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Creating invisible Critical Strike ability for heroes

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Level 8
Jul 14, 2010
Hello again, long time no see!

Want to update my old map and would like to remove 90% of the items and replace it with "stat shopping" instead. Pay X gold and get 1% increased chance to critical strike.

My first thought is to add item abilities to all heroes, and when I click a button in a shop I trigger leveling up the ability for the respective button. This is working with HP/mana item abilities, but when I try adding Critical Strike/Evasion/Bash item abilities to heroes they aren't invisible at the heroes' action bar like the HP/mana item abilities. I compare data and remove the icons from the Critical Strike ability for example, but removing icon data makes the button green in-game, not disappear.

I thought all item abilities were invisible? Is critical strike (item) hardcoded to always show an icon?
Any other way to make the "stat shopping" concept I want?
Level 8
Jul 14, 2010
yeah remember that spell book thing now, although I've never used it. Gonna check it out, thanks
I'm just glad there was an answer and not one of those things that was impossible because of limited editor or something
Level 8
Jul 14, 2010
Just three things..
The game freeze for 5-6 seconds when I pick a hero because of the spell book with 11 passives in it. Is this lag one time for the whole game, or one time for every hero picked?So if there are 4 players there will be 5-6 or 20-24 seconds of lag?

Sometimes it seems I only have a few of the 11 passives in the spellbook. Sometimes I have the +Armor passive, sometimes not. Sometimes I have the +Critical Strike passive, sometimes not..

Does Immolation/Cloak of Flames from several hosts stack on the same unit? Or can one unit be damaged by only one Cloak of Flames at a time, if so, is it the strongest that gets prioritized? :>
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Level 8
Jul 14, 2010
sniper zero seems to be right on that I have to preload the spellbook. I preloaded the spellbook in Map Initialization, no lag when picking heroes now.

As for the passives sometimes missing, I put both spellbook's "Maximum Spells" and "Minimum Spells" to 11 and it works smoothly
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