Creativity: 11/15
This isn’t something we haven’t seen before, but it’s also something we haven’t seen very much, and you did a good job putting your own spin on it. The old “humans vs. machines” thing is a common theme for tales, and the idea of unearthing an ancient guardian of something is also a persistent theme. By combining the two, though, you’ve created something not entirely unique, but still fairly original. Also, in terms of creativity in execution, you did a great job creating this futuristic world, a hard thing to do in WC3, which inevitably requires quite a bit of creativity.
Detail: 12/15
Overall, the level of detail in this terrain is superb. I love your constructions and the general layout of things. The buildings in this are definitely some of the best I have seen, and your color scheme is generally well thought-out. That said, I do have a few problems with the details of the terrain. None of them are major, but they do still detract from the terrain, for me. Firstly, I feel like there’s something “off” about the lighting. I feel like the foreground doesn’t have enough light, as compared to the very bright background. Considering how bright the sky is, the foreground seems like it should be brighter. Another thing I take some issue with is the grass in the foreground. It’s not horrible, and by all standards, it’s good, but there’s just something about it that makes it look too… lumpy. Also, there is the fact that there are leaves coming out of a rock right in the foreground. The thing I dislike most about this, though (and again, this is a fairly minor issue) is the dirt in the foreground. It’s barren and uninteresting, and in several places I find it clashes with its surroundings. I think you would have been better off either using a different dirt tile, adding some various objects of interest to cover the dirt (patches of grass, rocks, trash, etc.), or both. That said, the level of detail in this terrain is one of the best in this contest. Great job!
Technique: 11/15
Well, there aren’t too many “super advanced” techniques used here, but you didn’t really need them, and what you did was quite technically proficient. As I’ve said before, I do have some problems with the lighting, but where you use the lighting right, damn you use it right. The glows, the color, everything about the lighting, where it is used, makes this terrain much more awesome. I’ve also already said how much I love the buildings in this, but I’ll say it again. Together with the lighting, these constructions of yours form the highlight of the terrain.
Theme: 7/15
Here’s where I find the biggest fault with the terrain. Obviously, it is a battlefield, and it is fairly creative in its concept and execution. However, I don’t really get a sense of conflict from this terrain. Partially, I think, it’s because the robot looks too similar to the buildings and tanks that the humans are using. The only way that I’m really able to tell that it’s going to attack them is because it has its arms up, and it might just as well be waving goodbye to them. The tanks kind of blend into the landscape a bit too much, as well. I didn’t even notice the second one until the second time I looked at this, to be honest. I feel more like they’re part of the buildings and the landscape than machines of war that are the last hope for these humans. I think, if you wanted to create a sense of suspense, it might have been a better idea to make the figure of the robot more imposing and mysterious, while the base is in a state of panic, humans running around, desperately trying to get to their stations. It creates a real sense of fear and mystery. What is this thing? What’s it going to do? Anyway, this is still a great terrain.
Total Score: 41/60 Nice!