{Closed} This Project Is Going To Fail.

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Level 2
Apr 11, 2010

I know for a fact that this project will fail. Want to know why? Here is why,

1. We already have world of warcraft. Do you just want to make a worse version of it.

2. Whats your aim? To get some kid to say 'Hey this looks like WoW'?

3. It will take a titanic ammount of man hours to create. And it wont be nearly as epic as WoW.

4. You arent using the non illegal WoW rips of characters, doodads and WMOs. Using the crap warcraft III textures and models will fail at aim.

5. I have tried the map already and it doesn't go well. The tilesets choice and models are not good and the map for Durotar is simply too small. ATLEAST make a seperate map for Middle, South, North etc..

6. Not including blood elf and draenei will be crap. It was very boring in Classic.

7. Why not make a good idea like your OWN zones instead of copying blizzards.

8. You cant exacly sell this in the shops.

9. Everyone who has played WoW will know that this sucks.

10. Its so unrealistic. The cliffs suck, Why the hell is there a pig in an orc city.......

11. Not neat.

12. Not including dungeons and stuff will make this like a 2 year olds game

13. You die too easily.

14. It is not based on lore at all.

15. You just copied WoW. Gratz...

16. Why is my hero a peon. In WoW im definatley not a peon...

17. Ur using the crap cliff stacking. That makes this look so bad.
I could go on forever but I dont want to hurt you.
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Level 2
Apr 11, 2010
oo reported. nice this place is full of dorks..

Anyway doesnt answer my statement. We already have WoW. Why waste your life recreating it?
Level 6
Jan 15, 2010
When you have played WC3 and ALL of the campaigns, then you have the right to talk about it.Once I was in WoW asking people about if they know the story and you know what happen?
"lol u think ur better then me in pvp coz u know wow storyes?"(... who was talking for crappy pvp which usualy is so simple in WoW with 3 buttons on keyboard, so TRY LINEAGE 2 TO SEE WHAT IS PVP AND THEN SAY WHICH IS A 2YEARS KID GAME!) - that happened and I am sure you are one of those inflated slimes!
Level 6
Aug 21, 2009
Maybe because doing this project will be "fun?"

1. Because it is fun

2. To kind of recreate WoW in wc3. This project may actually help the publicity of WoW.

3. So? We cannot whip up a project like this in a couple days.

4. How do you know that the models and skins are crap atm?

5. Did you know that that was the demo, from before the actual WoW was created? I hope so.

6. I kind of agree with this statement, and it was kinda...zzz...at times, but still.

7. So? Is cloudwolf copying diablo III? No, he is making a wc3 version, with some of his own features, just Wc3:WoW

8. Is that a bad thing? Download it for free.

9. Lol! How the hell do you know that? I play WoW, and still wanna play this, because this looks like fun.

10. Once again, that was before WoW was even created, so yes, unrealistic.

11. Before WoW was created.

12. How do you know that they are not? Of course they are!

13. From before WoW was created.

14. ??? Regular WoW isn't really. See how many heroes from Warcraft III that WoW has killed off?

15. Look at 7.

16. Look at 13.

17. My god, have you even looked at the screenshots thread here! Or the screenshots at moddb? Or have you just downloaded that OLD beta, and created a thread to criticize Wc3:WoW??

NOBODY is wasting their lives doing this project. No offense, but I think the only thing being wasted here is the time you took to bash this project. You CAN go on, but nobody is going to be hurt, simply because you do not know what you are talking about.
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Level 2
Apr 11, 2010
Look here is TWO picture that I did in 10 minuites and its already 9999 times better than the rubbish textures you lot are working on

Also why copy WoW... why not ATLEAST make your own idea. And I read that they wer only adding RFC.. end of. this site sucks. go to a real one where wow rips are allowed and not deleted, also try a site where u dont get banned for introducing yourself
MAke a proper map. stop coyping wow with fail attempt with rubbish textures, same with DiabloIIIWarcraft, why recreat it. Make somehting original and then you might be pleased with your work. you will understrand what i mean soon

When you have played WC3 and ALL of the campaigns, then you have the right to talk about it.Once I was in WoW asking people about if they know the story and you know what happen?
"lol u think ur better then me in pvp coz u know wow storyes?"(... who was talking for crappy pvp which usualy is so simple in WoW with 3 buttons on keyboard, so TRY LINEAGE 2 TO SEE WHAT IS PVP AND THEN SAY WHICH IS A 2YEARS KID GAME!) - that happened and I am sure you are one of those inflated slimes!

Iv played all the WC3 campaigns twice and even those r pretty bad terraining. Also I play wow and I say that you wil never sucseed with this... even if you do what have you achived? Copying a game...
Level 4
Jan 22, 2009
You are saying the campaign terrain is bad just because your comparing it to WoW? The reason why these guys are making the mod is for fun, not money or profit.
They aren't copy this game to an extent, they are going to be adding new stuff to this mod after they are done.

Dude, why are you trying to undermine the hundreds of people keeping with this mod? Why are you trying to discourage the modders when, WE, apparently not you, waited years to play this mod?
Level 2
Apr 11, 2010
I dont want to play on this mod. i got world of warcraft XD.

ok fine continue with the bad terraining and wierd stuff... this thread will still scar the project for ever.
Level 2
Jul 23, 2008
In my opinion, I'd rather play this instead of WoW.
For two main reasons:

It's free.

It's made in Warcraft 3.

