trajectories the //
// lower the gravity is, but the knockback from Divine Envoy //
// will have a higher trajectory, and vice Versa //
// setting this to 0 will cause game crashes in certain //
// situations, they may also occur with particularly low values //
constant function DES_Gravity takes nothing returns real
return 4.12
// TerrainHeightMatters: Setting this value to true will cause //
// projectiles to take the terrain height of the ground beneath //
// them into account throughout their trajectories making arcs //
// smoother, however they may also hit the ground if terrain //
// obstructs their path which may result in the ability not //
// reaching the target area (if this is a persistent problem //
// increasing the strength of gravity can resolve this) //
constant function DES_TerrainHeightMatters takes nothing returns boolean
return true
// DestroyTrees: Setting this value to true will cause units //
// that are being pulled or knocked back to destroy trees //
// en-route, preventing them from getting stuck. Note: Units //
// may still be thrown into trees and get stuck if you use 3D //
// knockback with Divine Envoy //
constant function DES_DestroyTrees takes nothing returns boolean
return true
// TreeDestroyRadius: This is the area around units that will //
// be checked for trees that are obstructing, setting this //
// to a high value (x > 100) may result in lag when many units //
// are pulled into trees (for instance if Pillars of Judgement //
// is cast in the centre of many trees) due to the amount of //
// checks that must run in that scenario, may also occur with //
// knockback though is significantly less likely //
constant function DES_TreeDestroyRadius takes nothing returns real
return 60.00
// Effect Expiration Timer: This is the duration which dead //
// Dummy units stick around for so that their death effects can //
// play, this mostly applies to Pillars of Judgement at the end //
// and other effects spawned like impact and combo effects //
constant function DES_EffectExpirationTimer takes nothing returns real
return 2.00
// DummyPlayer: This is the player that gains ownership of all //
// of the dummy units (primarily so that the spell does not //
// have an effect on the game scorescreen by filling it with //
// dummy stats) this should be one of the neutral players, the //
// default is neutral passive, however for neutral passive to //
// function correctly in maps the Gameplay constant "Creep //
// guard area" needs to be higherthan the maximum distance of //
// the abilities in your map, otherwise it should be set to a //
// player which is always present (e.g. a dummy computer player //
// or the player which has control of the units which can use //
// these abilities //
constant function DES_DummyPlayer takes nothing returns player
return Player(14)
// AttachmentPoint: This is the attachment point on the dummy //
// units which all effects are placed on, this can be anything //
// so long as it's a valid attachment point, try different ones //
// to find one you like //
constant function DES_AttachmentPoint takes nothing returns string
return "origin"
// ComboCollision: This is the distance between two orbs that //
// is necessary to trigger a combo, this should reflect the //
// general size of the orbs (this not per instance as both orbs //
// should be able to confirm the location of the other) //
constant function DES_ComboCollision takes nothing returns real
return 60.00
// GroundDrag: This is the percentage reduction per timer cycle //
// of units being knocked back, this value should not be over //
// (or equal to) 1.00, as this will cause the units to be //
// permanently pushed back //
constant function DES_GroundDrag takes nothing returns real
return 0.95
// GroundDragStop: This is the speed units must be travelling //
// for the system to stop knocking them back, this can be any //
// value, but should not be 0.00 (though it may still work) //
// and setting this to negative values will cause units that //
// are knocked back to permanently by treated as being knocked //
// back, even if they physically aren't being knocked back //
constant function DES_GroundDragStop takes nothing returns real
return 1.00
// FallDamageMultiplyer: This is the bonus fall damage units //
// take as a percentage of their Z velocity upon hitting the //
// ground (units falling from a higher height, take more damage) //
// (1.00 = 100%) //
constant function DES_FallDamageMultiplyer takes nothing returns real
return 1.00
// FilterMaxZ: This is the highest height a unit can be at //
// while still qualifying for the target filters (this is so //
// you can make low-flyers specifically targetable will not //
// affecting high flyers, however Divine Envoy should not have //
// 3D knockback if this value is above 0, also using negative //
// values will make all units untargetable //
constant function DES_FilterMaxZ takes nothing returns real
return 2.00
// KnockbackEffect: This is the path of the effect used on //
// units that have been knocked back when they are in flight //
constant function DES_KnockbackEffect takes nothing returns string
return "Abilities\\Spells\\Other\\Tornado\\Tornado_Target.mdl"
// GroundHeightLet: This is the height at which the unit is //
// treated as being on the ground (its fly height wil be set to //
// 0. //
constant function DES_GroundHeightLet takes nothing returns real
return 0.
// CPowerLevel: This is the amount of stored power in the Orbs //
// and increases all other ability stats //
constant function DES_CPowerLevelBase takes nothing returns real
return 1.50
// //
constant function DES_CPowerLevelPerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 0.50
// COrbCount: This is the amount of Orbs created by the ability //
constant function DES_COrbCountBase takes nothing returns integer
return 0
// //
constant function DES_COrbCountPerLevel takes nothing returns integer
return 3
// COrbEffect: This is the effect used for the Orbs //
constant function DES_COrbEffect takes nothing returns string
return "war3mapImported\\OrbPoisonX.mdx"
// COrbScale: This is the size of the Orbs //
constant function DES_COrbScaleBase takes nothing returns real
return 0.40
// //
constant function DES_COrbScalePerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 0.20
// CDeathEffect: This is the effect played when the Orb dies //
constant function DES_CDeathEffect takes nothing returns string
return "Abilities\\Spells\\Items\\TomeOfRetraining\\TomeOfRetrainingCaster.mdl"
// CImpactEffect: This is the effect played when the Orb hits //
// the terrain //
constant function DES_CImpactEffect takes nothing returns string
return "Objects\\Spawnmodels\\NightElf\\NEDeathSmall\\NEDeathSmall.mdl"
// CImpactScale: This is the size of the impact effect //
constant function DES_CImpactScaleBase takes nothing returns real
return 0.20
// //
constant function DES_CImpactScalePerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 0.20
// CMoveEffect: This is the effect attached to the Orb while //
// it is arcing //
constant function DES_CMoveEffect takes nothing returns string
return "Abilities\\Weapons\\IllidanMissile\\IllidanMissile.mdl"
// CHealEffect: This is the effect attached to units which are //
// being passively healed //
constant function DES_CHealEffect takes nothing returns string
return "Abilities\\Spells\\Items\\ResourceItems\\ResourceEffectTarget.mdl"
// CImpactHealEffect: This is the effect attached to units //
// which are hit when the Orb lands //
constant function DES_CImpactHealEffect takes nothing returns string
return "Abilities\\Spells\\Human\\HolyBolt\\HolyBoltSpecialArt.mdl"
// CSpreadAOE: This is how far the Orbs are spread out from //
// eachother from the circle centre //
constant function DES_CSpreadAOEBase takes nothing returns real
return 150.00
// //
constant function DES_CSpreadAOEPerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 15.00
// CImpactAOE: This is the area that is affected by the Orbs //
// when they land //
constant function DES_CImpactAOEBase takes nothing returns real
return 45.00
// //
constant function DES_CImpactAOEPerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 20.00
// CPassiveHealAOE: This is the area that is affected by the //
// passive healing of the Orbs //
constant function DES_CPassiveHealAOEBase takes nothing returns real
return 45.00
// //
constant function DES_CPassiveHealAOEPerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 20.00
// CImpactHealHealth: This is the amount of health restored to //
// units in the Impact area of the Orbs when they land //
constant function DES_CImpactHealHealthBase takes nothing returns real
return 10.00
// //
constant function DES_CImpactHealHealthPerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 5.00
// CImpactHealMana: This is the amount of mana restored to //
// units in the impact area of the Orbs when they land //
constant function DES_CImpactHealManaBase takes nothing returns real
return 0.00
// //
constant function DES_CImpactHealManaPerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 0.00
// CPassiveHealHealth: This is the amount of health restored to //
// units that are being passively healed by the Orbs //
constant function DES_CPassiveHealHealthBase takes nothing returns real
return 2.00
// //
constant function DES_CPassiveHealHealthPerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 2.00
// CPassiveHealMana: This is the amount of mana restored to //
// units that are being passively healed by the Orbs //
constant function DES_CPassiveHealManaBase takes nothing returns real
return 0.00
// //
constant function DES_CPassiveHealManaPerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 0.00
// CTrueOrIncomingSpeed: This determines the form of movement //
// the Orbs use //
constant function DES_CTrueOrIncomingSpeed takes nothing returns boolean
return false
// CTrueSpeed: This is the true speed value of the Obs //
constant function DES_CTrueSpeedBase takes nothing returns real
return 5.00
// //
constant function DES_CTrueSpeedPerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 7.00
// CIncomingTime: This is the time it takes for the Orbs to land //
constant function DES_CIncomingTimeBase takes nothing returns real
return 2.00
// //
constant function DES_CIncomingTimePerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return -0.30
// CPassiveDelay: This is the time between passive healing //
// bursts from the Orbs //
constant function DES_CPassiveDelayBase takes nothing returns real
return 2.00
// //
constant function DES_CPassiveDelayPerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return -0.075
// CTimedLife: This is how long the Orbs last after they have //
// landed on the terrain //
constant function DES_CTimedLifeBase takes nothing returns real
return 2.00
// //
constant function DES_CTimedLifePerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 2.00
// DPowerLevel: This is the amount of stored power in the Orbs //
// and increases all other ability stats //
constant function DES_DPowerLevelBase takes nothing returns real
return 1.50
// //
constant function DES_DPowerLevelPerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 0.50
// LargeDPowerLevelMultiplyer: This is the extra stored power //
// in the intial Destruction Orb as a multiplyer of the normal //
// Orb's stored power //
constant function DES_LargeDPowerLevelMultiplyerBase takes nothing returns real
return 2.00
// //
constant function DES_LargeDPowerLevelMultiplyerPerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 0.00
// DOrbCount: This is the amount of Orbs created upon the large //
// Orb hitting the ground //
constant function DES_DOrbCountBase takes nothing returns integer
return 3
// //
constant function DES_DOrbCountPerLevel takes nothing returns integer
return 2
// DOrbEffect: This is the effect used as the model for the Orbs //
constant function DES_DOrbEffect takes nothing returns string
return "war3mapImported\\OrbFireX.mdx"
// DOrbScale: This is the size of the Orbs //
constant function DES_DOrbScaleBase takes nothing returns real
return 0.40
// //
constant function DES_DOrbScalePerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 0.20
// DDeathEffect: This is the effect used when the Orb dies //
constant function DES_DDeathEffect takes nothing returns string
return "Abilities\\Spells\\Items\\TomeOfRetraining\\TomeOfRetrainingCaster.mdl"
// DImpactEffect: This is the effect used when the Orbs hit the //
// terrain //
constant function DES_DImpactEffect takes nothing returns string
return "Objects\\Spawnmodels\\Other\\NeutralBuildingExplosion\\NeutralBuildingExplosion.mdl"
// DImpactScale: This is the size of the effect used when the //
// Orbs hit the terrain //
constant function DES_DImpactScaleBase takes nothing returns real
return 0.40
// //
constant function DES_DImpactScalePerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 0.10
// DMoveEffect: This is the effect attached to the Orbs when //
// they are in flight //
constant function DES_DMoveEffect takes nothing returns string
return "Abilities\\Weapons\\PhoenixMissile\\Phoenix_Missile_mini.mdl"
// DImpactDamageEffect: This is the effect attached to units //
// that are within the Impact Area of the Ors when they hit the //
// ground
constant function DES_DImpactDamageEffect takes nothing returns string
return "Abilities\\Weapons\\DemolisherFireMissile\\DemolisherFireMissile.mdl"
// DDamageEffect: This is the effect attached to Units that are //
// being passively damaged by the Orbs //
constant function DES_DDamageEffect takes nothing returns string
return "Abilities\\Spells\\Items\\AIfb\\AIfbSpecialArt.mdl"
// DMinSpreadAOE: This is the minimum distance from the centre //
// of impact that all normal sized Orbs are aimed at //
constant function DES_DMinSpreadAOE takes nothing returns real
return 50.00
// DImpactAOE: This is the size of the area for which units take //
// damage if they're in when the Orbs hit the ground //
constant function DES_DImpactAOEBase takes nothing returns real
return 45.00
// //
constant function DES_DImpactAOEPerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 40.00
// DPassiveDamageAOE: this is the size of the area for which //
// units take passive damage from the Orbs if they are within //
constant function DES_DPassiveDamageAOEBase takes nothing returns real
return 45.00
// //
constant function DES_DPassiveDamageAOEPerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 20.00
// DImpactDamageHealth: This is the amount of health damage //
// dealt to units within the Impact Area when the Orbs land //
constant function DES_DImpactDamageHealthBase takes nothing returns real
return 10.00
// //
constant function DES_DImpactDamageHealthPerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 5.00
// DImpactDamageMana: This is the amount of mana damage dealt //
// to units within the Impact Area when the Orbs land //
constant function DES_DImpactDamageManaBase takes nothing returns real
return 0.00
// //
constant function DES_DImpactDamageManaPerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 0.00
// DPassiveDamageHealth: This is the amount of health damage //
// dealt passively to enemies near the Orbs //
constant function DES_DPassiveDamageHealthBase takes nothing returns real
return 5.00
// //
constant function DES_DPassiveDamageHealthPerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 2.00
// DPassiveDamageMana: This is the amount of mana damage dealt //
// passively to enemies near the Orbs //
constant function DES_DPassiveDamageManaBase takes nothing returns real
return 0.00
// //
constant function DES_DPassiveDamageManaPerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 0.00
// DTrueOrIncomingSpeed: This determines what form of movement //
// type is used for the Orbs when they are in flight //
constant function DES_DTrueOrIncomingSpeed takes nothing returns boolean
return true
// DTrueSpeed: Determines the true speed of the Orbs while they //
// are in flight //
constant function DES_DTrueSpeedBase takes nothing returns real
return 5.00
// //
constant function DES_DTrueSpeedPerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 3.00
// DIncomingTime: Determines how many seconds it takes for the //
// Orbs to land after being launched //
constant function DES_DIncomingTimeBase takes nothing returns real
return 2.00
// //
constant function DES_DIncomingTimePerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return -0.30
// DPassiveDelay: This is how many seconds there are between //
// bursts of damage from the Orbs //
constant function DES_DPassiveDelayBase takes nothing returns real
return 2.00
// //
constant function DES_DPassiveDelayPerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return -0.075
// DTimedLife: This is how long the Orbs last after they have //
// hit the terrain //
constant function DES_DTimedLifeBase takes nothing returns real
return 2.00
// //
constant function DES_DTimedLifePerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 2.00
// DAttackType: This is the attack type used by all damage done //
// by the Orbs //
constant function DES_DAttackType takes nothing returns attacktype
// DDamageType: This is the damage type used by all damage done //
// by the Orbs //
constant function DES_DDamageType takes nothing returns damagetype
// DWeaponType: This is the weapon type used by all damage done //
// by the Orbs //
constant function DES_DWeaponType takes nothing returns weapontype
return null
// JPowerLevel: This is the amount of stored power in the Orbs //
// and increases all other ability stats //
constant function DES_JPowerLevelBase takes nothing returns real
return 1.50
// //
constant function DES_JPowerLevelPerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 0.50
// JOrbCount: This is the amount of Orbs created by the ability //
constant function DES_JOrbCountBase takes nothing returns integer
return 0
// //
constant function DES_JOrbCountPerLevel takes nothing returns integer
return 3
// JOrbEffect: This is the effect used as the model for the Orbs //
constant function DES_JOrbEffect takes nothing returns string
return "war3mapImported\\OrbDragonX.mdx"
// JOrbScale: This is the size of the Orbs //
constant function DES_JOrbScaleBase takes nothing returns real
return 0.40
// //
constant function DES_JOrbScalePerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 0.20
// JDeathEffect: This is the effect used when the Orbs dies //
constant function DES_JDeathEffect takes nothing returns string
return "Abilities\\Spells\\Items\\TomeOfRetraining\\TomeOfRetrainingCaster.mdl"
// JDamageEffect: This is the effect used on units that have //
// taken damage from the Orbs //
constant function DES_JDamageEffect takes nothing returns string
return "Abilities\\Spells\\Items\\AIil\\AIilTarget.mdl"
// JImpactScale: This is the size of the damage effect used //
// when units take damage from the Orbs //
constant function DES_JImpactScaleBase takes nothing returns real
return 1.00
// //
constant function DES_JImpactScalePerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 1.00
// JMoveEffect: This is the effect placed on the Orbs while they //
// are moving //
constant function DES_JMoveEffect takes nothing returns string
return "Abilities\\Weapons\\ZigguratMissile\\ZigguratMissile.mdl"
// JSlowEffect: This is the effect placed on units which are //
// being slowed by the Orbs //
constant function DES_JSlowEffect takes nothing returns string
return "Abilities\\Weapons\\ZigguratFrostMissile\\ZigguratFrostMissile.mdl"
// JAngleAreaBase: This is the angle (degrees) covered by the //
// Orbs when the ability is cast //
constant function DES_JAngleAreaBase takes nothing returns real
return 45.00
// //
constant function DES_JAngleAreaPerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 18.33
// JDamageAOE: This is the area around the Orbs which damages //
// units that the Orbs pass by //
constant function DES_JDamageAOEBase takes nothing returns real
return 45.00
// //
constant function DES_JDamageAOEPerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 20.00
// JDamageHealth: This is the amount of health damage dealt to //
// units the Orbs pass by //
constant function DES_JDamageHealthBase takes nothing returns real
return 20.00
// //
constant function DES_JDamageHealthPerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 2.00
// JDamageMana: This is the amount of mana damage dealt to units //
// the Orbs pass by //
constant function DES_JDamageManaBase takes nothing returns real
return 20.00
// //
constant function DES_JDamageManaPerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 2.00
// JDamageManaburnRatio: This is the percentage of mana damage //
// that is converted to extra health damage by the Orbs //
// (1.00 = 100%) //
constant function DES_JDamageManaburnRatioBase takes nothing returns real
return 0.50
// //
constant function DES_JDamageManaburnRatioPerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 0.20
// JTrueOrIncomingSpeed: This is the type of movement used by //
// the Orbs when they are spreading out //
constant function DES_JTrueOrIncomingSpeed takes nothing returns boolean
return false
// JTrueSpeed: Determines the true speed of the Orbs when they //
// are spreading out //
constant function DES_JTrueSpeedBase takes nothing returns real
return 5.00
// //
constant function DES_JTrueSpeedPerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 5.00
// JIncomingTime: Determines how long in seconds it takes for //
// the Orbs to spread out //
constant function DES_JIncomingTimeBase takes nothing returns real
return 1.50
// //
constant function DES_JIncomingTimePerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return -0.25
// JDamageDelay: This is the time in seconds between each burst //
// of damage dealt by the Orbs to units they pass by, works //
// best with true speed (incoming speed can result in units //
// being hit many times if they are in close range) //
constant function DES_JDamageDelayBase takes nothing returns real
return 0.30
// //
constant function DES_JDamageDelayPerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return -0.05
// JTimedLife: This is the duration of the Orbs after they have //
// have finished spreading out in seconds //
constant function DES_JTimedLifeBase takes nothing returns real
return 2.00
// //
constant function DES_JTimedLifePerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 2.00
// JAttackType: This is the attack type used by all damage done //
// by the Orbs //
constant function DES_JAttackType takes nothing returns attacktype
// JDamageType: This is the damage type used by all damage done //
// by the Orbs //
constant function DES_JDamageType takes nothing returns damagetype
// JWeaponType: This is the weapon type used by all damage done //
// by the Orbs //
constant function DES_JWeaponType takes nothing returns weapontype
return null
// CycleActivateEffect: This is the effect played at the centre //
// of the combo ability //
constant function DES_CycleActivateEffect takes nothing returns string
return "Objects\\Spawnmodels\\NightElf\\EntBirthTarget\\EntBirthTarget.mdl"
// CycleActivateScale: This is the size of the effect played at //
// the centre of the combo ability //
constant function DES_CycleActivateScaleBase takes nothing returns real
return 0.30
// //
constant function DES_CycleActivateScalePerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 0.1
// CycleBoarderEffect: This is the effect played around the //
// edges of the combo ability //
constant function DES_CycleBoarderEffect takes nothing returns string
return "Units\\NightElf\\Wisp\\WispExplode.mdl"
// CycleBoarderScale: This is the size of the effect played //
// around the edges of the combo ability //
constant function DES_CycleBoarderScaleBase takes nothing returns real
return 0.05
constant function DES_CycleBoarderScalePerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 0.015
// CycleBoarderSpace: This is the amount of the circumference //
// used up by a single boarder entity //
constant function DES_CycleBoarderSpaceBase takes nothing returns real
