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CRK.TD FoL v1.10 AI



First of All I'd like to sorry for my English writing since it isn't my original language.

Due to some problems and unbalanced difficulty of the game in v1.10, I have decided to fix those and released this version. In Hard Mode of v1.10, the game seemed to be very easy to earn victory, also the gold bonus was overed given for builder players, which caused the unbalance result and made the game boring sometimes. The game is now much more difficult to win and better fun.

>>>V1.11 is currently in construction and improvement. There will be some special changes and new contents added with new feelings of this TD. Please see the changes and improvement of terrain in the Minimap preview below.



While The Dark Legion forces, known as The Outlanders, are attacking the Demonic Gate, some of their forces are also trying to reach the Great Fountain, but in order to do that, they must destroy these four Fountains of Life first. If they reach their main goal, the door leading to the Great Fountain will be opened. So you must stop them so soon as possible and defend your Fountain of Life at all casts.


Map Info

The map area is divided into 4 sites as you may see it in View Minimap below. Each site can be played up to 2 players (1 builder player and 1 hero control player).
However, it doesn't require pair play or multi-players only, single player is also available for you in each site. So the traditional game (4 players only in previous versions) is still playable in 4 groups with just some changes in v1.10. One thing is pair play is a bit harder than single play.

  • Descriptions and tooltips in the game are well made and easy to understand
  • Map is designed for both solo player and multi-players
  • Towers: 4 main towers, 5 support towers, 1 supper tower
  • Select a hero to work along with your towers
  • Strengthen your hero with some items
  • Do researches (damage, speed, range, ...) to improve all of your towers
  • The number of waves bases on the game difficulty
    ( >>>Beginner : 15 waves with easiest creep mode)
    ( >>>Normal : 25 waves with normal creep mode)
    ( >>>Hard : 27 waves with advanced creep mode)

>>For more information, please see Map Info (F9) at the beginning of the game.
>>This map is protected.
>>Comments and suggestions are welcomed here.

V1.10b Change log:

-Improved difficulty
-Reduced gold bonus in Hard Mode
-Fixed problems in Hard Mode
-Improved waves' hit points
-Improved movement speed of all heroes by 10
-Fixed movement speed of Ghostly Mage
-Reduced hit points of Fountains lvl 5 by 1000
-Fixed some other minor bugs

V1.10 Change log:

----------------------->> Game Play <<-----------------------
- Increased numbers of player to 8
- Added items (7 basic items + 5 recipes)
- Added a mini village in the center of map, where heroes can find some items for purchase
- Added weather effect to the game
- Balanced creeps, which make the game harder
- Food now displays wave stage
- Replaced wave level in multiboard with current remaining creeps
- Resource trading: 2 gold per click and 4 gold per click (+Ctrl)
- Now you can summon a hero at the map initialization
- Fixed errors in multiboard
- Removed pathing blockers near enemy spots
- After wave 20, the time will be set to 12:00pm
- Changed music theme after level 10 and level 20
- Fixed some descriptions
- Added and fixed some hints
- "-Remove" no longer removes Goblins
- Fixed "-hi"
- Added new commands: "-tofw" : Turn Off Weather, "-tonw" : Turn On Weather

----------------------->> Towers <<-----------------------
- Blood Tower - Reduced area of damage at all levels
- Cold Tower - Cold Attack - Reduced AoE from 50/75/100/125/150 to 40/60/80/100/120
- Geomancer tower - The requirement now bases on levels of fountain like the other towers

----------------------->> Heroes <<-----------------------
- Reduced each hero starting stats
- Improved all heroes' stats gained per level
- Pendaren - Changed primary attribute to agility
- Sira - Shadow Strike - improved movement speed reduction and reduced initial damage
- Sira - Multiple Strike - Require hero level 3 to learn
- Sira - Reduced attack speed by 0.05
- Ghostly Mage - Blizzard - Deal 13 damage instead of 20 damage in level 1
- Furion - Replaced Strength of Nature with similar ability
- Ghostly Mage - Rain of Stars - Reduced cooldown from 150 to 100
- Increased base mana of all heroes by 10
- Reduced mana cast and efficiency of :
*Naga Seawitch: Sonic Fork Lightning, Purge
*Moon Worden: Fan of Knives, Shadow Strike
*Pandaren: Rohaste, Thunder Clap, Drunken Haze
*Ghostly Mage: Blizzard, Cold Field
*Forest Hunter: Death Glaive, Esnares

