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Coming soon... The Dark Cloud. The Perfect RPG

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Level 18
Aug 3, 2008
lol okay vercas, but before i do it.

1 : there is no way this file will become lower than 5 MB >.> Its too complicated

2 : i want to upload to a site that doesn't make me pay out my ass lol

3 : thanks for the helpzz :) ive been stressed latly, and i dont wanna let people down by not completing this map. But just incase it doesn't get completed i want others to have it.

btw i dont have MSN or yahoomessnger ( and if i do i dont use it. )
but vercas i can give u my AIM...
Level 4
Jul 25, 2008
I dont think u shud worry about the size.

If its for SINGLE PLAYER, i say size don't matter if you get the enjoyment out of it.

keep up the good work
Level 18
Aug 3, 2008
well im hopin its not dead yet.

but no, its not really being worked on right now.

If someone can make for me a camera system that adjusts its camera height so that it doesn't fall below terrain, then i will continue this project. That is the only thing hindering my progress right now.
Level 9
Oct 2, 2008
I got idea.Main Char is a veteran from previus war that is in prison cuz of crimes he did to protect his ppl in that war.And new war has just began and city where he is in prison is under siege.
So he escapes,takes nearby guards weapon and starts slaying his way home where he finds his familiy dead and a miniboss who did it.So u kill him and u go to get your revenge.
Hope i helped u.If u need any other idea,feedback or help just post it here.
Level 17
Jun 9, 2007
I got idea.Main Char is a veteran from previus war that is in prison cuz of crimes he did to protect his ppl in that war.And new war has just began and city where he is in prison is under siege.
So he escapes,takes nearby guards weapon and starts slaying his way home where he finds his familiy dead and a miniboss who did it.So u kill him and u go to get your revenge.
Hope i helped u.If u need any other idea,feedback or help just post it here.

He clearly said that he only needed a camera too start work on this project on the post above yours ^^
That means that hes not working on it (i think) and that he doesnt need anything else right now (i think).
Level 18
Feb 2, 2008
lol why dont use filesavr? btw deathhunter your orpg looks nice!!! im wondering do you need high res models? or dont you have enough space for it. ??? if you do than plz PM me and i will give you a link where you can download alot of highres units. maybe there is somthing you could use
Level 18
Aug 3, 2008
this isn;t an ORPG, its an RPG (its already 50 MB big )

and please give me a link to those high resolution units. please =D

i guess im working on this again..terrain willl be back in progress after i give the map to dansadisco, and he implements the camera system =)

today is a new day ! plus sckool is ending very soon, so ill have tons of time to do it.

I want to get this done !
Level 3
May 23, 2009

Wow thedeathunterxx this map is amazing i just read every post and the screenshots are amazing. Not sure if i can help any im not good at terrain but i believe i can help with spells... Just let me know if you need help =)
Level 3
May 23, 2009
Read the posts somewhere in there he said its 23.5% done now but it'll be a long time i bet i mean all the stuff he's putting in there o_O
Level 18
Aug 3, 2008
yea lots of stuff lol

ive been busy on other projects right now since

but i might have to reconsider alot of things about this project. things like reformatting terrain and what not. then i might import all the triggers into a new map. im just thinking of many things at the moment

BUT I STILL HAVE THE SPARK ! to try and finish this map ...i get inspiration.....i ve been playing guild wars and its makking me think some more,
Level 3
May 23, 2009
lol nice nice no pressure from me i really dont care how long it takes to come out as far as im concern when diablo 3 comes out i will be playing it but ill being playing this too but diablo 3 more than likely wont come out for a really long time they only have 3 chars playable and theres supposed to be 5 not to mention theres only 2 playable towns really so and they still trying to figure out the max level so to be honest you got plenty of time keep up the work really looking forward to this! =) :thumbs_up: :ned:
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Level 3
May 23, 2009
haha diablo is fun really but it doesnt take away from wc3 im living proof of that me my bro and my uncle used to LAN Diablo 2 all the time yet i still played wc3 as well so it was no biggy really but seriously im looking forward to this campaign i think it will be one of the best so far probably the longest too!
Level 14
Jun 13, 2007
haha diablo is fun really but it doesnt take away from wc3 im living proof of that me my bro and my uncle used to LAN Diablo 2 all the time yet i still played wc3 as well so it was no biggy really but seriously im looking forward to this campaign i think it will be one of the best so far probably the longest too!

Shut up you're gonna blow it!

Keep working on the map and stick to wc3! :wink:
Level 3
May 23, 2009
sweet nice like i said earlier if u need help i can help with spells somewhat and possible with designing scripts for ur storyline too if u need but terraining im not very good at D= i can test too but ur choice im just here to offer =) by the way i tried out ur Wheel of time map even though its not finished it was amazing with the arrow key system and esc attacking i liked it and am REALLY looking forward to dark cloud =P
Level 18
Aug 3, 2008
lol thanks.

I personnally love the wheel of time map im making, and it turn preffered it over the dark cloud.

However, the dark cloud offers a more fun aspect, the camera is different then the wheel of time map. The camera is unique in many ways in TDC.

Currently im making something that will be a surprise, and is associated intirley with TDC..... *cough* expansion demo *cough*
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