I don't really think anyone cares if you don't want to play it.
Hundreds of others probarly will.
Level 2
Apr 11, 2010
Hundreds??? lol, 2 kids are gonna play it and say HEY this looks like WoW... this may be free but it wont include all the mounts, dungeons, professions etc... WoW is 99999999999999999999999999999999x better. and ur gona have to wait like 4 years for this to look good. also its all sad and lonley single player or 12 player which is still lonly
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
I appreciate your interest in Wc3:WoW, however I can see you hardly did any reading about the project. Therefore, your post is mostly out of ignorance. No offense intended, but quite clearly you have not taken the time to read a couple important posts. Regardless, I will take the time to answer your questions in the proper order:

1. There's a lot of players who play WarCraft III that simply refuse to play the trial or pay monthly for World of Warcraft. As for private servers, they never really deliver that proper World of Warcraft gameplay experience as the official servers do. Wc3:WoW is mainly being made for the fun of development and for those who refuse to pay for WoW to play our mod instead.

2. Our aim is to recreate World of Warcraft (pre-BC/WotLK/Cataclysm) as accurately as possible in WarCraft III: The Frozen Throne, then throw in some additions to the gameplay to improve what World of Warcraft still has not done. One example would be the addition of RvR.

3. It is quite time consuming and is worked on when we - the devs - have free time. However, we make pretty good progress. Our main issue is rebuilding parts of the mod because they are outdated or for whatever reason. As far as how epic Wc3:WoW will be compared to World of Warcraft, it may not be as adequate as we'd like due to the WarCraft III Engine being very limiting nowadays. But we do intend to implement systems and great features to help make up for whatever we may fail to replicate from WoW in Wc3:WoW.

4. The usage of WoW exports (official models, textures, and animations) are against The Hive Workshop's rules and they enforce this rule strictly. However, the primary reason we're not using WoW exports is because it will increase the file size of the mod by a ton. If we used WoW exports, the mod would likely be around a gigabyte large. If Wc3:WoW does end up being terrible and not worth the hype as you are arguing is the case, then it's best we at least try to keep the file size as small as we can while maintaining a remote resemblance of World of Warcraft.

5. The demo you have tried is over 5 years old and was developed by another group before World of Warcraft even released. I wasn't even aware of Wc3:WoW back then.

6. You're the first person I've ever heard say The Burning Crusade was better than the classic version of World of Warcraft. I feel I do not need to explain the great successful features of WoW Classic that it had over the expansions.

7. Well it doesn't make much sense to call the mod "WarCraft III: World of Warcraft" and make the entire mod NOT like World of Warcraft, now does it?

8. Selling Wc3:WoW in any form is not permitted by Blizzard Entertainment and we would not put a price-tag on Wc3:WoW even if we could. The purpose is to give WarCraft III players something as close to World of Warcraft to play as possible. Also, how is our inability to sell the game a bad thing for potential players?

9. A very one-sided claim with nothing to support it. I'd appreciate it if you could explain in stronger detail 'why no one will play it.' To support why WoW players would prefer Wc3:WoW over World of Warcraft is dozens of WoW players have notified me that they would be willing to quit World of Warcraft to play the mod instead - if we complete all of our features listed.

10. Again, the version of the mod you played is over 5 years old and there were very few references for the old terrainers to work by at that time. If you check the screenshots thread or our Mod DB profile, you'll realize Orgrimmar looks much more accurately made and we've received many compliments and few complaints about it.

11. It's neater now, but may still seem somewhat messy because the maps/zones are a bit more compact due to the WarCraft III World Editor limiting the size of each map. I try my best to keep it polished and accurate though.

12. The first demo of the new version may not include any dungeons, but if we do, the only one to be played until we start the next one will be Ragefire Chasm. It may not be something to be excited about, but it's more of a test with how computer-controlled Player-Bots react to situations and work together in instances.

13. Dying isn't as easy in the new version. If you do manage to die in the 'noob zones' we've been working on, it's likely because you were either ganked by an Alliance Player-Bot, tried to fight too many mobs, or decided to fight a mob that was a few levels higher than you.

14. Again, you played an old demo. The newer version we're working on will include more quests that are actually based from the actual game and will help fill in the 'lore' portion you miss so much. :smile:

15. We're no where near copying World of Warcraft. Not yet at least. But thanks for the compliment!

16. The peon model was used back then as a placeholder - a temporary character model until we find/create a better replacement. We now have a better replacement model for the male orc characters in Wc3:WoW.

17. The old demo did use cliffs. The new version does not, at all. This is because I am a more experienced terrainer than the previous ones and have more tools to use than they had.
I'm sorry you dislike the project so much, but you played an extremely old and outdated version of Wc3:WoW. Unfortunately we have no newer versions officially released yet, but I assure you, the next release will do a better job at satisfying your enjoyment when playing the mod. For the sake of your own knowledge over the subject at hand, please read the following posts to learn some of the basic and very important details about the project:
Link Description
Change Log: 2.0 What to Expect
What NOT To Expect Self explanatory title
Wc3:WoW Bots Questions & Answers about Player-Bots
Wc3:WoW Website Some questions and answers about the project overall.
Level 2
Apr 11, 2010
I dont want to play it. All im saying is that u should do something... original instead of wasting years copying a game
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
If you don't want to play it, then what is the overall purpose of your argument to begin with? Or are you trying to be a troll and just want to put the mod down.

To answer your curiosity as to why we are copying an already made game instead of creating something completely original is because recreating World of Warcraft is enjoyable for us to make, the attention we receive is fullfilling, and at this point over 200 people are looking forward to the mod's release, in hopes that Wc3:WoW will be better than World of Warcraft - at least for those players. I suppose it's a controversial topic to discuss the comparison of World of Warcraft's and Wc3:WoW's strengths and weaknesses though, because there are a great variety of opinions. Although I admit World of Warcraft is mostly better than Wc3:WoW, Wc3:WoW will include some things that will surpass World of Warcraft.
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