Oh man, has this model been a pain in the ass. That's mostly why I don't model so often anymore, because it takes so fucking much ;_;
Aaaanyway, this is what would be the tier 1 melee for Demonic Sharadar [elves with self-mutating abilities.], the Crow. He's ugly, his mutations are basic, thus he sucks and is fodder.
EDIT: I had forgotten to set rarity on his attack animations, WHICH IS NOW FFFFIXED.
EDIT 2: It now has
very subtle team colour. <_<'
EDIT 3: It now has death sound and supposedly footprints.
EDIT: Hey, Dio here! If you enjoy my work,
a tip would be most welcome! Even a little helps a lot!
crow, dark, elf, chicken, legs, schyte, mantis, dual, wielding, evil, footman, equivalent, tech-tree