Collaboration with MMH

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Since MMH is a new affiliate of Hiveworkshop (, here's a suggestion I have that could really be damn convenient for every mapper or the WC3 community in general:

How about a script that automaticly uploads all maps of 4.5 or higher rating automaticly to MMH when the "update map" function was used?

A problem that many mappers experience is that MMH requires an approval of maps before they get added to the database. Which means that there is at least a 1 day delay between updating your map and being able to test it online. More than often it takes more than just a day.

This could speed up this process big time, as MMH doesn't need to approve maps again that have already been approved on Hive. Also, it would get rid of "cloneware" maps that got unauthorized modifications on MMH, since MMH will always have the "official" map uploaded.

Obviously, new map submissions should still go through the approval process. This should only apply to map updates of already approved maps in the database. The rating requirement is to make sure the database can't get DOS'ed by map updates.
Level 32
Apr 2, 2013
Hmm, as one who tests maps a lot (obviously), I would find it more useful to add newly added pending maps automatically. Sadly, that probably would flood their database.

I do agree that high quality maps automatically making themselves available here: / would be wicked cool.

Actually, I had another idea. If someone has a spare bot(s) they could hook up to MakeMeHost for Hive use that contains all the Hive maps, that would be awesome. As of how this would work, I don't know.

Zwiel said:
at least a 1 day
At most* :p
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Hmm, as one who tests maps a lot (obviously), I would find it more useful to add newly added pending maps automatically. Sadly, that probably would flood their database.
True... then again, Hive could just run a small private Ghost for that.

which would be absolutely neat. But I doubt Ralle wants to build up the logistics for that.

Actually, I had another idea. If someone has a spare bot they could hook up to MakeMeHost for Hive use that contains all the Hive maps, that would be awesome. As of how this would work, I don't know.
But then you could also just create an alternative to MMH directly on the Hive. ;)
The idea about this was that MMH already has the infrastructure for hosting all in place and that it's only about getting faster map greenlighting on MMH when a map is approved on hive.

Not my experience... It usually took 2-3 days for me until the map showed up. Maybe it got better... haven't played much lately.
I got a similar idea that I already told them about. I asked for an API so I can make a button on Hive that says "Host with MakeMeHost" that just uploads the map on demand.
Great idea; so basicly you just go to the map in the maps section you want to play, then click "host" and it gets uplinked to MMH?

Some protection against possible abuse would probably be good then, just so MMH doesn't suddenly get flooded with uploads.
Level 1
Jul 7, 2015
tl;dr; Maps uploaded via mappers are instantly uploaded and accessible via the website. It is one of the benefits becoming a mapper at MMH.
Level 1
Jul 7, 2015
@Zwiebelchen What I described is merely how it technically works. However, the benefit of the affiliation allows HWS to upload HWS mappers' maps en masse.

Just contact your administrators; they've the login details and can decide whether they want to share it with all HWS mappers or via a different approval system of theirs.

It's now your part to communicate that to the staff. :)
@Zwiebelchen What I described is merely how it technically works. However, the benefit of the affiliation allows HWS to upload HWS mappers' maps en masse.

Just contact your administrators; they've the login details and can decide whether they want to share it with all HWS mappers or via a different approval system of theirs.

It's now your part to communicate that to the staff. :)
Ralle has already commented on this so I'm pretty sure he is alerted already. ;)
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