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Burning Legion

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.

Burning Legion

Map info:

This is an altered melee map, I add additions to the map, that additions allow you to play as custom race.
Map has water effect.

Map Description

How to play:




V1: Map Uploaded.
V1.1: I add a new worker to the race and balanced the race.
V1.2: Multiplayer gameplay added and map bugs fixed.​
V1.3: Worker changed.​
V1.4: some items and dreadlord spells changed.​

Ujimasa Hojo, Sellenisko, Wyrwuulfe

Blizzard Entertainment, Peekay, Ujimasa Hojo, Anachron, 4eNNightmare, Svenski, 67chrome, MasterHaosis, Heinvers, 84chrome, Murlocologist



Burning Legion (Map)

The race is, unfortunately, as underwhelming as the previous ones. You did exactly what you had done in the past - you edited an existing Blizzard race by changing a few names here and there and added one or two units which are imbalanced. I'd...
Here is my review: This is a very simple concept, largely owing to the abundant ingame resources that make the Burning Legion seem like a faction Blizzard at least entertained the idea of introducing as a playable race on at least one occasion. A lot...
Set to Simple / Useful status. Try to update it based on Wazzz's review and even mine before...It can always be re-reviewed in order to be approved...but for now it does not meet those requirements.
Level 8
Feb 4, 2017
The race is, unfortunately, as underwhelming as the previous ones. You did exactly what you had done in the past - you edited an existing Blizzard race by changing a few names here and there and added one or two units which are imbalanced. I'd understand that if it were your first map, but you've been reminded numerous times that creating such a simple edit is definitely not enough to have your map approved.

The first thing that comes to mind when playing this race is the fact that it's more or less a just an Undead reskin with a few overpowered units added to the mix. The early game mechanics stay the same, it's just that the heroes are changed (not even all of them - Dreadlord stays exactly the same). While the Fel Guard gets a pass (though he still has abilities that Blizzard heroes have <Cleave and Avatar>), the Infernal hero is an upgraded Mountain King with Immolation instead of Thunder Clap and Rain of Chaos instead of Avatar, meaning it's overpowered and pretty unoriginal. I would commend you for making the Voidwalker hero, but I reminded myself that it's just Bane from Dota 2 (again, you copied the abilities without even editing them, meaning that they're pretty much useless in Melee (apart from the Brain Sap and Fiend's Grip).

I could mention all the incosistencies in your race, such as Skeleton Warriors notbenefitting from upgrades (because they still benefit from the original Undead upgrades) or Nerubian Towers still being available, but the part that makes this race insanely overpowered is cost of the tier 2 units. Eredar Sorcerers, for example, cost 85 gold and 2 food while being able to cast Firebolt, meaning that they are the strongest and cheapest casters in the game. Same goes for Satyrs which cost the same and can cast Rejuvenation, Felguards which are just Grunts with Cleave for 135 gold and 2 food or Infernal Contraptions - Meat Wagons that can cast a slightly weaker Inferno. I could go on, but I think you get the point.

The race, apart from not being creative, suffers from numerous inconsistencies and its author's lack of basic knowledge about balance in Melee. Unless at least some of the aforementioned issues (that there's a lot of) are fixed, this resource is nowhere near being satisfactory.

Edit: The changes are very minor and don't really fix anything. Please, for the sake of both of us, don't request a new review each time you implement a small change.
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Level 12
Dec 11, 2017
The race is, unfortunately, as underwhelming as the previous ones. You did exactly what you had done in the past - you edited an existing Blizzard race by changing a few names here and there and added one or two units which are imbalanced. I'd understand that if it were your first map, but you've been reminded numerous times that creating such a simple edit is definitely not enough to have your map approved.

