I looked at it as the main plot being getting the gnoll king and the gnolls legendary weapon. Baraddin was a nice twist, The dragon woman was a nice touch, but what takes the cake is the end with the Grand Inquisitor. I thought that was a great ending! It had me on the edge of my seat. I though I was gonna have to pull some insane micromanagment along with perfect battle tactic to take him down. I wiped my brow when Bark and the gang were rescued (Bark was my fav char, so I viewed him more of the central character for the map)
Ooh, I almost forgot. When Bark reclaimed his rightful place as king, that was nice. I saw it coming a little (The talisman foreshadowed easily enough), but I liked it and thought it was appropriate. Although, I am not sure how much the Usurper (have you noticed I cant remember too many names?) King would have backed down like he did. Just my opinion, but I think that either he should have tried to kill Bark, or should plot against him for a story twist in the future.
- Rich