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Discussion: Plot twists in Temple of the Old Gods?(SPOILERS)

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Level 6
Jun 16, 2004
How did you people like different plot twists and story elements in Temple of the Old Gods? These include the gnoll plot, Philiastrasza the Dragon Princess, Baraddin the Mad Dwarf of Dûm Modor, the Grand Inquisitor of N'Gah and the War of the Old Gods' Fall? Any special favorites? Or questions?

Level 3
Jun 15, 2004
I really enjoyed the multi-plot thing. I liked it when you rescued the gnoll king, when sharp-tooth( i think that wzs his name) became king of gnolls, and alextraza. IMO, My favorite map was the first once. lol. I loved protecting your home.
Level 1
Jul 9, 2004

I looked at it as the main plot being getting the gnoll king and the gnolls legendary weapon. Baraddin was a nice twist, The dragon woman was a nice touch, but what takes the cake is the end with the Grand Inquisitor. I thought that was a great ending! It had me on the edge of my seat. I though I was gonna have to pull some insane micromanagment along with perfect battle tactic to take him down. I wiped my brow when Bark and the gang were rescued (Bark was my fav char, so I viewed him more of the central character for the map)
Ooh, I almost forgot. When Bark reclaimed his rightful place as king, that was nice. I saw it coming a little (The talisman foreshadowed easily enough), but I liked it and thought it was appropriate. Although, I am not sure how much the Usurper (have you noticed I cant remember too many names?) King would have backed down like he did. Just my opinion, but I think that either he should have tried to kill Bark, or should plot against him for a story twist in the future.

- Rich
Level 6
Jun 16, 2004
There was the vision of Bark and Thorp fighting. That was for the future, and thus something like that may indeed happen. But what was the exact meaning of the vision? That we will hopely unveil in the coming scenarios.

I will put more about gnolls in a separate thread.
Level 1
Jul 18, 2004
I really liked the Dragon Princess and the War vs the Old Gods, i love storys with old mights, like the Silmarillion for Lotr. In addition to this the scene where Bark and Thorp were fighting was very interesting, because it makes hungry on further maps and the story development.
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