3D Dinosaur Map (no name yet)

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Level 4
Feb 16, 2017
Hello, i'm working on a 3D dinosaur map.
Our main goal in the game is to survive and find a way to escape from the island we are on.
There will be some ai groups on the map and we will have relationships and interactions within and outside the group
Apart from this, players can also form alliances among themselves or kill and loot each other.

Dinosaurs have their own characteristics, carnivorous dinosaurs have the intelligence to attack or retreat from the creatures they see, the herbivores will stay simple by just wandering around the map, only when an aggressive dinosaur attacks a herbivore dinosaur, according to the power difference between them and the number of dinosaurs in their group (i.e. there is a balance that I have adjusted, I'm trying to make it realistic) the dinosaur or dinosaurs attacking them will attack or retreat, this is a valid behavior for all dinosaurs
Apart from this, there will be vehicles that can be used such as cars, helicopters and shelters.
I haven't thought much about escaping the island yet, repairing a helicopter, pointing to a ship passing near the island, finding a communication channel to ask for help will be one of the ways to escape from the island, when one of these methods is activated, the other methods will be disabled and there will be a natural in the game. The race to escape from the island will start, of course, those with teams will be able to get rid of the island together, but I will find a disadvantage for those who are in teams to finish the game more difficult, because I want to enable groupings or rivalries, not everyone in a team alliance, so that there will be a complete survival with real players.
About my map
it has movement and camera rotation with arrow keys, and you can fast forward in these four directions using arrow keys combo, of course it's not finished yet.
I use separate heroes for camera settings and inventory.
Some simple craftsmanship that comes to mind in the game lumberjack, mining, hunting (for dinosaurs), looting (against players or groups), quests in groups, fishing (I'm definitely considering adding fishing, but I don't know how to trigger it yet), healer or doctor, alchemist or scientist, paleontologist.
I am at the beginning of the road. The camera and movement system is generally gone, and only tyrannosaurus roaming around randomly on the map and roaring when they see us

I'm open to all kinds of ideas and comments about the map, and if there are other maps like this, I would be glad if you could share them with me. Frankly, I want to do better than those maps, because otherwise this map is meaningless. I haven't seen such a 3d dinosaur map yet, the maps I see are unfinished.or was also insufficient.

I would be glad to help with the following;
-More works ideas
- Fishing (trigger)
-Realistic skills for dinosaurs (as an idea, also as a trigger)
By the way, I can only use GUI in trigger, I can't use JASS triggers because it seems impossible for me to actually copy and understand them.
-Ideas about Ai (for dinosaurs and humans)

Thank you for reading, i know it was too long :D

NOT:My english is not good enough so i use google translate ,so if i have wrong word,please tell me


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Level 16
Feb 2, 2009
This is incredibly interesting, it seems to me that you are making map similar to the Jurassic Park Survival series, but with a heavier emphasis on rpg and sandbox elements as opposed to base building. In terms of the map’s cadence I am curious as to how survival will pan out.

Will the player character wander around ‘nomad style,’ or will players settle down and make complicated bases? What is the ‘extent’ of the technology for the bases? You mentioned vehicles so I imagine it will be very modern. To this end I also wonder if there will be scavenging mechanics. For example, Jurassic Park Survival just has the typical gold mine mechanic for gathering, will your system be more complicated or will it remain simple?

Overall a very interesting project, I would love to throw some ideas out after I am done with work and I’ll be watching for a thread on the map development forum!
Level 4
Feb 16, 2017
Yes, it will look like a jurrasic park survival map. However, this is a 3D map where we will focus more on our hero.
There will be things we can build like fences and campfires, the clothes we wear and the weapons we use will appear in our hero.
Money will be used in the game. We will be able to earn money by doing professions or quests, we will be able to buy building materials and items from the sellers of the groups with money, if we want, we will be able to obtain some items and building materials by crafting and by finding in nature .
For example, we will use 3 logs and 1 lighter to craft a campfire, we will cut trees to obtain logs and increase our woodworking level, and we will sell the logs earn money, of course we need to participate in those jobs for salary, we can have a maximum of 1 or 2 jobs.
Players can travel if they want, live in groups or settle anywhere they want.
There won't be much to build, the main thing is to strengthen the hero.
The npc in the group can die or disband, the groups have leaders, and when we do a job in a group or fulfill the task of a npc, our relationship with that npc and his group will increase.
We can lead a group with which we have a lot of relationships and even become the new leader if the leader of that group dies.
The leadership will also give us an extra salary, but the responsibility of the residents's life of the group will now be ours.
When a member of the group dies, our salary will decrease and our group relationship will decrease.

How to improve ;
-if we built settlements, by upgrading defense buildings
-by having stronger clothes and guns
-by increasing the level of our hero (for new abilities and stats)
-by forming alliances with other players (if you want, but I will consider some disadvantages to teaming up so that not everyone is on the same team and there are groupings)
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
Can you train/tame dinosaurs?

Dino AI:

You could have mana represent hunger, with herbivores needing to use a graze ability regularly and all attacks destroying mana (so AI carnivores will retreat if at half mana). Herbivore grazing turns grass to dirt and only works on grass. Grass slowly grows back (maybe repurpose Blight somehow?).

