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Crixalis` Sand Storm

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Level 5
Nov 29, 2007
I tried to do that skill but it deals damage to my allies - I based on Blizzard or Rain of fire, changed targets only to enemies, changed ability model to a fog and by triggers i add perm invisibility. What wrong? With my ability i need to choose area of effect and it deals damage to me and my allies too, here;s description of spell:

Sand King creates a fearsome Sand Storm. The storm blinds his enemies and he becomes invisible to them. The storm also causes his opponents to take damage.

lvl 1/2/3/4
manacost: 60/50/40/30
cd: 40/30/20/10
casting range: N/A
AoE: 275/325/375/525
duration: 20/40/60/80
targets: enemy units
desc: deals 20/40/60/80
0.6/0.9/1.2/1.5 second delay before sand king is revealed (stops casting, geting stuned or smth that stop channel spell)


• Damage type: magical
• If the Sand King is magic immune at the moment of casting Sand Storm, it will not become invisible.
• Sand Storm is considered a channeling spell.
Level 5
Nov 29, 2007
Here's another fail
I tried to do Burrow strike (how I made it:)
Impale with changed damage etc. triggers:
unit beigns cast
ability = burrow strike
play unit attack slam animation
hide casting unit
movei nstantly casting unit to target point of ability beign cast
unhide casting unit
play casting unit stand animation

everything works great but deals no damage ..... any ideas ?
Level 19
Oct 15, 2008
How about basing the Sandstorm skill on Immolation? And change the Burrowstrike's Impale so that the Impale does damage, or just use a trigger to apply damage to anyone within that area of effect after a delay of, lets say, 1 second? I hope it helps!
Level 19
Oct 15, 2008
Why didn't I think of that... I wonder if it could be based on a Lightning Shield (That is set to not damage allies) as well?
Level 15
Jul 9, 2008
i dunno why blizzard doesent work


Here's another fail
I tried to do Burrow strike (how I made it:)
Impale with changed damage etc. triggers:
unit beigns cast
ability = burrow strike
play unit attack slam animation
hide casting unit
movei nstantly casting unit to target point of ability beign cast
unhide casting unit
play casting unit stand animation

everything works great but deals no damage ..... any ideas ?

in stead of using begins cast you need to use start effect of abillity
begins cast wont work becuase you move the hero before he atcherly casts the spell
you have many threads now asking for triggers for DotA spells, why dont you just make a thread in the Requests section and put all the spells that you want in that thread?

anyway, I'm sure there is a working burrow strike in the resource section...

as for Sand Storm, use Channel, set target type to instant, set the Follow through time to 20/40/60/80 or whatever... then make a trigger that when you start casting the ability, someone will cast invisibility to you... create a dummy and put a permanent immolation based skill on it (just so as the permanent immo doesnt show on your hero)... then trigger the special effects...

then if you stopped or finishes casting the ability, remove the invisibility buff and the dummy...
Level 5
Nov 29, 2007
If you could that will be awesome btw. I'm making map like DOTA (maybe u played Heroes of Newerth??) same hero skills, but my own concepts, icons, models etc. the spells are different.
Level 7
Apr 12, 2009
Here's another fail
I tried to do Burrow strike (how I made it:)
Impale with changed damage etc. triggers:
unit beigns cast
ability = burrow strike
play unit attack slam animation
hide casting unit
movei nstantly casting unit to target point of ability beign cast
unhide casting unit
play casting unit stand animation

everything works great but deals no damage ..... any ideas ?

Don't use:
  • Events
    • Unit - A unit Begins casting an ability
  • Untitled Trigger 001
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
Very general rule applicable to all spell triggering. Might solve your problem, and if it doesn't it will solve other problems. 'Begins Casting' will proc the event trigger before the spell is cast, in which case it might be interrupted before the spell finishes casting and the trigger will still go off, but the base spell will never actually cast.
If you could that will be awesome btw. I'm making map like DOTA (maybe u played Heroes of Newerth??) same hero skills, but my own concepts, icons, models etc. the spells are different.

ahhh... its better if you really change the spells of the heroes, coz copying it will be like copy-pasting DotA...

same hero skills but different spells??????
Are you really that stupidó?

And what is damage? Damage reduces the health points of the enemy...

its because its not registered as damage... the unit if it dies wont be registered as a kill by you since tranquility just changes the units life over time... if it dies, it will be registered as a suicide...
Level 11
Jun 20, 2009
Kala,don't tell others they're stupid while you made a mistake.

Didn't make an mistake, sorry.
Don't put words to other people's mouth. Did he say that he wants EXACTLY, what
you think he want? Did he say that he doesnt want to use my way? Please, next time, ask what he wants, before whining to me.

And anyway, this is going so offtopic. You could PM or VM to me, not to reply this topic.

There is no need for indexing system and wait!
Try this simple trigger below!
  • Burrow strike
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
    • Conditions
      • (Ability being cast) Equal to Impale
    • Actions
      • Set Point_Temp = (Target point of ability being cast)
      • Wait 0.00 seconds
      • Unit - Move (Triggering unit) instantly to Point_Temp
      • Custom script: call RemoveLocation (udg_Point_Temp)
There is no need for indexing system and wait!
Try this simple trigger below!
  • Burrow strike
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
    • Conditions
      • (Ability being cast) Equal to Impale
    • Actions
      • Set Point_Temp = (Target point of ability being cast)
      • Wait 0.00 seconds
      • Unit - Move (Triggering unit) instantly to Point_Temp
      • Custom script: call RemoveLocation (udg_Point_Temp)

why is there a .00 second wait?

anyway there is a burrow strike in the spells section which is GUI MUI... and it stops the impale at the target point, not just transport the caster there... + no waits or indexing...

Burrow Strike
Remove wait and test spell ^^

Nah I will be nice and tell you!

If we remove wait action, hero will lose mana but he will not cast spell because of move action!
With wait 0.00 action all works fine!

ahhh... since waits cannot be really lower than 0.2x anyways or so they say... that was pretty okay if he doesnt need the impale to stop at the target point... is it MUI?
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