• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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Desolation Skrimisher

As a celebration for the 10th skin uploaded by me :p (although it's actually 11th because of the last bloom couple). I present to you the dark star of Blademaster, just don't tell rito about it.
Small disclaimer: It's best not to use the Chaos Blademaster path because for some reason C.Blademaster portrait have original blademaster beads.
Version 1.0Released.
Version 1.1Change the "beads" to purple/blue hue.
Blademaster is now have fingers properly.
Major details adjust for visiblity.
Added edge shadow for the sword.

Desolation Skrimisher (Texture)

Skrimisher Icon (Icon)

Interesting skin. Approved :)
Wow 10th texture already, you've came a long way Shido and I'm glad to see you contributing to this section:

The Good:
It is always impressive to see how much you can change one model/texture into something completely different and this is probably one of your most extreme examples (in a good way). I don't know what a "Desolation Skirmisher" (there's a typo in the name of the resource btw) is but looking at this texture I get a pretty good idea. So colour choice is great, we have solid layers of purples with pink highlights to contrast each section from his abs to the leg armour as well as blue highlights on the arms and beads. His face is also incredibly cool looking with that shell like visor over his eyes. It looks alien/futuristic and I love it. Not to mention after your Prime Wolver this is a return to your bold, cartoon style which is great. Also I'd be remiss not to mention the sword, with its blotches and crystaline edges it looks amazing.

Areas for Improvement:
Not really much to say here, there's nothing that really looks bad or needs improvement.

Really cartoony, really different, bold and bright. This skin has Shido written all over it and has the quality to match. A really cool skin that I'd love to see people use somewhere in their maps. 5/5!
Level 32
May 25, 2017
Normally I don't reply back to my older stuff but I still have fond of this skin because it's stand out for not only being the current most evilist look design from me but also being one of my favorite that I still salty that this ain't getting HQ. C'mon Purple is Purple you might as well give him purple too :xxd: .

Also I still proud of perma-grin on Blademaster, you probably would never see other skin capable do that, he is pretty sadistic to say so. Will I ever update when Desolation Hydra coming out? Probably no, I still think he is like top 3 best skin (slightly above to Sunweaver Genesaur). You can tell I have more love on classic model here.

I still recommend seperate the blademaster model because you would end up conflict with chaosblademaster but if I can, i will try to update it so it may adapt ujimasa hojo version of blademaster.
but also being one of my favorite that I still salty that this ain't getting HQ. C'mon Purple is Purple you might as well give him purple too :xxd: .
If you wish a resource to be re-reviewed or have a 2nd opinion on it's review the best way would to be make a wee thread in staff contact requesting one. My review was made before I was skin reviewer and before the new texturing guidelines had been drafted, so if you wish I can re-review it with a focus on what points are needed in order to achieve HQ?
Actually, I would like to invite @~Nightmare to review this one but i'm not gotta force getting HQ. Purple is purple for the meme.
Only staff/reviewers can assign HQ, although Nightmare's opinion would be very valuable for feedback :) HQ would not be forced, however if you wish I could give you pointers as to what could be done in order for the skin to achieve an HQ rating.
Level 32
May 25, 2017
Well i just casually invite him here because he is former mod, but it would be helpful when you decide if this one will get triple purple. Although this may bite back once Desolation Hydra is released so no, you don't have too.

I'm not telling you :xxd: to change the rating. Things can be update out of nowhere, K. There's gotta at somepoint Archie will actually downgrade a rating.

Anyway, the point is I proud of this work a lot and given this is an older skin compare to modern day masterpiece of mine like Kodo Jockey or Coral Razormane. I still love it because he is stand out for a blademaster skin.



Level 49
Jan 25, 2011
I really like your idea. It reminds me of the Empyrean skinline from League of Legends. It's a shame that the model doesn't have any visual effects to make it stand out more. However, I do appreciate how it looks in the game, especially how you focused on the neck as it will become the first one to be noticed. I really liked how you used gradient in the sword, which is one of the parts that stands out within the skin.

In my opinion, to make it more visually appealing, I suggest using brighter highlights and vibrant complementary colors like a bold orange to go with the purple scheme. On the downside, it looks a bit flat, so adding more shadows could help improve it. Always remember that the global lighting of Warcraft 3 is above the unit. Also, definition is very important here. From afar, especially when in game, we won't be zooming in very often. So it is very important to be able to define every material. It is important to know whhat kind of material a part of the texture is, because if the end-user sees the material as plastic but for you it is a metal surface then that means that you have a definition issue with your texture. Currently, I cannot understand what kind of material the head skull area is or even the body. Overall, a very interesting concept, could use some fixes but you're there. Good job.
Level 32
May 25, 2017
I really like your idea. It reminds me of the Empyrean skinline from League of Legends. It's a shame that the model doesn't have any visual effects to make it stand out more. However, I do appreciate how it looks in the game, especially how you focused on the neck as it will become the first one to be noticed. I really liked how you used gradient in the sword, which is one of the parts that stands out within the skin.

In my opinion, to make it more visually appealing, I suggest using brighter highlights and vibrant complementary colors like a bold orange to go with the purple scheme. On the downside, it looks a bit flat, so adding more shadows could help improve it. Always remember that the global lighting of Warcraft 3 is above the unit. Also, definition is very important here. From afar, especially when in game, we won't be zooming in very often. So it is very important to be able to define every material. It is important to know whhat kind of material a part of the texture is, because if the end-user sees the material as plastic but for you it is a metal surface then that means that you have a definition issue with your texture. Currently, I cannot understand what kind of material the head skull area is or even the body. Overall, a very interesting concept, could use some fixes but you're there. Good job.
He is literally a Dark Star Blademaster. Which mean his head is literally an asteroid.

I mean lighting wise is not possible since he is a void being, yeah I use contrast to compensate the illogical lighting.

basically all pink are space fabric so yeah, he is not only a blind man but also has no neck (you can't call him neckbeard now)

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