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Animation problem

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Level 12
Jun 1, 2009
hi guys i have small problem, my worker have peon model but summons building like undead....problem is that build animation dont stops when building is summoned....I wasnt able to fix this with triggers using "reset unit animation" action....and in object editor you dont have "summon building" spell so i cant change spell animation tags....pls help +rep
Level 12
Jun 1, 2009
maybe the animation of the unit is set as infinite looping

i dont know :/

it is case with some other workers models as well (build animation does not stops after building is summoned).....Units that are not workers in regular wc3 dont have any animation at all when summoning buildings.....

But in my case it is this first, i need a whay to stop animation after building is summoned....
Use the trigger [Animation - Play units (stand) animation]

Set the event to Unit - Starts construction (your-building-unit-type)

Don't blame the workers, its not their fault. :)

Another solution: try remaking your worker unit from an Acrolyte and setting all the data to whatever it is you wanted for your custom worker. Using the right base model helps a lot of bugs.
Level 12
Jun 1, 2009
Use the trigger [Animation - Play units (stand) animation]

Set the event to Unit - Starts construction (your-building-unit-type)

Don't blame the workers, its not their fault. :)

Another solution: try remaking your worker unit from an Acrolyte and setting all the data to whatever it is you wanted for your custom worker. Using the right base model helps a lot of bugs.

second solution dont helps...:vw_unimpressed:

First solution i alredy try before making this post....but maybe i didnt made trigger right.......i used play "triggered" unit stand animation....i dont know which response name is used to unit which started construction (worker)????
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Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
AFAIK, it is hardcoded and also because you based it on a different unit of course even basing it will not change how the way it build so one solution is dont base Undead worker on a Peon and go straight on basing it on Peon.
Ok. Let me make sure I understand. The worker summons a building. The Building is an UD building. After the building summoned, the worker's Build Animation continues to play when he should be done and just stand?

Please post the trigger.How to easily post triggers.

Have you been setting the unit variable or just using the default (triggering unit)?
Try setting a variable like this.
  • Event
    • Unit - summons a building
  • Condition
    • (triggering unit) equal to Undead
  • Action
    • Set Summoner = (triggering unit)
Sorry for the inaccurate trigger, I'm at work and doing it from memory. "Summoner" would be your variable. The in your other trigger you would reset Summoner animation, or play stand animation.
Level 12
Jun 1, 2009
Ok. Let me make sure I understand. The worker summons a building. The Building is an UD building. After the building summoned, the worker's Build Animation continues to play when he should be done and just stand?

Please post the trigger.How to easily post triggers.

Have you been setting the unit variable or just using the default (triggering unit)?
Try setting a variable like this.
  • Event
    • Unit - summons a building
  • Condition
    • (triggering unit) equal to Undead
  • Action
    • Set Summoner = (triggering unit)
Sorry for the inaccurate trigger, I'm at work and doing it from memory. "Summoner" would be your variable. The in your other trigger you would reset Summoner animation, or play stand animation.

Yea you got it, but i am almost shure that this trigger cant be made to work, becouse response name for unit which starts construction does not exist (ordered,casting,attacking unit....etc) there is not one for unit that building a structure a worker....it exist just for building that is constructed (constructing structure).

  • Untitled Trigger 001
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Begins construction
    • Conditions
      • (Unit-type of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Peon
    • Actions
      • Animation - Play (Triggering unit)'s stand animation
  • Animation Fix
    • Events
      • Player - Player 1 (Red) Selects a unit
    • Conditions
      • ((Triggering unit) is A peon-type unit) Equal to True
    • Actions
      • Set Builder = (Triggering unit)
  • Part 2
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Begins construction
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Wait 0.50 seconds
      • Animation - Reset Builder's animation

But please I worked on this for a bit so humor me and try my mini-game fix demonstration here thank you.
Level 12
Jun 1, 2009
Thank you guys, i tried and works.....I dont rly like to use wait action in triggers but, works fine :goblin_good_job:

But one thing? Maybe "builder" varible needs to be array if more players building in same time?
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Thank you guys, i tried and works.....I dont rly like to use wait action in triggers but, works fine :goblin_good_job:

But one thing? Maybe "builder" varible needs to be array if more players building in same time?

There is a way to make it MUI (multi-user instanceable) but I haven't figured that out yet. Because its so simple, the best way might be to just use a duplicate for player 1 and player 2. You can use an array or you can just make 2 variables. I don't think it will matter for such a small trigger but I will defer to other commenters on that. The "wait" action is only necessary if you want the peon to play a second of the "work" animation. If you don't mind him just standing there then remove it. Glad I could help.

P.S. did anyone play my little demo? I don't know why I made it but it was fun. I'm just wondering if that was a useful endeavor.
Level 12
Jun 1, 2009
There is a way to make it MUI (multi-user instanceable) but I haven't figured that out yet. Because its so simple, the best way might be to just use a duplicate for player 1 and player 2. You can use an array or you can just make 2 variables. I don't think it will matter for such a small trigger but I will defer to other commenters on that. The "wait" action is only necessary if you want the peon to play a second of the "work" animation. If you don't mind him just standing there then remove it. Glad I could help.

P.S. did anyone play my little demo? I don't know why I made it but it was fun. I'm just wondering if that was a useful endeavor.

I tried your demo.......Also i found big problem with this trigger, if you send more workers to build more structure....trigger get baged....try and you will see....but nwm
I tried your demo.......Also i found big problem with this trigger, if you send more workers to build more structure....trigger get baged....try and you will see....but nwm

Just use a different peon, only humans can build together. If you use a base peon that is not a peasant, you shouldn't have that problem.
Level 12
Jun 1, 2009
Just use a different peon, only humans can build together. If you use a base peon that is not a peasant, you shouldn't have that problem.

you didnt understand, it is not like with human workers....in my map like i alredy told you worker summons structure...you thinked that bug happens when more workers build one structure but it is not that like i alredy explained you. Problem is when you example have 4 workers and you send each of them in same time to build multiple structures (example you send each worker to build 5 structures, and you send all of them to build in same time)....than system dont works....
you didnt understand, it is not like with human workers....in my map like i alredy told you worker summons structure...you thinked that bug happens when more workers build one structure but it is not that like i alredy explained you. Problem is when you example have 4 workers and you send each of them in same time to build multiple structures (example you send each worker to build 5 structures, and you send all of them to build in same time)....than system dont works....

Oh, ok. I see. You need to use a unit group variable then. So units selected = unit group variable. Then play stand animation for unit group once they build.
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