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Data Editor Fields: Units

Level 11
Aug 16, 2007
Data Editor Fields: Units

Objects that appear in the game world and affect the game state.

This is the first in a series of tutorials about the fields for the different objects that can be created in the Data Editor.

These fields are based on what is available for the Marine.

I have put in what I suspect the fields might do, however many are simply a guess. I hope people will post corrections, and share what they know so we may all benefit.
If you have further information to expand on a section, that would be great too.

Other Sections

Core Unit:The unit you are currently editing.

Unit Data Fields


Field Name

Accepted Values
Abilities +(None)Ability Table

These are abilities that the unit can use, however they must first be assigned to a button in the Command Card field.​
Added On Units +(None)Unit Table

This is for adding Add-on structures, such as the Reactor or Tech Lab​
Needs Confirmation

AI Evaluation

For the purposes of the Computer AI, the core unit will be seen as the unit designated in this field.​
AI Evaluation - Constant(None)Integer ‹xx .. xx›

AI Evaluation - Factor(None)Integer ‹xx .. xx›

AI Notify Effect(None)Command

This dictates the AI's combat response to seeing the core unit on the field.​
Needs Confirmation

AI Override Target Priority
(None)Integer ‹xx .. xx›

This overrides the normal AI, giving the core unit a different priority level as a target in combat. It is unknown if a higher or lower number is high priority.​
Attributes(None)Check List

These determine how weapons and armour affect the core unit.​
  • Armored
  • Biological: Allows Healing.
  • Heroic
  • Hover
  • Light
  • Massive
  • Mechanical: Allows Repair
  • Psionic
  • Robotic
  • Structure
Behaviours +(None) Behaviour Table

This field allows you to associate behaviours with the core unit.​
Command Card(None)Button Organization

This field will open up a window that will allow you to add and organize buttons that will appear on the in game Command Card (Bottom Right).
In this field you can add new buttons and use the UI to assign different commands types to the buttons;​
  • Ability Command: When the button is pressed it will activate the associated ability.
  • Cancel Placement: Cancels the targeting of a Build Command.
  • Cancel Submenu: Closes a submenu and returns to it's root menu.
  • Cancel Target: Cancels the targeting of an Ability Command
  • Passive: The button will have no effect and cannot be clicked. You can select an ability to associate with it, which will define the button's tooltip.
  • Select Builder: Selects the unit that is currently building the core unit. Presumably this will only really be useful on Structures.
  • Select Larva: As used in the Hatchery/Lair/Hive, this selects the buildings production units.
  • Submemu: Opens up a submenu. This is similar to how Spell Books work in Warcraft 3. You may have up to 4 Command Cards, linked by submenus.
  • Undefined: No Effect
Creep Speed Bonus(None)Real

Boosts the core unit's speed by this value when on creep.​
Creep Speed Multiplier(None)Real ‹0.01 .. xx›

Multiplies the core unit's speed by this value when on creep.​
Damage Dealt (Veterancy)(None)Integer ‹0 .. xx›

The amount of experience the core unit receives for every point of damage dealt is multiplied by this value.​
Damage Taken (Veterancy)(None)Integer ‹0 .. xx›

The amount of experience the core unit receives for every point of damage taken is multiplied by this value.[​
Default Acquire Level(None)Drop Down Menu

Behaviour for acquire enemy targets.​
  • Defensive: The core unit will only acquire targets that attack it first.
  • None: The core unit will not acquire enemy targets.
  • Offensive: The core unit will acquire any enemy target that comes within its line of sight.
  • Passive: Effects Unknown
Needs Confirmation

(None)Text Box

This text will appear as the unit's tooltip in game.​
Editor Comment(None)Text Box

Comments left by the map editor on this unit.​
Editor Description(None)Text Box

This text will appear as the unit's tooltip in the editor.​
Energy Regeneration Delay(None)Real ‹xx .. xx›

After casting an ability the core unit will stop regeneration it's energy for the duration of this value.​
Equipment Array(None)Miscellaneous