The first thing that comes to mind when playing this race is the fact that it's more or less a just an Undead reskin with a few overpowered units added to the mix. The early game mechanics stay the same, it's just that the heroes are changed (not even all of them - Dreadlord stays exactly the same). While the Fel Guard gets a pass (though he still has abilities that Blizzard heroes have <Cleave and Avatar>), the Infernal hero is an upgraded Mountain King with Immolation instead of Thunder Clap and Rain of Chaos instead of Avatar, meaning it's overpowered and pretty unoriginal. I would commend you for making the Voidwalker hero, but I reminded myself that it's just Bane from Dota 2 (again, you copied the abilities without even editing them, meaning that they're pretty much useless in Melee (apart from the Brain Sap and Fiend's Grip).

I could mention all the incosistencies in your race, such as Skeleton Warriors notbenefitting from upgrades (because they still benefit from the original Undead upgrades) or Nerubian Towers still being available, but the part that makes this race insanely overpowered is cost of the tier 2 units. Eredar Sorcerers, for example, cost 85 gold and 2 food while being able to cast Firebolt, meaning that they are the strongest and cheapest casters in the game. Same goes for Satyrs which cost the same and can cast Rejuvenation, Felguards which are just Grunts with Cleave for 135 gold and 2 food or Infernal Contraptions - Meat Wagons that can cast a slightly weaker Inferno. I could go on, but I think you get the point.

The race, apart from not being creative, suffers from numerous inconsistencies and its author's lack of basic knowledge about balance in Melee. Unless at least some of the aforementioned issues (that there's a lot of) are fixed, this resource is nowhere near being satisfactory.
Yes, that's right, but perhaps it was better to give me the opportunity to update.
Here's a review from my run. Some notes:
1. Dreadlord is pretty much a Varimathras variant. With that in mind, his Sleep collides with Voidwalker hero's Nightmare ability. Two heroes should not have exact same role.
2. I suggest you get a new unit for Obsidian Statue. It feels like Undead copy-paste. The same goes for Gargoyle.
3. If possible, add creative ways of gaining resources. Currently, it feels exactly like Undead copy-paste.
4. Infernal Contraption is a pretty dangerous beast. The infernal it spawns lasts too long which makes them extremely effective.
5. Nether Dragon is pretty broken with the Spell Immunity. Spell Reduction OR Resistant Skin would already be useful for this unit without making it too effective.
6. Do you want to know why Eredar Sorcerer is broken? Shadow Bolt + Summon Beast. Choose one and change the other to a new ability. There is a reason why damage + stun spellcasters are tricky to get done right. I would recommend making Shadow Bolt pure damage OR disabling ability while tweaking Summon Beast health.
7. For the price of 240G + 4 Food, Felguard is dangerously effective. This unit needs some lumber costs at the very least.
8. Demoness Range does not work. The acquisition range needs to be base range + upgrade range.
9. Demon Gate can be built without blight. That is wrong, considering other buildings require blight.
10. Units are inconsistent with their health regeneration method. Some regens anywhere, others require blight. Make up your mind Burning Legions!

To be honest, the problem with this race is it is TOO similar to Undead. In short, it is Undead with some crazy uber powered tweaks at the current rate.

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Deleted member 247165


Deleted member 247165

Are you able to update it to 1.31? It seems that it does not read it on this patch.

Deleted member 247165


Deleted member 247165

I can't update it to 1.31, because i don't have this patch.
Are you sure it can't read with 1.31 world edit? I think 1.27b maps can read with all new patches.
can you play it on 1.31?
Tried to play it in 1.31 and it does not work.

Deleted member 247165


Deleted member 247165

Now then. The 1.29 version works on patch 1.31.

Here's my review:
First of all, the workers are exactly Undead Acolytes. The first thing that represents a custom race is their workers. You can find tons of demon models on hive around here. The buildings icons, models and even the names are the ones from the basic Undead race. :pmeh:
The custom heroes are interesting, except for the Dreadlord, which is exactly Varimathras from the campaign heroes. You did change the normal Undead techtree units into something demonic but nothing additionally added aside from them. The Infernal Contraption is overpowered with the Summon Infernal ability. With 5-6 of them, I can simply annihilate the opponent's base. Demons using Blight? What for ? The Blight is the land surrounding a grave in the cemetery, demons do not spawn from the blighted earth, they are fiery beings. The tomb of relics has the exact set of items except for the Orb of Corruption which was changed with the Orb of Darkness (the Orb of Fire would suit the Demon Race better, just a personal suggestion).

