Yea this is my first map I put on here. I hope it goes well.
All credit goes to [highlight]Cavman[/code], [highlight]General Frank[/code] and all the awesome people who made the Models, Icons and weapons.
Its a remake of the Blizzard map [highlight]Divide and Conquer[/code]. I found it a bit boring so I mixed it up to be more fun.
The Night Elves have been replaced With the Fel Orcs. Extra new units have been added to each race with plenty of awesome attacks. Also [highlight]Thrall[/code], [highlight]Arthas[/code] and some Wizard are usable heroes and are now in foot.
Try and find the Easter Eggs! You may edit the map but ask me thirst.
Updated. Tried best to shorten the size.
Chaos, Fel, Orc, New, Tauren, Red, War, Badass, Blood, Troll, Undead,