return 20.00
// //
constant function DES_CycleBoarderSpacePerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 5.00
// CycleDamageEffect: This is the damage effect played on units //
// that take damage from the combo ability //
constant function DES_CycleDamageEffect takes nothing returns string
return "Abilities\\Spells\\Undead\\DeathCoil\\DeathCoilSpecialArt.mdl"
// CycleHealEffect: This is the heal effect played on units //
// that are healed by the combo ability //
constant function DES_CycleHealEffect takes nothing returns string
return "Abilities\\Spells\\Orc\\HealingWave\\HealingWaveTarget.mdl"
// CycleAOE: This is the Area that is affected by the combo //
// ability //
constant function DES_CycleAOEBase takes nothing returns real
return 50.00
// //
constant function DES_CycleAOEPerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 25.00
// CycleDamageHealth: This is the amount of health damage dealt //
// to enemies affected by the combo ability //
constant function DES_CycleDamageHealthBase takes nothing returns real
return 20.00
// //
constant function DES_CycleDamageHealthPerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 5.00
// CycleDamageMana: This is the amount of mana damage dealt to //
// enemies affected by the combo ability //
constant function DES_CycleDamageManaBase takes nothing returns real
return 0.00
// //
constant function DES_CycleDamageManaPerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 0.00
// CycleHealHealthRatio: This is the ratio of damage dealt to //
// enemies into health healed to allies (1.00 = 100%) //
constant function DES_CycleHealHealthRatioBase takes nothing returns real
return 0.05
// //
constant function DES_CycleHealHealthRatioPerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 0.02
// CycleHealManaRatio: This is the ratio of damage deal to //
// enemies into Mana restored to allies (1.00 = 100%) //
constant function DES_CycleHealManaRatioBase takes nothing returns real
return 0.00
// //
constant function DES_CycleHealManaRatioPerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 0.00
// CycleAttackType: This is the attack type used by all damage //
// done by the combo ability //
constant function DES_CycleAttackType takes nothing returns attacktype
// CycleDamageType: This is the damage type used by all damage //
// done by the combo ability //
constant function DES_CycleDamageType takes nothing returns damagetype
// CycleWeaponType: This is the weapon type used by all damage //
// done by the combo ability //
constant function DES_CycleWeaponType takes nothing returns weapontype
return null
// EqualActivateEffect: This is the effect played at the centre //
// of the combo ability //
constant function DES_EqualActivateEffect takes nothing returns string
return "Abilities\\Spells\\Other\\Charm\\CharmTarget.mdl"
// EqualActivateScale: This is the size of the effect played at //
// the centre of the combo ability //
constant function DES_EqualActivateScaleBase takes nothing returns real
return 0.50
// //
constant function DES_EqualActivateScalePerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 0.0075
// EqualBoarderEffect: This is the effect played around the //
// edges of the combo ability //
constant function DES_EqualBoarderEffect takes nothing returns string
return "Abilities\\Spells\\Items\\AIre\\AIreTarget.mdl"
// EqualBoarderScale: This is the size of the effect played //
// around the edges of the combo ability //
constant function DES_EqualBoarderScaleBase takes nothing returns real
return 0.20
// //
constant function DES_EqualBoarderScalePerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 0.015
// EqualBoarderSpace: This is the amount of the circumference //
// used up by a single boarder entity //
constant function DES_EqualBoarderSpaceBase takes nothing returns real
return 20.00
// //
constant function DES_EqualBoarderSpacePerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 5.00
// EqualAlterEffect: This is the effect played on units which //
// have their health altered by the combo ability
constant function DES_EqualAlterEffect takes nothing returns string
return "Abilities\\Spells\\Human\\Invisibility\\InvisibilityTarget.mdl"
// EqualAOE: This is the Area that is affected by the combo //
// ability //
constant function DES_EqualAOEBase takes nothing returns real
return 50.00
// //
constant function DES_EqualAOEPerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 25.00
// EqualManaCost: This is the amount of mana drained from units //
// that are affected by the combo ability //
constant function DES_EqualManaCostBase takes nothing returns real
return 10.00
// //
constant function DES_EqualManaCostPerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 5.00
// TrialActivateEffect: This is the effect played at the centre //
// of the combo ability //
constant function DES_TrialActivateEffect takes nothing returns string
return "Abilities\\Spells\\Other\\Incinerate\\FireLordDeathExplode.mdl"
// TrialActivateScale: This is the size of the effect played at //
// the centre of the combo ability //
constant function DES_TrialActivateScaleBase takes nothing returns real
return 0.20
// //
constant function DES_TrialActivateScalePerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 0.10
// TrialBoarderEffect: This is the effect played around the //
// edges of the combo ability //
constant function DES_TrialBoarderEffect takes nothing returns string
return "Abilities\\Weapons\\PhoenixMissile\\Phoenix_Missile.mdl"
// TrialBoarderScale: This is the size of the effect played //
// around the edges of the combo ability //
constant function DES_TrialBoarderScaleBase takes nothing returns real
return 0.10
// //
constant function DES_TrialBoarderScalePerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 0.015
// TrialBoarderSpace: This is the amount of the circumference //
// used up by a single boarder entity //
constant function DES_TrialBoarderSpaceBase takes nothing returns real
return 20.00
// //
constant function DES_TrialBoarderSpacePerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 5.00
// TrialDamageEffect: This is the effect played on units that //
// are set on fire by the combo ability //
constant function DES_TrialDamageEffect takes nothing returns string
return "Abilities\\Spells\\Other\\Incinerate\\IncinerateBuff.mdl"
// TrialBurnEffect: This is the effect played on units that are //
// currently on fire //
constant function DES_TrialBurnEffect takes nothing returns string
return "Environment\\LargeBuildingFire\\LargeBuildingFire2.mdl"
// TrialExplodeEffect: This is the effect played on units that //
// died while on fire //
constant function DES_TrialExplodeEffect takes nothing returns string
return "Abilities\\Spells\\Orc\\FeralSpirit\\feralspiritdone.mdl"
// TrialAOE: This is the Area that is affected by the combo //
// ability //
constant function DES_TrialAOEBase takes nothing returns real
return 50.00
// //
constant function DES_TrialAOEPerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 25.00
// TrialExplosionAOE: This is the Area that is affected by units //
// which die while on fire //
constant function DES_TrialExplosionAOEBase takes nothing returns real
return 20.00
// //
constant function DES_TrialExplosionAOEPerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 10.00
// TrialDamageHealth: This is the amount of health damage dealt //
// to units that are set on fire //
constant function DES_TrialDamageHealthBase takes nothing returns real
return 20.00
// //
constant function DES_TrialDamageHealthPerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 2.00
// TrialDamageMana: This is the amount of mana damage dealt to //
// units that are set on fire //
constant function DES_TrialDamageManaBase takes nothing returns real
return 0.00
// //
constant function DES_TrialDamageManaPerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 0.00
// TrialExplosionHealthDamage: This is the amount of health //
// damage dealt to units near a unit that died while on fire //
constant function DES_TrialExplosionHealthDamageBase takes nothing returns real
return 20.00
// //
constant function DES_TrialExplosionHealthDamagePerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 2.00
// TrialExplosionManaDamage: This is the amount of mana damage //
// dealt to units near a unit that died while on fire //
constant function DES_TrialExplosionManaDamageBase takes nothing returns real
return 0.00
// //
constant function DES_TrialExplosionManaDamagePerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 0.00
// TrialBurnHealthDamage: This is the amount of health damage //
// dealt to units that are currently on fire //
constant function DES_TrialBurnHealthDamageBase takes nothing returns real
return 2.00
// //
constant function DES_TrialBurnHealthDamagePerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 0.5
// TrialBurnManaDamage: This is the amount of mana damage dealt //
// to units that are currently on fire //
constant function DES_TrialBurnManaDamageBase takes nothing returns real
return 0.00
// //
constant function DES_TrialBurnManaDamagePerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 0.00
// TrialDamageDelay: This is the time in seconds between bursts //
// of damage to units that are on fire //
constant function DES_TrialDamageDelayBase takes nothing returns real
return 0.50
// //
constant function DES_TrialDamageDelayPerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 0.00
// TrialBurnDuration: This is the amount of time that units are //
// on fire for //
constant function DES_TrialBurnDurationBase takes nothing returns real
return 1.00
// //
constant function DES_TrialBurnDurationPerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 1.00
// TrialAttackType: This is the attack type used by all damage //
// done by the combo ability //
constant function DES_TrialAttackType takes nothing returns attacktype
// TrialDamageType: This is the damage type used by all damage //
// done by the combo ability //
constant function DES_TrialDamageType takes nothing returns damagetype
// TrialWeaponType: This is the weapon type used by all damage //
// done by the combo ability //
constant function DES_TrialWeaponType takes nothing returns weapontype
return null
// PPowerForOrb: This is the amount of power required to have //
// been gathered from a type of Orb to add an Orb onto the stack //
constant function DES_PPowerForOrbBase takes nothing returns real
return 7.00
// //
constant function DES_PPowerForOrbPerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 0.00
// PCreationStartingPower: This is the amount of Power starting //
// on the Orb of Creation stack //
constant function DES_PCreationStartingPowerBase takes nothing returns real
return 21.00
// //
constant function DES_PCreationStartingPowerPerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 0.00
// PDestructionStartingPower: This is the amount of Power //
// starting on the Orb of Destruction stack //
constant function DES_PDestructionStartingPowerBase takes nothing returns real
return 21.00
// //
constant function DES_PDestructionStartingPowerPerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 0.00
// PJusticeStartingPower: This is the amount of Power starting //
// on the Orb of Justice stack //
constant function DES_PJusticeStartingPowerBase takes nothing returns real
return 21.00
// //
constant function DES_PJusticeStartingPowerPerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 0.00
// PSmallOrbSizeLimiter: This is the divider used to make the //
// orbs smaller treating their size as if their power level was //
// 1/5 of what it actually is when determining their size //
constant function DES_PSmallOrbSizeLimiter takes nothing returns real
return 5.00
// POrbEffect: This is the Effect used as the central Orb //
constant function DES_POrbEffect takes nothing returns string
return "Abilities\\Weapons\\WitchDoctorMissile\\WitchDoctorMissile.mdl"
// POrbScale: This is the size of the central Orb //
constant function DES_POrbScaleBase takes nothing returns real
return 3.00
// //
constant function DES_POrbScalePerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 2.00
// PBoarderEffect: This is the effect placed around the central //
// Orb //
constant function DES_PBoarderEffect takes nothing returns string
return "Abilities\\Spells\\NightElf\\SpiritOfVengeance\\SpiritOfVengeanceOrbs1.mdl"
// PBoarderScale: This is the size of the effect placed around //
// the central Orb //
constant function DES_PBoarderScaleBase takes nothing returns real
return 7.00
// //
constant function DES_PBoarderScalePerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 1.00
// PBoarderCount: This is the amount of effected placed around //
// the central Orb //
constant function DES_PBoarderCountBase takes nothing returns integer
return 8
// //
constant function DES_PBoarderCountPerLevel takes nothing returns integer
return 0
// PSpawnEffect: This is the effect created when the ability //
// starts //
constant function DES_PSpawnEffect takes nothing returns string
return "Abilities\\Spells\\Human\\Resurrect\\ResurrectTarget.mdl"
// PPullEffect: This is the effect put on units that are being //
// pulled into the centre //
constant function DES_PPullEffect takes nothing returns string
return "Objects\\Spawnmodels\\Undead\\ImpaleTargetDust\\ImpaleTargetDust.mdl"
// PPullEffectDelay: This is the time in seconds between the //
// pulling effect being renewed on units that are being pulled //
constant function DES_PPullEffectDelayBase takes nothing returns real
return 1.00
// //
constant function DES_PPullEffectDelayPerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 0.00
// PAbsorbEffect: This is the effect played on Orbs that are //
// being absorbed into the stack //
constant function DES_PAbsorbEffect takes nothing returns string
return "Abilities\\Spells\\Human\\Resurrect\\ResurrectTarget.mdl"
// PDeathEffect: This is the death effect of the Central Orb //
// and its associated parts //
constant function DES_PDeathEffect takes nothing returns string
return "Abilities\\Spells\\Items\\TomeOfRetraining\\TomeOfRetrainingCaster.mdl"
// POrbHeightOffset: This is the height off the ground the //
// central Orb is placed at //
constant function DES_POrbHeightOffsetBase takes nothing returns real
return 200.00
// //
constant function DES_POrbHeightOffsetPerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 0.00
// PBoarderHeightOffsetAlter: This the height of the boarder in //
// relation to the height of the central Orb //
constant function DES_PBoarderHeightOffsetAlterBase takes nothing returns real
return -50.
// //
constant function DES_PBoarderHeightOffsetAlterPerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 0.
// PBoarderOffset: This is the distance from the centre of the //
// ability that the boarder effects are placed at //
constant function DES_PBoarderOffsetBase takes nothing returns real
return 0.00
// //
constant function DES_PBoarderOffsetPerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 0.00
// PSmallOrbAngleOffset: This is the angle offset between each //
// Pillar or Stack //
constant function DES_PSmallOrbAngleOffset takes nothing returns real
return 120.
// PSmallOrbOffset: This is the distance from the centre of the //
// ability to each of the stacks //
constant function DES_PSmallOrbOffsetBase takes nothing returns real
return 150.00
// //
constant function DES_PSmallOrbOffsetPerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 50.00
// PSmallOrbHeightOffset: This is the height distance between //
// each of the small orbs on the stacks //
constant function DES_PSmallOrbsHeightOffsetBase takes nothing returns real
return 50.00
// //
constant function DES_PSmallOrbsHeightOffsetPerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 0.00
// PSpinTrueOrIncomingSpeed: This is the form of movement used //
// by the stacks as they revolve around the central Orb //
constant function DES_PSpinTrueOrIncomingSpeed takes nothing returns boolean
return false
// POrbTruSpinSpeed: Determines the Speed of which the stacks //
// spin around the central Orb //
constant function DES_POrbTrueSpinSpeedBase takes nothing returns real
return 0.50
// //
constant function DES_POrbTrueSpinSpeedPerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 1.00
// POrbSpinIncomingTime: Determines how many seconds it takes //
// for the stacks to complete 1 full revolution around the //
// central Orb //
constant function DES_POrbSpinIncomingTimeBase takes nothing returns real
return 3.00
// //
constant function DES_POrbSpinIncomingTimePerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 0.00
// PPullAOE: This is the Area in which units and Orbs within //
// pulled into the central Orb //
constant function DES_PPullAOEBase takes nothing returns real
return 600.00
// //
constant function DES_PPullAOEPerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 50.00
// PPullStrength: This is how strongly the units and Orbs are //
// pulled into the central Orb //
constant function DES_PPullStrengthBase takes nothing returns real
return 140.00
// //
constant function DES_PPullStrengthPerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 10.00
// PPullDurationBase: This is how long the ultimate will pull //
// in units and Orbs in seconds, before it calculates the //
// resulting effect //
constant function DES_PPullDurationBase takes nothing returns real
return 9.00
// //
constant function DES_PPullDurationPerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 1.00
// PSlowLevel: This is the level of the slow effect the //
// ultimate uses for the Orbs of Justice //
constant function DES_PSlowLevel takes nothing returns integer
return 3
// PAttackType: This is the attack type used by all damage //
// done by the Ultimate //
constant function DES_PAttackType takes nothing returns attacktype
// PDamageType: This is the damage type used by all damage //
// done by the Ultimate //
constant function DES_PDamageType takes nothing returns damagetype
// PWeaponType: This is the weapon type used by all damage //
// done by the Ultimate //
constant function DES_PWeaponType takes nothing returns weapontype
return null
// PWildSpawnEffect: This is the effect played on the units //
// that are created by Wild Growth //
constant function DES_PWildSpawnEffect takes nothing returns string
return "Objects\\Spawnmodels\\NightElf\\EntBirthTarget\\EntBirthTarget.mdl"
// PWildStartAOE: This is the distance away from the centre //
// that the first units are spawned //
constant function DES_PWildStartAOEBase takes nothing returns real
return 50.00
// //
constant function DES_PWildStartAOEPerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 0.00
// PWildAOE: This is the distance away from the centre that //
// the last units are spawned //
constant function DES_PWildAOEBase takes nothing returns real
return 150.00
// //
constant function DES_PWildAOEPerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 15.00
// PWildTreantCountPerRing: This is the amount of units that //
// are spawned in each circle around the ultimate //
constant function DES_PWildTreantCountPerRingBase takes nothing returns real
return 3.00
// //
constant function DES_PWildTreantCountPerRingPerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 0.10
// PWildExpandRingCount: This is the amount of rings created //
// by Wild Growth //
constant function DES_PWildExpandRingCountBase takes nothing returns real
return 3.00
// //
constant function DES_PWildExpandRingCountPerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 0.10
// PWildTreantSpawnDelay: This is the time between each ring //
// being made in seconds //
constant function DES_PWildTreantSpawnDelayBase takes nothing returns real
return 0.50
// //
constant function DES_PWildTreantSpawnDelayPerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 0.00
// PWildTreantDuration: This is the amount of time in seconds //
// the units that are created last //
constant function DES_PWildTreantDurationBase takes nothing returns real
return 10.00
// //
constant function DES_PWildTreantDurationPerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 0.1
// PArmaProjecitleEffect: This is the effect used as the model //
// for the Armageddon projectiles //
constant function DES_PArmaProjectileEffect takes nothing returns string
return "Abilities\\Weapons\\FireBallMissile\\FireBallMissile.mdl"
// PArmaProjectileScale: This is the size of the projectiles //
constant function DES_PArmaProjectileScale takes nothing returns real
return 1.50
// PArmaProjectileMoveEffect: This is the effect attached to //
// the projectiles while they are in flight //
constant function DES_PArmaProjectileMoveEffect takes nothing returns string
return "Abilities\\Weapons\\PhoenixMissile\\Phoenix_Missile_mini.mdl"
// PArmaImpactEffect: This is the effect created when the //
// projectiles come into contact with the ground //
constant function DES_PArmaImpactEffect takes nothing returns string
return "war3mapImported\\dummy.mdl"
// PArmaDamageEffect: This is the effect put on units which //
// take damage as the result of being hit by a projectile //
constant function DES_PArmaDamageEffect takes nothing returns string
return "war3mapImported\\dummy.mdl"
// PArmaProjectilesPerSecond: This is the amount of projectiles //
// created per second by the ultimate //
constant function DES_PArmaProjectilesPerSecondBase takes nothing returns real
return 2.00
// //
constant function DES_PArmaProjectilesPerSecondPerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 0.10
// PArmaAOE: This is the area in which Projectiles will be //
// launched at, around the central Orb of the ultimate //
constant function DES_PArmaAOEBase takes nothing returns real
return 100.00
// //
constant function DES_PArmaAOEPerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 10.00
// PArmaMinAOE: This is the minimum distance away from the //
// central Orb that projectiles will be launched at //
constant function DES_PArmaMinAOE takes nothing returns real
return 100.00
// PArmaProjectileAOE: This is the area in which units within //
// take damage from the Ultimate //
constant function DES_PArmaProjectileAOEBase takes nothing returns real
return 40.00
// //
constant function DES_PArmaProjectileAOEPerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 2.50
// PArmaProjectileHealthDamage: This is the amount of health //
// damage each projectile deals to enemy units //
constant function DES_PArmaProjectileHealthDamageBase takes nothing returns real
return 20.00
// //
constant function DES_PArmaProjectileHealthDamagePerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 1.00
// PArmaProjectileManaDamage: This is the amount of mana damage //
// each projectile deals to enemy units //
constant function DES_PArmaProjectileManaDamageBase takes nothing returns real
return 0.00
// //
constant function DES_PArmaProjectileManaDamagePerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 0.00
// PArmaTrueOrIncomingSpeed: This is the type of movement used //
// by the projectiles of the ultimate //
constant function DES_PArmaTrueOrIncomingSpeed takes nothing returns boolean
return false
// PArmaTrueSpeed: Determines the speed of the projectiles //
constant function DES_PArmaTrueSpeedBase takes nothing returns real
return 3.00
// //
constant function DES_PArmaTrueSpeedPerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 0.10
// PArmaIncomingTimeBase: Determines how long in seconds it //
// takes for a projectile to hit the ground //
constant function DES_PArmaIncomingTimeBase takes nothing returns real
return 1.00
// //
constant function DES_PArmaIncomingTimePerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return -0.01
// PArmaLaunchDelay: This is how long in seconds is inbetween //
// a launch of a new projectile from the ultimate //
constant function DES_PArmaLaunchDelayBase takes nothing returns real
return 0.06
// //
constant function DES_PArmaLaunchDelayPerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 0.00
// PArmaDuration: This is how long in seconds the ultimate runs //
