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Need More Help - Crow Swarm

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Level 8
Oct 2, 2004
Like Locust Swarm, but the units summoned are black medivh crows.
I wanted the spell (3 level spell) to start with these stats
10 crows, 25 seconds, each Crow does 5-7 damage
and upgrade to
10 crows, 25 seconds, each Crow does 7-9 damage +5 poison per second over 3 seconds
and finally upgrade to
10 crows, 25 seconds, each Crow deals 9-11 damage +5 poison per second over 3 seconds and poison reduces speed

So I made 3 levels of Crows, using CnP Locusts, each with their respective damage and poison abilities.

So I set up the locust spell, each level summoning a better Crow level. When it is cast, however, it only summons 1 crow who hovers behind the caster and doesn't do anything.

So how can I set this up? Does it only work if the spell summons modifed locusts, not CnP'd ones?
Level 11
Jul 20, 2004
The poison is no problem if you use Dryad's skill. But you should've copied and pasted the locusts correctly, changing only how they look and their damage. And as for the spell itself, I think you should've change VERY LITTLE at it, perhaps only the units and nothing else. Not even the damage returned. Because that is a thing... How it returns damage. Make it return damage when it reaches 1000000000 or something like that. For more info, Check my Thunder of Aeons spell. It is based off Locust Swarm using custom units. It might help...
Level 8
Oct 2, 2004

CnP Locust and change damage and look only
Change only Spells name/tooltips/and summoned units

Use triggers to add poison ability.
Should I still use 3 levels of crow? Or should I use trigger to increase their damage?

And for the Crow, do I just add "Walk Alternate" to the unit's animation?
Level 11
Jul 20, 2004
PsychoMagnataur said:

CnP Locust and change damage and look only
Change only Spells name/tooltips/and summoned units

Use triggers to add poison ability.
Should I still use 3 levels of crow? Or should I use trigger to increase their damage?

And for the Crow, do I just add "Walk Alternate" to the unit's animation?

Use 3 levels...
Don't use triggers... Give the poison ability to the crow unit which is copied from Locust.
As for animation... I think it automatically works...
Level 2
Sep 21, 2004
im sure you already know this but if the units in locust swarm dont have the ability "locust" they wont move around the hero properly and will just stay where they're summoned or act on their own.
Level 4
Sep 21, 2004
The return threshold (not sure what its called exactly, but its below the dmg return factor) HAS to be 0.20 or it wont work...happened to me before.
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