Hey there,
I'm in high need of a smart damage detection system that allows me to block all damage done in a map unless triggered.
So I want the normal attacks done by units to always do 0 damage, even if they have high attack damage, or their targets have low armor.
All damage has to become coded in the map itself, so it should be possible to make units damage eachother using a function.
I'm pretty sure a damage detect system like this excists, but I haven't got much experience with most of them and wouldn't know which ones would be best to suit the job.
I've been using Intuitive Damage Detection System by Rising_Dusk in the past, but have a feeling this one could be a bit outdated, and I wouldn't know how to create code to completely block all auto attacks.
The only reason I've been using this Damage Dtection System in the past was to show floating combat text.
Is there anyone that could give me some advice on this matter?
I'm in high need of a smart damage detection system that allows me to block all damage done in a map unless triggered.
So I want the normal attacks done by units to always do 0 damage, even if they have high attack damage, or their targets have low armor.
All damage has to become coded in the map itself, so it should be possible to make units damage eachother using a function.
I'm pretty sure a damage detect system like this excists, but I haven't got much experience with most of them and wouldn't know which ones would be best to suit the job.
I've been using Intuitive Damage Detection System by Rising_Dusk in the past, but have a feeling this one could be a bit outdated, and I wouldn't know how to create code to completely block all auto attacks.
The only reason I've been using this Damage Dtection System in the past was to show floating combat text.
Is there anyone that could give me some advice on this matter?