Story :
A Year has passed since the Red Crystal Queen was killed. The kingdoms of Blue, Red and Green Crystals are allies but the Greens betrayed the Red Kingdom because Green Kingdom wants to be more powerful than all the kingdom so no one can defeat them. Now the Blue Kingdom is taking revenge for Red Kingdom and Green Kingdom for taking Blue Kingdom.
Team Instruction :
Try to Kill Enemies and destroy their crystals to win.
Change Log :
1.0 Release of the map.
1.1 Fixed the Revive System.
1.2 Added some items and Hero.
1.3 Added some items and Triggers.
1.4 Fixed some Revive bugs and added some triggers.
1.5 Added some timer ,Remove some bugs ,upgrade the bases and Added some drop items on FLESH GOLEM.
1.6 (This Version) fix the Countdowntimer Bug