// for //
constant function DES_PArmaDurationBase takes nothing returns real
return 5.00
// //
constant function DES_PArmaDurationPerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 0.10
// PCountEffect: This is the effect placed on units that are //
// under the buff effect of Countdown //
constant function DES_PCountEffect takes nothing returns string
return "Abilities\\Spells\\Undead\\FrostArmor\\FrostArmorTarget.mdl"
// PCountDamageEffect: This is the effect played on units that //
// are damaged by the ability //
constant function DES_PCountDamageEffect takes nothing returns string
return "Objects\\Spawnmodels\\Undead\\UndeadDissipate\\UndeadDissipate.mdl"
// PCountHealEffect: This is the effect played on units that //
// are healed by the ability //
constant function DES_PCountHealEffect takes nothing returns string
return "Abilities\\Spells\\Human\\HolyBolt\\HolyBoltSpecialArt.mdl"
// PCountAOE: This is the area in which units within are given //
// the countdown buff //
constant function DES_PCountAOEBase takes nothing returns real
return 150.00
// //
constant function DES_PCountAOEPerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 5.00
// PCountHealthDamage: This is the amount of health damage //
// dealt to units after the countdown ends //
constant function DES_PCountHealthDamageBase takes nothing returns real
return 20.00
// //
constant function DES_PCountHealthDamagePerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 2.00
// PCountHealthHeal: This is the amount of health healed on //
// units after the countdown ends //
constant function DES_PCountHealthHealBase takes nothing returns real
return 20.00
// //
constant function DES_PCountHealthHealPerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 2.00
// PCountManaDamae: This is the amount of mana damage dealt to //
// units after the countdown ends //
constant function DES_PCountManaDamageBase takes nothing returns real
return 20.00
// //
constant function DES_PCountManaDamagePerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 2.00
// PCountManaHeal: This is the amount of mana restored to units //
// after the countdown ends //
constant function DES_PCountManaHealBase takes nothing returns real
return 20.00
// //
constant function DES_PCountManaHealPerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 2.00
// PCountTimer: This is the time it takes in seconds for the //
// countdown to end //
constant function DES_PCountTimerBase takes nothing returns real
return 10.00
// //
constant function DES_PCountTimerPerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return -0.10
// PDivineStormStrike: This is the effect created on the ground //
// when a lightning bolt strikes it //
constant function DES_PDivineStormStrikeEffect takes nothing returns string
return "Abilities\\Spells\\Other\\Charm\\CharmTarget.mdl"
// PDivineStormStrikeScale: This is the size of the effect //
// created on the ground when a lightning bolt strikes it //
constant function DES_PDivineStormStrikeScaleBase takes nothing returns real
return 0.30
// //
constant function DES_PDivineStormStrikeScalePerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 0.00
// PDivineStormDamageEffect: This is the effect created when //
// enemies units are struck by a lightning effect //
constant function DES_PDivineStormDamageEffect takes nothing returns string
return "Abilities\\Spells\\Human\\Feedback\\ArcaneTowerAttack.mdl"
// PDivineStormHealEffect: This is the effect created when //
// allied units are struck by a lightning effect //
constant function DES_PDivineStormHealEffect takes nothing returns string
return "Abilities\\Spells\\Undead\\ReplenishMana\\SpiritTouchTarget.mdl"
// PDivineLaserEffect: This is the effect used for the laser at //
// end of the ultimate //
constant function DES_PDivineLaserEffect takes nothing returns string
return "Abilities\\Spells\\Other\\Awaken\\Awaken.mdl"
// PDivineLaserStartScale: This is the size of the laser effect //
// when it is initially created //
constant function DES_PDivineLaserStartScaleBase takes nothing returns real
return 0.01
// //
constant function DES_PDivineLaserStartScalePerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 0.00
// PDivineLaserEndScale: This is the final size of the laser //
// effect when it'ends //
constant function DES_PDivineLaserEndScaleBase takes nothing returns real
return 4.00
// //
constant function DES_PDivineLaserEndScalePerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 0.00
// PDivineLaserDamagEffect: This is the effect played on units //
// that have taken damage from the laser //
constant function DES_PDivineLaserDamageEffect takes nothing returns string
return "war3mapImported\\dummy.mdl"
// PDivineLaserHealEffect: This is the effect played on units //
// that have been healed by the laser //
constant function DES_PDivineLaserHealEffect takes nothing returns string
return "war3mapImported\\dummy.mdl"
// PDivineSmallOrbsOffsetIncrease: This is how much the stacks //
// move away from the Central Orb on top of their intiial //
// distance when Divine Envoy starts //
constant function DES_PDivineSmallOrbsOffsetIncreaseBase takes nothing returns real
return 90.00
// //
constant function DES_PDivineSmallOrbsOffsetIncreasePerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 0.00
// PDivineHeightIncrease: This is the heght increase of the //
// central Orb that it gains when Divine Envoy starts //
constant function DES_PDivineHeightIncreaseBase takes nothing returns real
return 300.00
// //
constant function DES_PDivineHeightIncreasePerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 0.00
// PDivineStormLightningOffset: This is how far from the central //
// Orb lightnings effects can spawn //
constant function DES_PDivineStormLightningOffset takes nothing returns real
return 180.00
// PDivineStormAmountPerSecond; This is the amount of lightning //
// strikes that occur per second during the storm stage //
constant function DES_PDivineStormAmountPerSecondBase takes nothing returns real
return 10.00
// //
constant function DES_PDivineStormAmountPerSecondPerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 1.00
// PDivineStormAOE: This is the Area in which Lightning effects //
// can spawn during the storm stage //
constant function DES_PDivineStormAOEBase takes nothing returns real
return 400.00
// //
constant function DES_PDivineStormAOEPerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 3.00
// PDivineStormStrikeAOE: This is the area in which units within //
// are affeced by the Lightning effects //
constant function DES_PDivineStormStrikeAOEBase takes nothing returns real
return 0.00
// //
constant function DES_PDivineStormStrikeAOEPerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 4.00
// PDivineLaserAOEToScaleRatio: This is the Area in which units //
// within are affected by the laser, in relation to the scaling //
// of the laser at the time //
constant function DES_PDivineLaserAOEToScaleRatioBase takes nothing returns real
return 60.00
// //
constant function DES_PDivineLaserAOEToScaleRatioPerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 1.00
// PDivineStormHealthDamage: This is the amount of health damage //
// dealt to enemies by lightning effects //
constant function DES_PDivineStormHealthDamageBase takes nothing returns real
return 0.00
// //
constant function DES_PDivineStormHealthDamagePerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 1.00
// PDivineStormManaDamage: This is the amount of mana damage //
// dealt to enemies by lightning effects //
constant function DES_PDivineStormManaDamageBase takes nothing returns real
return 0.00
// //
constant function DES_PDivineStormManaDamagePerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 0.00
// PDivineStormHealthHeal: This is the amount of health //
// restored to allies by lightning effects //
constant function DES_PDivineStormHealthHealBase takes nothing returns real
return 0.00
// //
constant function DES_PDivineStormHealthHealPerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 1.00
// PDivineStormManaHeal: This is the amount of mana restored to //
// allies by lightning effects //
constant function DES_PDivineStormManaHealBase takes nothing returns real
return 0.00
// //
constant function DES_PDivineStormManaHealPerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 1.00
// PDivineLaserHealthDamage: This is the amount of health damage //
// dealt to enemies by the laser //
constant function DES_PDivineLaserHealthDamageBase takes nothing returns real
return 0.00
// //
constant function DES_PDivineLaserHealthDamagePerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 4.00
// PDivineLaserManaDamage: This is the amount of mana damage //
// dealt to enemies by the laser //
constant function DES_PDivineLaserManaDamageBase takes nothing returns real
return 0.00
// //
constant function DES_PDivineLaserManaDamagePerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 0.00
// PDivineLaserHealthHeal: This is the amount of health restored //
// to allies by the laser //
constant function DES_PDivineLaserHealthHealBase takes nothing returns real
return 0.00
// //
constant function DES_PDivineLaserHealthHealPerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 0.00
// PDivineLaserManaHeal: This is the amount of mana restored to //
// allies by the laser //
constant function DES_PDivineLaserManaHealBase takes nothing returns real
return 0.00
// //
constant function DES_PDivineLaserManaHealPerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 0.00
// PDivineLaserKnockbackPower: This is the strength of the //
// knockback the laser inflicts on enemy units, it is divided //
// by the distance to the unit from the laser, i.e. 7500 power //
// on a unit 400 distance away results in 18.75 resultant //
// velocity //
constant function DES_PDivineLaserKnockbackPowerBase takes nothing returns real
return 7500.00
// //
constant function DES_PDivineLaserKnockbackPowerPerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 200.0
// PDivineLaserKnockbackPowerCap: This is the limit to the //
// velocity of units that are knocked back by the laser //
constant function DES_PDivineLaserKnockbackPowerCapBase takes nothing returns real
return 30.00
// //
constant function DES_PDivineLaserKnockbackPowerCapPerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 0.50
// PDivineLaserKnockbackAngle: This is the angle by which units //
// are knocked back, it is a measurement of radians (PI/2) = up //
constant function DES_PDivineLaserKnockbackAngle takes nothing returns real
return 1.308
// PDivineAscensionTime: This is the time it takes for the //
// Height alterations of the ultimate to complete //
constant function DES_PDivineAscensionTimeBase takes nothing returns real
return 2.00
// //
constant function DES_PDivineAscensionTimePerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 0.00
// PDivineStormDuration: This is the amount of time in seconds //
// the storm stage of Divine Envoy lasts //
constant function DES_PDivineStormDurationBase takes nothing returns real
return 5.00
// //
constant function DES_PDivineStormDurationPerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 0.10
// PDivineStormDelay: This is the time in seconds between each //
// lightning effect created by Divine Envoy //
constant function DES_PDivineStormDelayBase takes nothing returns real
return 0.15
// //
constant function DES_PDivineStormDelayPerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 0.00
// PDivineLaserTimer: This is the time it takes for the laser //
// to reach full size and the ultimate to start ending //
constant function DES_PDivineLaserTimerBase takes nothing returns real
return 1.50
// //
constant function DES_PDivineLaserTimerPerPowerLevel takes nothing returns real
return 0.00
// CStageID: StageID of Orbs of Creation //
constant function DES_CStageID takes nothing returns integer
return 1
// DStageID: StageID of Orbs of Destruction //
constant function DES_DStageID takes nothing returns integer
return 2
// JStageID: StageID of Orbs of Justice //
constant function DES_JStageID takes nothing returns integer
return 3
// LargeDStageID: StageID of Large Orbs of Destruction //
constant function DES_LargeDStageID takes nothing returns integer
return 4
// UnitStageID: StageID of Affected units //
constant function DES_UnitStageID takes nothing returns integer
return 5
// UltimateStageID: StageID of Ultimates //
constant function DES_UltimateStageID takes nothing returns integer
return 6
// PProjectileStageID: StageID of Armageddon Projectiles //
constant function DES_PProjectileStageID takes nothing returns integer
return 7
// RecycleStageID: StageID of Recycled Nodes //
constant function DES_RecycleStageID takes nothing returns integer
return 8
// UltimateWaitingTypeID: TypeID of the Ultimate when inactive //
constant function DES_UltimateWaitingTypeID takes nothing returns integer
return 0
// UltimatePullingTypeID: TypeID of the Ultimate when pulling //
// Orbs and units into it to absorb the power //
constant function DES_UltimatePullingTypeID takes nothing returns integer
return 1
// UltimateWildTypeID: TypeID of the Ultimate when casting Wild //
// Growth //
constant function DES_UltimateWildTypeID takes nothing returns integer
return 2
// UltimateArmaTypeID: TypeID of the Ultimate when casting //
// Armageddon //
constant function DES_UltimateArmaTypeID takes nothing returns integer
return 3
// UltimateCountTypeID: TypeID of the Ultimate when casting //
// Countdown //
constant function DES_UltimateCountTypeID takes nothing returns integer
return 4
// UltimateDivineStartTypeID: TypeID of the Ultimate when //
// starting Divine Envoy //
constant function DES_UltimateDivineStartTypeID takes nothing returns integer
return 5
// UltimateDivineStormTypeID: TypeID of the Ultimate when //
// casting the storm stage of Divine Envoy //
constant function DES_UltimateDivineStormTypeID takes nothing returns integer
return 6
// UltimateDivineLaserTypeID: TypeID of the Ultimate when //
// casting the laser stage of Divine Envoy //
constant function DES_UltimateDivineLaserTypeID takes nothing returns integer
return 7
// UltimateLightningTypeID: TypeID of the Lightning casted by //
// Divine Envoy //
constant function DES_UltimateDivineLightningTypeID takes nothing returns integer
return 8
// Target filter Code (can be configured but requires some //
// understanding of programming to do so) //
// Target filter function - passed units and players and checks //
// if the unit is allowed to be targetted by this ability //
function DES_NeutralTargetFilter takes unit u returns boolean
//Checks if the unit can be used as a target
return (not IsUnitType(u, UNIT_TYPE_STRUCTURE)) and (GetUnitFlyHeight(u) <= DES_FilterMaxZ()) and (IsUnitType(u, UNIT_TYPE_GROUND)) and (not IsUnitType(u, UNIT_TYPE_MAGIC_IMMUNE)) and (GetUnitTypeId(u) != DES_DummyID()) and not(IsUnitType(u, UNIT_TYPE_DEAD) or GetUnitTypeId(u) == 0)
// Enemy target filter function - Passed units and players, using //
// them to check if the unit can be treated as an enemy by the //
// spellset //
function DES_EnemyTargetFilter takes unit u, player pl returns boolean
//Checks if the unit can be used as a target
return (not IsUnitType(u, UNIT_TYPE_STRUCTURE)) and (GetUnitFlyHeight(u) <= DES_FilterMaxZ()) and (IsUnitType(u, UNIT_TYPE_GROUND)) and (not IsUnitType(u, UNIT_TYPE_MAGIC_IMMUNE)) and (IsUnitEnemy(u, pl)) and (GetUnitTypeId(u) != DES_DummyID()) and not(IsUnitType(u, UNIT_TYPE_DEAD) or GetUnitTypeId(u) == 0)
// Friendly target filter function - Passed units and players, //
// using them to check if the unit can be treated as an ally by //
// the spellset //
function DES_FriendlyTargetFilter takes unit u, player pl returns boolean
//Checks if the unit can be used as a target
return (not IsUnitType(u, UNIT_TYPE_STRUCTURE)) and (GetUnitFlyHeight(u) <= DES_FilterMaxZ()) and (IsUnitType(u, UNIT_TYPE_GROUND)) and (not IsUnitType(u, UNIT_TYPE_MAGIC_IMMUNE)) and (not(IsUnitEnemy(u, pl))) and (GetUnitTypeId(u) != DES_DummyID()) and not(IsUnitType(u, UNIT_TYPE_DEAD) or GetUnitTypeId(u) == 0)
// Orb target filter function - Passed units and players, using //
// them to check if the unit can be treated as an Orb by the //
// spellset //
function DES_OrbTargetFilter takes integer Node, integer StageID, player pl returns boolean
//Checks if the unit can be treated as an Orb
return ((GetUnitTypeId(udg_DES_Unit[Node]) == DES_DummyID()) and (udg_DES_StageID[Node] <= DES_JStageID()) and (udg_DES_Boolean1[Node] == true) and (udg_DES_Boolean2[Node] == false) and (udg_DES_Player[Node] == pl) and (not(udg_DES_StageID[Node] == StageID)))
// Beyond this point are system functions that should not be //
// modified unless you are a skilled programmer and know what //
// you are doing //
// Function used to recycle instances, so that they can used //
// again later, keeping the total array sizes smaller //
function DES_Recycle takes integer Node returns nothing
//Set up the StageID to prevent interaction
set udg_DES_StageID[Node] = DES_RecycleStageID()
if (udg_DES_LastNode == Node) then
set udg_DES_LastNode = udg_DES_PrevNode[Node]
//Recycles the node
set udg_DES_RecycleNodes[udg_DES_RecyclableNodes] = Node
set udg_DES_RecyclableNodes = udg_DES_RecyclableNodes + 1
set udg_DES_NextNode[udg_DES_PrevNode[Node]] = udg_DES_NextNode[Node]
set udg_DES_PrevNode[udg_DES_NextNode[Node]] = udg_DES_PrevNode[Node]
set udg_DES_AbilityCounter = udg_DES_AbilityCounter - 1
//Stops the timer if this is the only remaining Node
if (udg_DES_AbilityCounter == 0) then
call PauseTimer(udg_DES_Timer)
// Function used to create new Nodes for the system whenever a //
// unit or effect is added to run in the loop function //
function DES_CreateNode takes nothing returns integer
//set up local
local integer Node = 0
//Checking for recycleable Nodes
if (udg_DES_RecyclableNodes == 0) then
set udg_DES_NodeNumber = udg_DES_NodeNumber + 1
set Node = udg_DES_NodeNumber
set udg_DES_RecyclableNodes = udg_DES_RecyclableNodes - 1
set Node = udg_DES_RecycleNodes[udg_DES_RecyclableNodes]
//Sets up this Node
set udg_DES_NextNode[Node] = 0
set udg_DES_NextNode[udg_DES_LastNode] = Node
set udg_DES_PrevNode[Node] = udg_DES_LastNode
set udg_DES_LastNode = Node
set udg_DES_AbilityCounter = udg_DES_AbilityCounter + 1
return Node
// Function used to get the z height of locations needed by the //
// spell, since it can only be done with locations, this one //
// is reused throughout, instead of creating/destroying them //
function DES_GetZ takes real x, real y returns real
//Gets the location Z of the selected location
call MoveLocation(udg_DES_Loc, x, y)
return GetLocationZ(udg_DES_Loc)
// Function used to make sure that the location is within the //
// map bounds so that units cannot be moved outside of it and //
// get permanently stuck //
function DES_ValidateLocation takes real x, real y returns boolean
//Check if the point is within the map bounds
return (x < udg_DES_MapMaxX) and (x > udg_DES_MapMinX) and (y < udg_DES_MapMaxY) and (y > udg_DES_MapMinY)
// Function used to destroy trees which have been found close //
// to affected units (knockback and pull) //
function DES_TreeDestroy takes nothing returns nothing
//Locate Trees
local destructable Tree = GetEnumDestructable()
if IssueTargetOrderById(udg_DES_TreeChecker, 852018, Tree) and IssueImmediateOrderById(udg_DES_TreeChecker, 851972) then
//Destroy Tree
call KillDestructable(Tree)
set Tree = null
// Locates trees next to units being pulled or knocked back and //
// calls TreeDestroy to remove them //
function DES_GetTrees takes real x, real y returns nothing
//set up local
local rect TempRect = Rect(x - DES_TreeDestroyRadius(), y - DES_TreeDestroyRadius(), x + DES_TreeDestroyRadius(), y + DES_TreeDestroyRadius())
//Get all the trees in radius
call MoveLocation(udg_DES_Loc, x, y)
set bj_enumDestructableCenter = udg_DES_Loc
set bj_enumDestructableRadius = DES_TreeDestroyRadius()
call EnumDestructablesInRect(TempRect, filterEnumDestructablesInCircleBJ, function DES_TreeDestroy)
call RemoveRect(TempRect)
set TempRect = null
// Function used to remove all the parts of the ultimate when //
// it ends and play their death effects //
function DES_EndUltimate takes integer Node returns nothing
//sets up locals
local integer TempInt = 0
local integer TempNode = 0
//Find all parts of the ultimate
set TempInt = TempInt + 1
exitwhen TempInt > udg_DES_AbilityCounter
set TempNode = udg_DES_NextNode[TempNode]
if (udg_DES_Core[TempNode] == udg_DES_Unit[Node]) then
//Clean up the part
call DestroyEffect(udg_DES_CurrentEffect[TempNode])
set udg_DES_StageID[TempNode] = DES_RecycleStageID()
call DES_Recycle(TempNode)
set TempInt = TempInt - 1
if (udg_DES_Boolean4[TempNode]) and not(udg_DES_Boolean3[TempNode]) then
//Play death effect
call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(DES_PDeathEffect(), udg_DES_Unit[TempNode], DES_AttachmentPoint()))
call RemoveUnit(udg_DES_Unit[TempNode])
call UnitApplyTimedLife(udg_DES_Unit[TempNode], DES_TimedLifeID(), DES_EffectExpirationTimer())
// Function used to start the Countdown version of the ultimate //
// it has it's own function as unlike the others, there's two //
// scenarios in which the outcome results in this effect //
function DES_UltimateCountStart takes integer Node returns nothing
//Set up Countdown data
set udg_DES_Integer1[Node] = DES_UltimateCountTypeID()
set udg_DES_Real4[Node] = DES_PCountAOEBase() + (udg_DES_Real3[Node] * DES_PCountAOEPerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real5[Node] = DES_PCountHealthDamageBase() + (udg_DES_Real2[Node] * DES_PCountHealthDamagePerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real6[Node] = DES_PCountManaDamageBase() + (udg_DES_Real2[Node] * DES_PCountManaDamagePerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real7[Node] = DES_PCountHealthHealBase() + (udg_DES_Real2[Node] * DES_PCountHealthHealBase())
set udg_DES_Real10[Node] = DES_PCountManaHealBase() + (udg_DES_Real2[Node] * DES_PCountManaHealPerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real11[Node] = DES_PCountTimerBase() + (udg_DES_Real1[Node] * DES_PCountTimerPerPowerLevel())
// Function used to add Orbs to the stacks of the ultimate //
function DES_AddOrb takes integer Node, integer Type, real x, real y, real Height, real Angle returns nothing
//sets up locals
local integer TempNode = DES_CreateNode()
local real x2 = x + udg_DES_Real8[Node] * Cos(Angle)
local real y2 = y + udg_DES_Real8[Node] * Sin(Angle)
//Check what kind of orb it is to add
if (Type == DES_CStageID()) then
//Set up Orb data
set udg_DES_Real2[TempNode] = DES_CPassiveHealAOEBase() + (udg_DES_Real3[Node] * DES_CPassiveHealAOEPerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real3[TempNode] = DES_CPassiveHealHealthBase() + (udg_DES_Real3[Node] * DES_CPassiveHealHealthPerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real4[TempNode] = DES_CPassiveHealManaBase() + (udg_DES_Real3[Node] * DES_CPassiveHealManaPerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real5[TempNode] = DES_CPassiveDelayBase() + (udg_DES_Real3[Node] * DES_CPassiveDelayPerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real6[TempNode] = udg_DES_Real5[TempNode]
set udg_DES_Boolean1[TempNode] = true
set udg_DES_Boolean2[TempNode] = true
set udg_DES_Boolean3[TempNode] = false
set udg_DES_Boolean4[TempNode] = true
set udg_DES_StageID[TempNode] = DES_CStageID()
set udg_DES_Caster[TempNode] = udg_DES_Caster[Node]
set udg_DES_Core[TempNode] = udg_DES_Unit[Node]
set udg_DES_Player[TempNode] = udg_DES_Player[Node]
//Set up the unit
set udg_DES_Unit[TempNode] = CreateUnit(DES_DummyPlayer(), DES_DummyID(), x2, y2, Angle)
set udg_DES_CurrentEffect[TempNode] = AddSpecialEffectTarget(DES_COrbEffect(), udg_DES_Unit[TempNode], DES_AttachmentPoint())
call SetUnitScale(udg_DES_Unit[TempNode], (DES_COrbScaleBase() + (udg_DES_Real3[Node] * DES_COrbScalePerPowerLevel())) / DES_PSmallOrbSizeLimiter(), 0, 0)
if UnitAddAbility(udg_DES_Unit[TempNode], 'Amrf') and UnitRemoveAbility(udg_DES_Unit[TempNode], 'Amrf') then
call SetUnitFlyHeight(udg_DES_Unit[TempNode], Height, 0.)
