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Custom Build Icon

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Level 4
Apr 16, 2008
For the tech-tree building? What do you mean? Every race has a "Build" ability. "Build-Human", "Build-Orc", etc. They are unique based on the unique abilities each race has for building. Humans can have multiple peasants "repair" a structure to build it faster. Undead can summon buildings, etc.

The actual structures that are available by that build ability are controlled by the "Structures Built" field on the UNIT who has the build ability. So if you look at the Peasant, he has the "Build-Human" ability, and if you check out his "Structures Built" field, it has all of the stuff he can make (Farm, Town Hall, Blacksmith, etc).

If you want to change the icon, first figure out which build skill you want, and just change the icon of it in the Abilities tab. Then give that custom build ability to your unit, and add the structures you want that build ability to have.

Also, if you want to control where on the grid the various structures appear in the build menu, then you have to go under units to the structures themselves, and change their "Art - Button Position (X)" and "Art - Button Position (Y)", with X = 0, Y = 0 being the top left corner.

Hope that helps!
Level 4
Apr 16, 2008

Level 4
Apr 16, 2008
This is Jass New Gen...but regular world edit should also have it. If it doesn't, then just get Jass New Gen. It's just like the regular WE expect with added features and some JASS helper tools.
Level 7
Mar 12, 2006
Just re-re-started WE, now i have it xD

Ok i tried it, for me it does no difference ^^

If he doesnt have jass new gen he can do it the way i posted

Btw do you know how i could manage to have two builders which have the human-style multi build ability (multiple workers speed building one building) but with build-buttons on different positions ?
I cant do it with build (human) cuz you cant just add it to a unit
It will be used by worker classified units but u cant make two of them
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Level 4
Apr 16, 2008
Just re-re-started WE, now i have it xD

Ok i tried it, for me it does no difference ^^

If he doesnt have jass new gen he can do it the way i posted

Btw do you know how i could manage to have two builders which have the human-style multi build ability (multiple workers speed building one building) but with build-buttons on different positions ?
I cant do it with build (human) cuz you cant just add it to a unit
It will be used by worker classified units but u cant make two of them

You should be able to create 2 custom "Build (Human)" abilities with different "Art - Button Positions". Maybe name them slightly different. Also, another thing you can try is putting another skill in the same spot so that the build icon is forced to "shift" over. I'm not sure what skills take priority in button positions...maybe its the order in which you add the skills to the unit?
Level 7
Mar 12, 2006
Build button has priority
Any other regular abilities have no priority they are randomly replaced, at least thats what i heard
For doing 2 custom build abilities
Did you personally ever see it working ?
As far as i know and it covers with what ive tested so far the units building ability only depends on which race you select in the object editor
If i have a hum worker and add build (human) ability but make it an orcish unit it will have the build (orc) ability with its settings and behaviour
but for what i wanna do it is necessary to have human build behaviour with different menues on 2 different workers ^^
I tried all other races too... they all behave like orc except for hum, nelf and ud of course
Level 4
Apr 16, 2008
No, you can decide which type of unit has what kind of build. For example, in a lot of TDs, people use the Build (Undead) since the structures are summoned and the builder doesn't have to stay and actually build the thing....you can just have it start building, and move onto another tower. But the builders themselves won't always be undead...they can be anything, since you can change the unit model to whatever you want.

Myself in my own TD that I'm working on, I have Build (Undead) on all of my builders...and none of them are actually undead. Well, their RACE has to be undead. But the model and everything else can be whatever.

So I guess for the build to work properly, you need to have the correct RACE assigned to the unit.
Level 4
Apr 16, 2008
This is Jass New Gen...but regular world edit should also have it. If it doesn't, then just get Jass New Gen. It's just like the regular WE expect with added features and some JASS helper tools.

As I already mentioned, I am using Jass New Gen...not WEU. WEU has a bunch of bugs which Jass New Gen fixes...and still has all of the features of WEU as well.

Level 7
Mar 12, 2006
In jassnewgen u enable umswe and some other random stuff, then restart the new gen we
And it works just fine, just take care the imported icons have the exact same path like the original ones, they will kinda overwrite the original ones
I had it working this way before i installed jassnewgen
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