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Cosmetic/No Effect Ability? "Tornado (slow aura)" or "Spiked Baracades"?

Level 19
Mar 16, 2008
Using 'Aasl' "Tornado (slow aura)" and 'Aosp' "Spiked Baracades" to track mobs for trigger conditions as well as some special effects/cosmetic things. I want these abilities to have no effect besides the trigger/cosmetic. Has anyone experimented with these? Thank you.


Warcraft Moderator
Level 68
Aug 10, 2018
You can use Storm Hammers for an Ability with no effect, no buff, and no art. Just remember to set it's X/Y button positions to 0,-11 to hide it.

Then use Item Armor Bonus for an Ability with no effect, no buff, and optional Target - Art. This one is hidden by default.

That's what I do. You're basically just avoiding the use of an ability that has unwanted overhead. I imagine Tornado (Slow Aura) has some code running that is unnecessary.


Warcraft Moderator
Level 68
Aug 10, 2018
Thank you I'll use those moving forward.

Also wondering if I should go back and change my "cosmetic" abilities that use 'Aasl' or 'Aosp'. What do you think?

Thank you as usual.
I assume Spiked Barricades (Icon) has no effects tied to it, it's just an icon that represents the actual ability. Tornado (Slow Aura) must have some overhead that you'd obviously prefer not to have. It's not going to make or break anything though.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2008
I just realized I was not using the (icon) one D:

Spiked Baracades 'Aspi'
Spiked Baracades (icon) is 'Aosp'

I'll do a test and see if we get any damage reflected.

update: seems to not cause any damage in-game even with 'Aosp'
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Warcraft Moderator
Level 68
Aug 10, 2018
I just realized I was not using the (icon) one D:

Spiked Baracades 'Aspi'
Spiked Baracades (icon) is 'Aosp'

I'll do a test and see if we get any damage reflected.

update: seems to not cause any damage in-game even with 'Aosp'
Right, it's like having 1000 timers vs 1010 timers running at the same time, you won't notice a difference at that level.

It's just a matter of applying efficient logic everywhere you can, as the map will grow in size and the bad practices could add up if you're not careful.

It's your call at the end of the day, there are generally more glaring problems to worry about.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2008
Not sure I'm following the analogy but I think this map is close to being finished so I suppose we can tolerate this inefficiency.

But I'm using several copy pastes of 'Aosp' hmm...

Like I use to track "altar unit class" "demon unit class" etc. Got the idea from your suggestion just made a not ideal choice of base ability.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this topic.

UPDATE: Tornado aura seems to put the slow aura buff on them with no way to remove it... hmm...
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Warcraft Moderator
Level 68
Aug 10, 2018
Not sure I'm following the analogy but I think this map is close to being finished so I suppose we can tolerate this inefficiency.

But I'm using several copy pastes of 'Aosp' hmm...

Like I use to track "altar unit class" "demon unit class" etc. Got the idea from your suggestion just made a not ideal choice of base ability.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this topic.
My point is that you're not going to notice a difference with or without the abilities since it's such a small change. Your framerate is probably fluctuating constantly anyway so how could you really tell if you saved a frame or not.

That being said, a large scale map with 1000 performant triggers vs 1000 inefficient triggers will have noticeable differences in performance when compared side by side.


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
Basically, you want something like this?
Note that's not just for weapons, can be for armour decorations and whatnot, however depending on your model and its attachment points (and positions) as well as the attached FX model's position.
So, it's best to get some basic model editing skills for trial and error testing as well as FX/decoration model scaling when needed.