Depending on how many players you want the map to have, each species of dinosaur could be its own player, making for a more complex divide than just herbivores/carnivores. So herbivores would be passive to each other (some species are allied with each other), carnivores wouldn't necessarily attack each other on sight (but when they have low mana, they're set to be hostile to everyone and everything), and even herbivores get hostile to each other in cases of low mana or insufficient grazing area. Humans wouldn't be hostile to dinosaurs by default (and vice-versa) until hunger strikes.

Dinosaurs could be hatched from eggs, which must be protected from egg-eating dinos and human players.

Dinosaur Skills:

Cold-Blooded (Passive): Movespeed and attackspeed reduced at night, dusk and morning. All dinosaurs.

Dorsal Sail (Passive): Reduces the effects of Cold-Blooded to only happen at night. Spinosaurs only.

Graze (Non-combat Passive): Slowly restores mana and health, turned off while moving. Only works on grassy terrain, turns terrain to dirt every X seconds. Herbivores only.

Chow Down (Active): Eats a corpse, restoring mana and health once completed. Carnivores only.
* Don't know if there's a way to correlate corpse life with amount of health restored.

Chomp (Active): Deals damage at melee range and inflicts a Bleed debuff. All dinosaurs (different ability levels depending on the level of the dinosaur that has it).

Spit (Active): Spits a glob of saliva at the target, greatly reducing accuracy.

Club / Spiked Tail (Passive): All attack deal damage to all enemies around the caster. Ankylosaur/Stegosaur only.

Tail Swing (Active): Deals damage and slows enemies around the caster.

Tail Whip (Active): Deals damage and stuns enemies around the caster. Sauropods only.

Alarm Call (Active): All allied units in a wide radius get a movespeed bonus.
* Radius/bonus increases if a predator is spotted?

Devour: Eats and digests a smaller creature. Large carnivores only.
* Maybe with some kind of "growth" mechanic where they can only eat dinos several levels lower than them so you don't see raptors eating a diplodocus five times its size.

Bone Crest (Passive): Reduces damage from attacks from the front and damage from abilities. Triceratops only.

Build Nest (Active): Creates a small invisible nest that can protect the caster from attack.

Decoy (Toggled): Makes surrounding allies invisible until attacking, but remains visible and has lowered movement speed and armor while active.

Sniff Out (Active): Reveals nearby invisible units.

Nest (Channeling): While channeling, spawns several smaller versions of the caster's species with weaker abilities. Hatchlings are permanent, but turn Neutral Hostile after a while.

Gripping Claws (Channeling): Stuns caster and target at melee range.

Drown (Channeling): Stuns caster and target at melee range, draining mana from both. If uninterrupted, kills the target. Only while in water, same-level target or lower.

Bleed (Debuff): Bleeding units take damage and lose mana over time and are slowed.

Pack Hunters (Active): Connects several packmates of the same species, granting each increased damage and speed. Deinonychus only.

Roar: Non-allies are forced to run from the caster. T-Rex only.
Level 4
Feb 16, 2017
Can you train/tame dinosaurs?

Dino AI:

You could have mana represent hunger, with herbivores needing to use a graze ability regularly and all attacks destroying mana (so AI carnivores will retreat if at half mana). Herbivore grazing turns grass to dirt and only works on grass. Grass slowly grows back (maybe repurpose Blight somehow?).

Depending on how many players you want the map to have, each species of dinosaur could be its own player, making for a more complex divide than just herbivores/carnivores. So herbivores would be passive to each other (some species are allied with each other), carnivores wouldn't necessarily attack each other on sight (but when they have low mana, they're set to be hostile to everyone and everything), and even herbivores get hostile to each other in cases of low mana or insufficient grazing area. Humans wouldn't be hostile to dinosaurs by default (and vice-versa) until hunger strikes.

Dinosaurs could be hatched from eggs, which must be protected from egg-eating dinos and human players.

Dinosaur Skills:

Cold-Blooded (Passive): Movespeed and attackspeed reduced at night, dusk and morning. All dinosaurs.

Dorsal Sail (Passive): Reduces the effects of Cold-Blooded to only happen at night. Spinosaurs only.

Graze (Non-combat Passive): Slowly restores mana and health, turned off while moving. Only works on grassy terrain, turns terrain to dirt every X seconds. Herbivores only.

Chow Down (Active): Eats a corpse, restoring mana and health once completed. Carnivores only.
* Don't know if there's a way to correlate corpse life with amount of health restored.

Chomp (Active): Deals damage at melee range and inflicts a Bleed debuff. All dinosaurs (different ability levels depending on the level of the dinosaur that has it).

Spit (Active): Spits a glob of saliva at the target, greatly reducing accuracy.

Club / Spiked Tail (Passive): All attack deal damage to all enemies around the caster. Ankylosaur/Stegosaur only.

Tail Swing (Active): Deals damage and slows enemies around the caster.

Tail Whip (Active): Deals damage and stuns enemies around the caster. Sauropods only.