I'm really sorry but this one is not ready for approval yet. I know you worked on it, but it feels like simply editing the already available races with minor modifications. Custom races are not my specialty, but based on what I played here, I'm very sure that you must work more on this one.
This might help you out: How to: Create a Full-working Custom Race

I will not give a rating on this one since it would not be fair. Please further update it and by that, I mean really work on it entirely. Try to check out the custom races made by @Wa666r . He's really specialized in this genre.

Level 35
Feb 5, 2009
Here is my review:

This is a very simple concept, largely owing to the abundant ingame resources that make the Burning Legion seem like a faction Blizzard at least entertained the idea of introducing as a playable race on at least one occasion. A lot of the units made available are true to the faction, including the Satyrs as a serviceable personal choice that I have seen done in some Burning Legion factions. Where it tends towards being simplistic rather than just simple is the overall design. The Acolytes being the primary workers for the faction is one thing, but the majority of the structures being Undead structures doesn't help to flesh the faction out. To that end, I can see that as being a potential reference to the RoC campaign where you would see a Demon Gate in the middle of an Undead base, but for a standalone faction that you're supposed to play, it should be more fleshed out than this. On the topic of campaign references, there is a lot of potential in the TfT campaign, which is also where the majority of the available units come from.

Getting into the nitty gritty of the unit and hero designs themselves, a lot of units are dependent on mana which is generally poor practice for a melee faction. You will also find an overabundance of ingame abilities, such as Life Drain for the Succubus, Inferno for the Infernal Contraption (completely defeating the purpose of ever training an Infernal), and there is even a reskinned Gargoyle sporting Stone Skin as one of the two flying units the faction gets. Doom Guard is an example of a unit that is completely unedited. Some aspects are forgivable, such as the Felguard having an upgrade that unlocks Cleaving Attack (something that I've seen done many times before, it's a classic approach for a reason), but then the Fel Guardian hero also has Cleaving Attack. This isn't the only instance of a hero and a unit sharing the same ability, either - both the Eredar Sorcerer and Eredar Warlock get Shadow Bolt and the ability to summon Fel Beasts, while the Voidwalker and the hero that is also named Voidwalker both get Devour Magic (although in this instance it is called "Brain Sap" for the hero ability).

Most abilities that deviate outside what a unit already had is just a reskinned ingame ability - this is not necessarily a bad starting place, considering a lot of newer editors may feel unfamiliar or even uncomfortable with attempting to trigger their own abilities, but in many instances the names aren't even changed, such as the Satyr Trickster having Abolish Magic and Rejuvenation.

The unit roles become very muddied in this faction, too. The Voidwalker appears to be the designated anti-caster unit, for instance, but then the Fel Stalker can be upgraded to use Mana Burn and the Nether Dragon is immune to all magic. Infernals also retain their immunity to magic while the Doom Guards still have Resistant Skin (a completely unedited Doom Guard saving for the fact it can now receive attack and armor upgrades - same for the Infernal).

There is arguably a fine line between intentionally balancing around ingame unit stats by incorporating clever design and lazily copy and pasting ingame assets, and I'm afraid this faction tends to err towards the latter. With the abundance of damage spells for the units and the frequent rehashing of ingame assets, this faction doesn't exactly offer anything new, and yet I wouldn't say it exactly offers anything classic. For all intents and purposes, this is a great starting point for getting into faction design and playing around with ingame assets - on that front, I totally get it. As a faction designed to be played in line with the melee races, however? It's going to need some drastic reworking on most of the abilities, the hero designs and a total reworking of the base design. Half of the faction's identity already exists ingame as it is, and the other half largely exists as Neutral Hostile Creeps.

Deleted member 247165


Deleted member 247165

Set to Simple / Useful status.

Try to update it based on Wazzz's review and even mine before...It can always be re-reviewed in order to be approved...but for now it does not meet those requirements.