This set of fields is used to control the unit's idle animations.​
  • Chance Array: This table displays all the possible idle actions, and their percent chance of occurring.
  • Selected Value: This allows you to alter the percent chance for the currently selected idle action.
  • Delay Max: The maximum delay between two idle actions.
  • Delay Min: The minimum delay between two idle actions.
  • Turn Angle: The angle at which the core unit will turn, when the turn action is taken.
  • Turning Rate: The rate at which the core unit will turn, when the turn action is taken.
Glossary Alias(None)Unit

Glossary Category(None)Text Box

What race the unit falls under in the unit help menu.​
Glossary Priority(None)Integer ‹xx .. xx›

The position at which the unit is displayed in the unit help menu. Lower values are shown above higher values.​
Glossary Strong Array(None)Unit Table

This does not affect the stats of the unit, only what is displayed in the unit help menu. It is a list of the units that the core unit is considered strong against. This is relative to their cost, the idea being that for the price it costs to make X units, you could make Y core units.​
Glossary Weak Array(None)Unit Table

This does not affect the stats of the unit, only what is displayed in the unit help menu. It is a list of the units that the core unit is considered weakagainst. This is relative to their cost, the idea being that for the price it costs to make X units, you could make Y core units.​
Inner Radius(None)Real ‹0.0 .. 7.75›

The maximum distance from the center of the unit required to interact with buildings.​
Kill Display(None)Drop Down Menu

Determines whether the unit's kill count is displayed or not.​
  • Always: The Kill Counter is always displayed.
  • Default
  • Never: The Kill Counter is never displayed.
Kill Resource(None)Integer Table

When the core unit dies, the player that killed it will be awarded the amounts of resources assigned in this field.​
Leader Alias(None)Unit

Life Armour Display Flags(None)Checklist

  • Collapse Buffed: Effects Unkown
  • Expand Upgraded: Effects Unknown
Life Regeneration Delay(None)Real ‹xx .. xx›

After taking damage the core unit will stop regeneration it's life for the duration of this value.​
Loot(None)Item Table

These items are dropped upon the core unit's death.​
Needs Confirmation

Occlusion Height(None)Real ‹0.0 .. xx›

The distance a player's unit must be from the core unit, in order to see over it.​
Needs Confirmation

Pathing Footprint - Dead
(None)Pathing Texture

This determines the pathing map of the core unit's corpse. Simply put, it determines whether the corpse blocks movement or not.​
Pawn Item Reduction(None)Real ‹xx .. xx›

Power Up Cost +(None)Various

Powerup Effect(None)Ability

Powerup Filters(None)Checklist

Unknown. Each item in the list can have Ally, Enemy, Neutral, or Player, enabled. The items are target types, and too numerous to list.​
Push Priority(None)Real ‹xx .. xx›

Radius - Dead(None)Real ‹0.0 .. 7.75›

Collision radius of the core unit's corpse.​
Repair Resource(None)Integer Table

Resources required to repair the core unit.​
Resource Drop Off(None)Checklist

Allows units to drop of the enabled resources (Minerals/Vespene/Terrazine/Custom), at the core unit.​
Resource State(None)Drop Down Menu

This is used for resources such as Minerals or Vespene Geysers.​
  • Raw: The resource requires an additional action to be harvested. Such as building Refineries on Vespene Geysers.
  • Harvestable: The resource can be harvested straight away and be returned to a drop off point. Such as Minerals.
Resource Type(None)Drop Down Menu

Determines which resource (Minerals/Vespene/Terrazine/Custom) can be harvested from this unit, if it is a resource.​
Revive Delay(None)Real ‹xx .. xx›

Revive Time(None)Real ‹xx .. xx›

Revive Type(None)Unit

Score Result(None)Drop Down Menu

  • (None): No Effects
  • Build Order: Effects Unknown
  • Economy Breakdown: Effects Unknown
  • Graphs: Effects Unknown
  • Score Summary: Effects Unknown
  • Standard: Effects Unknown
Select Alias(None)Unit

When you double click on the core unit, all units that have the same select alias as it will be selected.​
Shield Armour Display Flags(None)Checklist

  • Collapse Buffed: Effects Unkown
  • Expand Upgraded: Effects Unknown
Shield Regeneration Delay(None)Real ‹xx .. xx›

After taking damage the core unit will stop regeneration it's shields for the duration of this value.​
Sight Bonus(None)Integer Table

The core unit will receive these values as modifiers to it's line of sight at the relevant times of day.​
Subgroup Alias(None)Unit

When the core unit is the active unit in a group selection, all units with the same Subgroup Alias will also be active, and vice versa.​
Needs Confirmation

Synchronous Model Data
(None).M3H File

Specific Effects Unknown​
Tactical AI(None)Melee Unit

Tactical AI Filters(None)Value

Unknown. Each item in the list can have Ally, Enemy, Neutral, or Player, enabled. The items are target types, and too numerous to list.​
Taunt Duration(None)Real Table ‹0.0 .. xx›

Set the duration of Taunt Action, animations (Cheer/Dance).​
Needs Confirmation

Tech Alias(None)Unknown Table

Tech Tree Unlocked Units(None)Unit Table

Presumeably, units that are unlocked by having on of the core unit.​
Needs Confirmation

Tooltip Priority
(None)Integer ‹xx .. xx›

Vision Height(None)Real‹xx .. xx›

The height of the core unit's eyes. Presumably it would come into play when relating to the occlusion height of other units.​
Needs Confirmation

Weapons +
(None)Weapon Table

Here you can add weapons to the core unit. They must be assigned to a Turret.​
  • Turret: Effects Unknown

Field Name

Accepted Values
ResponseAbilitiesDrop Down Menu

This dictates the core unit's response when it takes damage.​
  • Acquire: The core unit will acquire the attacking unit as a target, and attack if possible, if not the core unit will flee.
  • Flee: The core unit will move directly away from the attacking unit.
  • No Response: The core unit will do nothing in response to being attacked.

Field Name

Accepted Values
FacingArtReal ‹xx .. xx›

This is the facing angle of the unit if it is a structure.​
Needs Confirmation

Fog Visibility
ArtDrop Down Menu

This determines what the core unit will look like to other players when it is behind fog.​
  • Dimmed: The core unit will be shown normalling behind fog, but will be slightly dimmed to match the fog. This is normally used for critters
  • Hidden: The core unit will never be shown when it is behind fog.
  • Snapshot: The core unit will be shown just as it did the last time it was seen, it will not move, and it will be dimmed. This is normally used for structures.
  • Visible: The core unit will always be shown, even when behind fog. This is normally used when a player is revealed, it could also be useful for a mission objective.
HeightArtReal ‹xx .. xx›

This is the height at which the unit is raised off the ground. Used for flying units.​
Minimap RadiusArtReal ‹0.0 .. 7.75›

The radius of the circle on the minimap that represents the core unit. It should be set proportionately to the unit's size​
Stationary Turning RateArtReal

If the unit is immobile, this is the rate at which it rotates. When moving Turning Rate. This can be useful for units that can only turn while moving, like spaceships, where sometimes it is illogical for it to be able to rotate on the spot.​

Field Name

Accepted Values
Attack Target PriorityCombatInteger ‹xx .. xx›

Priority for the unit. The default Computer AI will attack units with a higher priority first.​
Death Reveal DurationCombatReal ‹xx .. xx›

The duration after the core unit's death, that it's location remains visible to the owner.​
Death Reveal RadiusCombatInteger ‹0 .. 500›

This is the radius of the area around the core unit's death that is revealed​
Energy Gained By Damage TakenCombatInteger Table

The core unit will receive this value in energy for every point of damage taken from the associated source (Melee/Ranged/Spell/Splash).​
Energy Leeched By Damage TakenCombatInteger Table

The core unit will receive this value in energy for every point of damage dealt with the associated source (Melee/Ranged/Spell/Splash).​
Life ArmourCombatInteger ‹0 .. xx›

The amount of armour applied to attacks directly dealt to the core unit's life.​
Life Armour LevelCombatInteger ‹xx .. xx›

This value does not actually affect the unit's armour, it is just the value displayed on the UI. When an armour upgrade is applied to the core unit, this value increases.​
Life Armour NameCombatText

The name of the core unit's armour, as displayed in the armour tooltip.​
Life Gained By Damage TakenCombatInteger Table

The core unit will receive this value in life for every point of damage taken from the associated source (Melee/Ranged/Spell/Splash).​
Life Leeched By Damage TakenCombatInteger Table

The core unit will receive this value in life for every point of damage dealt with the associated source (Melee/Ranged/Spell/Splash).​
Shield Armour NameCombatText

The name of the core unit's shields, as displayed in the shield tooltip.​
Shields Gained By Damage TakenCombatInteger Table

The core unit will receive this value in shields for every point of damage taken from the associated source (Melee/Ranged/Spell/Splash).​
Shields Leeched By Damage TakenCombatInteger Table

The core unit will receive this value in shields for every point of damage dealt with the associated source (Melee/Ranged/Spell/Splash).​

Field Name

Accepted Values
Death TimeDataReal ‹xx .. xx›

Amount of time it takes for the unit to play it's death animation.​
Kill ExperienceDataInteger ‹0 .. xx›

The unit who kills the core unit will gain this value in experience.​
RadiusDataReal ‹0.0 .. 7.75›

The maximum distance from the center of the core unit a unit has to be for the core unit to interact with it.​
Sight RadiusDataReal ‹xx .. xx›

The area around the core unit that will be revealed to it's owner.​

Field Name

Accepted Values
Editor CategoriesEditorDrop Down Menu

Used to organize the unit within the editor.​
Editor FlagsEditorChecklist

Changes the unit's behaviour when being placed within the editor.​
  • Ambient Lighting Occlusion: Effects Unknown
  • Block Structures: Presumably, structures cannot occupy the same space as the core unit.
  • Can Rotate: The core unit can be rotated in the editor. This would be used for Units, but not for Structures.
  • Default to Neutral Player: When placed the core unit's owner will automatically be set to Neutral, you can then change it by opening up the unit's object properties.
  • Hostile Default: When placed the core unit's owner will automatically be set to the Hostile Player, you can then change it by opening up the unit's object properties.
  • No Auto Rotate: Effects Unknown
  • No Palettes: Effects Unknown
  • No Placement: The unit cannot be placed in the editor.
Needs Confirmation

Editor Prefix

This text will be displayed before the core unit's name in the editor.​
Editor SuffixEditorText

This text will be displayed afterthe core unit's name in the editor.​

Field Name

Accepted Values
AccelerationMovementReal ‹0.0 .. 1000.0›

The speed at which a unit will accelerate to its maximum speed (value/second).​
Lateral AccelerationMovementReal ‹0.0 .. 1000.0›

The speed at which a unit will accelerate sideways until its maximum speed is reached (value/second). Recquires additional explanation.​

The core unit's mover affects how it interacts with pathing.​
Plane ArrayMovementChecklist

This field is used to determine on what planes (Air/Ground), the unit can be interacted with.​
Needs Confirmation

Seperation Radius
MovementReal ‹0.0 .. 7.75›

When colliding units are stationary, they will move apart so that their seperation radii don't intersect.​
Needs Confirmation


The core unit's maximum speed.​
Strafe RadiusMovementReal ‹0.0 .. 500.0›

This field is used for the Hangar ability. For units such as interceptors, this field defines the maximum distance it will fly from the carrier.​
Turning RateMovementReal ‹0.0 .. xx›

The speed at which the unit turns.​

Field Name

Accepted Values
Pathing FootprintPathingPathing Texture

The pathing map used by the core unit.​
Pathing Footprint - PlacementPathingPathing Texture

When the core unit is being placed in the Galaxy Editor or constructed in game, it uses this pathing map for placement, instead of its regular pathing texture.​

Field Name

Accepted Values
AI Build CategoryStatsDrop Down Menu

  • Center: Effects Unknown
  • Defense: Effects Unknown
  • Power: Effects Unknown
  • Standard: Effects Unknown
Cargo SizeStatsInteger ‹0 .. 255›

The number of slots the core unit occupies in a transport, such as a Medivac or Phase Prism.​

This determines what type of units the core unit can collide with. Any units that have the same fields checked, will conflict if they are within each other's RadiusWhen moving, the units will separate so that their radii no longer conflict, however when not moving, they instead use Seperation Radius.​
Needs Confirmation

StatsReal ‹0.0 .. 1000.0›

The speed at which the core unit slows down until it comes to a full stop (value/second).​
Energy MaximumStatsReal ‹0.0 .. 100000.0›

The maximum amount of energy the core unit can have at one time.​
Energy Regeneration RateStatsReal ‹xx .. xx›

The amount of energy regenerated by the core unit per second.​
Energy Starting AmountStatsReal ‹0.0 .. 100000.0›

The amount of energy that the core unit spawns with.​

Various items that affect the unit's behaviour and interaction.​
  • AI Caster: Effects Unknown
  • AI Disable Flee On Damage: Effects Unknown
  • AI Disable Press Forward: Effects Unknown
  • AI Tag For Area of Effect/Splash Damage Units: Effects Unknown
  • AI Tag For Defense Units: Effects Unknown
  • AI Tag For Marking Special High Priority Targets: Effects Unknown
  • AI Tag For Support Units: Effects Unknown
  • AI Tag For Temporary Units: Effects Unknown
  • AI Threat (Air): Effects Unknown
  • AI Threatens Air: Effects Unknown
  • Always Check Collision: Effects Unknown
  • Always a Threat to Attackers: Effects Unknown
  • Bounce: Effects Unknown
  • Buried: The core unit is burrowed, and thus invisible
  • Cannot Be Clicked: Effects Unknown
  • Cannot Be Highlighted: Effects Unknown
  • Cloaked: The core unit is invisible, this also applies the cloaked visual effect.
  • Create Visible: Effects Unknown
  • Destructible: Effects Unknown
  • Hero: Effects Unknown
  • Ignore Terrain Height: Effects Unknown
  • Individual Subgroups: Effects Unknown
  • Invulnerable: The core unit cannot take damage.
  • Kill Credit: Units will get credit for killing the core unit.
  • Missile: Effects Unknown
  • Movable: The core unit can be moved.
  • No Armor While Constructing: While under construction the core unit has no armour.
  • No Cursor: Effects Unknown
  • No Death Event: Effects Unknown
  • No Draw: Effects Unknown
  • No Portrait Talk: Effects Unknown
  • No Score: Effects Unknown
  • No Tooltip: Effects Unknown
  • Not on Radar: The core unit does not show up on Sensor Tower radars.
  • Pawnable: Effects Unknown
  • Penalty Revealed: Effects Unknown
  • Prevent Defeat: So long as at least one unit with this flag is alive, you will not lose, in a melee map.
  • Prevent Destroy: So long as at least one unit with this flag is alive, you will not be considered to have lost all your forces, in a melee map.
  • Prevent Reveal: So long as at least one unit with this flag is alive, you will not be revealed to your enemies, in a melee map.
  • Show Resources: Effects Unknown
  • Town Camera: Effects Unknown
  • Turn Before Moving: The core unit will turn to face the direction it is going to move in before accelerating.
  • Turnable: The core unit can turn.
  • Uncloakable: The core unit cannot be cloaked by an outside source.
  • Uncommandable: The core unit cannot receive commands from the player.
  • Undetectable: If the core unit is cloaked, it cannot be seen by a detector
  • Unselectable: Players cannot select the core unit.
  • Untargetable: The core unit cannot be targeted by abilities.
  • Use Line of Sight: Effects Unknown
  • Use Town Alert: Effects Unknown
  • Worker: Effects Unknown
Needs Confirmation

ItemStatsDrop Down menu

Life MaximumStatsReal ‹0.0 .. 100000.0›

The maximum amount of life the core unit can have at one time.​
Life Regeneration RateStatsReal ‹xx .. xx›

The amount of life regenerated by the core unit per second.​
Life Starting AmountStatsReal ‹0.0 .. 100000.0›

The amount of life that the core unit spawns with.​
MassStatsReal ‹xx .. xx›

The weight and volume of the unit, this dictates how the unit is affected by push and pull physics. Requires additional description, on the specific effects of mass.​
MobStatsDrop Down menu

Unknown. Relates to the "MOB" cheat code.​

The core unit's name.​
RaceStatsDrop Down Menu

The race (Terran/Protoss/Zerg/Neutral) this unit belongs to.​
Repair TimeStatsReal ‹0 .. xx›

It will take the duration of this value to repair the core unit from 0 to full health.​
Score - KillStatsInteger ‹xx .. xx›

The amount of points received by a player who kills the core unit.​
Score - LostStatsInteger ‹xx .. xx›

The amount of points received by a player who losses the core unit. Remember this value can be negative.​
Score - ProduceStatsInteger ‹xx .. xx›

The amount of points received by a player who produces the core unit.​
Shield ArmourCombatInteger ‹0 .. xx›

The amount of armour applied to attacks dealt to the core unit's shields.​
Shield Armour LevelCombatInteger ‹xx .. xx›

This value does not actually affect the unit's armour, it is just the value displayed on the UI. When a shields upgrade is applied to the core unit, this value increases.​
Shield MaximumStatsReal ‹0.0 .. 100000.0›

The maximum amount of shields the core unit can have at one time.​
Shield Regeneration RateStatsReal ‹xx .. xx›

The amount of shields regenerated by the core unit per second.​
Shield Starting AmountStatsReal ‹0.0 .. 100000.0›

The amount of shields that the core unit spawns with.​
Subgroup PriorityStatsInteger ‹0 .. xx›

This determines the order that subgroups are placed in in a group selection.​
SuppliesStatsInteger ‹-10000 .. 10000›

The amount of supplies/food that the unit provides. If this value it negative, then the unit consumes supplies.​
Tactical AI ChannelStatsText

Tactical AI FunctionStatsText

Tactical AI RangeStatsText


Field Name

Accepted Values
Add-on Offset XStatsReal ‹xx .. xx›

Add-on Offset YStatsReal ‹xx .. xx›

Built OnStatsUnit Table


Credit for Providing Information
  • Gallin
  • mrzwach
  • Hawkwing
  • Berethor
  • Darkness-4ever
  • |1|shadow
  • SafeFail
  • nailertn

Last edited:
Level 11
Aug 16, 2007
Well I still have four more sections to add :), but after that I will make similar ones for the other objects.

Hopefully some people will help fill in the gaps here first though :)

Well thats where you can associate behaviours with the unit, but I'm not really sure what purpose they server yet or what you can do with them after that, which I would like to add in there, but yeah I will add roughly what you said.

Each entry has been anchored so that you can link to them if you need to reference it to help people with their questions in the Help Zone.
The anchor is always the field name, but with no spaces, lower case, and no characters. However you can just copy the link from the Table of Contents.
Level 11
Aug 1, 2009
Massive: Can be targeted as an air unit
This is inaccurate. Some massive units, such as the Thor and the Ultralisk, cannot be targetted as air.

I believe what you mean is that the Colossus can be hit by AA attacks. I'm pretty sure this is because in Movement - Plane Array it is listed as both ground and air.

Additionally, from what I've seen, turrets just allow units to attack units while moving/facing a different angle than the direction of their target. IE, Hellion can shoot enemies behind it without turning around, Mothership can shoot enemies in any direction even while moving.
Level 11
Aug 16, 2007
I see, I didnt think that Thor and Ultralisk were classified as massive since they cant be targeted by air. I shall correct.

I have finally finished adding all the fields, and I also found this; MOB Cheat Code

But anyways, I hope people will weigh in with what they know, and I will post others for the other Data Editor Objects in a little while.

Also could a moderator change the Thread Title to Data Editor Fields: Units
Level 9
Nov 4, 2007
I believe that strafe radius is the method by which the Carriers utilize the Interceptor swarming movement, the radius determines how far they stray from the Carrier and is basically their leesh as they attack enemy targets.
Level 3
Mar 13, 2007
I am not sure but I believe the 'Default acquire target' defines when your unit will attack another. I.E. Offensive = you will attack a nearby enemy unit when it gets into acquisition range, defense = you will attack a nearby enemy unit if it attacks you etc. I have not tested this yet though, just my thoughts on those values.
Level 11
Aug 16, 2007
Thanks :), I think you must be correct, I checked a handful of different units and the Interceptor was the only one with any value for Strafe Radius

I thought something similiar, but I wasn't sure how precisely it might work, in any case I will put what you said and hopefully someone will confirm.

@Avator, as I said in the post...

I have put in what I suspect the fields might do, however many are simply a guess. I hope people will post corrections, and share what they know so we may all benefit.

Some fields can be deduced fairly eary, and the ones I am really not sure about I marked with "Needs Confirmation"

Some of the information also comes from the description you get for hovering over a field, however those can often be short and unclear, or not present at all.

Added a credit section at the bottom of the post.
Level 11
Aug 16, 2007
If your resolution is quite high (Or more likely you screen is quite large), then yes it is quite likely it will appear misaligned.

This is because the screen is wide enough that the text from the first box doesn't push the rest to the far end. Unfortunately the
tags do not have a width field, so there is nothing I can do about it. :(

Added a link to the latest in the series, Data Editor Fields: Abilities

Granted reputation to all those who have contributed information. Thanks a lot. :)
Level 3
Mar 13, 2007
I put a few units in my map, each with a different acquire target and I believe that passive makes the unit flee, but not attack the attacking unit ( a bit like what workers did in warcraft 3, not sure if they do in sc2 )
Level 3
Dec 19, 2008
About the plane array, i saw just some comments, then made some tests, and yes, the field is used to classify it as "interactable" with air or ground. I checked ground on some phoenixes and air on a probe, and run the test, the phoenix attacked the probe at the ground and some Zealots attack the phoenix ( despite the fact they just swinged their blades on the air below the phoenix :D).

i'm not 100% sure since i'm still trying to adapt from word editor but i guess that the AI built category work like these:

Center: "town center" like command center, OC, Nexus etc...
Defense: if is a bunker, turret, crawler, cannon like.
Power: pylon, and phase prism when generating power field. And maybe even creep tumors. ( the energy providing of the pylon is more obvious but who knows).
Standard: anything that don't fall on the other categories.

See, might this categories don't add the respective abilities to the buildings, but it happens because it's an AI dedicated field to increase the effective of the regular AI when facing custom races, and with proper configuration of all AI fields of units might even make unnecessary an custom one.

Like, an custom Xel'Naga player is facing an regular very hard Terran AI. With the AI fields correctly fill the AI will know that the "Xel'Naga Spiral Tower" is an super pylon that powers buildings on a huge range and then properly attack this unpowering the whole base.

any toughts?
Level 1
Jun 4, 2010
Can someone clarify "Inner Radius"?

What specifically is "interacting" with a building?
Level 11
Aug 16, 2007
One example of interacting would be attacking a building. For melee units, this would be the furthest from the building they can be and still attack it. For ranged units, there range would be measured from where this radius around the building ends.

However this is mostly speculation.
Level 11
Aug 16, 2007
Thanks TWIF :)

I see, with one of the patches I assume. Thats a pain, I really do need to expand this though and fix some of those up. It's a lot of work though, and this is the last few weeks of school. :) I'll try to get to fixing that up soon though.

Could really use some help from people Identifying the unidetified fields though. :)
Level 2
Apr 11, 2010
Late response, but I'm sure people still check up on this (as well as myself) for general purposes.

Kill Resource
- When the unit dies, this value affects the amount of resources the killing player is awarded in Custom/Minerals/Terrazine/Vespene.
- By default, it's [0|0|0|0], and correspond to the resource in alphabetical structure.
- Highest values move to the left but their resource order (Custom/Minerals/Terrazine/Vespene) in the editing field is unchanged.
- In-game, when a killed unit awards resources, the value appears upon death for the killing player.

Stationary Turning Rate
- When the unit is stationary, this value affects the rate it turns when it is assigned a command to a point or target.
- The corresponding field in the editor is "Turning Rate", which applies to when the target is moving rather than stationary.

- This value (I believe) decides whether the unit can converge into a type e.g. air. Seen when air units move together extremely tightly or on top of each other.
- This value takes "Radius" into account for colliding together and won't collide with other types.

