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Dinosaur Terrains

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Level 11
Jan 30, 2010
Here are two terrains I did as umm....artwork for my project 'Island of Life'.
This is not how the real map looks like but I made them just for fun and maybe I will end up using one of them as the loading screen (better then using any random dinosaur drawing from the internet). Also they showcase my lovely dinosaurs in action.

These are edited versions, I've added glow with photoshop to enhance the images and give a painting like effect. If asked I will upload the original ones too.


  • 01.jpg
    130.6 KB · Views: 959
  • 12.jpg
    276.5 KB · Views: 963
Level 36
Nov 24, 2007
Honestly, I dont feel capable of judging a terrain that is photoshopped, it's like trying to judge a overly cosmic girl when out at town, you just dont know what it looks like under all that... Cosmetics.

I'd prefer you upload the original ones before I give any further comment.
Level 36
Nov 24, 2007
That is definetly more to my liking, though I will have to admit that they appear to not have been too overly photoshopped at first, I only really noticed a difference in the latter of the two. That, and next time, do me a favor and have the images in .jpg or .png.

Anyways, I really love the first one, and I honestly dont have much to say that would make it any better than ut currently is, it truely gives out the message you wanted it to. The only thing that bothers me when I look upon it is that the broken tree in front of the dinosaur somehow look... Wrong, wether it is because of the angle or because in a way it kind of looks like its floating.. Or it might just be that when I look at it, it kind of looks more like a very unproportionate bird rather than a broken tree.

Preferable, I would ask that you do something about that tree.

For the second one, well... It really doesn't have the same soul as your first one. I dont get why, when you've shown in your two prior terrains (the bridge one and the other dinosaur one) that you're such a good fog-worker, but chose to exclude fog close to entirely in this? >.>

I would advice you remove the line of mountains completely, and rather make the mountains appear behind that forest of bamboo, and add some neat smaller details where the mountains are now, a waterfall and a small hill probably, I also don't like that dino atop the bush furthest to the left side, I'd remove that and the bush alltogether if I were you, and finally I would also do some more work on the foreground, add some small rocks in the sandy parts to make it look more 3D-ish and some more grass and flowers or other kinds of details for the greener parts.

Though on a whole, I am very pleased. I really hope to see more terrains by you Knight ^^

P.S: (intern alert): Love the last name.
Level 11
Jan 30, 2010
Firstly, I love the way you criticize....people should learn from you.
second, thanks for commenting on my humble terrains...you're a master of your work :thumbs_up:

That is definetly more to my liking, though I will have to admit that they appear to not have been too overly photoshopped at first, I only really noticed a difference in the latter of the two. That, and next time, do me a favor and have the images in .jpg or .png.
yes I had only added a glow to make the colors more soft....and yes I will take care to upload only jpg or png.

Anyways, I really love the first one, and I honestly dont have much to say that would make it any better than ut currently is, it truely gives out the message you wanted it to. The only thing that bothers me when I look upon it is that the broken tree in front of the dinosaur somehow look... Wrong, wether it is because of the angle or because in a way it kind of looks like its floating.. Or it might just be that when I look at it, it kind of looks more like a very unproportionate bird rather than a broken tree.

Preferable, I would ask that you do something about that tree.
now that I look at it, it does look wrong there! But keiji sorry I cannot do anything about it now because I accidentally deleted the map, but maybe I can remove the tree using photoshop or something.

For the second one, well... It really doesn't have the same soul as your first one. I dont get why, when you've shown in your two prior terrains (the bridge one and the other dinosaur one) that you're such a good fog-worker, but chose to exclude fog close to entirely in this? >.>

I would advice you remove the line of mountains completely, and rather make the mountains appear behind that forest of bamboo, and add some neat smaller details where the mountains are now, a waterfall and a small hill probably, I also don't like that dino atop the bush furthest to the left side, I'd remove that and the bush alltogether if I were you, and finally I would also do some more work on the foreground, add some small rocks in the sandy parts to make it look more 3D-ish and some more grass and flowers or other kinds of details for the greener parts.

Though on a whole, I am very pleased. I really hope to see more terrains by you Knight ^^
very useful advice, thanks! :D
I will get to work on this terrain and try to impress you some more..... :)

P.S: (intern alert): Love the last name.

Thanks again
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