----------------------->> AI <<-----------------------
- Improve AI to make it work with v1.10
- Fixed AI building template for Moon Light builder
- Fixed AI building system a bit

CRK.TD FoL v1.10 AI (Map)

8:49, 16th June 2009 by bounty hunter2: Quite a nice TD, lacking in terrain and originality. You should make custom spells for the heroes, aswell as for towers. The towers also aren't original, rather regular and expected. There are also some typos...
Level 5
Jan 19, 2008
Yeah i know the current number of wave is only 27, just lower than the other TD. However, the current game takes about half an hour 2 get victory, which is an average duration 4 a map.
Currently, i'm tryin 2 add more things in v1.11, including the number of wave as well. Thanks 4 ur idea.
Level 4
May 25, 2009
I'am 90% sure that Sira's ulty is bugged . She only gains the AS (attack speed) and not the dmg .But if i'am wrong and she takes the bonus dmg u should make it somehow that it will be able to see. I suggest u to make a wave that is immune to ice or poison or maybe both of them
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Level 4
May 25, 2009
Sr for double post , but how is able 2 players play on the same corner (exp:Left corner), i tried it with a m8 and we had the same wisp as a builder (somehow share units was activated) when i deactivated share units he couldn't use the wisp so we rmked
Level 2
May 14, 2008
hi sonicstorm
Your programing in the map is Good (ai)
so i think your map need more Time to Make Item,level,new Event and other
i m too makeing a hero defence i like you make for me ai if u can help me about this
please send me a email
Level 4
May 25, 2009
the thing i meant was, that we were both using the wisp but the original colour of the wisp was red.I checked if share units was enabled and it was , so i disabled and he couldn't use my wisp.Btw i saw that the tavern colour was blue which means that blue owned it .
Level 5
Jan 19, 2008
Actually whatever u do, the color of each tavern will never change its color (only alliance color setting can do). Whenever a player owns a site (of the four) without a partner, he can control every units in his site even the color of each unit does't change. So do't worry, just make sure u can issue order for ur own units.
Level 13
Jun 22, 2004
So far, I enjoyed playing you map, a fair sqaure bit.

The difficulties are tempting, I started out playing it on Easy, and managed to quickly overcome this mode, with a minor damage on my well, after playing it on easy I tried, medium, you don't really immediately feel the difference, which is good, it has a good but strong transition, faster building compared to a smarter tower build in order to survive, also you have to handle your hero a fair tad more than you had to on easy, therefor exploring all hero's first is a good idea when you start playing medium, I never completed medium up to this point trying 3 times.

Your gameplay mechanics, are to be solid, your hero's and towers all seem balanced (didn't play 2 of the hero's), none of them are too overpowered, and perhaps some are a bit cliche, you somehow twisted a unique twist around each tower making them versatile in use.
Your upgrade mechanic, is really a pro, lots of game simply have endless upgrades, you twisted it out with the ancient techtree, which in my oppinion is a cool idea, more also your chain-mix-tower (if thats correct^^), also has a unique twist in just only being able to upgrade it's spells.

The waves are a bit standard, eventho I like the fact that you used sorta behemoths among the normal units....the cliche of fast, air and hidden is something we have seen before, again and again, so ill leave that out of the critique, but perhaps something to think about.

Your terrain is ok, not bad, but not superb either, I think with some upgrading your visual terrain, people would fancy this game even more.

All in all a game that keeps you excited and challenges for more than 1 type of skilled player.

Keep up your good work, and a 5/5 from me.