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Clock UI Cooldown

Pretty simple, import it to UI\Feedback\Cooldown\UI-Cooldown-Indicator.mdx and change your cooldown model. It basically shows a small clock in the icon, makes it much darker, and blacks out borders, then interpolates to show everything later again. Credits if used.

clock, hands, ui, cooldown, time, spell, item

Clock UI Cooldown (Model)

Vengeancekael Date: 2012/Sep/06 01:01:24 [Please do not send me a message, use Staff Contact] Comment: [Approved] Staff Contact - Rules
Fight fight fight xD. U are the best. Really awesome idea. I was thinking to u will use something with battle net clocky but this is really better. Just one thing I don't like: icon I think(correct me if i am wrong) become white in frame 1000 and cooldown of spells end in 1167, so if i spam when cooldown is not ended I need to w8 a little more for next casting, but I dont know how frames go with u. I will be back xD(terminator 2 was two days before)
Lack of information would be my best bet.
Afaik HappyTauren only found out about cooldown modifications recently when a novice modeller submitted a cooldown modification himself.

I do love the fact people are doing more UI models, i find those the best kind.

Actually, I knew you can change them, but whenever I opened the model I couldn't see anything, so I guessed it is some heavily hardcoded stuff, while I only needed to scale it up :D Also, these models are incredibly hard to edit, mind is scratch made because of this.
Level 25
Jun 5, 2008
Because the model is VERY tiny, so tiny that you need to scale it 100 times to see it, and 1000 times to work on it. It is beyond me why Blizzard did this, though there's probably a good reason (yeah,right, because everything Blizzard does has a good reason).

I can already picture it:
Blizz Guy #1: "Hey how funny would it be to scale this model 1000 times down?"
Blizz Guy #2: "Yeah that will teach those who want to mod our game not to mess with us!"

Anyhow... still not approved? :S
I can already picture it:
Blizz Guy #1: "Hey how funny would it be to scale this model 1000 times down?"
Blizz Guy #2: "Yeah that will teach those who want to mod our game not to mess with us!"
That's sort of what I imagined, but deemed too silly to share xD But yeah.
Anyhow... still not approved? :S
I am the only active model mod atm, we'll have to wait for someone to come by and moderate my stuff :D