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Compare Integer/Real above 1,000,000,000

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Level 24
Aug 1, 2013
Hi all.
Ability id's have an integer above 1,000,000,000 starting about 1,093,677,360
(could be a few different)

When I convert that number to a string, the number is displayed properly. But when I compare an integer of 1,000,000,001 to 1,000,000,010. WC3 sais that they are the same.

How can I compare integers of id's to each other properly?
Level 24
Aug 1, 2013
Uhm... Yea sorry. I was wrong.
Real values cannot exceed 1,093,677,312
Just 1k more and I could have used them sooooo good.
Seems like I can use integers though.

I thought about having a real as id instead of an integer so I could be able to set sub-id's as decimal values.
However that won't work for abilities -_-
Level 23
Apr 16, 2012
well, reals are IEEE754 - binary32, but they seem to not print correctly above 1,093,677,312. I tried printing 1093677313. as well as 1093677312.1, as well as 50000000000., which are all valid reals, and for the first two it printed 1093677312.000, for third it print -12something.000.

Also it is worth noting that wc3 does not support scientific notation, so maybe they artificially limit the upper bound on reals
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