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Deathmatch Beta Testing

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Level 4
Jul 22, 2008
I need a few testers to suggest changes and report bugs in my new map, Deathmatch. (isn't the name so creative?) It's come along fairly well so far, and held on very well during a battle.net test, so the map is down there if you want it.:thumbs_up:
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Level 4
Jul 22, 2008
Thanks, and the parentheses bit was sarcasm lol. Posting the map now.
By the way, there is a Undead Slaying mode planned for an upcoming version, probably 0.4 or 0.5.
Also, there happens to be a huge bug in the hero mode, which I will get to fixing straight away.


  • Deathmatch_V0.3.w3x
    154.5 KB · Views: 59
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Level 6
Jul 8, 2008
I thought you were going to PM me the map. When you didn't, I thought maybe you didn't want me to test it lol.

So are you going to change the name? :confused:

Anyway, I tested it a bit by myself because I currently disabled hosting so I can browse the web faster. Anyway, here is some things I found:

- The info on the loading screen is ambiguous. I had trouble deciphering what was meant by it.
- The "Kills" UI icon has a border around it. If you look at the "Gold" & "Food" icons, neither have them have one, so you should select a new icon for "Kills" (one with no border).
- Camera is kinda annoying, but thankfully it can be disabled/enabled, although the way this is achieved is also annoying...
- I chose the Berzerker, and "Jump" had no hotkey.
- With 1-3 HP, it's first-strike wins. Also make's parry kinda useless.
- Map seems kinda big for 8 players...
- Are you waiting between dialogs? It seemed like it. If so, then remove the waits.
- Use the Quest Dialog for information about you map.
Level 4
Jul 22, 2008
Thanks, and I have'nt thought of a new name yet. Also sry for not pming it.
EDIT: Also, the fights are meant to be over fast, and parry negates all damage to you and returns 70 precent of it. It was only useless for you because you played by yourself. And the map has been tested with 6 players and the map size was fine.
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