elseif (Type == DES_DStageID()) then
//Set up Orb data
set udg_DES_Real2[TempNode] = DES_DPassiveDamageAOEBase() + (udg_DES_Real3[Node] * DES_DPassiveDamageAOEPerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real3[TempNode] = DES_DPassiveDamageHealthBase() + (udg_DES_Real3[Node] * DES_DPassiveDamageHealthPerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real4[TempNode] = DES_DPassiveDamageManaBase() + (udg_DES_Real3[Node] * DES_DPassiveDamageManaPerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real5[TempNode] = DES_DPassiveDelayBase() + (udg_DES_Real3[Node] * DES_DPassiveDelayPerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real6[TempNode] = udg_DES_Real5[TempNode]
set udg_DES_Boolean1[TempNode] = true
set udg_DES_Boolean2[TempNode] = true
set udg_DES_Boolean3[TempNode] = false
set udg_DES_Boolean4[TempNode] = true
set udg_DES_StageID[TempNode] = DES_DStageID()
set udg_DES_Caster[TempNode] = udg_DES_Caster[Node]
set udg_DES_Core[TempNode] = udg_DES_Unit[Node]
set udg_DES_Player[TempNode] = udg_DES_Player[Node]
//Set up unit
set udg_DES_Unit[TempNode] = CreateUnit(DES_DummyPlayer(), DES_DummyID(), x2, y2, Angle)
set udg_DES_CurrentEffect[TempNode] = AddSpecialEffectTarget(DES_DOrbEffect(), udg_DES_Unit[TempNode], DES_AttachmentPoint())
call SetUnitScale(udg_DES_Unit[TempNode], (DES_DOrbScaleBase() + (udg_DES_Real3[Node] * DES_DOrbScalePerPowerLevel())) / DES_PSmallOrbSizeLimiter(), 0, 0)
if UnitAddAbility(udg_DES_Unit[TempNode], 'Amrf') and UnitRemoveAbility(udg_DES_Unit[TempNode], 'Amrf') then
call SetUnitFlyHeight(udg_DES_Unit[TempNode], Height, 0.)
//Set up Orb data
set udg_DES_Real2[TempNode] = DES_JDamageAOEBase() + (udg_DES_Real3[Node] * DES_JDamageAOEPerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Integer2[TempNode] = DES_PSlowLevel()
set udg_DES_Boolean1[TempNode] = true
set udg_DES_Boolean2[TempNode] = true
set udg_DES_Boolean3[TempNode] = false
set udg_DES_Boolean4[TempNode] = true
set udg_DES_StageID[TempNode] = DES_JStageID()
set udg_DES_Caster[TempNode] = udg_DES_Caster[Node]
set udg_DES_Core[TempNode] = udg_DES_Unit[Node]
set udg_DES_Player[TempNode] = udg_DES_Player[Node]
//Set up unit
set udg_DES_Unit[TempNode] = CreateUnit(DES_DummyPlayer(), DES_DummyID(), x2, y2, Angle * bj_RADTODEG)
set udg_DES_CurrentEffect[TempNode] = AddSpecialEffectTarget(DES_JOrbEffect(), udg_DES_Unit[TempNode], DES_AttachmentPoint())
call SetUnitScale(udg_DES_Unit[TempNode], (DES_JOrbScaleBase() + (udg_DES_Real3[Node] * DES_JOrbScalePerPowerLevel())) / DES_PSmallOrbSizeLimiter(), 0, 0)
if UnitAddAbility(udg_DES_Unit[TempNode], 'Amrf') and UnitRemoveAbility(udg_DES_Unit[TempNode], 'Amrf') then
call SetUnitFlyHeight(udg_DES_Unit[TempNode], Height, 0.)
// Function used to handle all the special effects used by the //
// combo abilities //
function DES_ComboEffects takes real x, real y, integer Divider, real AOE, real BoarderScale, real ActivateScale, string BoarderEffect, string ActivateEffect returns nothing
//sets up locals
local integer iLoop = 0
local real Angle = 0
local real Angle2 = 0
local unit u = CreateUnit(DES_DummyPlayer(), DES_DummyID(), x, y, 0)
local integer BoarderCount= (360 / Divider)
//Create central effect
call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(ActivateEffect, u, DES_AttachmentPoint()))
call SetUnitScale(u, ActivateScale, 0,0)
call UnitApplyTimedLife(u, DES_TimedLifeID(), DES_EffectExpirationTimer())
//Create Boarder effects
set iLoop = iLoop + 1
set Angle = Angle + Divider
set Angle2 = Angle * bj_DEGTORAD
set u = CreateUnit(DES_DummyPlayer(), DES_DummyID(), x + AOE * Cos(Angle2), y + AOE * Sin(Angle2), 0)
call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(BoarderEffect, u, DES_AttachmentPoint()))
call SetUnitScale(u, BoarderScale, 0, 0)
call UnitApplyTimedLife(u, DES_TimedLifeID(), DES_EffectExpirationTimer())
exitwhen iLoop > BoarderCount
set u = null
// Function used to create the Cycle of life combo effect //
// when the appropriate combo has been detected //
function DES_CycleOfLife takes real x, real y, real Power, unit Caster, player pl returns nothing
//sets up locals
local real AOE = DES_CycleAOEBase() + (Power * DES_CycleAOEPerPowerLevel())
local real DamageHealth = DES_CycleDamageHealthBase() + (Power * DES_CycleDamageHealthPerPowerLevel())
local real DamageMana = DES_CycleDamageManaBase() + (Power * DES_CycleDamageManaPerPowerLevel())
local real HealHealthRatio = DES_CycleHealHealthRatioBase() + (Power * DES_CycleHealHealthRatioPerPowerLevel())
local real HealManaRatio = DES_CycleHealManaRatioBase() + (Power * DES_CycleHealManaRatioPerPowerLevel())
local real TotalDamageHealth = 0
local real TotalDamageMana = 0
local real TempReal
local integer Divider = R2I((bj_PI * AOE * 2) / (DES_CycleBoarderSpaceBase() + (Power * DES_CycleBoarderSpacePerPowerLevel())))
local unit u
//Run effects
call DES_ComboEffects(x, y, Divider, AOE, DES_CycleBoarderScaleBase() + (Power * DES_CycleBoarderScalePerPowerLevel()), DES_CycleActivateScaleBase() + (Power * DES_CycleActivateScalePerPowerLevel()), DES_CycleBoarderEffect(), DES_CycleActivateEffect())
call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(udg_DES_TempGroup, x, y, AOE, null)
//Damage enemy units
set u = FirstOfGroup(udg_DES_TempGroup)
exitwhen u == null
if (DES_EnemyTargetFilter(u, pl)) then
call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(DES_CycleDamageEffect(), u, DES_AttachmentPoint()))
set TempReal = GetWidgetLife(u)
call UnitDamageTarget(Caster, u, DamageHealth, false, false, DES_CycleAttackType(), DES_CycleDamageType(), DES_CycleWeaponType())
set TotalDamageHealth = TotalDamageHealth + (TempReal - GetWidgetLife(u))
set TempReal = GetUnitState(u, UNIT_STATE_MANA)
call SetUnitState(u, UNIT_STATE_MANA, TempReal - DamageMana)
set TotalDamageMana = TotalDamageMana + (TempReal - GetUnitState(u, UNIT_STATE_MANA))
call GroupRemoveUnit(udg_DES_TempGroup, u)
//Calculate amount to heal
set TotalDamageHealth = TotalDamageHealth * HealHealthRatio
set TotalDamageMana = TotalDamageMana * HealManaRatio
call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(udg_DES_TempGroup, x, y, AOE, null)
//Heal Allied units
set u = FirstOfGroup(udg_DES_TempGroup)
exitwhen u == null
if (DES_FriendlyTargetFilter(u, pl)) then
call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(DES_CycleHealEffect(), u, DES_AttachmentPoint()))
call SetWidgetLife(u, GetWidgetLife(u) + TotalDamageHealth)
call SetUnitState(u, UNIT_STATE_MANA, GetUnitState(u, UNIT_STATE_MANA) + TotalDamageMana)
call GroupRemoveUnit(udg_DES_TempGroup, u)
// Function used to create the Equaliser combo effect //
// when the appropriate combo has been detected //
function DES_Equaliser takes real x, real y, real Power, unit Caster, player pl returns nothing
//sets up locals
local real AOE = DES_EqualAOEBase() + (Power * DES_EqualAOEPerPowerLevel())
local real ManaCost = DES_EqualManaCostBase() + (Power * DES_EqualManaCostPerPowerLevel())
local real Health= 0
local real iCount = 0
local integer Divider = R2I((bj_PI * AOE * 2) / (DES_EqualBoarderSpaceBase() + (Power * DES_EqualBoarderSpacePerPowerLevel())))
local unit u
//Run effects
call DES_ComboEffects(x, y, Divider, AOE, DES_EqualBoarderScaleBase() + (Power * DES_EqualBoarderScalePerPowerLevel()), DES_EqualActivateScaleBase() + (Power * DES_EqualActivateScalePerPowerLevel()), DES_EqualBoarderEffect(), DES_EqualActivateEffect())
call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(udg_DES_TempGroup, x, y, AOE, null)
//Add up available HP and drain mana
set u = FirstOfGroup(udg_DES_TempGroup)
exitwhen u == null
if (DES_NeutralTargetFilter(u)) then
call GroupAddUnit(udg_DES_TempGroup2, u)
set iCount = iCount + 1
set Health = Health + GetWidgetLife(u)
call SetUnitState(u, UNIT_STATE_MANA, GetUnitState(u, UNIT_STATE_MANA) - ManaCost)
call GroupRemoveUnit(udg_DES_TempGroup, u)
//Find average Health
set Health = Health / iCount
//Apply average health to units
set u = FirstOfGroup(udg_DES_TempGroup2)
exitwhen u == null
call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(DES_EqualAlterEffect(), u, DES_AttachmentPoint()))
call SetWidgetLife(u, Health)
call GroupRemoveUnit(udg_DES_TempGroup2, u)
// Function used to create the Trial by fire combo effect //
// when the appropriate combo has been detected //
function DES_TrialByFire takes real x, real y, real Power, integer Node returns nothing
//sets up locals
local real AOE = DES_TrialAOEBase() + (Power * DES_TrialAOEPerPowerLevel())
local real BoarderScale = DES_TrialBoarderScaleBase() + (Power * DES_TrialBoarderScalePerPowerLevel())
local real DamageHealth = DES_TrialDamageHealthBase() + (Power * DES_TrialDamageHealthPerPowerLevel())
local real DamageMana = DES_TrialDamageManaBase() + (Power * DES_TrialDamageManaPerPowerLevel())
local integer Divider = R2I((bj_PI * AOE * 2) / (DES_TrialBoarderSpaceBase() + (Power * DES_TrialBoarderSpacePerPowerLevel())))
local integer TempNode = 0
local unit u
//Run effects
call DES_ComboEffects(x, y, Divider, AOE, DES_TrialBoarderScaleBase() + (Power * DES_TrialBoarderScalePerPowerLevel()), DES_TrialActivateScaleBase() + (Power * DES_TrialActivateScalePerPowerLevel()), DES_TrialBoarderEffect(), DES_TrialActivateEffect())
call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(udg_DES_TempGroup, x, y, AOE, null)
//Find enemy units to set on fire
set u = FirstOfGroup(udg_DES_TempGroup)
exitwhen u == null
if (DES_EnemyTargetFilter(u, udg_DES_Player[Node])) then
//Play effects and damage
call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(DES_TrialDamageEffect(), u, DES_AttachmentPoint()))
call UnitDamageTarget(udg_DES_Caster[Node], u, DamageHealth, false, false, DES_TrialAttackType(), DES_TrialDamageType(), DES_TrialWeaponType())
call SetUnitState(u, UNIT_STATE_MANA, GetUnitState(u, UNIT_STATE_MANA) - DamageMana)
//Set up Data
set TempNode = DES_CreateNode()
set udg_DES_Real1[TempNode] = Power
set udg_DES_Real2[TempNode] = DES_TrialExplosionAOEBase() + (Power * DES_TrialExplosionAOEPerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real3[TempNode] = DES_TrialExplosionHealthDamageBase() + (Power * DES_TrialExplosionHealthDamagePerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real4[TempNode] = DES_TrialExplosionManaDamageBase() + (Power * DES_TrialExplosionManaDamagePerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real5[TempNode] = DES_TrialBurnHealthDamageBase() + (Power * DES_TrialBurnHealthDamagePerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real6[TempNode] = DES_TrialBurnManaDamageBase() + (Power * DES_TrialBurnManaDamagePerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real7[TempNode] = DES_TrialBurnDurationBase() + (Power * DES_TrialBurnDurationPerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real8[TempNode] = DES_TrialDamageDelayBase() + (Power * DES_TrialDamageDelayPerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real9[TempNode] = udg_DES_Real8[TempNode]
set udg_DES_Boolean1[TempNode] = true
set udg_DES_Boolean2[TempNode] = false
set udg_DES_Boolean3[TempNode] = false
set udg_DES_Boolean4[TempNode] = false
set udg_DES_StageID[TempNode] = DES_UnitStageID()
set udg_DES_Caster[TempNode] = udg_DES_Caster[Node]
set udg_DES_Unit[TempNode] = u
set udg_DES_Core[TempNode] = udg_DES_Unit[Node]
//Apply burn effect
set udg_DES_CurrentEffect[TempNode] = AddSpecialEffectTarget(DES_TrialBurnEffect(), u, DES_AttachmentPoint())
call GroupRemoveUnit(udg_DES_TempGroup, u)
// Function used to find units that currently have the slow //
// effect on them but need it removed due to one of various //
// reasons //
function DES_SlowScan takes integer Node returns nothing
//sets up locals
local integer TempNode = 0
local integer TempInt = 0
//Find units with the slow who need it removed
set TempInt = TempInt + 1
exitwhen TempInt > udg_DES_AbilityCounter
set TempNode = udg_DES_NextNode[TempNode]
if (udg_DES_Core[TempNode] == udg_DES_Unit[Node]) and (udg_DES_Boolean2[TempNode]) and (udg_DES_StageID[TempNode] == DES_UnitStageID()) then
//Remove the slow
call UnitRemoveAbility(udg_DES_Unit[TempNode], DES_SlowID())
call DestroyEffect(udg_DES_CurrentEffect[TempNode])
call DES_Recycle(TempNode)
set TempInt = TempInt - 1
// Function used to detect whenever a combo has occured //
// between two orbs and determine which combo effect should //
// occur in the space between them //
function DES_ComboCollisionDetection takes real x, real y, integer Node returns nothing
//sets up locals
local integer TempInt = 0
local integer TempNode = 0
local real x2 = 0
local real y2 = 0
local real TempReal = 0
local real TempReal2 = 0
//Moves to the next node
set TempInt = TempInt + 1
exitwhen ((TempInt > udg_DES_AbilityCounter) or (udg_DES_StageID[Node] == DES_RecycleStageID()))
set TempNode = udg_DES_NextNode[TempNode]
//Find valid combo orbs
if (DES_OrbTargetFilter(TempNode, udg_DES_StageID[Node], udg_DES_Player[Node])) then
set x2 = GetUnitX(udg_DES_Unit[TempNode])
set y2 = GetUnitY(udg_DES_Unit[TempNode])
set TempReal = SquareRoot((x2 - x) * (x2 - x) + (y2 - y) * (y2 - y))
//Check if the orb is close enough
if (TempReal <= DES_ComboCollision()) then
set x = x + (x2 - x)
set y = y + (y2 - y)
//Check if it's a Orb of Justice in transit
if (udg_DES_StageID[Node] == DES_JStageID()) then
call DestroyEffect(udg_DES_SecondaryEffect[Node])
call DES_SlowScan(Node)
elseif (udg_DES_StageID[TempNode] == DES_JStageID()) then
call DestroyEffect(udg_DES_SecondaryEffect[TempNode])
call DES_SlowScan(TempNode)
//Caluclate total Stored Power
set TempReal = udg_DES_StageID[TempNode] * udg_DES_StageID[Node]
set TempReal2 = udg_DES_Real1[TempNode] + udg_DES_Real1[Node]
call DES_Recycle(Node)
call DES_Recycle(TempNode)
set TempInt = TempInt - 1
//Play Effects
call DestroyEffect(udg_DES_CurrentEffect[Node])
call DestroyEffect(udg_DES_CurrentEffect[TempNode])
call UnitApplyTimedLife(udg_DES_Unit[Node], DES_TimedLifeID(), DES_EffectExpirationTimer())
call UnitApplyTimedLife(udg_DES_Unit[TempNode], DES_TimedLifeID(), DES_EffectExpirationTimer())
//Run Combo Ability
if (TempReal == DES_DStageID()) then
call DES_CycleOfLife(x, y, TempReal2, udg_DES_Caster[Node], udg_DES_Player[Node])
elseif (TempReal == DES_JStageID()) then
call DES_Equaliser(x, y, TempReal2, udg_DES_Caster[Node], udg_DES_Player[Node])
call DES_TrialByFire(x, y, TempReal2, Node)
// Function used to handle all units that are currently being //
// knocked back (and are in flight) and all projectiles //
// generated by the spellset //
function DES_ProjectileHandler takes integer Node returns boolean
//sets up locals
local real z
local real z2
local real x = GetUnitX(udg_DES_Unit[Node])
local real x2 = x + udg_DES_Real6[Node]
local real y = GetUnitY(udg_DES_Unit[Node])
local real y2 = y + udg_DES_Real7[Node]
local real TempReal
local integer iLoop = 0
local unit u
//Check if the new location is within the map bounds
if (DES_ValidateLocation(x2, y2)) then
call SetUnitX(udg_DES_Unit[Node], x2)
call SetUnitY(udg_DES_Unit[Node], y2)
//Check if the Orb is a justice Orb (no arc)
if (udg_DES_StageID[Node] == DES_JStageID()) then
set udg_DES_Real5[Node] = udg_DES_Real5[Node] - udg_DES_Real8[Node]
//Check if it's time for another damage burst
if (udg_DES_Real11[Node] <= 0) then
set udg_DES_Real11[Node] = udg_DES_Real10[Node]
call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(udg_DES_TempGroup, x, y, udg_DES_Real2[Node], null)
//Find valid enemy targets
set u = FirstOfGroup(udg_DES_TempGroup)
exitwhen u == null
if (DES_EnemyTargetFilter(u, udg_DES_Player[Node])) then
//Damage enemies
call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(DES_JDamageEffect(), u, DES_AttachmentPoint()))
call UnitDamageTarget(udg_DES_Caster[Node], u, udg_DES_Real3[Node], false, false, DES_JAttackType(), DES_JDamageType(), DES_JWeaponType())
set TempReal = GetUnitState(u, UNIT_STATE_MANA)
call SetUnitState(u, UNIT_STATE_MANA, TempReal - udg_DES_Real4[Node])
call UnitDamageTarget(udg_DES_Caster[Node], u, (TempReal - GetUnitState(u, UNIT_STATE_MANA)) * udg_DES_Real9[Node], false, false, DES_JAttackType(), DES_JDamageType(), DES_JWeaponType())
call GroupRemoveUnit(udg_DES_TempGroup, u)
set udg_DES_Real11[Node] = udg_DES_Real11[Node] - DES_TimerSpeed()
//Check for combo capability
call DES_ComboCollisionDetection(x, y, Node)
if (udg_DES_Real5[Node] <= 0) then
return true
//Check if the user has enabled TerrainHeightMatters
if (DES_TerrainHeightMatters()) then
set z2 = DES_GetZ(x2, y2)
set z = DES_GetZ(x, y)
set z = GetUnitFlyHeight(udg_DES_Unit[Node]) + udg_DES_Real5[Node] - (z2 - z)
set z = GetUnitFlyHeight(udg_DES_Unit[Node]) + udg_DES_Real5[Node]
//Change the units z velocity
set udg_DES_Real5[Node] = udg_DES_Real5[Node] - DES_Gravity()
call SetUnitFlyHeight(udg_DES_Unit[Node], z, 0.)
