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This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
My latest model. Cho'Gall, first of the Ogre-Magi. Requested by Linaze.
I know, only one of the heads talk in the portrait. That was something I couldn't fix, so you'll have to live with it.
UPDATE: Changed his weapon and fixed bad wrap on the portrait. There's still only one of the heads talking, as I haven't found an acceptable solution to this yet.
UPDATE2: Gave him a big makeover. Fits much better to the character in my opinion. There's a little team colour on his shoulders, the eyes glow.
Unless there are bugs, I don't think I'm gonna update anymore since I'm pretty satisfied with the result.
Also a big BIG thanks to DonDustin for helping me out with the portrait! Thank you so much!

cho'gall, horde, ogre, ogre-magi, twillight's hammer, chieftain

Cho'Gall (Model)

Cho'Gall (Model)

20:35, 31st Mar 2009 Dan van Ohllus: In some animations you can notice that he has holes on his shoulders (the shoulderpads don't cover them enough). The reason would be the geoset animation that is connected to that part, so you can easily remove...




20:35, 31st Mar 2009
Dan van Ohllus:
In some animations you can notice that he has holes on his shoulders (the shoulderpads don't cover them enough).
The reason would be the geoset animation that is connected to that part, so you can easily remove the geoset animation in order to fix this issue.
Do this, and I'll approve the model.

20th Apr 2009
Pyritie: Changes not made, resource rejected.
Level 24
Feb 28, 2007
It's a good model, but it's got a few flaws.
*The portrait talk anim, like you said. Perhaps ask for help regarding how to fix this?
*The weapon doesn't seem to fit him at all, and it looks rather dull, to be honest.
*There is a "line" across his chest, caused by bad wrap, I'd say.
If you could fix those issues, I'd say this'd be great.
Level 40
Jul 26, 2004
Okay so,
-New weapon. Any suggestions?
-About the portrait. It's possible to make both his heads move, but one of them wont move his mouth. I figured it was better to just remove that animation? Was that wrong?
-I'm pretty sure I fixed the line? Or are you talking about the portrait?
Level 40
Jul 26, 2004
The deal with the portrait animation is that Cho'Gall's heads are different from the normal ogre. So I had to switch the heads. But I couldn't do this in the portrait without screwing up the animation.
So I had to change the UV so the heads switched skins, and it looked pretty good on one head and fucked up on the other one.
I had to geomerge the other head on the fucked up one so it looked better, but that means that he can't move his mouth... I could just use a normal ogre portrait, but that would mean that the heads from the portrait wouldn't fit with the model.

The line you're talking about. Is it on the model or the portrait?
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
Hmm, could you make the jaw-Bone attached to some random bone in the body for the portrait, so it would flap around to some degree when he was talking? (quasi-noob at MDL-editing, so just a thought).

Anyway, great job getting a request done, Linaze; and even greater job, Tauer, for doing it! I'm sure he's very glad to get something like this for his campaign. :p

However, I agree; the Pit Lord sword is a terrible fit for the character. A combo Mace + Wand might be neat (mace w/ magic crystals?) Not sure. Maybe something with skulls.
Also, the shoulder-plates kind of stick out a bit, but it's not so bad compared to the weapon.
Level 40
Jul 26, 2004
Well, he has different eye colours on this picture.

I can change it if people want?

About the portrait.
This is the best I can come up with. Don't mind the bad quality of the pic.

In my opinion, it looks like crap and I'd much rather have only one head talk.
But that's up to you.

As for the weapon, what should it be? A mace you say?


  • anim.GIF
    4.6 MB · Views: 7,697
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
Wow, where'd you find that comic panel? That's seriously sweet.

In that case, it almost seems like you should remove the shoulder-pads entirely and replace them with, like, bandages or hand-wraps (TC, probably).