Seperation Radius
- I find this only applies when air units are tightly clustered together while stationary. They won't seperate while moving, but will do so when they reach their location.
- You can imagine this like in Warcraft 3 or Starcraft when you have one air unit being followed by an army of other air units; followers collide together until they stop, which is at that point they seperate.
Level 1
Jul 20, 2010
i think the power up cost + is the cost of Life/energy/shield then the unit do power up their attack (that's what happens then Void Rays beams get higher dmg while shooting longer at the same target)

And the power up effect is the effects then the units powers up,(like the void ray i mention gets increased dmg)

Powerup Filters
I think it Decides what targets are eligible for the power up action.

Push Priority

For as far as i know so does it decide witch of the units blocking a moving unit that should be Prioritized for a unit push

I think this guide is useful so + rep to you=)
Level 8
Aug 4, 2006
Vision Height also decides what height the unit's eyes are relative to line-of-sight blockers. If the vision height is above 0, the unit will be able to see over ground LOS blockers. If 0, the unit's vision will be blocked by ground LOS blockers.

Edit: It also affects how the unit sees over terrain that's above its current terrain height.
Level 11
Aug 1, 2009
i think the power up cost + is the cost of Life/energy/shield then the unit do power up their attack (that's what happens then Void Rays beams get higher dmg while shooting longer at the same target)

And the power up effect is the effects then the units powers up,(like the void ray i mention gets increased dmg)

Powerup Filters
I think it Decides what targets are eligible for the power up action.
No, the powerups are basically where a unit will apply an effect if another unit right clicks it. Powerup filters are what targets can use the powerup, cost is how much whatever it costs to use the powerup, and the effect is the effect that is applied.

This field is used for the Hangar ability. For units such as interceptors, this field defines the maximum distance it will fly from the carrier.
Incorrect. Strafe Radius determines the maximum distance the unit will fly from its target when using a strafe-type weapon. The "Leash" value on the hanger ability determines the maximum distance :eek:
Level 3
Feb 1, 2010
Equipment Array
It turns into a single field if the combine the structure values button is pressed.
The array consists of 5 fields:
The effects applied to the unit when it uses specific equipment set
Icon for the equipment set
Name of the equipment set
Tooltip for the equipment set used by the unit
Weapon for the equipment set

The units that had anything in these fields are the banelings and the carriers.
Field Baneling (Baneling)
CUnit_EquipmentArray_Weapon (VolatileBurstDummy)
Field Carrier (Carrier)
CUnit_EquipmentArray_Weapon (InterceptorsDummy)
This indicates the use of an indirect (or secondary) attack, expecting the goliath units to have something there since they use two attacks (guns against ground and GA missiles against air) even though I couldn't find them in the unit list. You can add a weapon to the unit but it will not use it (even though it shows in the statues card) for some reason (could be the lack of proper actors or something else I am unaware of).

Glossary Alias
The only units with anything in that field are the flying structures of the terrain and the Viking Assault. The field values were the same as the units name and didn't detect any effect when changing them.
My best guess is that they serve as a reference to the unit they were converted from and would change back into.

Leader Alias
According to the hoverover tooltip, this is the name displayed on the leaderboard during replayes or in observer mode and if there was no name it wouldn't display on the leaderboard.
"The display name of the unit in the replay and observer leaderboard. A unite with no leader alias will not be displayed on the leaderboard."

Revive Type
The only units with a value other than (##id##) are the reactors with (Reactor) as the value and the tech labs and the changed changelings with (##parent##) as the value.
My best guess is that a way to make units revivable (like the Thor unit in the campaign) and this indicates to the type of unit this unit will be revived into (the forms of a changling will be revived as a changeling. The tech labs will revive only to be the tech lab they originally were [barracks tech labs don't work for the factory and vise versa]. And the reactor revives as a reactor regardless of what building is attached to it).
Revive delay would become the time required before the unit becomes revivable (in the campaigns, Thor units took some time before you could revive them).
Revive time would be the time needed to revive the unit (Thor units took some time to revive).
This was not tested though.

I will do more testing and see if I can find more.
Level 11
Aug 1, 2009
Equipment arrays are for things that aren't technically weapons (eg, baneling boom and carrier interceptors) but that they want to be displayed as UI elements regardless. For example, the carrier does not actually shoot and deal damage, but its still nice to be able to see how much damage its interceptors deal.

Equipment effect/weapon are just to get the UI data to be displayed. It has no functional use :\