[General] Changing Spell Animation Using Object Editor

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Level 27
Jul 26, 2008
Hi guys,

I am looking to try to change a spells animation to a unit's "stand three" animation ( i am using a custom model ). I have searched on the forum and have seen many solutions (very confusing) for using triggers to do this, but since i am just slightly modifying a current spell in the world editor (Druid of the Claw's rejuvenation) i was wondering if there is a means to do this via the object editor ( i have been trying to use the Art-Animation Names field at the top of the spell data, but nothing seems to work. Was just curious if there is a way to accomplish this :)

Thanks guys!

Edit: The most relevant link i have found is the one below, but because the pictures have been removed i cannot understand how to do it :p
Using Animations
Level 27
Jul 26, 2008
Hi Abovegame,
this is the screenshot i took. Basically, i am trying to modify the rejuvenation spell, and have a custom model unit use the stand three animation, but nothing happens. I will probably be exploring how to use the various attack animations for units, since many of the models on hiveworkshop i have come across have great attack animations also, so i think it is important that i get the basics down as to how to have a unit use animations while using spells ( I can make spell slam work, but that is probably because there is only one spell slam animation, where as for stand, and maybe attack, there are multiple animations )

I have also tried using "3" instead of "three", still nothing happened.
Thanks! :)


Level 11
Jan 2, 2016
As far as i know the name of the animation should be one string. So you should try an put in something like "stand 3" or "stand three", depends on the name ofc.

Try both in the Object Editor and in the Trigger Editor, i'm not entirely sure if it makes a difference.
Level 2
Nov 12, 2017
U need to use the Custom Script funtion "call SetUnitAnimationByIndex (your unit, integer)"

each unit animation is assigned to a number by the system. You need to find out which number is for the stand 3 animation.

You have to change the "your unit" part with YOUR specific unit but it has to be the JASS name. If it is a certain variable (for instance "MyUnit") you type:

call SetUnitAnimationByIndex (udg_MyUnit, integer)

The same question has been answered on this forum (check this LINK).
Level 4
Jul 26, 2017
Or, since you're using a custom model anyway maybe you could just change the animation name from the model itself using a model editor. It's easier than it sounds, just download a war3modeleditor
Level 4
Jul 26, 2017
Hmm, have you tried different variations on the animation names?? Like stand slam, spell slam, stand channel, etc?

Also some base abilities don't have working cast animation fields. E.g., Berserk, immolation so you might wanna check with blizz models
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