I thought you were going to PM me the map. When you didn't, I thought maybe you didn't want me to test it lol.
So are you going to change the name?
Anyway, I tested it a bit by myself because I currently disabled hosting so I can browse the web faster. Anyway, here is some things I found:
- The info on the loading screen is ambiguous. I had trouble deciphering what was meant by it.
- The "Kills" UI icon has a border around it. If you look at the "Gold" & "Food" icons, neither have them have one, so you should select a new icon for "Kills" (one with no border).
- Camera is kinda annoying, but thankfully it can be disabled/enabled, although the way this is achieved is also annoying...
- I chose the Berzerker, and "Jump" had no hotkey.
- With 1-3 HP, it's first-strike wins. Also make's parry kinda useless.
- Map seems kinda big for 8 players...
- Are you waiting between dialogs? It seemed like it. If so, then remove the waits.
- Use the Quest Dialog for information about you map.