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Darkshadow95's ORPG

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
The whole map is in german! The map doesn't contain a save-system! If there are some bugs left in my map, please report it as a post! Special thanks to all who helped me on hiveworkshop (some models and unit-revive-trigger). If someone wants to create a save-system on this map, just ask me with a post on this map, and i will update your changed map. Btw you will be named on the credits.

You start as a normal villager and choose your class after you reached level 10. There are 5 classes to choose:
2 female and 3 male classes.
If you reached level 30 you can upgrade your rank of the chosen class and if you reached level 60 with the 2. rank you can learn to be the master of your class.
Enter dungeons, kill their bosses, solve quests, get items and the best player in the game. The units power will rapidly increase if you go upper the river, so be prepared.
There are 6 different dungeons, a big map area to play on, different kinds of terrain and much custom units. After you killed a dungeon boss, you will be moved in a room with an item. You have some seconds time to take it . . . Read the Quest-Log for more information about the map, the credits and the details.

Bugs fixed!

Have fun!

Btw, i read the rules atm and there is no rule against upload a map in another language!

Fantasy, Classfight

Darkshadow95's ORPG (Map)

00:47, 9th Jan 2011 ap0calypse: Rejected "The whole map is in german!" - That breaks the rules. + this is a multi-upload, which also breaks the rules.




00:47, 9th Jan 2011
ap0calypse: Rejected

"The whole map is in german!" - That breaks the rules.
+ this is a multi-upload, which also breaks the rules.
Level 3
Jan 8, 2010
well at least he now can formulate sentences...
btw there is a rule:
You are only allowed to use English in any publicly visible context of this site.

all maps ARE publicly visible context because all maps are publicly accessable. this means english only, sorry dude...

and same as the guys above...

Vote for rejection.

edit: and sorry to say but the one guy was right, Open RPG includes saving and loading, thats the wohole point of this word you know: leaving and reentering
Level 6
Oct 26, 2010
In fact, i read all clearly and exactly, i AM ALLOWED TO UPLOAD/UPDATE if the discription is in english, and so i did. i know that muliupload is against the rules, but my other map is rejected and i fixed my fail and so i AM ALLOWED TO UPLOAD/UPDATE this map again.
Read the rules, dont tell lies, dont react to early. This are your fails, guys.
I dont want to argue with you, but THIS ARE THE RULES! just read them and UNDERSTAND THEM please.

Your Darkshadow95
Level 3
Jul 4, 2010
"This are the rules" is not proper English (grammar). Not here to troll or whatever but i'm guessing English isn't your first language so you might want to have someone help you with the map who can improve the description and help you understand the rules.

Now on to the map, I like the models you used for some of the units but the terrain could use a LOT of work. First of its very flat which I cant say makes a terrain terrible because I have seen some very good terrain maps without much elevation of the land. There doesn't seem to be any areas with moderation of textile colors, each area just seems to turn into the other one. For example the southern forest area has a stone road that some how turns into one made out of grass/vines/whatever you would call it. I could say more things that make your terrain unattractive but I would like to move on.

The save system is very impotent! If you make a patch for this map make sure you add one.

I don't understand German so this section of my experience may be different for players who do understand German. After figuring out how to create a character I chose the human male and went into the forest to the east. I attacked a spider but his buddies came along (5 in total) and quickly killed me. Thats as far as I got, again I don't understand German and I did notice some vendors in the starting city that may help me get stronger but I didn't understand what they were selling.

Final vote 1/5 rejection.

Change the language to English and I will review the map again.
Level 16
Jan 31, 2009
The whole map is in german!
Rule breaking, rejection right there.
Btw, i read the rules atm and there is no rule against upload a map in another language!
Are you sure? All maps on the Hive are in english otherwise will be rejected.

Also description lacks, doesn't encourage people to download the map since it's really plain. You should add colours and maybe add some screenshots.
Level 15
Sep 17, 2010
Rule breaking, rejection right there.

Are you sure? All maps on the Hive are in english otherwise will be rejected.

Also description lacks, doesn't encourage people to download the map since it's really plain. You should add colours and maybe add some screenshots.

I checked the rules, and actually i found nothing about different language maps.
Level 16
Jan 31, 2009
Rules may have changed, past experience tells this. We'll see what the mod thinks of this. But either way, I don't think this has the quality for approval. Description doesn't really attract you in any way since it's a wall of text. Also do not spam map types, just stick to one.
Level 6
Oct 26, 2010
If someone of you want to change the map language in english you can do it and i will update it. Otherwise i won't change language because it ISN'T AGAINST THE RULES. I know terrain is not as good as in other maps, but my map is much better than 1/5. With the save-load-system it would be 3/5, without its 2/5 in fact. But i dunno how to make the system with my map. If someone of you knows it, and want to do it, i will allow him to change the map and i will update it again.
Level 8
Dec 12, 2010

I again post the Map submission rules for you to read. Which states:

What will not be accepted:

Maps that are written in languages other than English. Mapmakers must perform a complete, accurate English translation including all cinematic components, dialogs, preview screens, quests, tooltips, and all other elements that will be accessible or visible during game play
Level 5
Dec 3, 2009
Actually a non-english map will discourage many many people to play this map and it wont make sense to those people who dont know it