//Check if it has hit the "ground"
if (z <= DES_GroundHeightLet()) then
call SetUnitFlyHeight(udg_DES_Unit[Node], 0., 0.)
return true
return false
// The main functino which is used to handle all the key //
// components of the spellset, including handling all Orb //
// effects, all forms of the Ultimate and all units which are //
// being affected by anything from the spellset //
function DES_Loop takes nothing returns nothing
//sets up locals
local integer TempInt = 0
local integer TempInt2 = 0
local integer iLoop = 0
local integer Node = 0
local integer TempNode = 0
local real x
local real x2
local real y
local real y2
local real z
local real z2
local real Angle = 0
local real TempReal = 0
local unit u
//Main loop
//Moves to the next node
set TempInt = TempInt + 1
exitwhen TempInt > udg_DES_AbilityCounter
set Node = udg_DES_NextNode[Node]
//Creation Orbs
if (udg_DES_StageID[Node] == DES_CStageID()) then
//Check if the orb is still alive
if ((IsUnitType(udg_DES_Unit[Node], UNIT_TYPE_DEAD)) or (GetUnitTypeId(udg_DES_Unit[Node]) == null)) then
call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(DES_CDeathEffect(), udg_DES_Unit[Node], DES_AttachmentPoint()))
call DES_Recycle(Node)
set TempInt = TempInt - 1
//Find the current location of the Orb
set x = GetUnitX(udg_DES_Unit[Node])
set y = GetUnitY(udg_DES_Unit[Node])
//Check if the Orb has hit the ground
if not(udg_DES_Boolean1[Node]) then
//Move the Orb
if (DES_ProjectileHandler(Node)) then
set udg_DES_Boolean1[Node] = true
call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(udg_DES_TempGroup, x, y, udg_DES_Real2[Node], null)
//Heal Allied units
set u = FirstOfGroup(udg_DES_TempGroup)
exitwhen u == null
if (DES_FriendlyTargetFilter(u, udg_DES_Player[Node])) then
call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(DES_CImpactHealEffect(), u, DES_AttachmentPoint()))
call SetWidgetLife(u, GetWidgetLife(u) + udg_DES_Real3[Node])
call SetUnitState(u, UNIT_STATE_MANA, GetUnitState(u, UNIT_STATE_MANA) + udg_DES_Real4[Node])
call GroupRemoveUnit(udg_DES_TempGroup, u)
//Play Effects
set u = CreateUnit(DES_DummyPlayer(), DES_DummyID(), x, y, 0)
call SetUnitScale(u, DES_CImpactScaleBase() + (udg_DES_Real1[Node] * DES_CImpactScalePerPowerLevel()), 0., 0.)
call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(DES_CImpactEffect(), u, DES_AttachmentPoint()))
call DestroyEffect(udg_DES_SecondaryEffect[Node])
//Set up Data
set udg_DES_Real2[Node] = DES_CPassiveHealAOEBase() + (udg_DES_Real1[Node] * DES_CPassiveHealAOEPerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real3[Node] = DES_CPassiveHealHealthBase() + (udg_DES_Real1[Node] * DES_CPassiveHealHealthPerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real4[Node] = DES_CPassiveHealManaBase() + (udg_DES_Real1[Node] * DES_CPassiveHealManaPerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real5[Node] = DES_CPassiveDelayBase() + (udg_DES_Real1[Node] * DES_CPassiveDelayPerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real6[Node] = udg_DES_Real5[Node]
call UnitApplyTimedLife(u, DES_TimedLifeID(), DES_EffectExpirationTimer())
call UnitApplyTimedLife(udg_DES_Unit[Node], DES_TimedLifeID(), DES_CTimedLifeBase() * (udg_DES_Real1[Node] * DES_CTimedLifePerPowerLevel()))
set u = null
//Check for Combo Capability
call DES_ComboCollisionDetection(x, y, Node)
//Passive heal
elseif (udg_DES_Real6[Node] <= 0) then
set udg_DES_Real6[Node] = udg_DES_Real5[Node]
call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(udg_DES_TempGroup, x, y, udg_DES_Real2[Node], null)
//Heal allied units
set u = FirstOfGroup(udg_DES_TempGroup)
exitwhen u == null
if (DES_FriendlyTargetFilter(u, udg_DES_Player[Node])) then
call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(DES_CHealEffect(), u, DES_AttachmentPoint()))
call SetWidgetLife(u, GetWidgetLife(u) + udg_DES_Real3[Node])
call SetUnitState(u, UNIT_STATE_MANA, GetUnitState(u, UNIT_STATE_MANA) + udg_DES_Real4[Node])
call GroupRemoveUnit(udg_DES_TempGroup, u)
set udg_DES_Real6[Node] = udg_DES_Real6[Node] - DES_TimerSpeed()
//Destruction Orbs
elseif (udg_DES_StageID[Node] == DES_DStageID()) then
//Check if the Orb is still alive
if ((IsUnitType(udg_DES_Unit[Node], UNIT_TYPE_DEAD)) or (GetUnitTypeId(udg_DES_Unit[Node]) == null)) then
call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(DES_DDeathEffect(), udg_DES_Unit[Node], DES_AttachmentPoint()))
call DES_Recycle(Node)
set TempInt = TempInt - 1
//Get the current Coordinates of the Orb
set x = GetUnitX(udg_DES_Unit[Node])
set y = GetUnitY(udg_DES_Unit[Node])
//Check if the Orb has hit the ground
if not(udg_DES_Boolean1[Node]) then
//Move the Orb
if (DES_ProjectileHandler(Node)) then
set udg_DES_Boolean1[Node] = true
call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(udg_DES_TempGroup, x, y, udg_DES_Real2[Node], null)
//Damage enemy units
set u = FirstOfGroup(udg_DES_TempGroup)
exitwhen u == null
if (DES_EnemyTargetFilter(u, udg_DES_Player[Node])) then
call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(DES_DImpactDamageEffect(), u, DES_AttachmentPoint()))
call UnitDamageTarget(udg_DES_Caster[Node], u, udg_DES_Real3[Node], false, false, DES_DAttackType(), DES_DDamageType(), DES_DWeaponType())
call SetUnitState(u, UNIT_STATE_MANA, GetUnitState(u, UNIT_STATE_MANA) - udg_DES_Real4[Node])
call GroupRemoveUnit(udg_DES_TempGroup, u)
//Play Effects
set u = CreateUnit(DES_DummyPlayer(), DES_DummyID(), x, y, 0)
call SetUnitScale(u, DES_DImpactScaleBase() + (udg_DES_Real1[Node] * DES_DImpactScalePerPowerLevel()), 0., 0.)
call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(DES_DImpactEffect(), u, DES_AttachmentPoint()))
call DestroyEffect(udg_DES_SecondaryEffect[Node])
//Set up data
set udg_DES_Real2[Node] = DES_DPassiveDamageAOEBase() + (udg_DES_Real1[Node] * DES_DPassiveDamageAOEPerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real3[Node] = DES_DPassiveDamageHealthBase() + (udg_DES_Real1[Node] * DES_DPassiveDamageHealthPerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real4[Node] = DES_DPassiveDamageManaBase() + (udg_DES_Real1[Node] * DES_DPassiveDamageManaPerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real5[Node] = DES_DPassiveDelayBase() + (udg_DES_Real1[Node] * DES_DPassiveDelayPerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real6[Node] = udg_DES_Real5[Node]
call UnitApplyTimedLife(u, DES_TimedLifeID(), DES_EffectExpirationTimer())
call UnitApplyTimedLife(udg_DES_Unit[Node], DES_TimedLifeID(), DES_DTimedLifeBase() * (udg_DES_Real1[Node] * DES_DTimedLifePerPowerLevel()))
set u = null
//Check for Combo Capability
call DES_ComboCollisionDetection(x, y, Node)
//Passive Damage
elseif (udg_DES_Real6[Node] <= 0) then
set udg_DES_Real6[Node] = udg_DES_Real5[Node]
call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(udg_DES_TempGroup, x, y, udg_DES_Real2[Node], null)
//Damage enemy units
set u = FirstOfGroup(udg_DES_TempGroup)
exitwhen u == null
if (DES_EnemyTargetFilter(u, udg_DES_Player[Node])) then
call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(DES_DDamageEffect(), u, DES_AttachmentPoint()))
call UnitDamageTarget(udg_DES_Caster[Node], u, udg_DES_Real3[Node], false, false, DES_DAttackType(), DES_DDamageType(), DES_DWeaponType())
call SetUnitState(u, UNIT_STATE_MANA, GetUnitState(u, UNIT_STATE_MANA) - udg_DES_Real4[Node])
call GroupRemoveUnit(udg_DES_TempGroup, u)
set udg_DES_Real6[Node] = udg_DES_Real6[Node] - DES_TimerSpeed()
//Justice Orbs
elseif (udg_DES_StageID[Node] == DES_JStageID()) then
//Check if the Orb is still alive
if (IsUnitType(udg_DES_Unit[Node], UNIT_TYPE_DEAD)) or (GetUnitTypeId(udg_DES_Unit[Node]) == null) then
call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(DES_JDeathEffect(), udg_DES_Unit[Node], DES_AttachmentPoint()))
call DES_SlowScan(Node)
call DES_Recycle(Node)
set TempInt = TempInt - 1
//Get the current Coordinates of the Orb
set x = GetUnitX(udg_DES_Unit[Node])
set y = GetUnitY(udg_DES_Unit[Node])
call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(udg_DES_TempGroup, x, y, udg_DES_Real2[Node], null)
//Passive Slow
set u = FirstOfGroup(udg_DES_TempGroup)
exitwhen u == null
if (DES_EnemyTargetFilter(u, udg_DES_Player[Node])) then
if (UnitAddAbility(u, DES_SlowID())) then
set TempNode = DES_CreateNode()
set udg_DES_Unit[TempNode] = u
set udg_DES_Core[TempNode] = udg_DES_Unit[Node]
call SetUnitAbilityLevel(udg_DES_Unit[TempNode], DES_SlowID(), udg_DES_Integer2[Node])
set udg_DES_CurrentEffect[TempNode] = AddSpecialEffectTarget(DES_JSlowEffect(), u, DES_AttachmentPoint())
set udg_DES_Integer1[TempNode] = Node
set udg_DES_Boolean1[TempNode] = false
set udg_DES_Boolean2[TempNode] = true
set udg_DES_Boolean3[TempNode] = false
set udg_DES_Boolean4[TempNode] = false
set udg_DES_StageID[TempNode] = DES_UnitStageID()
call GroupRemoveUnit(udg_DES_TempGroup, u)
//Check if the Orb is still moving
if (udg_DES_Boolean3[Node]) then
//Move the Orb
if (DES_ProjectileHandler(Node)) then
set udg_DES_Boolean3[Node] = false
call UnitApplyTimedLife(udg_DES_Unit[Node], DES_TimedLifeID(), DES_JTimedLifeBase() * (udg_DES_Real1[Node] * DES_JTimedLifePerPowerLevel()))
call DestroyEffect(udg_DES_SecondaryEffect[Node])
//Large Destruction Orbs
elseif (udg_DES_StageID[Node] == DES_LargeDStageID()) then
//Move the Orb
if (DES_ProjectileHandler(Node)) then
//Get The current Coordinates of the Orb
set x = GetUnitX(udg_DES_Unit[Node])
set y = GetUnitY(udg_DES_Unit[Node])
call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(udg_DES_TempGroup, x, y, udg_DES_Real2[Node], null)
//Damage Enemy Units
set u = FirstOfGroup(udg_DES_TempGroup)
exitwhen u == null
if (DES_EnemyTargetFilter(u, udg_DES_Player[Node])) then
call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(DES_DImpactDamageEffect(), u, DES_AttachmentPoint()))
call UnitDamageTarget(udg_DES_Caster[Node], u, udg_DES_Real3[Node], false, false, DES_DAttackType(), DES_DDamageType(), DES_DWeaponType())
call SetUnitState(u, UNIT_STATE_MANA, GetUnitState(u, UNIT_STATE_MANA) - udg_DES_Real4[Node])
call GroupRemoveUnit(udg_DES_TempGroup, u)
//Create smaller Orbs
set z = DES_GetZ(x, y)
set iLoop = 0
set iLoop = iLoop + 1
exitwhen iLoop > udg_DES_Integer1[Node]
set Angle = GetRandomReal(-bj_PI,bj_PI)
set TempReal = GetRandomReal(DES_DMinSpreadAOE(), udg_DES_Real2[Node])
set x2 = x + TempReal * Cos(Angle)
set y2 = y + TempReal * Sin(Angle)
set z2 = DES_GetZ(x2 , y2)
//Set up Orb Data
set TempNode = DES_CreateNode()
set udg_DES_Real1[TempNode] = udg_DES_Real8[Node]
set udg_DES_Real2[TempNode] = DES_DImpactAOEBase() + (udg_DES_Real1[TempNode] * DES_DImpactAOEPerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real3[TempNode] = DES_DImpactDamageHealthBase() + (udg_DES_Real1[TempNode] * DES_DImpactDamageHealthPerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real4[TempNode] = DES_DImpactDamageManaBase() + (udg_DES_Real1[TempNode] * DES_DImpactDamageManaPerPowerLevel())
if (DES_CTrueOrIncomingSpeed()) then
set udg_DES_Real5[TempNode] = DES_DTrueSpeedBase() + (udg_DES_Real1[TempNode] * DES_DTrueSpeedPerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real5[TempNode] = TempReal / ((DES_DIncomingTimeBase() + (udg_DES_Real1[TempNode] * DES_DIncomingTimePerPowerLevel())) / DES_TimerSpeed())
set TempReal = TempReal / udg_DES_Real5[TempNode]
set udg_DES_Real6[TempNode] = udg_DES_Real5[TempNode] * Cos(Angle)
set udg_DES_Real7[TempNode] = udg_DES_Real5[TempNode] * Sin(Angle)
set udg_DES_Real5[TempNode] = ((z2 - z) + ((DES_Gravity() * (TempReal) * (TempReal)) / 2)) / TempReal
set udg_DES_Boolean1[TempNode] = false
set udg_DES_Boolean2[TempNode] = false
set udg_DES_Boolean3[TempNode] = false
set udg_DES_Boolean4[TempNode] = false
set udg_DES_StageID[TempNode] = DES_DStageID()
set udg_DES_Caster[TempNode] = udg_DES_Caster[Node]
set udg_DES_Core[TempNode] = udg_DES_Core[Node]
set udg_DES_Player[TempNode] = GetOwningPlayer(udg_DES_Caster[TempNode])
//Set up Orb Unit
set udg_DES_Unit[TempNode] = CreateUnit(DES_DummyPlayer(), DES_DummyID(), x, y, Angle * bj_RADTODEG)
set udg_DES_CurrentEffect[TempNode] = AddSpecialEffectTarget(DES_DOrbEffect(), udg_DES_Unit[TempNode], DES_AttachmentPoint())
set udg_DES_SecondaryEffect[TempNode] = AddSpecialEffectTarget(DES_DMoveEffect(), udg_DES_Unit[TempNode], DES_AttachmentPoint())
call SetUnitScale(udg_DES_Unit[TempNode], DES_DOrbScaleBase() + (udg_DES_Real1[TempNode] * DES_DOrbScalePerPowerLevel()), 0, 0)
if UnitAddAbility(udg_DES_Unit[TempNode], 'Amrf') and UnitRemoveAbility(udg_DES_Unit[TempNode], 'Amrf') then
//Play Effects
set u = CreateUnit(DES_DummyPlayer(), DES_DummyID(), x, y, 0)
call SetUnitScale(u, DES_DImpactScaleBase() + (udg_DES_Real1[Node] * DES_DImpactScalePerPowerLevel()), 0., 0.)
