misc notes:
a) Warcraft may be multithreaded but the JASS VM is not (well it IS but after the very first versions they have essentially been locked to sequential execution as far as ive heard.. correct me if mistaken) so i cant really see any issues that could arise except lag (and some loops breaking.. dont use in loops).
b) conditions are meant to be the short test that is run BEFORE the function body, if you really need to counter the OP limit then it really does make sense to just put the heavy lifting as the trigger action. (codeClarity++ && overhead<epsilon )
The caller, yes, other triggers, not likely.
I have a request:
native StopWatchFrequency takes nothing returns integer
Should be easy because C# already offers this feature. I think it is important because miliseconds are not exact and the duration for ticks depends on the system.
native StopWatchCreate takes nothing returns integer
native StopWatchTicks takes integer id returns integer
native StopWatchMark takes integer id returns integer
native StopWatchDestroy takes integer id returns nothing
// new
native StopWatchFrequency takes nothing returns integer
native StopWatchStart takes integer id returns boolean
native StopWatchStop takes integer id returns boolean
native IsStopWatchRunning takes integer id returns boolean
native IsStopWatchHighResolution takes nothing returns boolean
native GetDestructableZ takes destructable d returns real
native GetDestructableFacing takes destructable d returns real
, it's clipped to the ground -> get the terrain height. If it is created via CreateDestructableZ
, it remains on the given height.but wont the editor create jass calls to CreateDestructableZ, since the same stuff happens with units when placed in editor?
Also already PM-ed you TriggerHappy via wc3c.net as user "MasterofSickness".Feel free to request anything you would like to see in JASS ...
SetMouseTerrainX takes real x returns nothing
SetMouseTerrainY takes real y returns nothing
native SetMousePosition takes integer x, integer y returns nothing
c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\csc.exe /target:library Input.cs
error CS0246: type- or namespacename 'TinkerWorX' couldnt be found.
error CS0246: type- or namespacename 'GamePluginBase' couldnt be found.
error CS0246: type- or namespacename 'JassRealRet' couldnt be found.
native TriggerRegisterAnyKeyEvent takes trigger whichTrigger, integer state returns nothing
native TriggerRegisterAnyMouseEvent takes trigger whichTrigger, integer state returns nothing
native TriggerRegisterKeyEvent takes trigger whichTrigger, integer vkey, integer state returns nothing
native TriggerRegisterMouseEvent takes trigger whichTrigger, integer vkey, integer state returns nothing
native TriggerRegisterMouseWheelEvent takes trigger whichTrigger returns nothing
native GetMouseX takes nothing returns real
native GetMouseY takes nothing returns real
native GetMouseTerrainX takes nothing returns real
native GetMouseTerrainY takes nothing returns real
native GetMouseUIX takes nothing returns real
native GetMouseUIY takes nothing returns real
native GetTriggerKey takes nothing returns integer
native GetTriggerWheelDelta takes nothing returns integer
native GetTriggerKeyString takes nothing returns string
native IsMouseOverUI takes nothing returns boolean
native IsKeyDown takes integer vkey returns boolean