k UchihaSasuke.gr i did some hero ideas and here they r :
!!!( All Skills are shown as lvl 4 )!!!
1. Master of Ropes
2. Sliter
3. The Thorn
4. Masked Avenger
1. Master of Ropes
Type: AGI
Attack: Range (400)
1. "Come here": Does this remembers the scream of SCORPION?
Right it does cuz this ability is like his.
i thought about a "HOOK" like ability that has 1200 range and
stuns for up to 1,2 seconds.
2. "Mass Chain": You set a point, there will be created a "ahnk" like think that
catches all other heroes with chains (a lighning effect that looks like chain);
if the catches unit move farer away from the ahnk they get slower and slower
till the cant move.
2.1 Or instead of this just a WW that gives you 20 seconds invisi and when
attacking out of invisibility then the hero gets an additional 150% IAS.
3. "Fast Ropes" PASSIV : Hero get a 16% chance to prevent a on him
targetet spell and a 20% chance to Hit the enemy Hero with a rope that
brings him back to the ROPE MASTER (0.4 second stun no dmg).
4. "Rope Jump" ULTIMATE : the hero hits the enemy with a rope
jumping behind the target, the distanze of the place behind is equal to the
distanz the targeted hero had before to the ropemaster ulti was casted.
then the ropemaster pulls the ropes an throws the roped enemy to the front.
the trowing distants is even equal to the distanz he jumped behind.
Cast range is MAX 600 and the DMG is 400 + 50 for each objekt the targeted
enemy hits (trees , units, bultings , etc...)
2. Sliter
Type: AGI
Attack: Range (Melee)
1. "Blind Eye": the target hero gets a spezific area around him and whenever the SLITER cames close (600-200)
the sliter gets slightly transparent(50%) as long as in this state he gets an 20% to prevent incoming dmg.
when he cames closer than 200 he becomes invisible til he attacks, if he leaves the area he he will stay 5
seconds invisible (for if he wants to escape).
2. it is like the ability of the nerubean weaver to make these ghost for a radar like skill.
3. "Snakily Hit" PASSIV: the SLITER, if he attacks out of any invisibility, deals an additional dmg depending to the
degree the atacked unit stands to the sliter (the more it stands with the back to him the more dmg will be dealt,
proportional) exampl with 70 dmg :a back hit does 70 dmg and a front hit nothing at each side it deals 35 dmg.
4. "heart stop" ULTIMATE: The sliter uses his both knifes to push them into the body of the enemy for to hit his
heart, dealing 300 DMG + 3*Main attribute of the target HERO. the 3*mainAttribute bonus is only garante if the
sliter attacks out of invisiblity.
3. The Thorn
Type: AGI
Attack: Range (Melee)
1. "Catched Thorn": target unit will be catched with a net for 1.5 seconds and as long it is catched a thorn
will be raisen out of the ground at the catched unit to deal DMG. it will look like a net of the siren and then
a singel thorn will hit the unit for X DMG . i know it could be only the throne but i though the net will let it be
more brutal so the unit is forced to stay and then the thron jumps out of the bottom.
Note: the unit will be catched for 1.5 seconds but the thorn hit its after O.5 seconds s it will ned a faling
time of i guess 0.2 and so the unit is stuned then for only 0.8 after the hit.
2. "Spike Incarnation" PASSIV: the THORN is the elemental incarnation of spiking pain , attacking him will cause
pain to the enemys. he gets a 30% reflection to the MELEE attacker (the dmg will be deal 30% to attacker but
still 100% to the THORN) an additional defence bonus of 7 and a chance of 14% on every attack that was dealt
to him to Spike the enemy (should look like a smal spike gets fast out of his body to the enemy and back)
and dealing dmg like 50.
3. "Naily Plain" : the THORN will target a area. whenever a enemy unit walks over this plain it gets dmg over time
as long as it remains there , as additional the THORN set traps in there (like 9 i would say) and if a unit runs over
it ther is a 20% chance that it will trigger and a big spike gets out of the ground, "Catched Thorn"-like just
without the net and stuning for 1.2 seconds. (wanted this to set 2 seconds but if your unfortunaly
then you get stuned for a max of 6 seconds .... thats too much) the field leasts 20 seconds for 20 dmg a second.
if he fights in an enemy this can prevent the enemy to run away for a short time.
or he can us this to escape.
4. "Warth of Thorns" : the thorn Targets a enemy hero in a range of (800) and sends out 3 waves
that follows the enemy till they get them. he cast 3 ,
1 in fron of them then right and then left. all these r following the
target. the first on that hits deals 100 dmg the next one 250 dmg and the last one deals dmg depending on
X% of how long the wave did have to follow.
4. Masked Avenger
Type: AGI
Attack: Range (Melee)
1 "Cover" : a Simple spell that is more like a passive spell but it is his symbolic spell.
the MASKED gets the color and the exact model of the tagret hero (mb even unit but im not sure...)
lvl1 for a short time
lvl2 for a longer time
lvl3 for double that long before
lvl4 permanent (till targetet himself nomatter what model or color he is.)
2. "Imitate" : The MASKED gets a random skill of a Hero
lvl1 target must be close
lvl2 target can be far away
lvl3 a skill of all heroes used on the map
lvl4 a skill out of every possible skill on the map (even not used heroes spells)
Note: this will never affect Ultimates and mb not even passiv skills, the new ability is permanent till he
use "IMITATE" again to get a new one.
3. "External Talents" PASSIV : this passiv skill only increases the lvl of the "Imitated" skill.
4. "Orginal Clone" ULTIMATE: The MASKED clones a friendly hero (even his self) this Clone has a life time that is
longer than the cooldown so that if he want he can cast the spell again on the clone to let him life longer
(he can let him life as long as he wants with egnought mana) the target is equal(or mb 80%)
to the copy and has even passiv skills of the orginal, in addition if the Clone stand near (let it be 1000 range) if the Orginal
goes under 50%-60% of his hp then the Clone replaces the orginal at once and the orginal moves instantly to the position
of the clone was before... if htis happens the ability will be removed till the clone dies and then added again.