call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(DES_DImpactEffect(), u, DES_AttachmentPoint()))
call DestroyEffect(udg_DES_SecondaryEffect[Node])
call DestroyEffect(udg_DES_CurrentEffect[Node])
call UnitApplyTimedLife(u, DES_TimedLifeID(), DES_EffectExpirationTimer())
call UnitApplyTimedLife(udg_DES_Unit[Node], DES_TimedLifeID(), DES_EffectExpirationTimer())
call DES_Recycle(Node)
set TempInt = TempInt - 1
set u = null
//Afflicted Units
elseif (udg_DES_StageID[Node] == DES_UnitStageID()) then
//Check if the unit is on Fire
if (udg_DES_Boolean1[Node]) then
//Check if the unit is still alive
if (IsUnitType(udg_DES_Unit[Node], UNIT_TYPE_DEAD) or (GetUnitTypeId(udg_DES_Unit[Node]) == null)) then
//Play Effects
call DestroyEffect(udg_DES_CurrentEffect[Node])
call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(DES_TrialExplodeEffect(), udg_DES_Unit[Node], DES_AttachmentPoint()))
call UnitRemoveAbility(udg_DES_Unit[Node], DES_BurnID())
set x = GetUnitX(udg_DES_Unit[Node])
set y = GetUnitY(udg_DES_Unit[Node])
//Damage Enemy Units
call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(udg_DES_TempGroup, x, y, udg_DES_Real2[Node], null)
set u = FirstOfGroup(udg_DES_TempGroup)
exitwhen u == null
if (DES_EnemyTargetFilter(u, udg_DES_Player[Node])) then
call UnitDamageTarget(udg_DES_Caster[Node], u, udg_DES_Real3[Node], false, false, DES_TrialAttackType(), DES_TrialDamageType(), DES_TrialWeaponType())
call SetUnitState(u, UNIT_STATE_MANA, GetUnitState(u, UNIT_STATE_MANA) - udg_DES_Real4[Node])
call GroupRemoveUnit(udg_DES_TempGroup, u)
call DES_Recycle(Node)
set TempInt = TempInt - 1
//Apply Buff
set udg_DES_Real7[Node] = udg_DES_Real7[Node] - DES_TimerSpeed()
call UnitAddAbility(udg_DES_Unit[Node], DES_BurnID())
//Burn over Time
if (udg_DES_Real7[Node] > 0.00) then
//Damage unit
if (udg_DES_Real9[Node] <= 0.00) then
set udg_DES_Real9[Node] = udg_DES_Real8[Node]
call UnitDamageTarget(udg_DES_Caster[Node], udg_DES_Unit[Node], udg_DES_Real5[Node], false, false, DES_TrialAttackType(), DES_TrialDamageType(), DES_TrialWeaponType())
call SetUnitState(udg_DES_Unit[Node], UNIT_STATE_MANA, GetUnitState(udg_DES_Unit[Node], UNIT_STATE_MANA) - udg_DES_Real6[Node])
set udg_DES_Real9[Node] = udg_DES_Real9[Node] - DES_TimerSpeed()
call UnitRemoveAbility(udg_DES_Unit[Node], DES_BurnID())
call DestroyEffect(udg_DES_CurrentEffect[Node])
call DES_Recycle(Node)
set TempInt = TempInt - 1
//Check if the unit is being slowed
elseif (udg_DES_Boolean2[Node]) then
//Check if the unit is still alive
if (IsUnitType(udg_DES_Unit[Node], UNIT_TYPE_DEAD) or (GetUnitTypeId(udg_DES_Unit[Node]) == null)) then
call UnitRemoveAbility(udg_DES_Unit[Node], DES_SlowID())
call DestroyEffect(udg_DES_CurrentEffect[Node])
call DES_Recycle(Node)
set TempInt = TempInt - 1
//Check how far the unit is away from its Orb
set x = GetUnitX(udg_DES_Unit[Node])
set y = GetUnitY(udg_DES_Unit[Node])
set x2 = GetUnitX(udg_DES_Unit[udg_DES_Integer1[Node]])
set y2 = GetUnitY(udg_DES_Unit[udg_DES_Integer1[Node]])
set TempReal = SquareRoot((x2 - x) * (x2 - x) + (y2 - y) * (y2 - y))
if (TempReal > udg_DES_Real2[udg_DES_Integer1[Node]]) then
call UnitRemoveAbility(udg_DES_Unit[Node], DES_SlowID())
call DestroyEffect(udg_DES_CurrentEffect[Node])
call DES_Recycle(Node)
set TempInt = TempInt - 1
//Check if the unit is under the effect of Countdown
elseif (udg_DES_Boolean3[Node]) then
//Check if the unit is still alive
if (IsUnitType(udg_DES_Unit[Node], UNIT_TYPE_DEAD) or (GetUnitTypeId(udg_DES_Unit[Node]) == null)) then
call UnitRemoveAbility(udg_DES_Unit[Node], DES_CountdownID())
call DestroyEffect(udg_DES_CurrentEffect[Node])
call DES_Recycle(Node)
set TempInt = TempInt - 1
//Check how far the unit is away from the ultimate centre
set x = GetUnitX(udg_DES_Unit[Node])
set y = GetUnitY(udg_DES_Unit[Node])
set x2 = GetUnitX(udg_DES_Unit[udg_DES_Integer1[Node]])
set y2 = GetUnitY(udg_DES_Unit[udg_DES_Integer1[Node]])
set TempReal = SquareRoot((x2 - x) * (x2 - x) + (y2 - y) * (y2 - y))
if (TempReal > udg_DES_Real4[udg_DES_Integer1[Node]]) then
call UnitRemoveAbility(udg_DES_Unit[Node], DES_CountdownID())
call DestroyEffect(udg_DES_CurrentEffect[Node])
call DES_Recycle(Node)
set TempInt = TempInt - 1
//Check if the unit is being knocked back & In flight
elseif (udg_DES_Boolean4[Node]) then
//Move the unit
if (DES_ProjectileHandler(Node)) then
set udg_DES_Boolean4[Node] = false
call DestroyEffect(udg_DES_CurrentEffect[Node])
//Do fall damage
call UnitDamageTarget(udg_DES_Caster[Node], udg_DES_Unit[Node], (DES_FallDamageMultiplyer() * (-udg_DES_Real5[Node])), false, false, DES_PAttackType(), DES_PDamageType(), DES_PWeaponType())
call SetUnitState(udg_DES_Unit[Node], UNIT_STATE_MANA, GetUnitState(udg_DES_Unit[Node], UNIT_STATE_MANA) - (DES_FallDamageMultiplyer() * (-udg_DES_Real5[Node])))
//Unit is being knocked back (on the ground)
//Get the current coordinates of the unit
set x = GetUnitX(udg_DES_Unit[Node])
set y = GetUnitY(udg_DES_Unit[Node])
//Calculate new speeds
set udg_DES_Real6[Node] = udg_DES_Real6[Node] * DES_GroundDrag()
set udg_DES_Real7[Node] = udg_DES_Real7[Node] * DES_GroundDrag()
set TempReal = SquareRoot((udg_DES_Real6[Node] * udg_DES_Real6[Node]) + (udg_DES_Real7[Node] * udg_DES_Real7[Node]))
//Check if the unit should stop
if (TempReal <= DES_GroundDragStop()) then
call DES_Recycle(Node)
set TempInt = TempInt - 1
//Check if the new point is valid
elseif (DES_ValidateLocation(x, y)) then
//Check if any trees need to be destroyed
if (DES_DestroyTrees()) then
call DES_GetTrees(x, y)
//Move the unit
call SetUnitX(udg_DES_Unit[Node], x + udg_DES_Real6[Node])
call SetUnitY(udg_DES_Unit[Node], y + udg_DES_Real7[Node])
elseif (udg_DES_StageID[Node] == DES_UltimateStageID()) then
//Check that the ultimate is not ending
if (udg_DES_Integer1[Node] <= DES_UltimateDivineStormTypeID()) then
set x = GetUnitX(udg_DES_Unit[Node])
set y = GetUnitY(udg_DES_Unit[Node])
set udg_DES_Real12[Node] = udg_DES_Real12[Node] + udg_DES_Real9[Node]
set TempInt2 = TempInt
set TempNode = Node
//Control Orbit of Stacks
set TempInt2 = TempInt2 + 1
exitwhen TempInt2 > udg_DES_AbilityCounter
set TempNode = udg_DES_NextNode[TempNode]
if (udg_DES_Boolean2[TempNode]) and (udg_DES_Core[TempNode] == udg_DES_Unit[Node]) then
set Angle = (udg_DES_Real12[Node] + (DES_PSmallOrbAngleOffset() * udg_DES_StageID[TempNode])) * bj_DEGTORAD
call SetUnitX(udg_DES_Unit[TempNode], x + udg_DES_Real8[Node] * Cos(Angle))
call SetUnitY(udg_DES_Unit[TempNode], y + udg_DES_Real8[Node] * Sin(Angle))
if (udg_DES_Integer1[Node] == DES_UltimateDivineStartTypeID()) then
call SetUnitFlyHeight(udg_DES_Unit[TempNode], GetUnitFlyHeight(udg_DES_Unit[TempNode]) + udg_DES_Real6[Node], 0.)
if (udg_DES_Integer1[Node] == DES_UltimateDivineStartTypeID()) and (udg_DES_Boolean4[TempNode]) and (udg_DES_Core[TempNode] == udg_DES_Unit[Node]) then
call SetUnitFlyHeight(udg_DES_Unit[TempNode], GetUnitFlyHeight(udg_DES_Unit[TempNode]) + udg_DES_Real3[Node], 0.)
//Check if the ultimate is currently pulling in units and orbs
if (udg_DES_Integer1[Node] == DES_UltimatePullingTypeID()) then
set udg_DES_Real2[Node] = udg_DES_Real2[Node] - DES_TimerSpeed()
set udg_DES_Real11[Node] = udg_DES_Real11[Node] - DES_TimerSpeed()
//Check if there's time left for pulling
if (udg_DES_Real2[Node] > 0) then
call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(udg_DES_TempGroup, x, y, udg_DES_Real1[Node], null)
set TempInt2 = 0
set TempNode = 0
//Get Orbs to pull
set TempInt2 = TempInt2 + 1
exitwhen TempInt2 > udg_DES_AbilityCounter
set TempNode = udg_DES_NextNode[TempNode]
//Check if the Orb is a valid target
if (not(udg_DES_Core[TempNode] == udg_DES_Unit[Node])) and (udg_DES_StageID[TempNode] <= DES_JStageID()) and (udg_DES_Boolean1[TempNode]) and not(udg_DES_Boolean3[TempNode]) and not(udg_DES_Boolean4[TempNode]) and (GetUnitTypeId(udg_DES_Unit[Node]) == DES_DummyID()) then
set x2 = GetUnitX(udg_DES_Unit[TempNode])
set y2 = GetUnitY(udg_DES_Unit[TempNode])
//Find the distance to the Orb
set TempReal = SquareRoot((x2 - x) * (x2 - x) + (y2 - y) * (y2 - y))
//Check if the Orb is close enough to pull
if (TempReal <= udg_DES_Real1[Node]) then
set Angle = Atan2(y - y2, x - x2)
//Check if the Orb is within absorbing range
if (TempReal > udg_DES_Real8[Node]) then
call SetUnitX(udg_DES_Unit[TempNode], x2 + udg_DES_Real7[Node] * Cos(Angle))
call SetUnitY(udg_DES_Unit[TempNode], y2 + udg_DES_Real7[Node] * Sin(Angle))
//Make the Orb uninteractable
if not(udg_DES_Boolean2[TempNode]) then
set udg_DES_Boolean2[TempNode] = true
//Play Effects
call DestroyEffect(udg_DES_CurrentEffect[TempNode])
call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(DES_PAbsorbEffect(), udg_DES_Unit[TempNode], DES_AttachmentPoint()))
call UnitApplyTimedLife(udg_DES_Unit[TempNode], DES_TimedLifeID(), DES_EffectExpirationTimer())
//Find what kind of Orb was absorbed
//Then check if another can be added to the stack
//If so, then add the Orb
if (udg_DES_StageID[TempNode] == DES_CStageID()) then
set udg_DES_Real4[Node] = udg_DES_Real4[Node] + udg_DES_Real1[TempNode]
if (udg_DES_Real4[Node] >= udg_DES_Real3[Node]) then
set udg_DES_Real4[Node] = udg_DES_Real4[Node] - udg_DES_Real3[Node]
call DES_AddOrb(Node, DES_CStageID(), x, y, udg_DES_Real13[Node] * udg_DES_Integer2[Node], Angle)
set udg_DES_Integer2[Node] = udg_DES_Integer2[Node] + 1
elseif (udg_DES_StageID[TempNode] == DES_DStageID()) then
set udg_DES_Real5[Node] = udg_DES_Real5[Node] + udg_DES_Real1[TempNode]
if (udg_DES_Real5[Node] >= udg_DES_Real3[Node]) then
set udg_DES_Real5[Node] = udg_DES_Real5[Node] - udg_DES_Real3[Node]
call DES_AddOrb(Node, DES_DStageID(), x, y, udg_DES_Real13[Node] * udg_DES_Integer3[Node], Angle)
set udg_DES_Integer3[Node] = udg_DES_Integer3[Node] + 1
call DES_SlowScan(TempNode)
set udg_DES_Real6[Node] = udg_DES_Real6[Node] + udg_DES_Real1[TempNode]
if (udg_DES_Real6[Node] >= udg_DES_Real3[Node]) then
set udg_DES_Real6[Node] = udg_DES_Real6[Node] - udg_DES_Real3[Node]
call DES_AddOrb(Node, DES_JStageID(), x, y, udg_DES_Real13[Node] * udg_DES_Integer4[Node], Angle)
set udg_DES_Integer4[Node] = udg_DES_Integer4[Node] + 1
//Recycle the Absorbed Orb
call DES_Recycle(TempNode)
set TempInt = TempInt - 1
set TempInt2 = TempInt2 - 1
//Get Units to Pull
set u = FirstOfGroup(udg_DES_TempGroup)
exitwhen u == null
if (DES_EnemyTargetFilter(u, udg_DES_Player[Node])) then
//Check if it's time to run a pull effect
if (udg_DES_Real11[Node] <= 0) then
call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(DES_PPullEffect(), u, DES_AttachmentPoint()))
set x2 = GetUnitX(u)
set y2 = GetUnitY(u)
set Angle = Atan2(y - y2, x - x2)
//Check if there are trees to be absorbed
if (DES_DestroyTrees()) then
call DES_GetTrees(x2, y2)
//Pull Units
if (DES_ValidateLocation(x2, y2)) and (not(IsTerrainPathable(x2, y2, PATHING_TYPE_WALKABILITY))) then
call SetUnitX(u, x2 + udg_DES_Real7[Node] * Cos(Angle))
call SetUnitY(u, y2 + udg_DES_Real7[Node] * Sin(Angle))
call GroupRemoveUnit(udg_DES_TempGroup, u)
if (udg_DES_Real11[Node] <= 0) then
set udg_DES_Real11[Node] = udg_DES_Real10[Node]
set TempInt2 = 0
set TempNode = 0
//Find Orbs in proximity which were being pulled
//and now need to be released
set TempInt2 = TempInt2 + 1
exitwhen TempInt2 > udg_DES_AbilityCounter
set TempNode = udg_DES_NextNode[TempNode]
if (not(udg_DES_Core[TempNode] == udg_DES_Unit[Node])) and (udg_DES_StageID[TempNode] <= DES_JStageID()) and (udg_DES_Boolean1[TempNode]) and (udg_DES_Boolean1[TempNode]) and not(udg_DES_Boolean3[TempNode]) and not(udg_DES_Boolean4[TempNode]) and (GetUnitTypeId(udg_DES_Unit[Node]) == DES_DummyID()) then
set x2 = GetUnitX(udg_DES_Unit[TempNode])
set y2 = GetUnitY(udg_DES_Unit[TempNode])
set TempReal = SquareRoot((x2 - x) * (x2 - x) + (y2 - y) * (y2 - y))
//Make the Orb Interactable
if (TempReal <= udg_DES_Real1[Node]) then
set udg_DES_Boolean2[TempNode] = false
//Find out which effect to run
set udg_DES_Real1[Node] = udg_DES_Real3[Node] * udg_DES_Integer2[Node]
if (udg_DES_Integer4[Node] == udg_DES_Integer3[Node]) and (udg_DES_Integer4[Node] == udg_DES_Integer2[Node]) then
//Divine Envoy Data
set udg_DES_Integer1[Node] = DES_UltimateDivineStartTypeID()
set udg_DES_Real2[Node] = (DES_PDivineAscensionTimeBase() + (udg_DES_Real1[Node] * DES_PDivineAscensionTimePerPowerLevel()))
set udg_DES_Real3[Node] = (DES_PDivineHeightIncreaseBase() + (udg_DES_Real1[Node] * DES_PDivineHeightIncreasePerPowerLevel()))
set udg_DES_Real4[Node] = (DES_PDivineSmallOrbsOffsetIncreaseBase() + (udg_DES_Real1[Node] * DES_PDivineSmallOrbsOffsetIncreasePerPowerLevel())) / (udg_DES_Real2[Node] / DES_TimerSpeed())
set udg_DES_Real5[Node] = GetUnitFlyHeight(udg_DES_Unit[Node])
set udg_DES_Real6[Node] = (((udg_DES_Real3[Node] + udg_DES_Real5[Node]) - ((udg_DES_Integer2[Node] * udg_DES_Real13[Node]))) / 2.) / (udg_DES_Real2[Node] / DES_TimerSpeed())
set udg_DES_Real3[Node] = udg_DES_Real3[Node] / (udg_DES_Real2[Node] / DES_TimerSpeed())
set udg_DES_Real2[Node] = udg_DES_Real3[Node] * udg_DES_Integer3[Node]
set udg_DES_Real3[Node] = udg_DES_Real3[Node] * udg_DES_Integer4[Node]
if (udg_DES_Integer3[Node] > udg_DES_Integer2[Node]) then
if (udg_DES_Integer4[Node] > udg_DES_Integer3[Node]) then
//Countdown Data
call DES_UltimateCountStart(Node)
//Armageddon Data
set udg_DES_Integer1[Node] = DES_UltimateArmaTypeID()
set udg_DES_Real4[Node] = DES_PArmaAOEBase() + (udg_DES_Real1[Node] * DES_PArmaAOEPerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real5[Node] = DES_PArmaProjectilesPerSecondBase() + (udg_DES_Real2[Node] * DES_PArmaProjectilesPerSecondPerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real6[Node] = DES_PArmaDurationBase() + (udg_DES_Real3[Node] * DES_PArmaDurationPerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real7[Node] = (DES_PArmaLaunchDelayBase() + (udg_DES_Real2[Node] * DES_PArmaLaunchDelayPerPowerLevel()))
set udg_DES_Real10[Node] = udg_DES_Real5[Node] / (udg_DES_Real7[Node] / DES_TimerSpeed())
set udg_DES_Real11[Node] = udg_DES_Real7[Node]
elseif (udg_DES_Integer2[Node] > udg_DES_Integer4[Node]) then
//Wild Growth Data
set udg_DES_Integer1[Node] = DES_UltimateWildTypeID()
set udg_DES_Real4[Node] = DES_PWildAOEBase() + (udg_DES_Real2[Node] * DES_PWildAOEPerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real5[Node] = DES_PWildStartAOEBase() + (udg_DES_Real2[Node] * DES_PWildStartAOEPerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real6[Node] = (udg_DES_Real4[Node] - udg_DES_Real5[Node]) / (DES_PWildExpandRingCountBase() + (udg_DES_Real2[Node] * DES_PWildExpandRingCountPerPowerLevel()))
set udg_DES_Real7[Node] = udg_DES_Real5[Node]
set udg_DES_Real10[Node] = DES_PWildTreantDurationBase() + (udg_DES_Real3[Node] * DES_PWildTreantDurationPerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real11[Node] = DES_PWildTreantCountPerRingBase() + (udg_DES_Real1[Node] * DES_PWildTreantCountPerRingPerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real1[Node] = DES_PWildTreantSpawnDelayBase() + (udg_DES_Real2[Node] * DES_PWildTreantSpawnDelayPerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real13[Node] = udg_DES_Real1[Node]
//Countdown Data
call DES_UltimateCountStart(Node)
//Check if the ultimate is casting Wild Growth
elseif (udg_DES_Integer1[Node] == DES_UltimateWildTypeID()) then
//Check if it's time to spawn another ring
if (udg_DES_Real13[Node] <= 0) then
set udg_DES_Real13[Node] = udg_DES_Real1[Node]
set udg_DES_Real7[Node] = udg_DES_Real7[Node] + udg_DES_Real6[Node]
//Check if the full size has been reached
if (udg_DES_Real7[Node] <= udg_DES_Real4[Node]) then
set iLoop = 0
set Angle = 0
set TempReal = (2 * bj_PI) / udg_DES_Real11[Node]
//Spawn Treants
set iLoop = iLoop + 1
exitwhen iLoop > udg_DES_Real11[Node]
set Angle = Angle + TempReal
set x2 = x + udg_DES_Real7[Node] * Cos(Angle)
set y2 = y + udg_DES_Real7[Node] * Sin(Angle)
set u = CreateUnit(udg_DES_Player[Node], DES_TreantID(), x2, y2, Angle * bj_RADTODEG)
call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(DES_PWildSpawnEffect(), u, DES_AttachmentPoint()))
call UnitApplyTimedLife(u, DES_TimedLifeID(), udg_DES_Real10[Node])
call DES_EndUltimate(Node)
set TempInt = TempInt - 1
set udg_DES_Real13[Node] = udg_DES_Real13[Node] - DES_TimerSpeed()
//Check if the ultimate is casting Armageddon
elseif (udg_DES_Integer1[Node] == DES_UltimateArmaTypeID()) then
set udg_DES_Real6[Node] = udg_DES_Real6[Node] - DES_TimerSpeed()
//Check if there's still time left
if (udg_DES_Real6[Node] > 0) then
//Check if it's time to spawn a projectile
if (udg_DES_Real11[Node] <= 0) then
set udg_DES_Real11[Node] = udg_DES_Real7[Node]
set iLoop = 0
set z = GetUnitFlyHeight(udg_DES_Unit[Node])
//Spawn Projectiles
set iLoop = iLoop + 1
exitwhen iLoop >= udg_DES_Real10[Node]
set TempReal = GetRandomReal(DES_PArmaMinAOE(), udg_DES_Real4[Node])
set Angle = GetRandomReal(-bj_PI, bj_PI)
set x2 = x + TempReal * Cos(Angle)
set y2 = y + TempReal * Sin(Angle)
set z2 = DES_GetZ(x2, y2)
//set up data
set TempNode = DES_CreateNode()
set udg_DES_Real2[TempNode] = DES_PArmaProjectileAOEBase() + (udg_DES_Real1[Node] * DES_PArmaProjectileAOEPerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real3[TempNode] = DES_PArmaProjectileHealthDamageBase() + (udg_DES_Real3[Node] * DES_PArmaProjectileHealthDamagePerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real4[TempNode] = DES_PArmaProjectileManaDamageBase() + (udg_DES_Real3[Node] * DES_PArmaProjectileManaDamagePerPowerLevel())
if (DES_PArmaTrueOrIncomingSpeed()) then
set udg_DES_Real5[TempNode] = DES_PArmaTrueSpeedBase() + (udg_DES_Real1[Node] * DES_PArmaTrueSpeedPerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real5[TempNode] = TempReal / ((DES_PArmaIncomingTimeBase() + (udg_DES_Real1[Node] * DES_PArmaIncomingTimePerPowerLevel())) / DES_TimerSpeed())
set TempReal = TempReal / udg_DES_Real5[TempNode]
set udg_DES_Real6[TempNode] = udg_DES_Real5[TempNode] * Cos(Angle)
set udg_DES_Real7[TempNode] = udg_DES_Real5[TempNode] * Sin(Angle)
set udg_DES_Real5[TempNode] = ((z2 - z) + ((DES_Gravity() * (TempReal) * (TempReal)) / 2)) / TempReal
set udg_DES_Boolean1[TempNode] = false
set udg_DES_Boolean2[TempNode] = false
set udg_DES_Boolean3[TempNode] = false
set udg_DES_Boolean4[TempNode] = false
set udg_DES_StageID[TempNode] = DES_PProjectileStageID()
set udg_DES_Caster[TempNode] = udg_DES_Caster[Node]
set udg_DES_Core[TempNode] = udg_DES_Caster[Node]
set udg_DES_Player[TempNode] = GetOwningPlayer(udg_DES_Caster[TempNode])
//Set up Unit
set udg_DES_Unit[TempNode] = CreateUnit(DES_DummyPlayer(), DES_DummyID(), x, y, Angle * bj_RADTODEG)
set udg_DES_CurrentEffect[TempNode] = AddSpecialEffectTarget(DES_PArmaProjectileEffect(), udg_DES_Unit[TempNode], DES_AttachmentPoint())
set udg_DES_SecondaryEffect[TempNode] = AddSpecialEffectTarget(DES_PArmaProjectileMoveEffect(), udg_DES_Unit[TempNode], DES_AttachmentPoint())
call SetUnitScale(udg_DES_Unit[TempNode], DES_PArmaProjectileScale(), 0, 0)
if UnitAddAbility(udg_DES_Unit[TempNode], 'Amrf') and UnitRemoveAbility(udg_DES_Unit[TempNode], 'Amrf') then
call SetUnitFlyHeight(udg_DES_Unit[TempNode], z, 0.)