Alarm Call (Active): All allied units in a wide radius get a movespeed bonus.
* Radius/bonus increases if a predator is spotted?

Devour: Eats and digests a smaller creature. Large carnivores only.
* Maybe with some kind of "growth" mechanic where they can only eat dinos several levels lower than them so you don't see raptors eating a diplodocus five times its size.

Bone Crest (Passive): Reduces damage from attacks from the front and damage from abilities. Triceratops only.

Build Nest (Active): Creates a small invisible nest that can protect the caster from attack.

Decoy (Toggled): Makes surrounding allies invisible until attacking, but remains visible and has lowered movement speed and armor while active.

Sniff Out (Active): Reveals nearby invisible units.

Nest (Channeling): While channeling, spawns several smaller versions of the caster's species with weaker abilities. Hatchlings are permanent, but turn Neutral Hostile after a while.

Gripping Claws (Channeling): Stuns caster and target at melee range.

Drown (Channeling): Stuns caster and target at melee range, draining mana from both. If uninterrupted, kills the target. Only while in water, same-level target or lower.

Bleed (Debuff): Bleeding units take damage and lose mana over time and are slowed.

Pack Hunters (Active): Connects several packmates of the same species, granting each increased damage and speed. Deinonychus only.

Roar: Non-allies are forced to run from the caster. T-Rex only.
I don't plan to tame dinosaurs for now, but there is a tame dinosaur type that players can buy directly, you can ride and manage it.
It's a good idea for herbivores to eat grass and the dinosaurs to get hungry. However, I'm thinking of using mana as a spawn time for dinosaurs, as an integer I can set hunger to each dinosaur, but players won't be able to see it.
Hunger increases every second and the dinosaurs will get tired every time they 'attack' (they will get hungry).
I'll have to make the grass eatable and renewable then.
There will be a maximum of 10 players, you can play alone if you want.
If there is only one player, less aggressive dinosaurs will spawn.
The artificial intelligence of dinosaurs is as follows;
Each dinosaur has its own level,
The level of the grouped dinosaurs increases by the bonus level of their own kind,
for example; 1 trex=8 level, trexbonus=2 level, 2 trex=10

I will tell you the dinosaurs on my map before moving on to the dinosaur skills;

There will be no attacking on the map, abilities will allow attacking, all dinosaurs will have more than 1 attacking ability.So useless this passive with attack.
Cold-Blooded (Passive) ;
Good idea; at night and in the morning some dinosaurs will run faster and their abilities will be stronger
Graze (Non-combat Passive);
it could be like this, the dinosaur eats a grass and gains healing for a short time
Chow Down (Active);
some carnivores will be scavengers, they can feed on corpses, scavenger dinosaurs have this ability
Chomp (Active);
already known with strong teeth, all dinosaurs will be able to bite. Bleeding good idea
Spit (Active);
for dilophosaurus,will be capable of poisonous saliva
Club / Spiked Tail (Passive);
this is a good idea
Tail Swing (Active);
i dont have model of Sauropods,but diffrent dinosaurus may has this ability
Alarm Call (Active);
some of the herbivores may have this ability*may increase*
Devour;Nice idea,
Each dinosaur species will have a size, if a dinosaur is much bigger than the other dinosaur, it will be able to use this ability.
Bone Crest (Passive);
that's a good idea too, but I can do it but honestly it's hard on me so I might not.
Build Nest (Active);
interesting idea, some dinosaurs will have hiding abilities, you gave me a good idea, moreover, some carnivorous dinosaurs will also use hiding ability to hunt.
Decoy (Toggled);
this is inconvenient for map mechanics, but i can do transparency instead of invisibility, that would be nice.
Sniff Out (Active);
it's useless,It actually works, but I'll give the ability to see invisibles to a gamer's goggle (a glasses for sale)
Nest (Channeling);
I don't want to do that, dinosaurs will spawn new dinosaurs anyway, this is not very realistic ability for dinosaurs.
Gripping Claws (Channeling);
Stunning is a good idea, but I'd like to use it on a different ability, Gripping Claws being a quick claw attack. Stun will belong to the biting ability and the biting ability will be channeled
Drown (Channeling);
in this it should look like the dinosaur is biting the other dinosaur's neck, I'll try to do it
Bleed (Debuff);
this is nice idea,i will definitely add
Pack Hunters (Active);
still i dont have model of Deinonychus, maybe diffrent dinosaur has it
all carnivorous dinosaurs will be able to roar, each will have their own roar, the sole purpose of this ability is to make players feel that there is a dinosaur nearby

Thank you for all these skill ideas, i really hadn't thought about the abilities of the dinosaurs yet, these gave me some good ideas, i made little progress on my map, i will add these skills later but i will definitely use those i have confirmed
Level 4
Feb 16, 2017
Lure: Crafts a lure that will attract dinosaurs to a target point. Can be used to force attacking dinosaurs away from a base or into an enemy's base.

Tree Trap: Creates a trap on the target tree. The first enemy/neutral unit to get within a short range of the tree is stunned, destroying the trap.
Both ideas are good, I liked the 1st idea the most, it will support the teams to fight each other
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