Hello, I recently made a short campaign and have finished all the levels for it. I wish to make it into an in-game campaign but for some reason whenever I try to play them from in-game, I click the menu button for the campaign level, it fades (as if beginning to load) but then returns to the campaign menu, can anyone help with this?
I will, of course, upload my campaign once it is finished. It's rather amateur but I'm open to criticism and advice
I have used lots of resources from the Hive itself and will put a credits file in with the campaign itself
Me and my cousin have built an entire world for a series of Warcraft Three campaigns we're making (It even comes with a map of the area ) and we think it has a rather good story behind it that we think you'll all enjoy. I will also add a Lore.txt file to the download folder so you can understand the story more and become more immersed in it
So yeah, thanks for reading and any help with my problem will be greatly appreciated, thank you
I will, of course, upload my campaign once it is finished. It's rather amateur but I'm open to criticism and advice
I have used lots of resources from the Hive itself and will put a credits file in with the campaign itself
Me and my cousin have built an entire world for a series of Warcraft Three campaigns we're making (It even comes with a map of the area ) and we think it has a rather good story behind it that we think you'll all enjoy. I will also add a Lore.txt file to the download folder so you can understand the story more and become more immersed in it
So yeah, thanks for reading and any help with my problem will be greatly appreciated, thank you