set udg_DES_Real11[Node] = udg_DES_Real11[Node] - DES_TimerSpeed()
call DES_EndUltimate(Node)
set TempInt = TempInt - 1
//Check if the Ultimate is casting Countdown
elseif (udg_DES_Integer1[Node] == DES_UltimateCountTypeID()) then
set udg_DES_Real11[Node] = udg_DES_Real11[Node] - DES_TimerSpeed()
//Check if there's still time left
if (udg_DES_Real11[Node] > 0) then
call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(udg_DES_TempGroup, x, y, udg_DES_Real4[Node], null)
//Find nearby unaffected units
set u = FirstOfGroup(udg_DES_TempGroup)
exitwhen u == null
if (DES_EnemyTargetFilter(u, udg_DES_Player[Node])) or (DES_FriendlyTargetFilter(u, udg_DES_Player[Node])) then
//Apply Countdown Data to unit
if (UnitAddAbility(u, DES_CountdownID())) then
set TempNode = DES_CreateNode()
set udg_DES_Unit[TempNode] = u
set udg_DES_Core[TempNode] = udg_DES_Unit[Node]
set udg_DES_CurrentEffect[TempNode] = AddSpecialEffectTarget(DES_PCountEffect(), u, DES_AttachmentPoint())
set udg_DES_Integer1[TempNode] = Node
set udg_DES_Boolean1[TempNode] = false
set udg_DES_Boolean2[TempNode] = false
set udg_DES_Boolean3[TempNode] = true
set udg_DES_Boolean4[TempNode] = false
set udg_DES_StageID[TempNode] = DES_UnitStageID()
call GroupRemoveUnit(udg_DES_TempGroup, u)
set TempNode = 0
set TempInt2 = 0
//Check for affected units
set TempInt2 = TempInt2 + 1
exitwhen TempInt2 > udg_DES_AbilityCounter
set TempNode = udg_DES_NextNode[TempNode]
if (udg_DES_Core[TempNode] == udg_DES_Unit[Node]) and (udg_DES_Boolean3[TempNode]) and (udg_DES_StageID[TempNode] == DES_UnitStageID()) then
call UnitRemoveAbility(udg_DES_Unit[TempNode], DES_CountdownID())
call DestroyEffect(udg_DES_CurrentEffect[TempNode])
//Damage enemies, heal allies
if (DES_EnemyTargetFilter(udg_DES_Unit[TempNode], udg_DES_Player[Node])) then
call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(DES_PCountDamageEffect(), udg_DES_Unit[TempNode], DES_AttachmentPoint()))
call UnitDamageTarget(udg_DES_Caster[Node], udg_DES_Unit[TempNode], udg_DES_Real5[Node], false, false, DES_PAttackType(), DES_PDamageType(), DES_PWeaponType())
call SetUnitState(udg_DES_Unit[TempNode], UNIT_STATE_MANA, GetUnitState(udg_DES_Unit[TempNode], UNIT_STATE_MANA) - udg_DES_Real6[Node])
elseif (DES_FriendlyTargetFilter(udg_DES_Unit[TempNode], udg_DES_Player[Node])) then
call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(DES_PCountHealEffect(), udg_DES_Unit[TempNode], DES_AttachmentPoint()))
call SetWidgetLife(udg_DES_Unit[TempNode], GetWidgetLife(udg_DES_Unit[TempNode]) + udg_DES_Real7[Node])
call SetUnitState(udg_DES_Unit[TempNode], UNIT_STATE_MANA, GetUnitState(udg_DES_Unit[TempNode], UNIT_STATE_MANA) + udg_DES_Real8[Node])
call DES_Recycle(TempNode)
set TempInt2 = TempInt2 - 1
call DES_EndUltimate(Node)
set TempInt = TempInt - 1
//Check if the ultimate is casting Divine Envoy and is in the start phase
elseif (udg_DES_Integer1[Node] == DES_UltimateDivineStartTypeID()) then
set udg_DES_Real2[Node] = udg_DES_Real2[Node] - DES_TimerSpeed()
//Check if it's done expanding
if (udg_DES_Real2[Node] > 0) then
//expand ultimate
set udg_DES_Real5[Node] = udg_DES_Real5[Node] + udg_DES_Real3[Node]
set udg_DES_Real8[Node] = udg_DES_Real8[Node] + udg_DES_Real4[Node]
call SetUnitFlyHeight(udg_DES_Unit[Node], udg_DES_Real5[Node], 0.)
//set up data for the next phase
set udg_DES_Integer1[Node] = DES_UltimateDivineStormTypeID()
set udg_DES_Real2[Node] = DES_PDivineStormAOEBase() + (udg_DES_Real1[Node] * DES_PDivineStormAOEPerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real3[Node] = DES_PDivineStormAmountPerSecondBase() + (udg_DES_Real1[Node] * DES_PDivineStormAmountPerSecondPerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real4[Node] = DES_PDivineStormDurationBase() + (udg_DES_Real1[Node] * DES_PDivineStormDurationPerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real6[Node] = DES_PDivineStormHealthDamageBase() + (udg_DES_Real1[Node] * DES_PDivineStormHealthDamagePerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real14[Node] = DES_PDivineStormManaDamageBase() + (udg_DES_Real1[Node] * DES_PDivineStormManaDamagePerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real7[Node] = DES_PDivineStormHealthHealBase() + (udg_DES_Real1[Node] * DES_PDivineStormHealthHealPerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real10[Node] = DES_PDivineStormManaHealBase() + (udg_DES_Real1[Node] * DES_PDivineStormManaHealPerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real11[Node] = DES_PDivineStormDelayBase() + (udg_DES_Real1[Node] * DES_PDivineStormDelayPerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real13[Node] = udg_DES_Real11[Node]
set udg_DES_Real15[Node] = DES_PDivineStormStrikeAOEBase() + (udg_DES_Real1[Node] * DES_PDivineStormStrikeAOEPerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real16[Node] = DES_PDivineStormStrikeScaleBase() + (udg_DES_Real1[Node]* DES_PDivineStormStrikeScalePerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real3[Node] = udg_DES_Real3[Node] * udg_DES_Real11[Node]
//Check if the ultimate is casting Divine Envoy and is in the storm phrase
elseif (udg_DES_Integer1[Node] == DES_UltimateDivineStormTypeID()) then
set udg_DES_Real4[Node] = udg_DES_Real4[Node] - DES_TimerSpeed()
//Check if there's still time left
if (udg_DES_Real4[Node] > 0) then
//Check if it's time to create a lightning effect
if (udg_DES_Real13[Node] <= 0) then
set udg_DES_Real13[Node] = udg_DES_Real11[Node]
set TempInt2 = 0
//Create lightning effects
set TempInt2 = TempInt2 + 1
exitwhen TempInt2 > udg_DES_Real3[Node]
set Angle = GetRandomReal(-bj_PI, bj_PI)
set TempReal = GetRandomReal(0, udg_DES_Real2[Node])
set x2 = x + TempReal * Cos(Angle)
set y2 = y + TempReal * Sin(Angle)
set TempReal = GetRandomReal(0, DES_PDivineStormLightningOffset())
set z = x + TempReal * Cos(Angle)
set z2 = y + TempReal * Sin(Angle)
//Set up Unit and Data
set TempNode = DES_CreateNode()
set udg_DES_Unit[TempNode] = CreateUnit(DES_DummyPlayer(), DES_DummyID(), x2, y2, Angle * bj_RADTODEG)
call SetUnitScale(udg_DES_Unit[TempNode], udg_DES_Real16[Node],0, 0)
set udg_DES_Lightning[TempNode] = AddLightningEx(DES_LightningID(), true, z, z2, udg_DES_Real5[Node] + DES_GetZ(z, z2), x2, y2, 0)
call SetLightningColor(udg_DES_Lightning[TempNode], DES_LightningRed(), DES_LightningGreen(), DES_LightningBlue(), DES_LightningAlpha())
call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(DES_PDivineStormStrikeEffect(), udg_DES_Unit[TempNode], DES_AttachmentPoint()))
call UnitApplyTimedLife(udg_DES_Unit[TempNode], DES_TimedLifeID(), DES_EffectExpirationTimer())
set udg_DES_Real1[TempNode] = udg_DES_Real11[Node] + DES_TimerSpeed()
set udg_DES_StageID[TempNode] = DES_UltimateStageID()
set udg_DES_Integer1[TempNode] = DES_UltimateDivineLightningTypeID()
call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(udg_DES_TempGroup, x2, y2, udg_DES_Real15[Node], null)
//Damage Enemies, heal allies
set u = FirstOfGroup(udg_DES_TempGroup)
exitwhen u == null
if (DES_EnemyTargetFilter(u, udg_DES_Player[Node])) then
call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(DES_PDivineStormDamageEffect(), u, DES_AttachmentPoint()))
call UnitDamageTarget(udg_DES_Unit[Node], u, udg_DES_Real6[Node], false, false, DES_PAttackType(), DES_PDamageType(), DES_PWeaponType())
call SetUnitState(u, UNIT_STATE_MANA, GetUnitState(u, UNIT_STATE_MANA) - udg_DES_Real14[Node])
elseif (DES_FriendlyTargetFilter(u, udg_DES_Player[Node])) then
call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(DES_PDivineStormHealEffect(), u, DES_AttachmentPoint()))
call SetWidgetLife(u, GetWidgetLife(u) + udg_DES_Real7[Node])
call SetUnitState(u, UNIT_STATE_MANA, GetUnitState(u, UNIT_STATE_MANA) + udg_DES_Real10[Node])
call GroupRemoveUnit(udg_DES_TempGroup, u)
set udg_DES_Real13[Node] = udg_DES_Real13[Node] - DES_TimerSpeed()
//Create the Laser
//Set up Data
set TempNode = DES_CreateNode()
set udg_DES_Real1[TempNode] = DES_PDivineLaserAOEToScaleRatioBase() + (udg_DES_Real1[Node] * DES_PDivineLaserAOEToScaleRatioPerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real2[TempNode] = DES_PDivineLaserStartScaleBase() + (udg_DES_Real1[Node] * DES_PDivineLaserStartScalePerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real3[TempNode] = DES_PDivineLaserEndScaleBase() + (udg_DES_Real1[Node] * DES_PDivineLaserEndScalePerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real4[TempNode] = DES_PDivineLaserHealthDamageBase() + (udg_DES_Real1[Node] * DES_PDivineLaserHealthDamagePerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real5[TempNode] = DES_PDivineLaserManaDamageBase() + (udg_DES_Real1[Node] * DES_PDivineLaserManaDamagePerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real6[TempNode] = DES_PDivineLaserHealthHealBase() + (udg_DES_Real1[Node] * DES_PDivineLaserHealthHealPerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real7[TempNode] = DES_PDivineLaserManaHealBase() + (udg_DES_Real1[Node] * DES_PDivineLaserManaHealPerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real8[TempNode] = DES_PDivineLaserKnockbackPowerBase() + (udg_DES_Real1[Node] * DES_PDivineLaserKnockbackPowerPerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real9[TempNode] = DES_PDivineLaserKnockbackPowerCapBase() + (udg_DES_Real1[Node] * DES_PDivineLaserKnockbackPowerCapPerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real10[TempNode] = (udg_DES_Real3[TempNode] - udg_DES_Real2[TempNode]) / ((DES_PDivineLaserTimerBase() + (udg_DES_Real1[Node] * DES_PDivineLaserTimerPerPowerLevel())) / DES_TimerSpeed())
set udg_DES_Boolean1[TempNode] = false
set udg_DES_Boolean2[TempNode] = false
set udg_DES_Boolean3[TempNode] = false
set udg_DES_Boolean4[TempNode] = true
set udg_DES_Integer1[TempNode] = DES_UltimateDivineLaserTypeID()
set udg_DES_Integer2[TempNode] = Node
set udg_DES_Integer3[TempNode] = 0
//set up Unit
set udg_DES_Unit[TempNode] = CreateUnit(DES_DummyPlayer(), DES_DummyID(), x, y, 0.)
set udg_DES_Core[TempNode] = udg_DES_Unit[Node]
set udg_DES_Caster[TempNode] = udg_DES_Caster[Node]
set udg_DES_Player[TempNode] = udg_DES_Player[Node]
set udg_DES_CurrentEffect[TempNode] = AddSpecialEffectTarget(DES_PDivineLaserEffect(), udg_DES_Unit[TempNode], DES_AttachmentPoint())
if UnitAddAbility(udg_DES_Unit[TempNode], 'Amrf') and UnitRemoveAbility(udg_DES_Unit[TempNode], 'Amrf') then
call SetUnitFlyHeight(udg_DES_Unit[TempNode], udg_DES_Real5[Node], 0.)
call SetUnitScale(udg_DES_Unit[TempNode], -udg_DES_Real2[TempNode], 0., 0.)
set udg_DES_StageID[TempNode] = DES_UltimateStageID()
set udg_DES_Integer1[Node] = DES_UltimateWaitingTypeID()
//Check if it is the Laser
elseif (udg_DES_Integer1[Node] == DES_UltimateDivineLaserTypeID()) then
set udg_DES_Real2[Node] = udg_DES_Real2[Node] + udg_DES_Real10[Node]
//Check if the laser has finished expanding
if (udg_DES_Real2[Node] < udg_DES_Real3[Node]) then
call SetUnitScale(udg_DES_Unit[Node], -udg_DES_Real2[Node], 0., 0.)
set x = GetUnitX(udg_DES_Unit[Node])
set y = GetUnitY(udg_DES_Unit[Node])
call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(udg_DES_TempGroup, x, y, udg_DES_Real2[Node] * udg_DES_Real1[Node], null)
//Find units
set u = FirstOfGroup(udg_DES_TempGroup)
exitwhen u == null
//Damage Enemies
if (DES_EnemyTargetFilter(u, udg_DES_Player[Node])) then
//Player Effects
call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(DES_PDivineLaserDamageEffect(), u, DES_AttachmentPoint()))
call UnitDamageTarget(udg_DES_Unit[Node], u, udg_DES_Real4[Node], false, false, DES_PAttackType(), DES_PDamageType(), DES_PWeaponType())
call SetUnitState(u, UNIT_STATE_MANA, GetUnitState(u, UNIT_STATE_MANA) - udg_DES_Real5[Node])
set x2 = GetUnitX(u)
set y2 = GetUnitY(u)
set Angle = Atan2((y2 - y), (x2 - x))
set TempReal = SquareRoot((x2 - x) * (x2 - x) + (y2 - y) * (y2 - y))
//Limit the knockback strength
if (TempReal <= 0) then
set TempReal = udg_DES_Real9[Node]
set TempReal = udg_DES_Real8[Node] / TempReal
if (TempReal > udg_DES_Real9[Node]) then
set TempReal = udg_DES_Real9[Node]
//Set up Data
set TempNode = DES_CreateNode()
set udg_DES_Unit[TempNode] = u
set udg_DES_CurrentEffect[TempNode] = AddSpecialEffectTarget(DES_KnockbackEffect(), u, DES_AttachmentPoint())
set udg_DES_Real5[TempNode] = TempReal * Sin(DES_PDivineLaserKnockbackAngle())
set udg_DES_Real6[TempNode] = TempReal * Cos(DES_PDivineLaserKnockbackAngle()) * Cos(Angle)
set udg_DES_Real7[TempNode] = TempReal * Cos(DES_PDivineLaserKnockbackAngle()) * Sin(Angle)
set udg_DES_Boolean1[TempNode] = false
set udg_DES_Boolean2[TempNode] = false
set udg_DES_Boolean3[TempNode] = false
set udg_DES_Boolean4[TempNode] = not(DES_PDivineLaserKnockbackAngle() == 0.)
//Set up Unit
set udg_DES_StageID[TempNode] = DES_UnitStageID()
set udg_DES_Caster[TempNode] = udg_DES_Caster[Node]
set udg_DES_Core[TempNode] = udg_DES_Unit[TempNode]
if UnitAddAbility(udg_DES_Unit[TempNode], 'Amrf') and UnitRemoveAbility(udg_DES_Unit[Node], 'Amrf') then
//Heal Allies
elseif (DES_FriendlyTargetFilter(u, udg_DES_Player[Node])) then
call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(DES_PDivineLaserHealEffect(), u, DES_AttachmentPoint()))
call SetWidgetLife(u, GetWidgetLife(u) + udg_DES_Real6[Node])
call SetUnitState(u, UNIT_STATE_MANA, GetUnitState(u, UNIT_STATE_MANA) + udg_DES_Real7[Node])
call GroupRemoveUnit(udg_DES_TempGroup, u)
set udg_DES_StageID[Node] = DES_RecycleStageID()
call DES_EndUltimate(udg_DES_Integer2[Node])
set TempInt = TempInt - 1
//Check if it's a lightning effect
set udg_DES_Real1[Node] = udg_DES_Real1[Node] - DES_TimerSpeed()
//Check if it's time to remove the lightning
if (udg_DES_Real1[Node] <= 0) then
call DestroyLightning(udg_DES_Lightning[Node])
call DES_Recycle(Node)
set TempInt = TempInt - 1
//Check if it's a projectile from Armageddon
elseif (udg_DES_StageID[Node] == DES_PProjectileStageID()) then
//Move the projectile
if (DES_ProjectileHandler(Node)) then
set x = GetUnitX(udg_DES_Unit[Node])
set y = GetUnitY(udg_DES_Unit[Node])
call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(udg_DES_TempGroup, x, y, udg_DES_Real2[Node], null)
//Damage Enemies
set u = FirstOfGroup(udg_DES_TempGroup)
exitwhen u == null
if (DES_EnemyTargetFilter(u, udg_DES_Player[Node])) then
call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(DES_PArmaDamageEffect(), u, DES_AttachmentPoint()))
call UnitDamageTarget(udg_DES_Caster[Node], u, udg_DES_Real3[Node], false, false, DES_PAttackType(), DES_PDamageType(), DES_PWeaponType())
call SetUnitState(u, UNIT_STATE_MANA, GetUnitState(u, UNIT_STATE_MANA) - udg_DES_Real4[Node])
call GroupRemoveUnit(udg_DES_TempGroup, u)
//Play Effects
call DestroyEffect(udg_DES_CurrentEffect[Node])
call DestroyEffect(udg_DES_SecondaryEffect[Node])
call UnitApplyTimedLife(udg_DES_Unit[Node], DES_TimedLifeID(), DES_EffectExpirationTimer())
call DES_Recycle(Node)
set TempInt = TempInt - 1
// Function used to check that the ability being cast by a hero //
// is one of the abilities within the spellset, so that if it is //
// the appropaite ability can begin //
function DES_OnCast takes nothing returns boolean
//Sets up locals
local unit u
local integer Node
local integer TempNode
local integer iLevel
local integer TempInt
local integer TempInt2 = 0
local integer spellID = GetSpellAbilityId()
local real rLevel
local real x
local real x2
local real x3
local real y
local real y2
local real y3
local real z
local real z2
local real AOE
local real Angle = 0.
local real Angle2
local real Divider
local real TempReal = 0.
