
Night Elf master conjurer.

Enjoy and give credits if you use it.

night, elf, mage, battle, conjurer, priest, druid, sorcerer

Conjurer (Model)

17:52, 20th Jun 2009 Pyritie: This model makes a great use of custom textures, and the model itself fits seamlessly alongside any night elf forces. Animations are nothing amazing but they're of very good quality regardless. Only thing I would've...




17:52, 20th Jun 2009
Pyritie: This model makes a great use of custom textures, and the model itself fits seamlessly alongside any night elf forces. Animations are nothing amazing but they're of very good quality regardless. Only thing I would've liked to see more are some particles or something during the spell anims.
Level 13
Apr 15, 2008
Nice model!
I like the staff, but maybe you have to make the shoulders a bit bigger.

@ N.O, Anachron and Alagremm

Where can you find that button for 4.6, 4.7 and 4.75?
I only can find 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5!
damn, program with which i'm working not allow me to delete KKs(yeah, yeah.. it has so many glitches and bags). i must only do all the animations again. sory...

You have something good, because you are german. =D
Anyway, will you decrease the filesize? I would like to use this model in my ORPG, but its with 115kb to huge.
Level 6
Apr 8, 2009
@ N.O, Anachron and Alagremm

Where can you find that button for 4.6, 4.7 and 4.75?
I only can find 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5!

You cant... Its just their meaning. They dont even always rate the model with the buttons :p Btw its a nice model :)
Anachron... you fail in that case.... 115 kb for a model is small... please stop whining and asking the modeller to put even more work in just for you, thats selfish... learn 2 behave.

Well 115kb is good I know, most of the high quality models are around 350kb, but I really need to save the space.

There are enough highquality models or atleast skins with 100kb or less.
Level 7
Jul 9, 2008
I find the legs too small =s
+1 for remove the dagger

That's strange since the Night Elves only use Nature power, not arcane =s and his staff has cristal and runes (arcane magic).
So I'm ok with Gyrosphinx, The Intelligent Sheep about make a high elven version (or blood elf version).

3/5 for legs, for Night Elves don't use arcane and for the size (115kb is too huge for a RPG).
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Level 1
Jan 23, 2009
great except i think the staff is too draenei-ish with the floating crystals and such i think if u added like some vines or a moon symbol or something it would be flawless




Very nice model, but IMO, the legs should be longer and you should remove the dagger. 4.5/5

EDIT: OMG, this looks awesome in-game, 5/5!
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