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D&D games

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Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Never played them before, but I own Drakensang, which is originally a German pen and paper game, and it's pretty good. It's extremely close to D&D from what I hear.
Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
i've played Baldur's Gate long ago, don't rememebr much =)
i've completed Icewind Dale II recently, i liked it
i've tried to play Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn recently and almost died of boredom
i've played neverwinter's night, but it got bugged (wouldn't let me to pass to chapter II) and i uninstalled it
Level 6
Sep 17, 2004
I loved Baldur's Gate II. That was an epic game. The beginning is slow, but once you finally get all that cash you need for... that one certain part: it gets epic. The villian is awesome, and the whole game is like reading a good fantasy book. :)

I also love Icewind Dale I and II. I own the Ultimate Collection of IWD. :)
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Champions of Norrath was a better hack n'slash for console. Practically identical to Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance 2 in gameplay with a few improvements in combat.
Level 19
Oct 1, 2008
Yes, I love D&D games, it is a great system to work from, and has an awesome bunch of lore, leading to not actually having to come up with original ideas. :3
NWN is my favorite RPG.

Oh, and yeah, I loved Norrath. I was playing it with my friend on his PS2 for many an hour, all those years ago.
Level 16
Mar 3, 2006
Yes, I love D&D games, it is a great system to work from, and has an awesome bunch of lore, leading to not actually having to come up with original ideas. :3
NWN is my favorite RPG.

Oh, and yeah, I loved Norrath. I was playing it with my friend on his PS2 for many an hour, all those years ago.

Yes, also the dialogue system makes the game very flexable* and makes you react with the situation differently :grin:.

* not sure of its spelling
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