//Checks if the spell cast is the correct spell
if (spellID == DES_CreationID()) then
set u = GetTriggerUnit()
set x = GetUnitX(u)
set x2 = GetSpellTargetX()
set y = GetUnitY(u)
set y2 = GetSpellTargetY()
set z = DES_GetZ(x, y) + GetUnitFlyHeight(u)
set rLevel = I2R(GetUnitAbilityLevel(u, DES_CreationID()))
set AOE = DES_CSpreadAOEBase() + (rLevel * DES_CSpreadAOEPerLevel())
set Divider = (360 / (DES_COrbCountBase() + (rLevel * DES_COrbCountPerLevel())))
//Create Orbs
set Angle = Angle + Divider
exitwhen Angle > 360
set Angle2 = Angle * bj_DEGTORAD
set x3 = x2 + AOE * Cos(Angle2)
set y3 = y2 + AOE * Sin(Angle2)
set z2 = DES_GetZ(x3, y3) + DES_GroundHeightLet()
set TempReal = SquareRoot(((x3 - x) * (x3 - x)) + ((y3 - y) * (y3 - y)))
set Angle2 = Atan2(y3 - y, x3 - x)
//Set up Data
set Node = DES_CreateNode()
set udg_DES_Real1[Node] = DES_CPowerLevelBase() + (rLevel * DES_CPowerLevelPerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real2[Node] = DES_CImpactAOEBase() + (udg_DES_Real1[Node] * DES_CImpactAOEPerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real3[Node] = DES_CImpactHealHealthBase() + (udg_DES_Real1[Node] * DES_CImpactHealHealthPerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real4[Node] = DES_CImpactHealManaBase() + (udg_DES_Real1[Node] * DES_CImpactHealManaPerPowerLevel())
if (DES_CTrueOrIncomingSpeed()) then
set udg_DES_Real5[Node] = DES_CTrueSpeedBase() + (udg_DES_Real1[Node] * DES_CTrueSpeedPerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real5[Node] = TempReal / ((DES_CIncomingTimeBase() + (udg_DES_Real1[Node] * DES_CIncomingTimePerPowerLevel())) / DES_TimerSpeed())
set udg_DES_Unit[Node] = CreateUnit(DES_DummyPlayer(), DES_DummyID(), x, y, Angle2 * bj_RADTODEG)
if (TempReal == 0.) then
set udg_DES_Boolean1[Node] = true
call UnitApplyTimedLife(udg_DES_Unit[Node], DES_TimedLifeID(), DES_CTimedLifeBase() * (udg_DES_Real1[Node] * DES_CTimedLifePerPowerLevel()))
set TempReal = TempReal / udg_DES_Real5[Node]
set udg_DES_Real6[Node] = udg_DES_Real5[Node] * Cos(Angle2)
set udg_DES_Real7[Node] = udg_DES_Real5[Node] * Sin(Angle2)
set udg_DES_Real5[Node] = ((z2 - z) + ((DES_Gravity() * (TempReal) * (TempReal)) / 2)) / TempReal
set udg_DES_Boolean1[Node] = false
set udg_DES_SecondaryEffect[Node] = AddSpecialEffectTarget(DES_CMoveEffect(), udg_DES_Unit[Node], DES_AttachmentPoint())
set udg_DES_Boolean2[Node] = false
set udg_DES_Boolean3[Node] = false
set udg_DES_Boolean4[Node] = false
set udg_DES_StageID[Node] = DES_CStageID()
set udg_DES_Caster[Node] = u
set udg_DES_Core[Node] = udg_DES_Unit[Node]
set udg_DES_Player[Node] = GetOwningPlayer(u)
//Set up Unit
set udg_DES_CurrentEffect[Node] = AddSpecialEffectTarget(DES_COrbEffect(), udg_DES_Unit[Node], DES_AttachmentPoint())
call SetUnitScale(udg_DES_Unit[Node], DES_COrbScaleBase() + (udg_DES_Real1[Node] * DES_COrbScalePerPowerLevel()), 0, 0)
if UnitAddAbility(udg_DES_Unit[Node], 'Amrf') and UnitRemoveAbility(udg_DES_Unit[Node], 'Amrf') then
call SetUnitFlyHeight(udg_DES_Unit[Node], GetUnitFlyHeight(u), 0.)
//Start Timer
if (udg_DES_AbilityCounter == 1) then
call TimerStart(udg_DES_Timer, DES_TimerSpeed(), true, function DES_Loop)
set u = null
elseif (spellID == DES_DestructionID()) then
set u = GetTriggerUnit()
set x = GetUnitX(u)
set x2 = GetSpellTargetX()
set y = GetUnitY(u)
set y2 = GetSpellTargetY()
set z = DES_GetZ(x, y) + GetUnitFlyHeight(u)
set z2 = DES_GetZ(x2, y2) + DES_GroundHeightLet()
set iLevel = GetUnitAbilityLevel(u, DES_DestructionID())
set rLevel = I2R(iLevel)
set TempReal = SquareRoot(((x2 - x) * (x2 - x)) + ((y2 - y) * (y2 - y)))
set Angle = Atan2(y2 - y, x2 - x)
//Set up Data
set Node = DES_CreateNode()
set udg_DES_Real8[Node] = DES_DPowerLevelBase() + (rLevel * DES_DPowerLevelPerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real1[Node] = (udg_DES_Real8[Node]) * (DES_LargeDPowerLevelMultiplyerBase() + (rLevel * DES_LargeDPowerLevelMultiplyerPerLevel()))
set udg_DES_Real2[Node] = DES_DImpactAOEBase() + (udg_DES_Real1[Node] * DES_DImpactAOEPerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real3[Node] = DES_DImpactDamageHealthBase() + (udg_DES_Real1[Node] * DES_DImpactDamageHealthPerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real4[Node] = DES_DImpactDamageManaBase() + (udg_DES_Real1[Node] * DES_DImpactDamageManaPerPowerLevel())
if (DES_DTrueOrIncomingSpeed()) then
set udg_DES_Real5[Node] = DES_DTrueSpeedBase() + (udg_DES_Real1[Node] * DES_DTrueSpeedPerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real5[Node] = TempReal / ((DES_DIncomingTimeBase() + (udg_DES_Real1[Node] * DES_DIncomingTimePerPowerLevel())) / DES_TimerSpeed())
set TempReal = TempReal / udg_DES_Real5[Node]
set udg_DES_Real6[Node] = udg_DES_Real5[Node] * Cos(Angle)
set udg_DES_Real7[Node] = udg_DES_Real5[Node] * Sin(Angle)
if (TempReal == 0.) then
set udg_DES_Real5[Node] = 0
set udg_DES_Real5[Node] = ((z2 - z) + ((DES_Gravity() * (TempReal) * (TempReal)) / 2)) / TempReal
set udg_DES_Integer1[Node] = DES_DOrbCountBase() + (iLevel * DES_DOrbCountPerLevel())
set udg_DES_Boolean1[Node] = false
set udg_DES_Boolean2[Node] = false
set udg_DES_Boolean3[Node] = false
set udg_DES_Boolean4[Node] = false
set udg_DES_StageID[Node] = DES_LargeDStageID()
set udg_DES_Caster[Node] = u
set udg_DES_Player[Node] = GetOwningPlayer(u)
//Set up Unit
set udg_DES_Unit[Node] = CreateUnit(DES_DummyPlayer(), DES_DummyID(), x, y, Angle * bj_RADTODEG)
set udg_DES_Core[Node] = udg_DES_Unit[Node]
set udg_DES_CurrentEffect[Node] = AddSpecialEffectTarget(DES_DOrbEffect(), udg_DES_Unit[Node], DES_AttachmentPoint())
set udg_DES_SecondaryEffect[Node] = AddSpecialEffectTarget(DES_DMoveEffect(), udg_DES_Unit[Node], DES_AttachmentPoint())
call SetUnitScale(udg_DES_Unit[Node], DES_DOrbScaleBase() + (udg_DES_Real1[Node] * DES_DOrbScalePerPowerLevel()), 0, 0)
if UnitAddAbility(udg_DES_Unit[Node], 'Amrf') and UnitRemoveAbility(udg_DES_Unit[Node], 'Amrf') then
call SetUnitFlyHeight(udg_DES_Unit[Node], GetUnitFlyHeight(u), 0.)
//Start Timer
if (udg_DES_AbilityCounter == 1) then
call TimerStart(udg_DES_Timer, DES_TimerSpeed(), true, function DES_Loop)
set u = null
elseif (spellID == DES_JusticeID()) then
set u = GetTriggerUnit()
set x = GetUnitX(u)
set x2 = GetSpellTargetX()
set y = GetUnitY(u)
set y2 = GetSpellTargetY()
set iLevel = GetUnitAbilityLevel(u, DES_JusticeID())
set rLevel = I2R(iLevel)
set TempReal = (DES_JAngleAreaBase() + (rLevel * DES_JAngleAreaPerLevel()))
set Angle = Atan2((y2 - y) , (x2 - x)) * bj_RADTODEG - (TempReal / 2)
set Divider = TempReal / (DES_JOrbCountBase() + (rLevel * DES_JOrbCountPerLevel()))
set TempReal = Angle + TempReal
set Angle = Angle - (Divider / 2)
//Create Orbs
set Angle = Angle + Divider
exitwhen Angle >= TempReal
set Angle2 = Angle * bj_DEGTORAD
//Set up Data
set Node = DES_CreateNode()
set udg_DES_Real1[Node] = DES_JPowerLevelBase() + (rLevel * DES_JPowerLevelPerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real2[Node] = DES_JDamageAOEBase() + (udg_DES_Real1[Node] * DES_JDamageAOEPerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real3[Node] = DES_JDamageHealthBase() + (udg_DES_Real1[Node] * DES_JDamageHealthPerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real4[Node] = DES_JDamageManaBase() + (udg_DES_Real1[Node] * DES_JDamageManaPerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real5[Node] = SquareRoot(((x2 - x) * (x2 - x)) + ((y2 - y) * (y2 - y)))
if (DES_JTrueOrIncomingSpeed()) then
set udg_DES_Real8[Node] = DES_JTrueSpeedBase() + (udg_DES_Real1[Node] * DES_JTrueSpeedPerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real8[Node] = udg_DES_Real5[Node] / ((DES_JIncomingTimeBase() + (udg_DES_Real1[Node] * DES_JIncomingTimePerPowerLevel())) / DES_TimerSpeed())
set udg_DES_Unit[Node] = CreateUnit(DES_DummyPlayer(), DES_DummyID(), x, y, Angle)
if (udg_DES_Real5[Node] == 0.) then
set udg_DES_Boolean3[Node] = false
call UnitApplyTimedLife(udg_DES_Unit[Node], DES_TimedLifeID(), DES_JTimedLifeBase() * (udg_DES_Real1[Node] * DES_JTimedLifePerPowerLevel()))
set udg_DES_Real6[Node] = udg_DES_Real8[Node] * Cos(Angle2)
set udg_DES_Real7[Node] = udg_DES_Real8[Node] * Sin(Angle2)
set udg_DES_Real9[Node] = DES_JDamageManaburnRatioBase() + (udg_DES_Real1[Node] * DES_JDamageManaburnRatioPerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real10[Node] = DES_JDamageDelayBase() + (udg_DES_Real1[Node] * DES_JDamageDelayPerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real11[Node] = udg_DES_Real10[Node]
set udg_DES_Boolean3[Node] = true
set udg_DES_SecondaryEffect[Node] = AddSpecialEffectTarget(DES_JMoveEffect(), udg_DES_Unit[Node], DES_AttachmentPoint())
set udg_DES_Boolean1[Node] = true
set udg_DES_Boolean2[Node] = false
set udg_DES_Boolean4[Node] = false
set udg_DES_Integer2[Node] = iLevel
//Set Up Unit
set udg_DES_StageID[Node] = DES_JStageID()
set udg_DES_Caster[Node] = u
set udg_DES_Core[Node] = udg_DES_Unit[Node]
set udg_DES_Player[Node] = GetOwningPlayer(u)
set udg_DES_CurrentEffect[Node] = AddSpecialEffectTarget(DES_JOrbEffect(), udg_DES_Unit[Node], DES_AttachmentPoint())
call SetUnitScale(udg_DES_Unit[Node], DES_JOrbScaleBase() + (udg_DES_Real1[Node] * DES_JOrbScalePerPowerLevel()), 0, 0)
if UnitAddAbility(udg_DES_Unit[Node], 'Amrf') and UnitRemoveAbility(udg_DES_Unit[Node], 'Amrf') then
//Start Timer
if (udg_DES_AbilityCounter == 1) then
call TimerStart(udg_DES_Timer, DES_TimerSpeed(), true, function DES_Loop)
set u = null
elseif (spellID == DES_PillarsID()) then
set u = GetTriggerUnit()
set x = GetSpellTargetX()
set y = GetSpellTargetY()
set iLevel = GetUnitAbilityLevel(u, DES_PillarsID())
set rLevel = I2R(iLevel)
//Set up Data
set Node = DES_CreateNode()
set udg_DES_Real1[Node] = DES_PPullAOEBase() + (rLevel * DES_PPullAOEPerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real2[Node] = DES_PPullDurationBase() + (rLevel * DES_PPullDurationPerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real3[Node] = DES_PPowerForOrbBase() + (rLevel * DES_PPowerForOrbPerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real4[Node] = DES_PCreationStartingPowerBase() + (rLevel * DES_PCreationStartingPowerPerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real5[Node] = DES_PDestructionStartingPowerBase() + (rLevel * DES_PDestructionStartingPowerPerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real6[Node] = DES_PJusticeStartingPowerBase() + (rLevel * DES_PJusticeStartingPowerPerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real7[Node] = (DES_PPullStrengthBase() + (rLevel * DES_PPullStrengthPerLevel())) * DES_TimerSpeed()
set udg_DES_Real8[Node] = DES_PSmallOrbOffsetBase() + (rLevel * DES_PSmallOrbOffsetPerLevel())
if (DES_PSpinTrueOrIncomingSpeed()) then
set udg_DES_Real9[Node] = DES_POrbTrueSpinSpeedBase() + (rLevel * DES_POrbTrueSpinSpeedPerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real9[Node] = 360. / ((DES_POrbSpinIncomingTimeBase() + (rLevel * DES_POrbSpinIncomingTimePerLevel())) / DES_TimerSpeed())
set udg_DES_Real10[Node] = DES_PPullEffectDelayBase() + (rLevel * DES_PPullEffectDelayPerLevel())
set udg_DES_Real11[Node] = udg_DES_Real10[Node]
set udg_DES_Real12[Node] = 0.
set udg_DES_Real13[Node] = DES_PSmallOrbsHeightOffsetBase() + (udg_DES_Real3[Node] * DES_PSmallOrbsHeightOffsetPerPowerLevel())
set udg_DES_Boolean1[Node] = false
set udg_DES_Boolean2[Node] = false
set udg_DES_Boolean3[Node] = false
set udg_DES_Boolean4[Node] = true
set udg_DES_StageID[Node] = DES_UltimateStageID()
set udg_DES_Integer1[Node] = DES_UltimatePullingTypeID()
set udg_DES_Caster[Node] = u
set udg_DES_Player[Node] = GetOwningPlayer(u)
set z = DES_POrbHeightOffsetBase() + (rLevel * DES_POrbHeightOffsetPerLevel()) + (DES_PBoarderHeightOffsetAlterBase() + (rLevel * DES_PBoarderHeightOffsetAlterPerLevel()))
//Set up Unit
set udg_DES_Unit[Node] = CreateUnit(DES_DummyPlayer(), DES_DummyID(), x, y, Angle)
set udg_DES_Core[Node] = udg_DES_Unit[Node]
set udg_DES_CurrentEffect[Node] = AddSpecialEffectTarget(DES_POrbEffect(), udg_DES_Unit[Node], DES_AttachmentPoint())
call SetUnitScale(udg_DES_Unit[Node], DES_POrbScaleBase() + (rLevel * DES_POrbScalePerLevel()), 0, 0)
if UnitAddAbility(udg_DES_Unit[Node], 'Amrf') and UnitRemoveAbility(udg_DES_Unit[Node], 'Amrf') then
call SetUnitFlyHeight(udg_DES_Unit[Node], z - (DES_PBoarderHeightOffsetAlterBase() + (rLevel * DES_PBoarderHeightOffsetAlterPerLevel())), 0.)
call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(DES_PSpawnEffect(), udg_DES_Unit[Node], DES_AttachmentPoint()))
//Start Timer
if (udg_DES_AbilityCounter == 1) then
call TimerStart(udg_DES_Timer, DES_TimerSpeed(), true, function DES_Loop)
//Create Boarder
set AOE = DES_PBoarderOffsetBase() + (rLevel * DES_PBoarderOffsetPerLevel())
set Divider = (360. / (DES_PBoarderCountBase() + (rLevel * DES_PBoarderCountPerLevel())))
set Angle = Angle + Divider
exitwhen Angle > 360.
set Angle2 = Angle * bj_DEGTORAD
set TempNode = DES_CreateNode()
set udg_DES_Boolean1[TempNode] = false
set udg_DES_Boolean2[TempNode] = false
set udg_DES_Boolean3[TempNode] = true
set udg_DES_Boolean4[TempNode] = true
set udg_DES_StageID[TempNode] = DES_RecycleStageID()
set udg_DES_Caster[TempNode] = u
set udg_DES_Core[TempNode] = udg_DES_Unit[Node]
set udg_DES_Unit[TempNode] = CreateUnit(DES_DummyPlayer(), DES_DummyID(), x, y, Angle)
set udg_DES_CurrentEffect[TempNode] = AddSpecialEffectTarget(DES_PBoarderEffect(), udg_DES_Unit[TempNode], DES_AttachmentPoint())
call SetUnitScale(udg_DES_Unit[TempNode], DES_PBoarderScaleBase() + (rLevel * DES_PBoarderScalePerLevel()), 0, 0)
if UnitAddAbility(udg_DES_Unit[TempNode], 'Amrf') and UnitRemoveAbility(udg_DES_Unit[TempNode], 'Amrf') then
call SetUnitFlyHeight(udg_DES_Unit[TempNode], z, 0.)
set z2 = 0
set udg_DES_Integer2[Node] = R2I(udg_DES_Real4[Node] / udg_DES_Real3[Node])
set Divider = DES_PSmallOrbAngleOffset()
set Angle = Divider
set Angle2 = Angle * bj_DEGTORAD
//Create Orbs of Creation
set TempInt2 = TempInt2 + 1
exitwhen TempInt2 > udg_DES_Integer2[Node]
set TempReal = TempReal + z
call DES_AddOrb(Node, DES_CStageID(), x, y, z2, Angle2)
set z2 = z2 + udg_DES_Real13[Node]
set z2 = 0
set TempInt2 = 0
set udg_DES_Integer3[Node] = R2I(udg_DES_Real5[Node] / udg_DES_Real3[Node])
set Angle = Angle + Divider
set Angle2 = Angle * bj_DEGTORAD
//Create Orbs of Destruction
set TempInt2 = TempInt2 + 1
exitwhen TempInt2 > udg_DES_Integer3[Node]
set TempReal = TempReal + z
call DES_AddOrb(Node, DES_DStageID(), x, y, z2, Angle2)
set z2 = z2 + udg_DES_Real13[Node]
set z2 = 0
set TempInt2 = 0
set udg_DES_Integer4[Node] = R2I(udg_DES_Real6[Node] / udg_DES_Real3[Node])
set Angle = (Angle + Divider) * bj_DEGTORAD
//Create Orbs of Justice
set TempInt2 = TempInt2 + 1
exitwhen TempInt2 > udg_DES_Integer4[Node]
set TempReal = TempReal + z
call DES_AddOrb(Node, DES_JStageID(), x, y, z2, Angle)
set z2 = z2 + udg_DES_Real13[Node]
set udg_DES_Real4[Node] = 0.
set udg_DES_Real5[Node] = 0.
set udg_DES_Real6[Node] = 0.
set u = null
return false
// Initialisation trigger, applies the conditions to triggers //
// and sets up the global location used to get location Z's //
// as well as the map bounds //
function InitTrig_Divine_Envoy_Spellset takes nothing returns nothing
//Set up locals
local trigger DE = CreateTrigger()
local integer index = 0
//Set up hero casting triggers
//Applies the even to each player in turn
call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(DE, Player(index), EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT, null)
set index = index + 1
exitwhen index == bj_MAX_PLAYER_SLOTS
//Applies the function to check for each spell to the trigger
call TriggerAddCondition(DE, Condition(function DES_OnCast))
//Set up the location used to find Z heights
set udg_DES_Loc = Location(0,0)
//Set up the Timer used to run the loop
set udg_DES_Timer = CreateTimer()
//Set up the unit used to check if trees are nearby
set udg_DES_TreeChecker = CreateUnit(DES_DummyPlayer(), DES_TreeCheckerID(), 0, 0 , 0)
//Sets up the variables used to make sure a point is within the map area
set udg_DES_MapMaxX = GetRectMaxX(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea)
set udg_DES_MapMinX = GetRectMinX(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea)
set udg_DES_MapMaxY = GetRectMaxY(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea)
set udg_DES_MapMinY = GetRectMinY(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea)
// End of the spellset //