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[General] Creating Custom Units

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Hmm what do you mean replace them? Are you manually editing the default units/abilities?

If you want to create a new custom unit/ability, you can press Ctrl + Shirft + N to create a new whatever, depending on what tab you have open. You can also right click on anything in the tab and click either "Copy (Unit/Ability/etc)" or "New Custom (Unit/Ability/etc)."
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Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
A custom unit do not replace the original ones.

I repeat a custom unit/ability DO NOT replace the original one.


I think I get what you mean now..
You directly modify the footman (for example) and call it custom unit.
However you can create a completely new one that is a copy.
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Ok,i see you get my idea and i want to ask what is that code what show me on your window?

Are you talking about the custom ID? That's a JNGP editor thing. It lets you set the raw data value before actually creating the custom object. Its a reference for the game engine. You don't really have to worry about it if you're only using the vanilla editor.
Level 6
Feb 6, 2015
Actually it's a the ID of the unit, it exists in the vanilla editor as well but you wont get the popup so you can modify it. You don't need to care about it unless you use JASS.

Wait.. so Jass can make a new ability or unit or w/e and lets you set the animation/data/combat/text etc. values?
Wait.. so Jass can make a new ability or unit or w/e and lets you set the animation/data/combat/text etc. values?

The vanilla editor does the same exact thing? The ID Chaosy is talking about is how the game engine references custom objects. When you run a trigger (for the sake of example lets say it uses the footman) it doesn't look for the unit "Footman," it looks for the ID "hfoo" because thats the Footman's raw data value, or ID. The vanilla editor automatically creates these ID's for you starting at _000, depending what kind of object you're creating. JNGP gives you the luxury of personally putting the ID when you create them.
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