For his weapon, the skull-staff looks a lot better. Is there any way to emulate that orb thing he's holding in your panel, though; no model I know of has a weapon like that. Then again, the anims (swinging, I assume?) probably wouldn't work for that.
Level 24
Feb 28, 2007
Well, it seems that you have improved this model quite a lot since it's previous version, good work. To begin with, regarding the portrait animation thing, I suggest you consult an experienced modeller that has much experience with mdl-editing, like General Frank, for example. Moving on, I think it would be better with all three eyes being red, as that gives more the feeling that this ogre is a warlock. The new weapon looks much better than the previous one, even though I think the staff should get some team color on the skull or so. Perhaps you should also add some particles to the attack anims as he will probably cast fireballs for attack (example!) instead of smashing with his weapon, as the stuff doesn't look to mighty in itself. I am not that fond of the shoulders either, to be honest, they look a tad bit too big and there seems to be holes in the arms under them that could look really weird in-game. I don't think there is anything more that comes into my mind at this point, though I'll let you know if I come up with something.
Level 40
Jul 26, 2004
Okay. So
-All eyes red?
-For the skull I could perhaps make the eyes glow with team colour?
-I actually did make particles, but for some reason they showed up in wrong animations. Mainly the Death and Dissipate animations. This has something to do with the fact that I transferred these animations to the model.
-New shoulderpads... I'll try to see what I can find.

I'm not sure I want to waste any more time and energy getting that stupid portrait working though..
Level 40
Jul 26, 2004
UPDATE2: Gave him a makeover. Fits much better to the character in my opinion. There's a little team colour on his shoulders, the eyes glow.
Unless there are bugs, I don't think I'm gonna update anymore since I'm pretty satisfied with the result.
Also a big BIG thanks to DonDustin for helping me out with the portrait! Thank you so much!
Level 40
Jul 26, 2004
Looking good now.
However, our right (his left) shoulder on the portrait is positioned weirdly. You need to see it t understand what I mean. I still think the weapon should have hero glow and attack anims should have particles.

Yes, I know about that shoulder. That was deliberate, because before it was positioned in an even weirder way and you could see it ingame. I'm pretty sure you can't see the fault ingame as it is now.
Particles are still a problem since his animations are buggy.
Level 24
Feb 28, 2007
I'm still not entirely fond of the shoulders and the weapon. In wc2, he didn't have a weapon at all, nor did he have one in that comic, so perhaps get rid of the weapon? Other than that, I thought adding attachment points like the Blood Mage has would be cool, so he could have the sphere ability and get these sphere's going around him.
Level 1
Mar 21, 2009
Your models are very professional looking. I hope they work good aswell =) congratz
Level 9
Mar 16, 2008
I agree with Arik that you could make a better Zul'jin, but I request Kargath Bladefist next please? And another idea I have is tht you could make units for each clan, like Warsong Berserker (grunt)? Just a though. Also I would love to see a Grom WC 2 style? I did a textture swap to make it groms texture on a grunt but it was rejected
Level 40
Jul 26, 2004
I agree with Arik that you could make a better Zul'jin, but I request Kargath Bladefist next please? And another idea I have is tht you could make units for each clan, like Warsong Berserker (grunt)? Just a though. Also I would love to see a Grom WC 2 style? I did a textture swap to make it groms texture on a grunt but it was rejected

Haha, funny, I actually have considered making Grunts for each Clan. But I think that would be most suitable as a Skin?
Level 9
Mar 16, 2008
Haha, funny, I actually have considered making Grunts for each Clan. But I think that would be most suitable as a Skin?

Like a guy said before me you wouldn't be able to have units from different clans

Warsong Berserker
Spells: Berserk, Pillage

Blackrock Bloodthirster
Spells: Self Bloodlust

Frostwolf Spirit Warrior
Spells: Spirit Charge

All working together they'd be even more powerful then before, but you gatta make them look different so it's not cheesy. Oh and btw right after i posted my last comment I saw the Kargath model :xxd:. I have another request, when you finish remaking warcraft 2 could you try warcraft 1? Like make people like Blackhand? Anyways great models they're REALLY awesome!:thumbs_up::thumbs_up: